Chapter 166

Zhunti held a flower in his hand. The color of the flower was bright red, with no other decorations on it. The carmine petals spread a little fragrance in Zhunti's hand.

This is the most iconic flower in the Western Realm, because only this kind of carmine red flower would bloom in the Western Realm that was still desolate at that time. No living being could imagine the shock: in the muddy yellow desert, There is endless flying sand flying in the sky, and there is no escape from the lonely atmosphere everywhere. No living creature wants to stay here. After seeing the local scenery here, they only have the idea of ​​​​escape. keeping it.

It was in such a situation that the carmine red flower bloomed here, becoming the only red color in the desert. It was also the most precious scenery in the Western Realm at that time. Many creatures, with their low cultivation level, would not even want to escape from the Western Realm. They couldn't do it, they could only be trapped in the yellow sand in the west. Therefore, the carmine red flower in the yellow sand was their hope for survival.

Even now, everything in the West is recovering, but living beings still like such a carmine flower, not because of its beauty, but because of the meaning of "hope" given to it. Now, it is almost Holding such a flower in his hand, he is also hoping that the western region will return to the way it was before Demon Ancestor Luohu was born. If not for himself, he is about to become the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal, even if it is No matter how good a blessed land he is, it is of no use to him for his cultivation.

What Zhunti hopes is all living beings. He is a very soft-hearted creature. For Western creatures, Zhunti's care is always there. For these Western creatures, Zhunti's care is like a "mother" Likewise, he is caring for the creatures in the entire Western Realm. Now even though he has half a foot across the threshold of the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal, his eyes are still not looking forward, but looking behind, towards the back To all the living beings who belong to the Western Realm.

Perhaps for Zhunti, existences such as inner demons and heavenly demons cannot shake his own heart of enlightenment, but only the many creatures in the western world can, they can shake Zhunti's heart of enlightenment, so, He is a "mother", a "mother" who is willing to dedicate herself and give hope to other living beings!
Hongjun Daozu did not establish an orthodoxy. He was only pursuing his own Hunyuan Dao. Zhunti was a very smart man. His eyes not only saw the changes in the current situation in the prehistoric era, but he was also predicting the future of the prehistoric era. The direction of development, for Zhunti, he is keenly aware that today's eastern realm is creating a rough power system "Tao" based on the Kunlun Mountains.

So as a creature from the Western Realm, for the sake of the creatures that still exist in the Western Realm, Zhunti understands that they in the West also need to have an orthodoxy of their own. The task of this powerful orthodoxy is a platform, a platform that can enable Western creatures to Standing on the same starting line as Eastern creatures, from the perspective of development in the ancient Taoist era, he is an existence that integrates east and west, but for a separate individual.

Summer insects cannot be said to be ice, so how many creatures belonging to the prehistoric era can be summer insects?
This number is definitely a lot. They may not have such a long-term vision and can only care about the immediate gains and losses. For Zhunti, this is understandable behavior, but if this creature is seen no matter how he looks at it, Compared to the creatures with Taoism as a platform, what will happen if their Taoist heart collapses?
There are very few creatures in the Western Land. If it is not controlled, the Western Land may really become a wilderness. By then, the so-called Western Renaissance will turn into a bubble-like phantom. How can Zhunti do that? Such a situation is allowed to occur, so the gathering of "Tao" is a spontaneous behavior, and the emergence of "Buddha" is the power and Taoism produced by the intervention of Zhunti and Jieyin who have their own ideas.

This behavior can be reduced to a kind of competitiveness in the eyes of many living beings. However, for the sake of the revival of the Western region, Zhunti is willing to be misunderstood by many living beings and misunderstood as a rat-like person who is greedy for fame and wealth. For the sake of the West, Zhunti can He gave everything he had, so the bliss in his Tao was not about himself, but the entire West, including all living beings in the West. He hoped that they would be happy. This was the bliss that Zhunti had been practicing.

Now, under the guidance of Jie Yin, his Tao of Ultimate Bliss has truly come out of the confusion. It does not mean that he practiced this Tao for the West, which is wrong, but that Zhunti fell into a situation that seemed to be incompatible with himself. Among the false obstacles that will be shattered if you hold on to the west, when the guiding hand points to the change that belongs to the sea of ​​bones, the demonic obstacles in Zhunti's heart are like encountering the snow of the sun, gradually diminishing. .

All the creatures were kneeling. Even if there were hard stones under their knees, which could cause the creatures to feel pain, no one could hide or get up at this time. This is what a creature from the West must do. Things, this is also the behavior that a Western creature should give them as a mother-like existence.

"Praise be to Mother Chunti for her great mercy!"

"Praise to Mother Chunti for her great mercy and compassion!!"

When the sounds of Western creatures kneeling down and worshiping spread like cascading waves, spreading throughout the Western land and reaching the East, Fengqi Mountain, Nuwa silently put down the spiritual fruit in her hand. Her eyes slowly turned to the west where Mount Sumeru was, and she was looking at that figure.

"Honor the Mother of Buddha, Zhunti, for her mercy!"

The words were so soft that only Nuwa and Jinfeng beside her could hear them clearly on Fengqi Mountain today. The rest only knew what Nuwa was mumbling to herself. As for the words she was mumbling to herself, What the content is, then only the passing breeze knows.

The fan in Taiqing's hand paused slightly. As one of Pangu's authentic sects, and even the head of the Three Pure Ones, there seemed to be no god or demon in the world except Hongjun Daozu that Taiqing could bow down to. Now, Taiqing's first salute was given to Zhunti.

It's not because he thinks his path is inferior to Zhunti's, nor is it because Taiqing is giving in to Zhunti. His behavior is a kind of admiration for Zhunti's behavior, an admiration that holds the entire West on his shoulders. That is A kind of admiration for the responsibility of heaven and earth.

Suddenly, Taiqing smiled.

"How can there be any distinction between prehistoric Taoism and Taoism? Today, I, a saint, have to stretch my muscles and bones..."

The fan in his hand was fanned to the west, and countless innate spiritual rain fell down one after another.

Zhunti watched all this happening with a smile, "There has never been a distinction between East and West in the ancient Taoist history."

The Hunyuan Way that belongs to him has finally reached the perfect state. In the vast Buddhist world behind him, countless true Buddhas are reciting the principles and methods of Zhunti practice. It is a world that looks like paradise, but also The existence derived from the Tao of Zhunti.Cihang's eyes are also watching Zhunti's sanctification. Compared with Jie Yin, who was his second master in his previous life, Zhunti may have given more guidance to Cihang in his previous life. Compared with Jie Yin, who was a bit dull, , Zhunti's character is very kind and optimistic. At that time, it was his uncle and his teacher Zhunti who personally led him out of the confusion from Taoism to Buddhism.

"Perhaps in the entire prehistoric world, the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian of Zhunti is not the strongest existence, but his impression will definitely be the most profound existence in the entire prehistoric world. I praise the great mercy of the Buddha Mother Zhunti. !" No living thing could understand what Cihang was thinking. The wind was blowing on Luojia Mountain. The wind was very strong, rustling Cihang's clothes.

Cihang's eyes never moved his gaze for even a moment. His gaze was focused on Lingshan.

Zhunti's achievement of becoming the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal is just the beginning of belonging to the Two Saints of the West. The one who is about to become the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal should be another prehistoric god and demon on Mount Xumi.

That was his second master in his previous life, the being with extraordinary understanding.

As long as there are few creatures who are familiar with him, Jie Yin's heels will know that there are lotus petals of the chaotic green lotus in them. His understanding cannot be said to be the first in the prehistoric era, but he can also be the best in this endless prehistoric era. He is at the forefront of Taoism, so his way of cultivation is much smoother than that of other living beings and gods and demons of the ancient world.

He even made many breakthroughs on the path. Unlike Cihang, who has the memory of his past life, he can quickly figure out the direction of his own path. Some souls practice the path, and they stop step by step. existence, they would always worry about whether their path would go astray. Jie Yin never felt worried. He never worried about whether the path he was practicing was actually wrong.

Because on the path of Jie Ying's practice, he has always insisted that the path he is walking on is the right one, and he is the path he practices. Therefore, he will not be wrong. The only ones who are wrong are those who do not understand what he is practicing. The stupid people of Dao, this is a genius, a being different from Zhunti, but a god and demon with such a character actually stayed with Zhunti on Mount Sumeru in his previous life, until the arrival of immeasurable tribulations, leading to He has never left Mount Sumeru.

Therefore, on the path of Zhunti's practice, there is guidance that belongs to Jie Yin. The guidance Jie Yin gives to Zhunti is also the guidance he gives to himself. It is not the path of cause and effect that he cultivates, but only focuses on the cause and effect of his body and all living beings. , but the transformation of the relationship between all things and their cause and effect, not only changes in the perspective of thinking about problems, but also on many levels, such behavior and retrograde can make you feel yourself The understanding of the whole world becomes more thorough and clear.

This was something Jieyin had never done before, but now he has done it, so his Hunyuan way has also become a success.

His breakthrough came so naturally, everything seemed to be logical and logical. There was no obstacle that he wanted to break through. Jie Yin just broke through. Countless golden lotuses flashed on his body, and then as time went by, Countless golden lotuses are gradually dyed red, and countless karma fires are burning on the top of the red lotus. Countless sentient beings appear on the karma fire red lotus around Jie Yin.

At this moment, even Master Styx, who was above the sea of ​​blood, slowly put down Yuantu Abi in his hand, and sat on the red lotus of karma, with his head slightly bent, facing the direction of the west. This was in A kind of respect for Jie Yin, compared to Zhunti's kind of behavior where everything is reflected on the surface, or can be seen by others, Jie Yin's practice is much more secretive.

What he does is to burn off the cause and effect, use his own power to activate the cause and effect lines on living beings, and use the power of karma fire to burn all the cause and effect. Countless disasters are concluded among countless causes and effects. Disasters never come suddenly. Everything has causes and consequences. These so-called causes and consequences are the existence that was burned by karmic fire this time.

Only those Western beings who have not experienced disasters can grow up slowly in the West that belongs to them, without fear of being attacked by cause and effect, and even the disasters accumulated due to countless causes and effects will disappear. This is because there is guidance for them. Walking forward with a heavy load, all cause and effect rested on his shoulders. This is what Jieyin silently did.

He is still doing it now. This is his contribution to the West and is different from Zhunti's behavior.

There is a smile between his brows and eyes. It is a smile that is not easy to detect. It is a kind of goodwill towards the countless creatures living in the West. He is thinking about the creatures in the West. If Zhunti's behavior It belongs to the mother's meticulous care, so the reception belongs to the father's unspoken love.

What kind of spirit is that? On that day, countless karmic fires were burning on Mount Sumeru in the West. They were burning the cause and effect of all sentient beings in the West. They were also burning Jie Yin, an existence that could bear countless causes and effects. , when the karmic fire that belongs to him falls on Jie Yin's body, what will the pain be like?
It is not a heartbreaking pain, but a pain directly facing death.

Under such pain, Jie Yin was still smiling. He still looked at the sentient beings in the West with a smile, because there were countless living beings in the West in his Tao. The karmic fire in the sky burned the entire Sumeru Mountain, burning the entire The prehistoric Taoism fell into silence. All the prehistoric great magical powers never thought that a god and demon could do such a thing.

Now, there is finally a god and demon who can do such a thing, and his name is Jie Yin!
"Great love leads to the infinitely compassionate Buddha!"

"Great love leads to the infinitely compassionate Buddha!!"

On that day, the praises for Jie Yin never stopped...

(End of this chapter)

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