The real person of Cihang in the prehistoric

Chapter 167: The Suffering of All Beings, Dawn, Darkness, Little Wolf Unwilling to Return the Family

Chapter 167: The Suffering of All Beings, Dawn, Darkness, Little Wolf Unwilling to Return the Family
You will become a saint by being guided.

No creature in the Western world would object at this moment. Cihang looked at the figure, and the bright red fire was burning on Mount Sumeru, but the look between his brows and eyes was still so peaceful. Gentlely, he looked at all the creatures that belonged to the Western world. He seemed to think that when he saw those Western creatures, he would no longer feel the pain of the fire of karma. Tears seemed to flow from Cihang's eyes. , which is a kind of farewell to the previous life.

The same was true for Jie Yin in his previous life, and he treated him in the same way as he was halfway to Mount Sumeru in the west. He did not look down upon or treat him differently. He still remembers what Jie Yin said to him: "Cihang, you are now They are creatures from the Western Realm. There is nothing to be afraid of. Mount Sumeru is so big after all." After Jie Yin finished speaking, he also laughed, very free and easy, not caring at all about the embarrassment that belonged to the West at that time. Just like when he came out, now, Jie Yin still has the same character.

Cihang slowly leaned down, and this prayer was given to him, giving him a real farewell to the past time.

In fact, since Cihang himself returned to this era, everything in this era has become unknown. No living being will know what will happen in the future again, because everything has already begun to happen. This has changed. Now the eldest disciple of Yuqing is not Guangchengzi but Cihang. In the previous life, the name of Lich Tribulation came from the derogatory name for the creatures in later generations, not because Cihang devalued the two races of lich and witch. There are no strong men from the two Lich clans who died one after another because of this catastrophe.

Cihang stretched out his palms, looked at the sunshine above the sky, and felt the sound of chanting and praising the Western Realm for leading the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal. It seemed that an era marked its entry with its own grandeur. At the end of the era, Cihang's palm suddenly clenched into a fist. Perhaps for the creatures living in this era, they are eager to end this era. After all, this era gives countless creatures bloody memories.

The white clothes on his body were slowly floating, and the figures of Di Jun and Di Jiang appeared in Cihang's eyes. Now they have to face the anger that belongs to Yu Qing. It seems that the last influential figures of this era are also going to From then on, a curtain came down. Thinking of this, Cihang once again thought of his own plan. The loss of power of the demon clan and the witch clan led to the prehistoric Taoism once again entering a period of barbaric growth. For the prehistoric Taoism, Looking at the overall development, this is reversing the trend.

All the achievements of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian and saints were obtained by doing things that were helpful to the development of the Great Desolate Taoism, which has led to the current Prehistoric Taoism to be even more terrifying and perfect. In such an era, If there is no longer an organization to manage all of this, then everything will be like before the rise of the three tribes. The scattered pace will cause the Great Desolate Daoji to slow down its own development as a whole. Therefore, in the previous life, even the wizards After the demon clan loses power, the saints will also gather together to discuss the restoration of heaven.

Cihang's Tao is compassion. Allowing the creatures to be idle is an unkind act for Cihang. After all, the development of the Prehistoric Taoism will never be smooth sailing without any ups and downs. For the Prehistoric Taoism, , only by surviving the immeasurable calamity can it be regarded as a success. Halfway through the success, how could Cihang watch these creatures idle and give up on their own practice? In a certain sense, cultivation is first for self-survival, but also for the development and continuation of the entire Taoist era.

Therefore, Heaven must exist, and the position of the Great Heavenly Lord must also belong to him. I wonder if there is another living being in this ancient Taoist era who is more suitable to inherit than Cihang, who has great merits and is a saint. Does the position of Heavenly Lord exist? Haotian has a very good character, and his footwork can be regarded as not bad in the prehistoric Taoism. But who made him meet his opponent or compare with Cihang? Woolen cloth?

With the white skirt fluttering, a sword appeared in Cihang's hand. Today, this era of lich will end.

Gonggong is dead, Zhu Rong is dead, Xuan Ming is dead, Kunpeng is dead, Donghuang Taiyi is dead... One after another, the top leaders of the Lich and Lich clans have entered the Land of Return to Ruins, and the horn of the end of the era has been blown. After the sound, only the evil obstacles that were still attached to this era were left. Therefore, Cihang moved, and he would pull out these evil obstacles one by one and kill them, letting them understand that the end of the era has become unavoidable for them. Yes, now is a new era.

In the new era, everything is possible.

Therefore, Cihang met Hou Tu. Hou Tu was in a very bad condition. His body was covered with scars, like glass that was about to break. The blood coming out of the corner of his mouth was unusually bright red. Compared with his pale face, it was... It's so clear, fragile and endearing, but Cihang's eyes are indifferent. There is no woman in his heart, only his own path. Perhaps in the ancient Taoism, the stronger the cultivation, the less likely he will be addicted. In the midst of the astringent incident, Hou Tu's eyes looked at Cihang, and his white clothes were fluttering, revealing a murderous intent towards him.

"Are you killing me?" Hou Tu grinned. The current Wu clan can be described as a lost dog. Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian cannot be easily angered, but they are too self-defeating and think that the two clans If we join forces, we will no longer be afraid of those things. Now Hou Tu understands that she or her brothers think too simply. Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian really seems to be no longer on the same level as them. exists.

But that's Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, Cihang is a little Hunyuan Jinxian, why can he feel so calm and calm that he can kill her ancestor witch? !
The dharma image belonging to the ancestor witch of the earth flashed out, and the countless breaths of the earth engulfed Houtu, as if Houtu carried the majesty of the earth, but Cihang was still so indifferent. For him, Houtu must die today The ending, thinking of the countless innocent lives that died tragically because of the conflict between the Lich and the Lich clans, made the sword in Cihang's hand a little sharper.

A ray of light shone in Houtu's eyes, and the next moment everything was over.

Hou Tu's eyes widened, and she couldn't figure out why she couldn't block Ci Hang's sword.

Because the name here is called sentient beings...

All living beings, including many prehistoric gods and demons, do not know and understand how powerful the power belonging to all beings is.

Now, Cihang is using this sword to tell them how powerful the power belonging to all beings is. It is so powerful that even Houtu, one of the twelve ancestor witches of the witch clan, cannot use this sword. Next, it was Cihang who wielded the sword, but the sentient beings who cast the sword were all sentient beings. What Houtu couldn't figure out was why she was wiped out with just one blow, but she never thought that what she greeted was not Cihang A sword that belongs to all sentient beings?

That is the raging resentment of all living beings against the entire Lich clan. It is a power that belongs to all living beings. Now Cihang is using this power to tell the existence of the two Lich clans, the anger that belongs to all living beings, the darkest It's often before dawn. This is the case in the prehistoric times. Countless bullying incidents are happening. Why?Cihang's heart told him that it was because they were afraid, they were afraid that what they had done would be retaliated against.

For them, the disappearance of the top leaders of the two Lich clans and the disappearance of their backers have all become the reason why they are at war with everyone. They are afraid of the possibility of other creatures appearing and killing them. They can only rely on this method. To prove his own strength, to prove that his power is still so terrifying, just to hide the fear in his heart, these are all seen by Cihang one by one.

His sword has never stopped since that time. Countless lichs disappeared in a flash of light. Their eyes widened. Cihang looked at those eyes and saw these. There was a trace of regret and fear in the eyes of the evil lich creature.

Walking with the sword in hand, his sword will fall on those evil creatures every time.

Once again, he walked to the Kowloon blessed land. Countless creatures in that blessed land were wailing. The creatures that should have lived in peace were slaughtered by a wolf demon that went crazy under the pressure of the lich's end, and they were dripping with blood. It dyed the entire blessed land, and it seemed that deep in the Kowloon blessed land, the continuous mournful sounds of the dragon energy belonging to the nine earth veins due to this situation could be heard.There is a war going on in the blessed land.

"Let's go!" The giant gray wolf stood opposite the crazy wolf demon, and he said urgently to his worried brother.

Compared to his adult brother, the silver-white wolf is so small, with tears in his eyes, he silently looked at the two corpses in front of the gray wolf. They were his father and mother. The suckling wolf, in his memory, his elder brother will always dislike him, and will leave him when he sees him running, and will not stand by his side like now, his father and My mother will not lie on the floor and fall asleep like she is now.

The tip of the little wolf's nose was twitching, and a childish cry came out of his mouth. He thought that when he screamed, his father and mother would no longer lie on the ground sleeping. They would get up, and Uncle Wolf opposite would It looked so scary that he wanted his parents to protect him.

The giant gray wolf collided with the crazy wolf demon, like an egg hitting a stone, but this made the crazy wolf demon even more excited. Bloody scars appeared on the body of the giant gray wolf, and he turned around suddenly He yelled at the silver wolf: "Run!"

Under the huge roar, it was his figure sprinting towards the crazy wolf demon again.

The silver-white little wolf looked at the gray giant wolf, and then at his father and mother who had been lying on the other side. He finally ran away. He understood that his father and mother were dead, and now it was about to be their turn. His brother is dead, and he only has his own family in his little head. He doesn't know or understand why this crazy wolf demon appears and attacks the creatures in the blessed land at will.

All he could do now was run away. Thinking of the giant gray wolf roaring at him, the little wolf's eyes filled with tears. "Brother, the little wolf will run away. The little wolf likes his brother. The little wolf must listen to his words..."

The wolf's howl kept coming from the blessed land behind him. The little wolf paused and then continued running.

That voice was very familiar to Xiaolang, because it was the voice that had always despised him in the past and hated his following. It was the voice of his brother.

The silver-white hair became much messier in the mountains and forests, and countless dust stained the little wolf's hair. If it were before, he would have stopped and coquettishly asked his parents to help him clean it up, but now he does He will not stop his pace, because this opportunity to escape is obtained by three lives, and he cannot stop.

"Little Wolf will survive well. Brother, you should also be well. Don't stop looking for Little Wolf just because you hate me."

"The little wolf is very naughty. Mom and dad should stop sleeping in and come to chase the little wolf. Otherwise, the little wolf will ignore you all his life!"

The little wolf couldn't run anymore, but he continued to run until he bumped into a figure in white clothes.

Finally, the little wolf fainted, and a warm feeling spread throughout the little wolf's body. In a daze, the little wolf seemed to see the eyes of the giant gray wolf looking at him with disgust, and saw his parents laughing at his embarrassment.

"Brother, father, mother, the little wolf is here to find you. Don't laugh at the little wolf. Don't run away. You must always stay with the little wolf..."

Little Wolf saw them. He was very happy. His closed eyes never opened again. Forgive Little Wolf for being too tired. He was too tired...

Cihang's hand caressed the little wolf's body, which was still warm but no longer breathing. His eyes looked behind the little wolf. There were bloody footprints all the way through, and there was a cut on the little wolf's belly. He didn't tell the giant gray wolf, he just ran over together.

What would the little wolf say?

This is the hope that the giant gray wolf gives to the little wolf. The little wolf also wants to give hope to the giant gray wolf. The little wolf hopes that his brother, who has always disliked him, can praise him and think that he has successfully escaped. .

"Brother, the little wolf is very well-behaved. Don't hate the little wolf..."

Cihang slowly used his magic power to bury the little wolf here.

This world is too painful and dark. Now his sword is about to move, and it is about to move for the creatures between heaven and earth...

(End of this chapter)

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