The real person of Cihang in the prehistoric

Chapter 192 Yuqing, the strongest protector of the calf, and the poor little Cihang under the protec

Chapter 192 Yu Qing, the strongest protector of the calf, and the poor little Cihang under the protection of all living beings
Are all sentient beings powerful?

After experiencing the initial weakness and becoming strong, many ascetics will unconsciously feel that ordinary wild creatures are so weak, and they will unconsciously look down on these creatures in their hearts. It will make them fall, what power can there be?
But Cihang is different. When he was the Guanyin Bodhisattva in his previous life, in order to condense his own 33 Avalokitesvara Dharma, he merged into countless primitive creatures countless times, and experienced the emotions such as joy, anger, sorrow, and fear in the hearts of primitive creatures. One’s own Taoist heart.

What's more, the most fundamental point of the way of compassion that Cihang practiced is to take root in the prehistoric sentient beings.

With the superposition of the two, Cihang dares to say that he is definitely among the top ten players in the entire prehistoric Taoist era who can understand the power of all living beings.

The power of living beings is like a drop of water. When each drop of water is dispersed, no living being will be aware of its power. The penetration of water droplets depends on time and the gathering power of water droplets. When countless living beings are like countless When the water droplets gather together and turn into a big river or even an endless ocean, it is time to prove the power that belongs to all living beings!

The greatness of the endless sea is an area that even the Dragon Clan, which has already mastered the four offshore areas, dare not easily set foot in it.

Even the overlords of ancient times would have difficulty coping with the mighty power gathered inside.

And how strong will the power of sentient beings that can equal or even surpass it be?

Cihang's deeds time and time again tell a clear answer to those practitioners who think highly of themselves and never look down on sentient beings.

The red-gold merit appears because all living beings pass on the principles and rules orally; when the Witch Clan and the Demon Clan fought, it was the power of all living beings that made the names "Celestial Clan" and "Pan Clan" completely disappear. In the long history of the development of the prehistoric Taoism.

Even in the process of Cihang ascending to the throne as the Great Heavenly Lord, there are still the tests of sentient beings. What is the other name of humanity?
Others may know it, but Cihang must know that the name is "all living beings".

Some creatures say that Cihang is a god and demon who has repeatedly created miracles, but Cihang is well aware of this in his heart. He is never the only one who truly creates miracles, and those who live in the prehistoric era There are endless creatures, the power of all beings is infinite, when you discover it, there will often be results that you can't imagine, which proves the strength of the power of all beings.

Now, Cihang used the power of sentient beings again.

Compared with the previous times when he used the power of living beings, Cihang's cultivation this time has become stronger, and he has become more proficient in the use of the power of living beings. Even now, the degree of use and the level of understanding the meaning of living beings have surpassed He has become one of the four great Bodhisattvas of Buddhism.

There is not a single inscription on the whip, like a foreign object that does not belong to the rules, but when Cihang holds the whip in his hand, the screams and roars of endless creatures inside tell Cihang, There is no need for rules to hit the magic whip, because when he hits the magic whip, it represents the rules!

The moment the whip was struck, the most sincere wishes and desires in the hearts of the creatures were also known to Cihang.

"Stability, I want to live in a stable world!"

"I just want to be with the fellow next door and live a good life!"

All sentient beings have different voices and desires, but they are all the same: what is different is what their respective desires are, but what is the same is the common essence of different desires.

That is to live a stable life. The living beings in the prehistoric era, who account for nearly [-]% of the entire prehistoric era, want the most is a stable life. They will not worry about their lives every day, and be afraid that they will be alive for this second. The next second he fell into reincarnation.

And now these wishes are gathered together, and the whip that represents the will of all living beings is slowly condensed out of these endless wishes.

Cihang's whip never represents the majesty of the Great God, but the wishes of all living beings!
The power of causal rules is very powerful. All the rules in front of it are assimilated into causal rules by the causal roulette and become the wings of the causal roulette. The prestige is like a series of mountains, suppressing Cihang's body fiercely. Although the other gods and demons have been cleared away, but now they feel the coercion, even if they are just standing on the sidelines , can feel the heaviness and terror in it.

Not to mention Cihang, who is at the very center of the suppression?
Above Tianwaitian, Daoyun, representing Yuqing, rushed towards the Great Desolate Heavenly Court, crossing the space all the way, and arrived at the Heavenly Court in an instant, standing side by side with Yin Yang and other gods and demons, with powerful rules on his body All existences such as yin and yang look sideways.

Even Shangqing, who came in a hurry, had never seen his second brother in such a posture one day. Even when Cihang died that day, he didn't feel as anxious as Yuqing now.

Yuqing was very anxious. He was just a disciple. Sinking into the ruins and transforming the Tao into heaven and earth were not the same concepts. Sinking into the ruins still had the remaining marks and rules of the Tao left between the heaven and the earth in the prehistoric era. The transformation of Tao into heaven and earth means that all traces of you will be assimilated by Tao.

He knew that his apprentice was good at doing great things, and now he was busy with the important matter of canonizing the gods, but he happened to reach into the scope of the rules and wanted to "seize food from the tiger's mouth". Such a move The punishment given by the power of rules after discovering it is likely to be Taoism.

He, Yuqing, has only had such an apprentice after living for so long. With his own thoughts, the power of rules in Yuqing became more and more powerful. He walked towards the center of the palace step by step, even if endless Taoist power descended on him. On his body, even if he does this, there is a danger of becoming a Taoist. But thinking of Cihang, Yuqing's steps are firmer than ever.

Even if his disciple does something wrong, he, as the master, should teach him a lesson. There is no need to teach him by so-called rules!

The Dao body that symbolizes the golden immortality of Hunyuan Daluo has become faintly collapsed under the power of rules, but Yuqing's pace has never been as firm as it is now. His apprentices can only teach him, There is no need for other creatures to teach you even the rules!

My apprentice can't even be considered a Supreme Being, let alone a rule that means nothing!

The Tao domain belonging to Yuqing spreads around with Yuqing as the center, and the rules between heaven and earth fluctuate. In the ocean formed by the endless rules of cause and effect, the rules belonging to Yuqing are like the ocean. The islands in the world are like islands standing in the endless ocean of causal rules, and as time goes by, Yuqing's island of rules becomes larger and larger, constantly crowding out the ocean of causal rules.

Shangqing stood outside the palace gate, not daring to take a step forward. No one knew his second brother better than him.

At this time, the second brother is a stubborn bull, even if there are ten elder brothers who cannot be pulled back, it is Shangqing's best experience not to disturb the second brother at this time.

As the pride of his second brother, Yuqing was very tight-lipped about it, not to mention that Yuqing himself was a person who loved and cared about his disciples. Now when encountering such a thing, Shangqing would not dare to disturb his second brother, otherwise he would not say it jokingly. , it is not impossible for his second brother to knock him from the sky to the reincarnation of Jiuyouji.

As a creature of two generations, Cihang is very familiar with the power of Yuqing's rules. Now that he feels the power of Yuqing's rules in the vast sea of ​​causal rules, Cihang has already thought of his master. Yuqing may have entered the main hall now.This is the temperament his master has.

It doesn't matter if his apprentice teaches by himself. Even if he is seriously injured, it is just because his apprentice is not good at learning.

But this premise was taught by him. If it were someone else, hehe, it would just depend on whether that creature can resist beatings as well as Uncle Shangqing.

In the previous life, during the God Conferring Disaster, even if Junior Brother Jiang Ziya died many times, Yuqing's mood did not change, because this was the life and death test that Yuqing gave to Junior Brother Ziya. After experiencing the test of life and death, Dao Heart It will be transparent and reach the other side of the road deep in your heart.

But when the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation came out, everything changed.

Because of what?

The reason is very simple. Sanxiao crippled the cultivation of the twelve golden immortals under Yuqing's sect, which directly angered Yuqing's nerves.

Everyone knows the final result. From that moment on, Uncle Shangqing’s Jiejiao had entered the moment of real destruction. Even during the catastrophic period of Journey to the West in the previous life, the so-called Jiejiao had long since disappeared. Even the only remaining direct disciple of Jie Jiao like Wudang Holy Mother cannot name Jie Jiao. With just one sentence, Yu Qing can kill him. This is Yu Qing's bottom line. You can live, but It is not allowed to stop teaching that hurts my disciple, even if it is the sect founded by his third brother.

When Cihang grew up to be one of the Four Great Bodhisattvas of Buddhism and the teacher of the Seven Buddhas, he learned more about many hidden things in the prehistoric world, and also knew more about the two teachings of Interpretation and Interpretation.

The world of the heavens has always appeared in the ancient Taoist era. At that time, the gods would be projected into the world of the heavens in the ancient Taoist era, but no matter which world it is, there will be no Jiejiao figure. Why?Because Yuqing does not allow such a sect to exist, it is that simple.

All the reasons lie in the series of consequences caused by the destruction of the cultivation of Sanxiao General Yuqing's disciples.

Even when the immeasurable calamity comes, the disciples of Jie Jiao cannot speak the name of Jie Jiao after they are resurrected from the ruins, because Yuqing is so overbearing and does not allow it, and Shangqing does not allow it. He will have a match with Shangqing, Yuqing is such a temperament.

It was like this in the previous life, and it is like this in this life, without any twists and turns.

Sanxiao's behavior was just to avenge his brother. Some creatures may feel that Yuqing's behavior was too overbearing.

After all, wasn't it because the Twelve Golden Immortals killed Zhao Gongming in the first place?
But Yuqing is so overbearing. For Cihang, who is protected and favored, Yuqing's approach is to make him feel at ease. Even when he is seeking his own path, Yuqing does not face much embarrassment. Looking at him, this is Yuqing who is extremely defensive, domineering and slightly contradictory.

That was the case before, and nothing has changed now.

This is his Cihang's master Yuqing Datianzun!

When holding the divine whip in his hand, the energy in his heart became abundant. The light on the divine whip flickered, and a square scroll appeared on the divine whip, and appeared behind Cihang Tianzun. Picture scrolls appeared all around, and the pictures on them were so clear and lifelike.

Countless creatures were sitting on it, their expressions were so solemn and solemn, as if they were on a pilgrimage.

Cihang had a hunch in his heart that although there was no specific number of this endless scroll, it definitely included all the creatures from the entire prehistoric era.

A red-gold brush appeared vaguely from the endless scrolls. On each scroll, a red-gold brush appeared. Then, as if being pulled by something, it gathered in the direction of Cihang. The red-gold pens are constantly blending together, shining with red-gold light. When this light directly breaks through the ocean formed by the entire causal rules, it is like a lighthouse in the oppression of this endless rule.


A huge word "人" was written with a huge fused red-gold brush, and it was reflected in the entire sky. The faces of countless creatures appeared on the red-gold "person". At that moment, it was an ocean of rules. He also stopped in his tracks under the light.

Just like snow meeting the sun, it melts rapidly, and the power of countless rules is constantly retreating.

"All living beings! All living beings! All living beings!!"

The shouts belonging to the living beings came from the huge "human" character, and those living beings who were suppressed by the rules in the prehistoric world were also shouting for all living beings in their mouths!

Apart from the shouts of all sentient beings, there was no other sound in the entire world.

Yin and Yang, wherever you look with your eyes, you are all living beings, and with all your ears, you are all living beings!
"This is the Great Heavenly Lord who belongs to all living beings and belongs to the prehistoric Taoist era!"

The ocean of rules of cause and effect is shrinking amidst the endless shouts of sentient beings and the dazzling red-gold light. The countless rules of cause and effect on the wheel of cause and effect are constantly disappearing, and amidst the shouts of sentient beings, New rules are constantly being created.

At this moment, Cihang held the magic whip in his hand, and a bold idea appeared in his mind.

The huge causal roulette came into Cihang's eyes, and it directly inspired Cihang to come up with an idea, a very bold decision that even no living beings had ever made in a previous life!

(End of this chapter)

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