The real person of Cihang in the prehistoric

Chapter 193 Mirror-light fireworks explode the world, the suspect is Cihang Tianzun!

Chapter 193 Mirror-light fireworks explode the world, the suspect is Cihang Tianzun!
A bold idea suddenly popped up in Cihang's mind. In fact, this idea came up after he had the magic whip blessed by all living beings.

The power of rules changes with the thoughts in Cihang's heart, and an infinite ocean of rules is once again formed in the hall, but this time it is not an ocean of causal rules, but an ocean of rules for living beings controlled by Cihang Tianzun. Countless rule fishes intersperse into the territory where the causal rules exist, constantly assimilating the rules around the causal roulette, and occupying the area controlled by the causal rules.

Yuqing's figure was stationed there. He did not move. From the initial crisis of Cihang's situation to now being able to fight back, the transition between the two roles was too fast. It would be better to say that Cihang had a detailed plan. , but Yuqing immediately thought of Cihang's feats before, and already understood that Cihang acted completely from the heart, and many times the follow-up plans changed their own formulation as the situation changed.

Now that it is such a good time to switch between offense and defense, Yuqing absolutely believes that Cihang has already had a new plan in his mind. It has been obvious since the rule fish appeared and interspersed into the ocean of cause and effect rules. It was precisely because Cihang's plan had just been formulated. Even though Yuqing had some guesses, he did not have an accurate answer in his mind. He did not dare to step forward for fear of ruining the plan Cihang had just formulated.

But the power of rules in his body did not weaken because he did not take action. Instead, he seemed to be accumulating the power of rules.

Yuqing's idea in his heart was very simple. No matter what his disciple Cihang wanted to do, at a certain period of time, with his full preparation, he could protect Cihang's life and safety in a certain sense. As for the matter of Daohua No one can do anything, or even think about it, until Yuqing agrees!
He wants to be the most solid backing and safe guarantee for Cihang's plan, so even if Yuqing doesn't make any moves now, he is still accumulating the power of rules he possesses even if he stands there.

The magic whip in Cihang's hand has changed a lot from when it was first born. The biggest change is that the light on it and the color of the entire material have turned into pure red-gold light. This is the power of humanity. Condensed expression shows that the power of heaven is powerful and the power of humanity is broad.

Many living beings have such a rough impression of the two. As for which one is stronger and which one is weaker, it just depends on the power of using the avenue. After all, the inherent power of the avenue does not distinguish between strong and weak. , the so-called distinction between strong and weak, good and bad is nothing more than mediocrity's own distinction.

But today, the power of causal rules comes from the way of heaven, and the magic whip in Cihang's hand comes from the way of humanity. The power of the rules between the two is completely different, and the fluctuations that collide with each other come out, and the entire prehistoric Taoism has been strengthened The space began to tighten, and it seemed that the next second would turn into countless fragments between the collisions between the two.

Under the collision of the power of rules, the entire prehistoric Taoist era was almost turned into fragments. The strength of the power existing in the two has already explained everything with its own performance.

Even though the prehistoric Taoism has developed to this day, it still cannot withstand such attack fluctuations. Even if it is just a fluctuation, the current prehistoric Taoism is still a bit fragile.

As soon as Cihang stepped forward, under Cihang's control, countless sentient beings' beliefs condensed into individual rules of humanity, like chains, entangled with each other and connected to each other, until the entire hall was wrapped in it. ,

A world condensed by the rules of humanity appeared in the hall, and the entire space inside the hall was included in the world of rules of humanity.

When the world was formed, Cihang's power representing all sentient beings finally burst out without limit. The dense power of rules exploded outward with Cihang as the center.

The power of countless rules is like sharp arrows, shooting straight towards the wheel of cause and effect.

The giant tree on the cause and effect wheel shakes its branches and leaves. Every time the branches and leaves fall, it means that countless causes and effects are condensed and derived in the tree, supplementing the power of the rules of cause and effect on the cause and effect wheel. Cihang White At this moment, the skirt of his clothes was impacted by the power of countless rules and rustled.

As a robe woven by the power of the rules he practiced, this was the first time Cihang felt the swing when wearing it.

"All beings!"

The sound of shouting was like the first thunder in early spring, breaking all the silence and silence, and also breaking the package of the so-called ocean of causal rules.

Cihang's steps were very fast, walking step by step towards the area where the Karma Roulette was.

With every step down, a red-golden lotus will bloom under the feet, and the lotus that grows step by step is Cihang, and the lotus is full of red-golden power of human law.

For the sake of all living beings, Cihang will never miss this power of cause and effect.

The heaven in the previous life was too finished, with many shortcomings, so this life is in his hands. This new Great Heavenly Lord should change those shortcomings!
The golden lotuses Cihang stepped on did not dissipate as Cihang gradually walked towards the wheel of cause and effect. Instead, like a real lotus, they continued to grow with red-gold brilliance. In each ray of red-gold brilliance, There are endless creatures roaring "all living beings"!
This is the power of all living beings and the hope of all living beings. Now that Cihang has heard this sentence and understands its meaning, he must do it for this, for all living beings, and for his position as the Great Heavenly Lord!
The ocean of strange gray rules originally had only a few red-gold rays of light. At this moment, there was no more strange gray color, and there was a red-gold ocean everywhere.

"In this round, I, the Great Heavenly Master Cihang, won!"

When the red-gold light covered everything, Cihang's words had never been so firm as they were now.

The strange gray clouds and mist all dissipated under the scorching red-gold sun. Cihang's white figure was so conspicuous under the strange gray Karma Tree.

The red-golden light added a bit of red-golden brilliance to the radian of the lines behind it, Cihang raised his head slightly, looked at the Karma Sacred Tree in front of him, and counted the number of times, this was the second time Cihang saw him. When we got to the God of Cause and Effect Tree, Cihang had walked through even the long river of cause and effect where the God of Cause and Effect Tree originated.

There are also different places. For example, the last time Cihang looked at the Divine Tree of Cause and Effect, it was with a feeling of respect for Tao.

This time, Cihang was more focused on observation. He was observing the textures on the God of Cause and Effect tree that represented the destiny of cause and effect. The birth of each texture was a perfect creation created by the rules of cause and effect, and every mark of each stroke would give The monks have a new understanding of the way of cause and effect.Red-gold light appeared on Cihang's hand.

Slowly stroking the body of the Karma Tree, the reason why he observed and felt the lines in it so carefully was naturally because of Cihang's bold idea.

The bold idea was very simple, which was to take the Divine Tree of Cause and Effect as its own and become another treasure of the Heavenly Court that governs the prehistoric Taoism.

The development of the lines on the God of Cause and Effect Tree is very interesting. Sometimes they look like the same lines, but if you really feel the direction, sometimes you will find that they may look the same in two days. The lines and directions are completely opposite. Even if it is one line, there are countless other different lines in the middle, and the direction and depiction of each line are extremely different.

Perhaps many creatures are not particularly able to understand the meaning when facing these textures, but for Cihang, who has lived for two lives, none of these things are really difficult to understand, because he is like It is the same as the development of the lines.

This is the fact, with the same lines but going in completely opposite directions. Compared with Cihang's own experience, who can say that this is not the case?
Both the past life and this life are ordinary living beings, but the paths they choose are different. In the past life, I chose to sacrifice my own small compassion, entered Buddhism, and became one of the four great Bodhisattvas of Buddhism, the Seven Buddhas. Master, even when the immeasurable calamity came, he made his most glorious efforts to resist the ravages of the demons;

In this life, he chose the path of great compassion based on all living beings. Not only did he become the most proud disciple of Yuqing, he also far exceeded the progress of his previous life. In this era, he has become Hunyuan Jin. Immortal, even became the great deity of the entire prehistoric Taoist era, and carried out the act of conferring gods. Isn't this a development that goes in the opposite direction?
As for the so-called same road but taking out different lines and directions, it is a normal thing. Even in ordinary creatures, this kind of thing is not uncommon. Different choices can clearly determine the future of a creature. How will the road be walked?

Just like Cihang, if he chooses the same path of development as in his previous life, even Cihang cannot guarantee that he will become one of the four great bodhisattvas of Buddhism. Cihang who chooses all living beings will have too many obstacles along the way. So many choices,
I wonder if Cihang didn't recruit Taiyin Star Lord at the beginning. There is nothing wrong with choosing a path similar to that of Master Yuqing. But in that case, Cihang would not be able to become the Great Heavenly Lord in the prehistoric world. Such a choice It is enough to explain: If it weren't for those choices, how could he, Cihang, really transform into a manager of the Great Desolation, the Great Desolate Great Heavenly Venerable that all living beings must respect?
The relationship between fate and cause and effect has always been like this, and the probability of a clear distinction between the two is too small.

Pure rules of cause and effect are rare, but for Cihang, who is now facing the divine tree of cause and effect, such a thing is nothing at all.

The power of red gold turned into red gold lines that appeared on the gray lines. The red gold light was so obvious in the gray lines, like the most shining stars in the dark night, shining brightly. Not allowing the creatures to ignore it, when the red-gold light finally replaced the strange gray light, the corners of Cihang's mouth raised slightly.

The Karma Tree has finally become a treasure in heaven!
Cihang's hand once again touched the body of the Divine Tree of Cause and Effect, and the red-gold light suddenly bloomed. Following Cihang's thoughts, countless leaves on the sacred tree fell one after another, but there was an unknown wave. The power of the name did not spread out, but instead condensed together. The red-gold light also filled the gathering of fallen leaves. After the brilliance flashed, there was a huge mirror. The mirror was red-gold as a whole, and it seemed that it did not look the same. There is nothing to attract the eyes of living beings.

Just like an ordinary mirror, Ke Cihang was very satisfied with the mirror and slowly stroked the mirror body. After all, this matter was related to another idea of ​​his.

In fact, from the time when the divine whip appeared to represent the will of all living beings and gradually dissolved the ocean of causal rules, Cihang already had a bold idea in his heart, and with this bold idea, his heart also This has made a real detailed plan for the core, and it can be carried out only after Cihang has mastered the divine tree of cause and effect.

Now Cihang has mastered the Divine Tree of Cause and Effect, which proves that he can boldly try the ideas in Cihang's mind.

Perhaps because of the strong luck carried by the Great Heavenly Lord, his idea did not fail, so the name of the mirror was called "Mirror of Cause and Effect".

His function is very simple, that is, it can create a projection clone of a mirror-looking creature, and it can also use the causal power of the mirror to transform it to any place that belongs to the Primordial Dao Ji.

Cihang raised his head slightly, and the red-golden rules of humanity slowly dissipated. His eyes looked from between the fading red-golden rules of humanity to Tianwaitian. The place was really too big, even if there were saints They continued to eliminate the remnants of the Chaos Demon God without stopping, but no one knew how many Chaos Demon God remnants there were, and whether they could be completely wiped out directly.

These are all problems for first-time Saints.

Now, these problems will no longer be a problem. Cihang's hand stroked the mirror body, and the mirror suddenly became the size of a palm, which was just the right size for Cihang to hold in his hand.

Cihang's figure disappeared into the hall the next moment, and he appeared again in the endless ocean of derivative worlds.

His eyes were dull and emotionless, looking towards the endless derivative world. In an instant, the red-gold light above the mirror shook violently.

With a wave of his sleeves, Cihang threw the red-gold mirror into the world of heavens, and the red-gold light enveloped the entire endless world.

The moment Cihang closed his eyes, all the rules of the world collapsed. And the moment Cihang opened his eyes, all the remaining rules of the Chaos Demon God dissipated, and the new rules belonging to the prehistoric era reconstructed all derivatives. world.

"It's clean, you can start the next step..."

An important plan derived from a bold idea!

(End of this chapter)

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