The real person of Cihang in the prehistoric

Chapter 203 New Training System

Chapter 203 New Training System
The establishment of the Nine Divisions is a node in the history of the Prehistoric Daoji. It not only symbolizes that the settings of the Heavenly Court are basically ready, but also represents the period when the Prehistoric Daoji officially entered the rule of the Heavenly Court.

Above the Tongming Hall, countless gods gathered here. Sometimes these gods belonged to the ancient gods, and they were first conferred by the rules of heaven, and then by Cihang to confer the deities.

Some of them are gods who come from various major races in the ancient world. Because of the relationship between the major races and Cihang's inner evaluation, they are canonized gods on the list of gods.

Some are existences that have been sleeping in the long river of time, and were pulled out of the ruins by Cihang using the power of rules, and canonized as gods belonging to the heaven.

Think about it, which god would be the emperor of the ferocious beast clan, or the ancestral dragon and Yuanfeng from the ancient times?

Only the prehistoric heaven where Cihang Tianzun is located can have such a god.

Heaven, a supreme place, must be like this for most creatures in the prehistoric era.

Cihang sat on the throne of Tongming Hall, countless rules were circulating in his eyes, looking directly at the core of the way of heaven.

What is the way of heaven?

This issue, for Cihang, or all living beings in the prehistoric times, each living being has a different understanding of the way of heaven.

Fools will always think that the way of heaven is unfair. After all, the creatures in the prehistoric era have different heel and foot, and their future development is also different. This difference is the unfairness caused by the way of heaven. Why doesn't the way of heaven come out to eliminate the two lich tribes in the catastrophe of the lich? , but allowed them to wreak havoc in the prehistoric era.

This is how unfair and selfish the law of heaven is. It is afraid of beings that are more powerful than it will appear. It harvests the strong and is afraid of any changes. It is so old-fashioned and conservative. Such a false nature makes people want to overthrow the law of heaven!
Some living beings also feel that the way of heaven cannot be said. What can be said is not the way of heaven. The way of heaven that can be said is the way of heaven in cognitive logic, which is too different. The way of heaven is a general term that describes the laws and order of the operation of all things, but it is still incomplete.Opposites and unity are two qualities that exist in each other.

Order and chaos are the ways of heaven, as are sentience and ruthlessness.

So what is the true way of heaven?
The true way of heaven is absolute rationality, all things are equal, fair and just, fraternal and ruthless, the rules of the world are manifested (also known as the manifestation of all known rules), the pursuit of beneficial changes, supplementing the rules, nurturing the strong, raising the upper limit, and nurturing all living beings. , solid foundation.

Similarly, the way of heaven is also the first step in the invasion of external demons. Whether it is the way of humanity or the way of earth, they all exist side by side with the way of heaven. As long as everything that appears within the scope of the way of heaven is the way of heaven, it is not before birth, but it is after birth.

The Tao of Heaven is unkind and regards all things as stupid dogs. The original meaning is that in the eyes of the Tao of Heaven, there is no difference between you and the grass on the ground, and the grass and the mud on the ground.

Whether you are a powerful practitioner or an old mortal, there is no difference in the eyes of Heaven. You are all living beings. It is only because the creatures have different senses of Heaven that they have different preferences for Heaven.

This is the way of heaven, and this is the way of heaven in Cihang's eyes.

Cihang was pondering something in his mind, which was also a very important matter for the prehistoric era.

That is the problem of the cultivation system. In fact, the problem of the cultivation system has always been a problem lingering on the ancient Taoism.

From the ferocious beast evolution methods created by the Beast Emperor and Divine Rebellion in the barbaric period, to the countless methods of transforming ancestors in the Xiantian Hundred Tribes period, the Ancestral Dragon Method created by Zulong and others was also among them. This situation did not occur until the appearance of Daozu Hongjun Only then did it finally end, Taoist Hongjun used countless innate spiritual treasures as sacrifices. Sacrifice to the way of heaven made the method of cultivating immortals become the mainstream of cultivation in the entire prehistoric Taoist era.

In the age of saints, Taiqing Tianzun, Cihang's uncle, created the Golden elixir method and established the practice rules for acquired souls from the most basic ordinary realm to the highest heavenly ladder. Taiqing Tianzun created , is a matter of true great merit.

After all, because according to the conditions of the time, unless an acquired creature encounters an unexpected encounter, it is like a spare food that can be eaten by an innate creature from the prehistoric era. The phenomenon of the weak and the strong has always existed in the prehistoric era.

This is an inevitable trend brought about by the development of the era of the Prehistoric Dao Era, which cannot be determined by all living beings. Can Cihang use his own power to change the existing conditions of the entire Prehistoric Dao Era?

That's why a being like Taiqing stepped forward and enabled Taiqing Tianzun, Cihang's uncle, to obtain the status of a saint.

When the times cannot be changed, when living beings are trapped by the times and have no way to change their own destiny and path, they can only be forced to endure it. Under such conditions, a figure can stand up and imagine that it has to bear the burden of the times. What a lot of pressure.

What's more, Taiqing's approach, in a certain sense, is destroying the existing interests of the prehistoric gods, demons and prehistoric creatures who belong to it. Think about it, if all creatures can practice cultivation, then the day after tomorrow The creatures will no longer just become food in their mouths. When the time comes, wars and conflicts will even occur because of the hatred in the past.

Taiqing is great.

But to say that the development of the Prehistoric Daoji is a bit too annoying, the development of the Prehistoric Daoji is really too fast.

Countless living beings are being derived during this period, and the same is true for the world of the heavens. There is a golden elixir method in the ancient Taoist era, but what about the world of the heavens?

They can also use the golden alchemy method of Daoist Taiqing, but for Cihang, the Great Heavenly Venerable, the golden alchemy method needs more detailed rules, which is inevitable for the development of the entire prehistoric creatures.

Why did Cihang have such an idea?

First of all, the prehistoric heaven needs an authority. This kind of authority cannot be established by relying on the canonization of gods on the list of gods. Such majesty and authority is a temporary and short-lived authority. After the passage of time, this kind of authority will only be destroyed by time. The sand and dust are buried, so something that can last for thousands of yuan is needed to establish the long-lasting majesty of the ancient heaven.

The method of cultivation is the best solution among them, because the theme of the ancient Taoism is always cultivation, and the first thing in the consciousness of all living beings from birth is cultivation!

Therefore, it is very correct for Heavenly Court to start from this aspect.

Secondly, there was no prehistoric heaven back then, at most it was a false heaven built by the monster clan on the sky.

So many things have no rules. The establishment of the tribe makes the whole prehistoric Dao Ji feel loose. This looseness and no rules lead to a lot of chaos.

Most of the cultivation methods issued by the gods and demons in the Prehistoric Taoism were based on their own research. Taiqing's method is of immeasurable merit. It incorporates acquired souls into the practice system of the Prehistoric Taoism. It can be said that After all, it was promulgated at that time.It does not belong to the cultivation rules promulgated by the Heavenly Court of the Prehistoric Taoism. In terms of meaning and figuratively speaking, the methods of cultivating immortals that are now popular in the Prehistoric Taoism have no official nature.

Politically speaking, the cultivation methods founded by Taiqing and others were all "rebellious ministers and traitors".

The government needs a practice system, or in other words, establishes a practice system and becomes the official practice method, just like Tiandao made the practice of cultivating immortals the leading practice method.

As a nephew of his master, Cihang first ruled out the so-called creation of a practice method.

After all, my great uncle is still there. Is it necessary to abolish the sainthood that belongs to my great uncle by relying on the golden elixir method to achieve sainthood?
Therefore, Cihang's first consideration was to transform Uncle Taiqing's golden elixir method.

The third is that the development of the Primordial Dao Ji is so good that the existing practice system can no longer keep up with the current practice rules of the prehistoric creatures. The disconnection of the times will eventually lead to the weakness of the creatures who practice this method, and the final result will be that they will be suppressed by the Prehistoric Dao Ji. Abandonment was not in line with Cihang's inner expectations for the future of the Great Dao Era.

[I hope everyone will have a clear understanding of the practice system that belongs to my book. 】

The first is the beginning of the Golden elixir method. Combined with the reality of the prehistoric Taoism, it should be formulated as a foundation for body refining.Therefore, it is necessary to re-build a practice system that belongs to this era, and this practice system must be rooted in this era and be continuously accepted by the times.

By absorbing the aura of heaven and earth, one can temper one's body, so that one's body can gradually transform from an acquired spiritual body to a Taoist body, and then from a Taoist body to an innate spiritual body.

At that time, you can use the power of heaven and earth, and your physical body is strong enough, comparable to the level of magic weapons.

When he achieves the Wuji Dharma, his soul consciousness is immortal and mediates creation to defy heaven and change destiny. It is divided into nine levels, which is the realm of the human realm.

The second step of practice should be to refine and transform Qi, which is a step from the human realm to a higher level.

Xiu Yuan's ancestor Qi returns the acquired spiritual energy to the innate spiritual energy, understands the laws of heaven and earth, completely transforms oneself, can observe the movement of heaven and earth, is immortal and immortal, lives forever between heaven and earth, the first creation of gods, the unity of heaven and man, and the old age fades away Disease is not bound by time, space and years, and looks at the mortal world with a smile.

The third step is to refine the energy and transform into the spirit. This step is to embark on the road to truly pursue the great road.

Find your own way, practice this way, use your own mind and understanding as fuel, and forge the fruits of your own understanding of the way.

This path and fruit must be able to transcend the long river of fate, and by that time, it will reflect all the heavens and all the realms.

The manifestation items of the way of cause and effect have been mastered by Cihang. With the mirror of cause and effect, he controls the power of cause and effect.

This allows living beings to use the Tao and Fruit to imprint their own traces on the mirror of cause and effect. I think, therefore I am, and I am among all things, observing the reincarnation of the world, the ups and downs of the world, the decay of heaven and earth, but I am immortal, and the destruction of heaven and earth, but I am immortal. , carefree in the world.

The fourth step is to refine the spirit and return it to the void.

One's own Tao proves eternity and lasts forever. It can transcend the infinite river of time, get rid of the control of the river of fate under the way of heaven, control the past and future reality, merge the three bodies into one, and realize that the only one in the chaotic heavens, all other worlds are illusions, the true body Invisible, the past cannot be found, and the future cannot be thought of.

The fifth step is to refine the void and combine the Tao.

At this stage, one should be immortal, in harmony with the Tao, without cause and effect, unbound by heaven and earth, and above all time and space. It can also evolve into earth, water, fire and wind, the cycle of life and death, and the five elements of yin and yang. It cannot be guessed or understood. , indescribable, indescribable, incomprehensible.

These five steps have not yet entered the realm of immortals; the sixth step is the realm of immortals.

The sixth step is to become a human being.

After attaining immortality, the Hunyuan is as one, neither born nor destroyed, can control the great road, endure countless calamities without being destroyed, observe the ups and downs of the world without immortality, penetrate the past, present and future, manifest all the heavens and worlds, reverse the cause and effect of time and space, and annihilate chaos. In the universe, He is all living beings, and non-sentient beings are also Him. With one thought, he can travel through destiny and the long river of time, and with one thought, he can open up endless worlds.

Seven steps to become an earthly immortal.

Neither existence nor non-existence, neither life nor death, unknowable, unnameable, undainable, unheard, incomprehensible, condensing one's own path, controlling all mysteries, distorting cause and effect, the foundation of all heavens, immortal and immortal, transcending time. And eternity, he is infinite, he is the concept itself, what is in the hearts of all sentient beings, what is in the heart, is eternal and free in the chaos of the heavens.

Eight steps to becoming an immortal:
Omniscient, omnipotent, the beginning of everything, the end of everything, the process of everything, everything, all, the only, alone, the source, the end, the supreme, controlling everything, defining everything, running everything , contains everything, evolves countless sentient beings, is high above, and is everywhere, controlling the birth and death of all things, and dominating all heavens and realms.

Nine steps for Taiyi Golden Immortal:
The Great Way is also mysterious and mysterious, all dharmas are unified, transcendent and infinite, it is the first beginning, the end of the great road, the condensed three thousand avenues, it is both tangible and intangible, it is a concept, it is not a concept, all dharmas are not added to the body, all No calamity comes to the body, and he is the most noble and supreme being, transcending and overriding everything else. Any definition or non-definition has no meaning to Him, both internally and externally.

The last step should be Daluo Jinxian:
Omniscient, omnipotent, all-encompassing, eternal in the universe, the end of all heavens and realms, the origin of all endless chaos, the source of random evolution of chaos, reversing the cause and effect of the past and future, conforming to the most primitive way, ascending to the realm of all spirits The other shore is not known to all living beings in all realms, and is not known to all the beings in the world. The Tao under the Great Luo is all illusory existence. It originates from an infinite source, cannot be described, ends with no end, and is almost infinite. , to achieve the supreme, mysterious and unspeakable state.

The practice system conceived by Cihang, even if it is defined by the names of past practices, the actual content is fundamentally different from those.

The times are developing, and everything needs to change. The so-called Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian can already enter the long river of time and become history.

Saints like Taiqing correspond to Daluo Jinxian in the current practice system established by Cihang.

This kind of Daluo Jinxian is the real Daluo Jinxian!

He is the Great Luo Jinxian who belongs to the prehistoric Taoism of this era!
(End of this chapter)

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