The real person of Cihang in the prehistoric

Chapter 207: What do you think of Western religion?

Chapter 207: What do you think of Western religion?

As Cihang expected, after Yuqing established the Chan Sect, Shangqing also stepped forward and established the Jie Sect.

As soon as Jie Jiao's teachings appeared, many gods in heaven had unclear looks in their eyes, as if they wanted to see what Yu Qing's expression was.

A rule of interpretation represents the maintenance of order;

Another rule of transcendence means that everyone is like a dragon and transcends himself.

No matter how they talk about it, they all aim at the development and beautiful vision of the ancient world.

It's just that there is a conflict between the two methods.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little solid. The expressions between Yuqing and Shangqing did not change at all. Even Nuwa was unusually ordinary at this time.

The reason why they were so calm was simple, because they had already anticipated this situation.

In fact, Yuqing's peace of mind began when Shangqing took Duobao into his court.

From that time on, Yuqing has realized that the path of Shangqing and his own path are different, and there will even be conflicts from the beginning.

When it comes to the road, Yuqing has nothing to say. Shangqing is not an accessory of his Yuqing. Even if he can't understand the path he chooses to walk, it has nothing to do with him.

Each living being's own path of practice is the most suitable for him or her, so what qualifications does Yuqing have to ask Shangqing to change his own path of practice?

Perhaps Yuqing still couldn't understand this truth when he started to Duobao, but the calmness in his attitude toward Duobao later showed that Yuqing had already figured it out in his heart.

Shangqing's expression was also calm. They were all ancient gods and demons who had lived for who knows how many years. Some things were already understood without having to explain them.

If you really say it, it's like piercing that layer of window paper. Both parties are embarrassed. Now everyone who knows the situation has a tacit agreement to remain silent. Maintaining peace is the most honorable way to deal with it.

What's more, two completely different ideas, as Cihang guessed, are to a certain extent more conducive to the collision of ideas in the Prehistoric Daoji. In order to have the internal development power of the Prehistoric Daoji, this way What's wrong with this?

After all, what Cihang and the saints need is not some unified thought, but what they need more is the so-called contention of a hundred schools of thought.

All splendid cultures and ideas bloom out of battles and collisions.

There is such a meaning in Taiqing's eyes. Yuqing and Shangqing have established two completely different sects. This meaning also exists in the heart of Cihang, the Great God of the Ancient Daoji.

Nuwa, who was standing on the other side of the heaven, had calm eyes, just because these things had nothing to do with her, and she would not think about these things in her heart.

In a certain aspect, Nuwa can be said to be the most pure-minded prehistoric god and demon in the Prehistoric Dao Era, because she only has her own Tao in her heart, and now there is another Prehistoric Dao Era.

What happened between Yuqing and Shangqing had nothing to do with her, so why should she be concerned and curious about it?

Now what she is thinking in her heart is, does she need to create a sect that belongs to nature?

The human religion of Taiqing included all living beings within the scope of the ancient Taoism, and brought them together to undergo a promotion and evolution.

The creatures here even include the creatures bred in other heavenly worlds. Even if there are countless native creatures in the Great Desolate Daoji, plus the creatures in other heavenly worlds, the number of creatures is huge when you think about it. The degree of not daring to touch.

But Taiqing really did it, really accomplished it. He founded the Human Religion Sect, and who dared to clamor for it?

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Chan Jiao and Jie Jiao are sects derived from the paths and thoughts of Yu Qing and Shang Qing. After such sects appear, they need to recruit disciples and practice themselves in the prehistoric Taoism. thoughts, verifying the correctness of one’s own thoughts.

Nuwa did not want to accept disciples. She had very conflicting feelings about the prehistoric era. Sometimes she wanted to get closer to everything in the prehistoric Taoism, so she became the head of the Zaoyan Division, one of the nine divisions of the heaven, but she had When I was young, I didn’t want to be too involved with the ancient Taoist disciplines. From time to time, I wanted to stay away from the prehistoric Taoist disciplines.

While Nuwa was thinking, Cihang's attention had turned from the atmosphere above the heaven to the current western realm.

The current West has first experienced the restoration of Cihang's merits, coupled with the rapid development of the prehistoric Taoism and the restoration derived from spiritual energy. To be honest, the current prehistoric West is no worse than the prehistoric Eastern Region. The spiritual energy between the two is almost as rich as before.

The proliferation of innate spiritual energy has made the West, which does not have many living beings, become more vibrant, with countless living beings thriving here.

Such scenes are boring to Zhunti and Jie Yin. Now Zhunti has nothing to do and will watch the play and play of Western creatures for a period of time. The peaceful atmosphere is enough to make Zhunti feel every time. Feel a feeling in my heart.

It was like a person who came out of the desert and had never drank water. From then on, no matter how much he thought about water, he valued water in a way that other people who had never experienced such a thing could not imagine.

The current Zhunti has this kind of mentality. After all, even the way he practices is to pursue the path of bliss for all living beings. It is understandable that he values ​​all living beings too much.

Zhunti is now sitting cross-legged next to the Eight Treasures Merit Pool, with his mouth slightly pursed, but not saying a word. It's not that he doesn't want to say it, but the series of things that just happened were so fast that Zhunti was a little nervous. Unable to react, one major event came one after another. Not to mention the mention, even Jieyin, who usually had a dull expression and had a very deep Qi-nurturing skill, lost his expression for a moment.

First, Taiqing connected the three basic rules to directly lead the evolution of all living beings, directly converting them from the original old cultivation system to the new cultivation system, so as to avoid the chaos that occurred due to the reform of the cultivation system. In the bud.

Immediately afterwards, two of the three brothers who were the most famous in the prehistoric era established two sects with completely different ideas and practices. It seemed that there was some contradiction in the situation.

But Zhunti and Jieyin are both saints after all. After just thinking about it, they already clearly understood the hidden secrets in it.

"Everything is for the prehistoric Taoism..."

The rustling sound of the leaves of the Bodhi tree came in the wind, covering up all the sighs of the two under the Bodhi tree.

There are nine divisions in heaven, and two of them are saints holding the position of division chiefs, but there are no two saints in the western realm, Zhunti and Jieying. If there are really beings pretending to be smart, showing off in front of them The right and wrong of things belonging to the East and the West deliberately discredited Cihang, the great deity of the ancient Taoism, who favored the West.Zhunti and Jieyin didn't have to hesitate. Without saying anything else, they would definitely tie him up and send him to the Tongming Hall in Heaven, where he would be handed over to Cihang Tianzun for trial.

The nine divisions of the Heavenly Court all perform their own duties for the development of the prehistoric world. In a certain sense, the nine divisions already include the existence of the nine basic powers that belong to the prehistoric Taoism. Among them, institutions such as the Zaoyan Division and the Zhutian Division It is most suitable for Nuwa and Yuqing. If they don't use it, why should they still use the method of cultivating the Great Way of Bliss?

Sometimes if you are not allowed to do something, it may not be because the other person is targeting you, but because there is no one else more suitable for you.

Therefore, the Second Sage of the West really had no idea about Cihang's decision to become the Great Heavenly Lord of the Great Daoji.

They would not think about entering the heavenly court to serve. As we all know, there are many things in heavenly court, and sometimes they have to manage the worlds in the heavens that belong to the prehistoric Taoism.

It would be better if Zhunti and Jieyin just want to watch the western land become more and more prosperous.

The successive appearances of Jiejiao, Chanjiao and Renjiao once made Zhunti have thoughts similar to Nuwa's.

Do they need a sect in the West?

Does the development of the West require the emergence of an idea?
These questions surrounded Zhunti's mind, but he already knew in his heart that no matter how many questions he had, there was no doubt that he had already thought about the actions in these questions. After all, this was also a powerful means to promote the development of the West. Some At that time, Zhunti seemed not to have himself in his heart, but only to have the West.

After taking a look at the Bodhi tree, perhaps we can find the reason why Zhunti is like this on the Bodhi tree.

What is the Bodhi tree itself?

It was one of the ten innate spiritual roots. Along with it, there were existences like the hibiscus tree, but such spiritual roots appeared in the barren West at that time.

Many living beings are curious as to why and have some suspicions about this. They think that the Bodhi is originally made of metal, perhaps because it absorbs the killing energy that was circulating in the Western Situation Land at that time.

But the reality is really not what those creatures thought.

As the most powerful spiritual root in the prehistoric era, Zhunti had already opened his spiritual wisdom when he was very weak. At that time, he was located in the land of the west.

At that time, there was no plan by Luo Hu in the West, no raging demon ancestors, everything was so beautiful, everything was so happy.

Countless creatures rest freely in the Western Realm. The bodhi tree is also a spiritual root and needs a suitable growth environment to develop.

But such a dream, such a beautiful dream, everything ended when Rahu arrived.

From the change of the earth's veins to the final destruction, the massive leakage of spiritual energy, and all the events that happened, Zhunti watched it all happen. He wanted to do something, but he couldn't do anything because he was still a tree at the time. , a tree rooted in the earth, unable to move, and the yellow sand in the sky slapped his body wantonly.

At that time, he did not have the supply of spiritual energy, and all the good things he had before had turned into a dream that belonged to his heart.

After all, the moon in the water is not the real moon. A single stone is enough to break the moon in the water. The yellow sand in the sky is the stone that breaks the moon in Zhunti's heart.

He understood that the beauty of the past was gone, and he would end his life at that time, ending his life as a spiritual root.

At that time, he still had strong resentment towards the West, resenting why he was born in a place where such great changes would occur.

But, after that, his heart changed because of many things.

Even if Zhunti reaches immeasurable tribulations in his life, Zhunti will never forget that scene. What is light? The light in Zhunti's heart is the light that saved him in that critical moment. The name of that light has many creatures. We are all familiar with it, it is the West.

Stroking the trunk of the Bodhi tree, the scene from that year seemed to reappear in Zhunti's eyes.

The yellow sand all over the sky piled up on his body, and these yellow sands with the aura of destruction were constantly consuming the principles of Gengjin Avenue in Zhunti.

The broken earth veins mean that Yu Zhunti cannot draw spiritual energy through the tree trunks to replenish the strength in his body. The amount of yellow sand will become more and more as time goes by, and the spiritual energy will become less and less as Zhunti consumes it. But Zhunti can There is no other way, this feeling of waiting for death is the most uncomfortable.

Clearly knowing that he is about to enter the fate of death, he is given the power to resist this fate. But as he resists, the more he resists, the more he finds that his fate seems to have not changed, and it seems that all his efforts have failed. It's just a joke played in front of fate.

But at this time, the rumbling sound on the western land reached Zhunti's somewhat unconscious soul from far to near, and Zhunti's soul suddenly woke up.

He saw the greatest miracle in his life!
Countless broken earth pulses broke through the obstacles buried in the yellow sand and flew out from the earth, like a huge vine dragon, entangled together. The giant dragon had only a single horn on its head, and that single horn It is the Bodhi tree where Zhunti is located.

On that day, in the western realm, the Sumeru Blessed Land opened wide. Even though countless innate auras that are most precious to the West were overflowing, the entrance to the Mount Sumeru Blessed Land was always open, not for anything else, just to wait for Zhun Ti Entering, the remaining aura in the broken veins also helped the bodhi tree recover at this time, until he landed again, in the blessed land of Mount Sumeru, Zhunti still felt like dreaming at that time.

At that moment, he understood what the West was. At that moment, he understood that the ruin of the West did not mean that the West was dead.

From that moment on, the bodhi tree became the innate spiritual root of the West.

From then on, a figure appeared in the vast yellow sand of the West, and that figure has always been running for the development of the West.

The name of that figure is known to all the creatures in the western region, just because the name of that figure is Zhunti.

"Brother Taoist, I want to create a sect, a Western sect..."

The leaves of the Bodhi tree rustled, just like the rustling of the leaves of the Bodhi tree when they first landed in the blessed land of Mount Sumeru.

It has never changed...

(End of this chapter)

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