Chapter 135 Qu Yunjian?
"How do you know!" Xiao Se looked at Yang Ming in surprise, as if he had not guessed the result.

"I told him." A pair of hands patted Xiao Se's shoulder.

Xiao Se turned around and saw that it was Yan Xiluo who had left earlier. He was a little surprised and said, "Didn't you leave?"

"Let's go?" Yan Xiluo shook his head, and then whispered to everyone: "The road you are going to take has been blocked, so naturally I will stay to help you."

Then he added: "If you don't take action, then don't take action. It doesn't matter if I expose myself. You still have a long way to go."

"Okay!" Everyone nodded.

"Bah bang bang." A burst of applause sounded, and a fat figure emerged from the woods nearby.

The man was dressed in a loose golden robe, with a dragon-headed jade pendant hanging around his waist; but compared to his attire, his face was ugly. He slowly opened his mouth, and his teeth had almost fallen out. It was over, and the remaining few were his gold teeth. He opened his leaky mouth and said, "Now that you already know about me, you have only two choices, either surrender to me or die! "

Everyone suppressed their laughter, for fear of embarrassing each other if they laughed. Yang Ming twitched his cheeks and asked, "My lord, what are the benefits of surrendering to you?"

"The advantage?" The man sneered, "The advantage is that you can all survive."

"That's it, is it gone?" Sikong Qianluo asked, lowering his head and covering his mouth.

When the man saw Sikong Qianluo's appearance, he immediately narrowed his eyes and turned aside Mu Yumo. He suddenly felt a heat in his body and said with a lewd smile: "Hahaha, little girl, as long as you and the guy next to you You are a beautiful woman who will serve me well. I will give you money that you don’t want to spend. What do you think? Do you want to consider it?"

"Just you?" Mu Yumo snorted coldly. As a killer, how could he endure the other party's contemptuous words.But just when she was about to take action, she was stopped by Yang Ming. Yang Ming whispered: "Don't worry, play with him first. After playing, it's not too late to deal with him."

Mu Yumo slowly put down the finger blade in his hand and nodded to Yang Ming.

"We are swordsmen from Nanjue. You must also know that we in Nanjue worship martial arts. If you can't send a decent master by your side, I'm afraid this is not the treatment you want to recruit us." Yang Ming couldn't help laughing. road.

The man nodded and seemed to think what Yang Ming said made sense, so he waved back, "Zhang Yu, come out and play with some friends."

As soon as the words fell, a black voice sprang out from the forest. He completed several turns in the air before he was willing to fall to the ground. When he landed, he even made a very handsome poss.

Yang Ming looked at Lei Wujie, and complained, "It's the first time we met, after you smashed up Xiao Se's inn, you did the same to those bandits."

"Hey." Lei Wujie scratched his head in embarrassment.

"How is it! My subordinate is pretty good, right?" The man looked at Yang Ming and others with a smile, "There are four levels of martial arts in the world, and Zhang Yu's strength is exactly the second of the four levels. .”

If he was wandering around the world, or doing general robberies, Zi Zi Jie would be unbeatable. It was just that he was not very lucky and met the wrong person at the right time.

Zhang Yu also catered to the man's words. He looked at Yang Ming and others with disdain and hooked his hands at them, "You guys, come together!"

"Isn't this good?" Yang Ming and others laughed.

"How about you choose one of us at will and continue the competition?" Yang Ming looked at the man and asked.

The man nodded, "Since you insist on this." He glanced at Zhang Yu, "Then let's do it!"

Zhang Yu glanced around and felt that Yan Xiluo was older and should have some strength. Yang Ming had been talking and it was obvious that he was not weak. Tang Lian seemed to have some strength as well. He was too embarrassed to attack the woman. He saw Xiao Se's body again. He was sluggish and his breathing seemed very weak. He was obviously not a martial artist.

After looking around, he raised his hand to Lei Wujie, "The boy in red, it's you, come out!" "Ah?" Lei Wujie pointed at himself, "Is it me?"

Zhang Yu affirmed: "It's you, come out."

Lei Wujie handed the wooden box behind his back to Yang Ming, "Brother Ming, keep it safe for me. I'll be back as soon as I can."

Yang Ming took the wooden box and whispered: "Don't let the battle end too quickly, have fun."

Lei Wujie understood, pulled out the long knife from his waist, and stared at Zhang Yu, "Come on!"

Zhang Yu stretched out his hand in a pretentious manner, and a soldier behind him quickly handed over a long sword, "I am the registered disciple of Mingyue Qingshan in Xueyue City. Boy, if you don't declare your name, you will die by my sword." It's your honor."

"Ah?" Lei Wujie turned his head to look at Yang Ming, and found that Yang Ming was holding back a smile and waving at him.

The pretense was put on the real owner, and it was actually a bit embarrassing, causing Lei Wujie to stutter when he spoke, "My, my name is, Xiao, Xiao Wuxin."

But when this scene fell into Zhang Yu's eyes, it was different. He actually started to comfort Lei Wujie, "Boy, don't worry, death only happens in an instant. My sword will come out faster later, try my best." No pain for you.”

Lei Wujie didn't bother to pay attention to him. He rushed forward and gave him a horizontal chop.

Zhang Yu waved the long sword in his hand very casually and blocked Lei Wujie.He chuckled and said, "This sword of mine was temporarily kept by my master."

"What's the name of this sword?" Lei Wujie asked.

"Qu Yun." Zhang Yun said lightly.

Lei Wujie pretended to be defeated and retreated sharply.He pressed the knife against the ground and then stopped.

Yang Ming couldn't stand it anymore, so he took out the Quyun Sword from the Qingshan Sword Box on his waist and threw it to Lei Wujie, "Use my sword and fight well."

After taking the Qu Yun Sword, Lei Wujie looked happy, but when he took a closer look at the imitation in Zhang Yu's hand, he couldn't help but said, "It's exactly the same."

"Boy, do you think it will be useful if you take an imitation sword?" Zhang Yu quickly waved the long sword in his hand, picking up part of the autumn wind on the mountain road, and rushed towards Lei Wujie.

Yan Xiluo, who was next to Yang Ming, looked at Yang Ming with an embarrassed look, "Well, senior brother, imitation swords of famous swords are more popular in the world recently, and the villa just followed the trend and made a batch of imitation swords. Except for the Nine Songs Sword, which has never been unsheathed, there are imitations of the others."

"What the hell!" Yang Ming, who was about to curse, suddenly changed his expression and praised him: "Junior brother, you did a good job."

"Really? I think so too. There are so many imitation swords appearing all over the world, which can confuse the public." Yan Xiluo, who was about to explain, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Yang Ming added: "There are also some imitations of Heart Sword and Dong Qianshan. Remember, distribute the sword behind your back and don't let anyone know that you made it."

"Okay." Yan Xiluo nodded in agreement.

Making an imitation sword is easier than making a new sword, and a famous sword itself has its own reputation. If it can be fake and authentic, it will be more prestigious when it is presented.

(End of this chapter)

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