Chapter 136
Lei Wujie smiled calmly, "The dew is red and the smoke is green!" The blade of Quyunjian glowed with a faint red light.

Lei Wujie felt Qu Yunjian's resistance, but under Yang Ming's suppression, Qu Yunjian also became extremely gentle.After a pause, Lei Wujie swung his sword.

The sword energy stirred up the surrounding autumn wind, and even though it was already the beginning of autumn, the spring spirit in the sword energy did not seem to be affected.

"Little trick!" Zhang Yun said disdainfully, and then he shouted loudly, "Feng Zhuan Yun."

Although the name of Tong Yang Ming's sword moves is the same, the sword power is completely different.In Yang Ming's sword energy, the wind roared, turning the endless wind into a sharp blade; as for his, it was like a person gently exhaling a breath, empty and intangible.

Mu Yumo joked: "Yang Ming, is this your disciple who has taught you well? This move is really powerful."

"Ah, this." Yang Ming covered his head, wishing to find a crack in the ground to crawl in. "I have never had any apprentices. Don't talk nonsense."

"Really?" Mu Yumo smiled evilly, "How about you accept him as your apprentice? Looking at him like this, he still admires you."

"Stop it!" Yang Ming quickly stopped, "He is such a troublemaker, I can't wipe his butt every day."

As Lei Wujie's sword energy fell, Zhang Yun's body flew backwards.Even Lei Wujie himself did not expect that Zhang Yu would be so unbearable after using the same moves as Yang Ming.He used all his strength for that sword strike just now.

"Ah~" Zhang Yu slowly got up and scolded Lei Wujie: "Despicable and shameless, he actually stabbed someone in the back."

Hearing this, the fat man originally saw Zhang Yu's defeat, but when he heard Zhang Yu's words, he reprimanded, "Boy, I didn't expect you to be so ungrateful at such a young age. Come on, capture him!" "

Lei Wujie froze on the spot. He just took a normal shot. It was because the opponent was not strong enough. It was not his fault.

Just when the pawns were about to approach Lei Wujie, Zhang Yu, perhaps because he was afraid of telling the truth, quickly stopped them, "Wait a minute, since the boy in red doesn't respect martial ethics, let's replace him with someone else." Die."

"You!" Sikong Qianluo quickly stepped forward, "You are so shameless!"

"Shameless?" Zhang Yu sneered, "It's your people who stabbed others in the back, and you still call me shameless? Little girl, it seems you want to die for that boy in red. I see you have calluses on your tiger's mouth. You must be practicing martial arts." People, do you dare to make gestures with me?"

"Come on, come on, who's afraid of who?" Sikong Qianluo rushed forward quickly.

Lei Wujie walked back to Yang Ming, handed back the Quyun Sword, and took back the wooden box at the same time, "Brother Ming, is Senior Sister Qianluo really okay?"

"Qianluo is fine." Yang Ming did not speak, but Mu Yumo replied.

"Ah? Sister-in-law, is it true?" Lei Wujie asked a little uncertainly.

"Really, Qianluo's strength has improved a lot compared to last time." Mu Yumo said with a smile.

After about a quarter of the incense burnt, Zhang Yu's figure flew out again.Sikong Qianluo spat at him, "Bah, you bastard for fame."

This time Zhang Yu was not angry, but smiled evilly and said: "Haha, little girl, if I weren't worried about disfiguring you and ruining our adults' elegance, look at me dealing with you like this."

At first, the fat man thought that Zhang Yu was not strong enough, but when he heard what he said, he laughed and said, "Zhang Yu, you did a good job."

"They are all taught well by adults." Zhang Yu looked flattering, then looked at Yang Ming and others, and shouted: "That man in black, don't look at it, it's you, one of your companions stabbed someone in the back, I’m too embarrassed to take action against that little girl just now, so it’s you.”

Not long after, another burst of screams sounded, it was still a familiar recipe, and it was still a familiar taste.

"Hey, you little bearded man, why are you watching? Come here and die."

After half a stick of incense, Zhang Yu was a little bit doubtful about his life. He had been in the world for so many years and had never seen so many masters. Although he tried his best to quibble and used various excuses, he knew in his heart that he was not the right one. their opponents.

The successive defeats made the fat man look very unhappy. He grabbed Zhang Yu's collar and issued an ultimatum: "The last time, if you lose again, huh!" Zhang Yu quickly assured: "Sir, I was just warming up. Now is when the fun begins.”

"You!" Zhang Yu pointed at Yang Ming, "You think that because you wear a purple robe, you think you are a Taoist priest? Why don't you come here and die!"

Yang Ming twisted his neck: "It's finally my turn."

He slowly turned over and dismounted, and walked step by step to a stop ten feet in front of Zhang Yu. Yang Ming slowly pulled out the long knife from his waist, "How should I say, you are lucky to choose me as your last opponent. At the same time, It’s also unfortunate.”

"Stop talking nonsense." Zhang Yu interrupted impatiently, "Hurry up and tell me your name. My master's Quyun Sword can't kill unknown people."

Yang Ming smiled lightly and said: "Feng Yin Dao, ridicule!"

"What kind of bullshit name, I've never heard of it before." Zhang Yu shouted at Yang Ming, "One Sword Piercer!" He threw the spear out of his hand.

Yang Ming said calmly: "Every time I draw my sword, the sound of dragon roars comes from the wind."

Slowly raising the Moli knife with his right hand, Yang Ming whispered: "The wind is rustling and the water is cold. A strong man will never return once he is gone. This knife is given to you. The name of the knife is: Wind Breath!"

As soon as the knife comes out, the wind stops; the knife disappears, and the golden light appears.

Everything happened in an instant, and everyone only saw Yang Ming's figure suddenly appearing behind Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu used all his strength and said, "Xiao~yao~tian~jing." As the Moli sword in Yang Ming's hand fell off its sheath, Zhang Yu's figure responded to the end.

"Xiaoyao Tianjing!" The fat man was shocked, "Here comes someone, take him down quickly!"

He knew very well what the four words "Xiaoyao Tianjing" meant.There are only a dozen people in Quan Beili who have reached this level, without exception, and every one of them is a master among masters.Even if he offered a few 10 taels of silver, he could only recruit Zhang Yu, a subordinate who could reach a state of freedom.

Yang Ming pointed to the group of soldiers and asked Yan Xiluo, "Where did these people come from?"

Yan Xiluo took out the long sword from his arms and said, "These are grass bandits found by the lord of Fengzhi City from around here. They just wear the uniforms of officers and soldiers."

Yang Ming's eyes sharpened, "In that case, junior brother, please protect Xiao Se and the others, and just leave this place to me alone. I'll try out new tricks."

Yan Xiluo smiled and said, "Senior brother, please take it easy."

Mu Yumo even laughed and scolded: "Yang Ming, you are too pushy."

"I am here to eliminate harm for the people!" Yang Ming replied and jumped into the air.

He raised the Moli knife above his head with both hands, and all the energy from his body poured into the blade. For a moment, a strong wind howled. In this crisp autumn season, this strong wind came so untimely.

The fat man and the pawns around him looked at this scene in horror, as if their bodies were welded in place. They didn't react until a strong wind formed around them and swept them up into the sky.

For a while, there were constant cries and begging for mercy.But for these grassroots bandits, Yang Ming knew that showing mercy to them would be cruel to ordinary people, so Yang Ming did not show any mercy.

"The wind never stops."

Different from the wind breath, this trick uses the breath of these grass bandits.Yang Ming slashed the knife down violently, and a golden dragon phantom appeared in the huge wind tornado.

As a dragon roar sounded, the golden dragon's figure solidified.Within a few breaths, the corpses of the more than 800 grass bandits, except for a very few who escaped, were all piled together, forming a hill.

(End of this chapter)

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