Adoption of Pirates Doflamingo

Chapter 238 I Know Your Father

Chapter 238 I Know Your Father

Luo is now wandering around the castle with a knife on his shoulder.

Luo felt a little strange. The maids who usually come and go are gone at this time, and the road is empty.

Luo thought of Letina again. He communicated with Letina not too much or too little, but the other party was the daughter of that bastard Doflamingo, but Luo would not implicate his personal emotions. Letina's body, because Letina is different from Doflamingo. Letina is a kind-hearted child. She is a flower raised by Doflamingo in the greenhouse, and she puts all the darkness behind her mind.

Luo Du couldn't help but admire Doflamingo, who was obviously a cruel and ruthless person, but raised lotus flowers that emerged from the mud without staining them.Luo Du had to sneer, all this is really ironic, obviously Doflamingo once did that to his own brother Rosindi.

Letina may be the purest light in the house.

As for Brad, judging from his various behaviors, the other party is not a simple child. The other party has his own thoughts. Who the father was was none of his business.

Although this home is not as good as it looks, it has given him everything, a home.

He knew that his grandfather was definitely not as simple as a sea king, but it didn't matter, this was his grandfather, and this would never change.

Even his father is no longer as impulsive as he was when he was young. He has already accepted the darkness that exists under the light.

There is nothing absolute in this world, and the same is true for people.

Luo felt that his thinking had diverged a bit, so he decided to go to his room.

Take something by the way.

Although Luo's room has been absent, it will be cleaned every once in a while, so there is no need to worry about dust falling.

Luo's room has undergone changes. When he was young, the room was arranged by Rosindi with great brains. Later, when Luo grew up, Luo arranged the room by himself, but still kept many original parts.

Thinking of the pile of treasures in his room, Luo felt a little headache. He had a special room for treasures. These treasures were all toys from his childhood, and there were many famous knives and other rare things among them. Looking at the treasures in his hands, he cried , Luo couldn't help laughing.

When he was a child, he still played with some famous knives, which was not good at home. It was a bit too extravagant. It seemed that these precious things had become commonplace at home.

Luo thought of the time when he was a child, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly. From his point of view, the days when he was a child were really comfortable, and he almost let himself forget to avenge Luo Xindi, because even after so long, he still couldn't digest his grandfather's life. The art of bringing the dead back to life, the perishable life seems insignificant in front of grandpa, but the lost things are easily returned.

So up to now, Luo still feels that he had a dream, and the time flies so fast, more than ten years have passed in the blink of an eye.

But the revenge is still to be taken, he wants to make Doflamingo suffer, although the present time is not enough, but he believes that he will find a chance, Doflamingo, you wait!

Although Luo will not kill Doflamingo, he also believes that Grandpa Adri will not let him do it, and he cannot do it, but Doflamingo must pay the price.

Thinking of this, Luo clenched his fists tightly, and at this moment, a figure flashed by around the corner. Although this figure was fast, Luo caught it. It was a man. With a sword!

Luo clearly knew that almost no servants in the castle would have swords!
Luo felt a bad feeling welling up in his heart. He quickly caught up with the figure, but when he turned the corner, the figure disappeared. Luo felt puzzled because the other party turned the corner just now.

Luo was running fast, but at the next corner, the door suddenly opened, and Luo almost ran into it, and the figure behind the door sensed someone, and looked behind the door calmly, and Luo behind the door also looked To that figure.

"Trafalgar Law! Why are you here!"

The figure clearly called out Luo's name. Upon hearing the name, Luo looked at the figure and clenched the hilt of his sword, because the person in front of him was definitely not from the castle. , no one has ever called him by his first name.

At this moment, the light suddenly appeared, and the fire light reflected on the face of the figure, Luo's face sank:
"Blood Sword, Matthew Mills! I should be asking you this question, why are you here!"

Luo immediately opened the distance, he clearly knew that the guy in front of him was a pirate who was also a supernova, and the other party unexpectedly appeared in his house without warning, this heavily guarded castle was almost impossible!

Luo directly drew his knife and pointed it at Matthew Mills.

Matthew Mills looked a little impatient when he saw the opponent draw his knife:

"Hey, I don't have time to talk to you now, I'm going to be late."

"What's too late, what is your purpose for appearing here!"

Luo asked loudly.

He was very aware of the strength of the guy in front of him, and he was definitely not good at it. The opponent even appeared in the top battle. Although it was not Luffy's brilliance, he still performed well.

And now this dangerous guy appeared here, there must be his conspiracy!

Matthew Mills didn't want to get entangled with Luo and just said:
"Relax, buddy, I have nothing against you."

"Quickly tell me, what are you here for! How did you get in here!"

Luo was very curious about the other party's motive for coming here, but the other party's purpose was definitely not simple, so he decided to kill the danger in the cradle.

It looks like he's going to make a move.

Luo is ready to cast room at will.

But Matthew Mills only reacted when he saw Luo like this. It seemed that Luo didn't know about him and the boss. Matthew Mills quickly explained:

"Wait a minute, I know your dad!"


Luo felt that the other party was talking nonsense. Although the other party was very suspicious, Luo was still very wary. He looked at Matthew Mills suspiciously. The other party seemed to have no desire to fight at all.

Luo slowed down his movements a little, and asked as calmly as possible:

"I advise you to tell the truth."

Matthew Mills quickly waved his hand and said:

"I still know your grandfather."

As soon as these words came out, Luo felt that the other party was definitely talking nonsense, after all, the other party was wandering around the castle sneakily.

"If you are talking nonsense, I will not be polite to you!" Matthew Mills also realized that he had not made it clear and continued:

"Luo! I really know your father and your grandfather!"

"You are so stubborn and disregarded, then don't blame me for being rude!"

Luo directly raised his knife and rushed forward, Matthew Mills drew his sword to resist the attack, and said while fighting back:
"Calm down, I'm just looking for a sorority, and I'm asking you to mess with you?!"

Matthew Mills was a little annoyed. It was fine that he couldn't find the address of the party, and he was still entangled with Luo.

Matthew Mills is also very irritable now, and his backlog of emotions burst out at this moment. He swung his blood sword and slashed at Luo fiercely. Hit me with a sword, and it was hard to part for a while.

Matthew Mills continued to fight with Luo, but then Luo used the room to distance himself from Matthew Mills. He knew that he could not beat the opponent in close combat.

Matthew Mills also vented enough of his temper, and continued:
"Luo, I know you are the grandson of the Sea King, so..."

Before Matthew Mills finished speaking, Luo said with a grim expression:
"How do you know about this!"

"Of course I know! Because I am Mr. Adri's man now!"

Matthew Mills really wanted to punch Luo Lai, why didn't this guy listen to others!
Luo's face suddenly changed again, and the other party seemed to really know his identity.

Matthew Mills, seeing Rowe shaken, added:
"I also know that your father is Rosindi. I really know him. I joined your father a year ago, understand? Brother!"

Luo also calmed down at the moment, and he naturally knew that it would be difficult for ordinary people to just enter, not to mention the numerous barriers along the way, but the other party's refuge is still very confusing, it is better to be confused, which is very good Why did you take refuge in it?What about the opponent's integrity as a pirate?

Matthew Mills said directly:
"Forget it, if you don't believe me, take me to see Mr. Adri, I'm really convinced."

Luo also acquiesced in this matter, and then the two kept a safe distance and walked all the way in the direction where Adri was.

"Hey, Luo, I didn't expect you to come to the party today? I thought you would not come."

Luo Xin was startled, he didn't expect the other party to know that today is the day of the party.

Luo ignored it.

And Matthew Mills continued to speak on his own.

Matthew Mills said a lot along the way, which also led Luo to believe a little bit, and the other party seemed to be different from what he imagined.

Luo remained silent, and directly brought Matthew Mills to the banquet.

Adri wasn't too surprised when he saw the two people coming, but Rossindi said:

"Eh? How did you two get together?"

At this moment, Beppo asked:

"Captain, who is next to you?"

But Jambaru recognized Matthew Mills. He opened his mouth wide, wanting to say something, but Luo spoke:

"This blood sword, Matthew Mills, is also a supernova and has participated in the top war, but now he claims to have taken refuge in his grandfather."


"How could such a dangerous guy appear here!"

But everyone looked at Adri, only to see Adri waved:

"Mills, why did you appear here? Didn't you say you won't participate?"

This is a real hammer, and the two really know each other.

Matthew Mills showed a look of yours and said:

"I told you, now you believe me?"

Luo was still a little surprised, turned his head to look at Adri, and Adri nodded. Sure enough, everything was so magical.

Luo could only make a cut and asked:

"Then what are you hanging around in the castle?"

"I'm looking for a ballroom party! I haven't found it until now! I'm so mad that you brought me here!"

"Sorority. Prom?!"

Luo has black lines all over his head, what is this called!These words actually came out of Matthew Mills' mouth.

Adrian understands:
"Ro, it seems that you get along very well."

Matthew Mills was full of helplessness. It seemed that he would not be able to go today. Fortunately, there is delicious food here, which can soothe his wounded soul a little.

Luo looked at Matthew Mills, who was already eating on his own, and the other party looked more natural than him, it was hell.

Why would grandpa leave this guy here!

Luo expressed his incomprehension. If he hadn't fought against him before, he wouldn't have recognized this smug bastard as Tangtang Blood Sword.

Sure enough, the house is always full of surprises.

(End of this chapter)

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