Adoption of Pirates Doflamingo

Chapter 239 The Luck of a Lifetime

Chapter 239 A lifetime of luck

Luo sat on the chair, holding his hand and crying, and looked at Matthew Mills coldly. He was also a supernova. He didn't believe that a pirate would suddenly join his grandfather. In his heart, Luo still believed that the other party had What an attempt.

Because even if Supernova seeks refuge, he will only seek refuge with a pirate who is more powerful than himself, not a businessman.

Luo still feels that he can't believe what happened before his eyes, and there may be only two versions of the truth:

[-]: Matthew Mills has other plans

[-]: Grandpa Adri subdued the opponent with his strength

In these two situations, he is more inclined to the first one. For some reason, regardless of his identity, he always feels that his grandfather is not an ordinary old man. Although he has never seen his grandfather make a move, let alone his grandfather There are often guards around.

Of course, it may also be a blindfold to confuse people.

However, now is not the time to think about these things. Since grandpa believes in the opponent, he will also believe in him. Moreover, Luo also believes that Grandpa Adri's guards can solve the opponent.

Grandpa's guard, Luo has seen since childhood.

They each have their own number.

To Luo's surprise, they seem to be the same as Grandpa Adri, and the years have never left traces on their faces.

It's weird.

If it was just Grandpa Adri, then Luo felt that the explanation made sense, but it would be strange for a large number of people to show this aspect so concentratedly.

Until now, Luo still feels that he can't see through the guards around Grandpa Adri. Take No. [-] as an example. No. [-] appeared by Luo's side the most when Luo was a child. Whenever there is something, he always tells No. [-].No. [-] would also chat with Luo from time to time, telling him some interesting things. No. [-] was also ingenious and good at carpentry, and often made some gadgets for Luo.

Luo had a good impression of No. [-] when he was a child, and the two had a good friendship in private. He also knew that No. [-] was actually a chatterbox, but he still pretended to be cold in front of others.

Naturally, Luo has seen No. [-]'s true face. Up to now, the other party has not had a single wrinkle. Luo also understands why the other party often wears a hat to cover up his face.

When No. [-] stands next to several other numbered people, he will quickly blend in. They look similar from the outside, and they are uniformly dressed. From the outside, they can't be distinguished at all.

Luo also knew their strength. Although they didn't show much, Luo knew that they were absolutely extraordinary.

No. [-] once showed his physical skills to Luo Zhan. Luo, after all, had been trained by Lao G in the Don Quixote family before. He could clearly find that No. [-] was far better than Lao G!

Lao G's strength already shocked Luo, let alone number three.

Number three naturally also likes this young master who is close to him.

However, the communication between the two is generally private.

At this moment, Luo looked at No. [-] who was staying behind Adri. No. [-] also noticed Luo's gaze, nodded slightly, and signaled something.

This means that Adri really trusts Matthew Mills, and Matthew Mills is also trustworthy, and Luo also feels relieved, looking at Matthew Mills who eats so much, Luo can only sigh helplessly in one breath.

Luo also gradually loosened the ghost cry that he was holding tightly in his hand. Looking at the partners who were still chatting around, he gradually relaxed. After all, it was a family banquet, and Luo also planned to relax. After all, it was rare to go home. vent your troubles.

Luo picked up the wine glass on the table and drank it down.

The long-lost sense of relaxation hits him, this is an absolutely safe zone, he can let himself go freely without worrying about the coming of danger.

And Matthew Mills was hungry because he couldn't go to the fraternity, so he simply sat next to Adri.

Adri said:
"Do you want me to ask someone to take you there?"

"Forget it, [-]% of the friendship has already passed halfway."

Matthew Mills just wanted to pick up girls on a whim. He actually didn't take it that seriously. Anyway, he could meet beautiful girls on weekdays and it was just a blessing.Rosinandi said from the side:
"Why do you suddenly want to go to the sorority? Why? Feel lonely?"

Matthew Mills knew that Rossindi was just teasing him, and he also replied:

"I'm still young, so what about you, with your strength, it should be easy to find one."

"How dare you say it, why don't you talk about my father, obviously he has been single for longer."

"I don't dare to tease this big guy."

Matthew Mills said bitterly.

Adri didn't mind what they said, he just drank the red wine on his own and looked at the happy scene around him. He suddenly felt that everything was worth it, and he enjoyed the current situation very much, which filled his heart. Vacancy since very early on.

He no longer knows whether he is still the original self, but he likes the current self, and he is happy to sink into it all the time.

Sure enough, this is the feeling of a family, and it is more interesting than living alone before.

However, he is also faintly worried about something, but at least so far, there has been no discomfort.

In fact, there was a period of decline in Adri's strength level, but it was only a matter of time before Adri filled these vacancies through some means, and the reason for the decline was only because of the cost, the cost of resurrecting people.

He still underestimated the influence of world consciousness.

But now he doesn't care about it, and now he has already returned to the top.

Adri looked at Rossindi, and sure enough everything was worth it.

Adri continued to taste the red wine in his hand, and then looked at Matthew Mills, this young man also...
Adri is not worried about Matthew Mills, not because he doesn't care, but because it is unnecessary at all. Although the other party is hosted by the unscrupulous system, it is not just the one who can be selected by the unscrupulous system and survive Lucky, but his own attractiveness.

Of course, Adriatic will not tell Matthew Mills, this needs to be discovered by himself.

This Luo Xidi looked at Luo, walked over, put his arms around Luo's neck, and said:
"How much do you want to drink with me today?"

Luo looked at his father and nodded silently.

This time belongs to their father and son.

Rossindi actually thought about asking Luo to take his place when Luo became an adult.

Luo Sidi knew that he was no longer the young man he used to be. He had a son, and his son had grown up. Seeing the current Luo, Luo Sidi was filled with emotion. The boy back then was still alive and well!

Rossindi also hinted whether Luo would take his place, but obviously, Luo, like him when he was young, refused.

Rossindi didn't force it either, all he had to do was let go, just like Adrien did, he personally sent Luo on board and watched him drift away.

Time flies so fast, Rossindi and Luo look at each other while drinking wine.

Luo said softly:
"Father, meeting you is the luck of my life."

"Me too, Ro."

Rossindi replied.

 I can't write anymore, hell!

(End of this chapter)

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