Adoption of Pirates Doflamingo

Chapter 273 The Pure Gold Covered with Dust

Chapter 273 The Pure Gold Covered with Dust

"On the 27th, how is the progress?"

"Returning to my lord, it has come to an end, and it will be completed in a few months. I have invested heavily before, and this time it will be safe, and it will definitely meet my lord's previous expectations."

"That's good, pay attention recently, I don't want any mistakes."

"Yes, my lord, we will never fall short."

"Very well, I want to see results."

"Don't worry, my lord, we will strictly guard it during this time."

"As long as you know it, this time period is very important."

"Okay, I'll order it."

"How about Dr. Indigo's?"

"My lord, it's on the right track, and it can be put into the test soon."

No. 27 was wearing a mask, so she couldn't see her expression, but the windbreaker couldn't resist the other party's bumpy figure. She nodded and looked at Adri in front of her very respectfully.

No. 27 is the supervisor in charge of the underground laboratory. She is extremely talented in scientific research and can be regarded as an innate genius.

She suddenly remembered something:
"My lord, Professor Mischina invites you to come."


Adri turned his head slightly, as if thinking about something, he said:

"Since he wants to see me, let's go. Lead the way, No. 27."


On the 27th, he took Adri through a wide experimental site and a laboratory. If Matthew Mills was here at this moment, he would be surprised, because the experimental site here is a plane, surrounded by There are also underground docks, and many armed fleets are parked at the docks.

This is all the research of Adri's subordinates. The research here is extremely extensive, but all the lethal things are gathered here. This is a large-scale armed factory. Everything is going on in an orderly manner. Blasting can be seen everywhere. Many laboratories are in operation, some of which contain ferocious beasts, and some of which are living people.

Among them, Dr. Indigo's main research aspect is the IQ of the evil drug of biological combat power evolution. He needs a large number of experimental subjects. Adri provided a lot of help.

Soon, No. 27 brought Adri to a laboratory. Through the glass, he could see a blond man in a white coat. He was a bit fat and was working with some chemicals in the laboratory.

No. 27 and Adri stood outside the door, and did not rush in. The blond man inside obviously noticed Adri and the others, and stopped what he was doing after a while, and came outside the door.

He wiped the sweat from his brow with a handkerchief:
"I'm sorry, both of you, to keep you waiting."

"It's okay."

Adri raised his hand slightly, indicating that it was okay.

This is Professor Mischina. He put away his handkerchief and made a gesture of invitation.

"Two, let's go to my office and have a chat."


The professor Mischina, who was out of shape, led the two of them to a room. It is worth noting that the wall at the door was specially decorated, which suddenly seemed a little out of place.

"Master Adri, I am looking for you this time to talk to you about the project I am currently researching. Although it is very bold, I think it is still a bit risky. We will not be able to complete it for a while, so I hope you can understand. "

"Of course, I didn't intend to ask you to give me results all at once."

Adri found a chair to sit down, and Professor Miskina quickly handed him tea, and he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Now tell me where you have come. I believe that it is not so simple for you to research pure gold, right?"

Adri's tone was extremely calm, and when Professor Miskina heard this, he sighed secretly and said "Pure Gold". He was a little relieved. It was Adri who sent people to take him out of Lord Lantern's stomach and take her with him. A daughter that was never found.At first, Miskina thought that the other party was here for pure gold, but Adri didn't seem to be interested in pure gold. Instead, he admired his wisdom very much, and invited him to work for him, and would pay a sum of money. For a considerable fee, he was even willing to cure his daughter Olga's illness and provide her with an excellent living environment.

Mi Siqi knew that even if he didn't want to, he had to be willing, because he could clearly perceive the aura emanating from the other party's body, it was a feeling that made him instinctively want to give in, and he knew that Adrian in front of him absolutely Non-kind.

Mi Siqi is a smart man, he knows what decision is the best.

Not to mention that the other party saved him and his daughter, so he settled down here.

Just then the door was pushed open:

"Old man, I'm back."

A girl with blond hair and red eyes who looked no more than seven or eight years old appeared at the door. She was Olga, Mischina Olga.Although the other party looks young, but the actual number of years she lived is 206 years old. When she was six years old, she had a disease that was incurable at that time. Her father created pure gold to save her, and pure gold The use of gold is to stay young forever.

This thing caught the attention of the pirates at the time, and their family was ransacked by the pirates. Olga's mother was killed, and she and her father were swallowed by Lord Lantern along with half the island.

Olga noticed that there were other people in the room. She knew No. 27, but there was another person who didn't seem to know him. He was the only one present who was sitting.

Although she was lucky to be rescued at the beginning, she was almost captured by the world government.

Olga doesn't think too much about these things, it doesn't look the same to her, except that it's nice that she can see her jerk father now.

"What's the matter, why are you all so serious."

Olga nibbled on the candy in her hand and scanned her surroundings.

Her father saw her enter:
"Olga, you go out first, we adults have something to talk about."

"Huh? I'm already 206 years old."

Adri gave No. 27 a look, and No. 27 took Olga's hand:
"Olga, this is my master, Master Adri, I will take you out to eat meat, okay?"

Olga glanced at the young Adri, and couldn't help but sigh:

"Is he so young?"

Adri looked at Olga and said lightly:
"My body is older than you."

"Eh? You must be bragging, I am 206 years old, and you don't have pure gold, how can you be so old!"

Olga obviously didn't believe it, thinking that Adri had fooled her like a child.

Adrian just laughed it off.

Olga's father glanced at Adri in surprise, and then told her daughter:

"Olga, you should go with No. 27 first."

No. 27 opened the door and motioned for Olga to go first.

Olga glanced at the crowd, didn't say anything, but left silently.

No. 27 also came out, and the two came to the door, staring at each other.

"What are you looking at, No. 27, where is the agreed meat?"

"Okay, I'll give it to you, come with me."

At this time, a certain secret room was filled with all kinds of things, and in the corner of this room, a pile of golden things were randomly piled up, and these were pure gold that was hot outside.

These pure golds are thrown on the ground like rubbish. Although they are golden, no one will see the brilliance again, and these things will always be abandoned there.

And which of the things in this room is not a treasure.

(End of this chapter)

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