Adoption of Pirates Doflamingo

Chapter 274 Matthew Mills in the Navy

Chapter 274 Matthew Mills in the Navy
Navy Headquarters
A woman with a high ponytail led a beautiful woman with loose hair past.

"Huh? Isn't that Farmiga?"

"Who is the girl behind her? Look so good!"

"I don't think I've seen it before."

"I heard that the other party's parents suffered from pirates, so I want to join the navy for revenge."

"Really, that girl is really poor."

"Who said it wasn't."

"However, this girl is really pretty. I don't think Lieutenant General Taotu is as good-looking as her."

"What are you talking about! Lieutenant General Momotu is the eternal god!"

"Look, that woman also has a sword hanging from her waist, she seems to be a swordsman too."

"So what, it's no better than Lieutenant General Taotu."

The discussions of the people around were heard by both of them, but they both subconsciously ignored them.

Farmiga looked back at Matthew Mills and said:
"Miss Avro, let me take you to meet Lieutenant General He. Most of the famous female marines are trained by Lieutenant General He. If you want revenge, there is the best destination, but the premise is that you can persist. go down."

"Okay, I'll stick with it."

Matthew Mills nodded seriously.

"Oh, by the way, when the time comes, Hezhong will let someone test your strength first, so that we can arrange the next training."

"I understand."

"You don't have to be so nervous, it's fine, just do your best."

Farmiga looked at Matthew Mills a little nervous, and comforted him. After getting along these few days, Farmiga has a good feeling for Matthew Mills, and the other party is a shy girl.

But in fact, Matthew Mills' nervousness is not fake, because this is what worries Matthew Mills the most.

What Matthew Mills is most afraid of is being seen through. She must first ensure that she will not be recognized because of her swordsmanship. She must not use techniques reminiscent of blood swords.

Even if there is a first-level requirement, her swordsmanship is not something that ordinary people can resist. Although if her strength is too strong, it may arouse others' suspicion, but she should be able to prevaricate it. She can't show too strong, and she can't show too much. weak.In short, this speed is difficult to control, and she is afraid that Vice Admiral He, an experienced navy, will notice something.

She didn't dare to underestimate the chief of staff. If the other party found out, there would be nowhere for her to escape in the Navy headquarters.

Sweat dripped from Matthew Mills' forehead, and she frowned slightly. She couldn't be more nervous now, otherwise it would be difficult for her to suddenly become a man, so let's just let it go.

Soon, the two of them came to a training ground, where the sailors everywhere were women.

The arrival of Matthew Mills has attracted a lot of attention, because Matthew Mills' appearance is there.

Although Matthew Mills's appearance can't be called all-powerful, he is still considered to be a natural beauty, which can be considered first-class in this pirate world full of beauties.

Just like Matthew Mills had just arrived at the Navy Headquarters, he was a conspicuous presence in the crowd.

Farmiga and Matthew Mills went straight to a crane who was a little older but not old.

Crane's gray hair is also braided in a simple ponytail to the shoulders, all the hair is combed behind the head, leaving the forehead, and a pair of emerald green earrings are worn on the ears.He wears two gold bracelets on his right hand, and wears a vice admiral's coat, a light blue shirt inside, and a tie with a purple background with a white pattern.The lower body is wearing suit pants and leather shoes.

Beside He also stood a beautiful woman with bright eyes and white teeth.

A light flashed in Matthew Mills' eyes. This beauty was the general candidate, Momotu, Gion.

This is an out-and-out swordsman, not weaker than ordinary lieutenant generals, even higher than many ordinary lieutenant generals.

Taotu also noticed the scrutinizing gaze of Matthew Mills. She couldn't help smiling when she looked at the childish girl. Mei, she didn't expect that the other party was also a swordsman, so she became interested.

Farmiga actually saluted the two, and then introduced:

"Lieutenant General Crane, Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit, this is Miss Avro, Avro, these two are Lieutenant General Crane and Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit."

He Zhongjiang fixed his gentle eyes on Matthew Mills, she knew about Matthew Mills' life experience.

Matthew Mills noticed Crane's gaze, and couldn't help getting goosebumps. She couldn't help wondering, did she see something?

Matthew Mills subconsciously hid behind Farmiga.

But in the eyes of Crane and Taotu, this behavior is a shy little girl.

Matthew Mills said weakly:

"Lieutenant General Crane, Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit, hello."

Momotu frowned slightly, because the other party's temperament was a bit unsuitable to stay in the navy, if he said it in a bad way, he was a bit weak, so he couldn't kill the pirate.But as a swordsman's intuition, she felt that the girl in front of her was not simple.

There was also a trace of sadness in the crane's eyes, it was a bit difficult for a child with such a temper to go far.

"Avro, how good is your swordsmanship?"

He asked softly.

"That, I don't know either."

"Well, then, Farmiga, come and compete with Miss Avro. Don't be nervous, Miss Avro. It's just to see if your ability can't beat it. It doesn't matter."

Crane and Momotu looked at Farmiga and Matthew Mills at the training ground with different attitudes.

Farmiga drew her sword, looked at Matthew Mills gravely, and said:

"Use all your strength, I will pay attention, don't worry."

Matthew Mills nodded seriously.

Matthew Mills slowly drew his sword:

"Please advise."

"A lot of advice."

At the next moment, Matthew Mills' figure was like an arrow flying towards Farmiga. Farmiga's pupils dilated rapidly. At this moment, she felt a panic in her heart. She didn't know why, but she felt that in front of her... Matthew Mills is invincible.She hurriedly drew her sword, trying to block Matthew Mills' bloody sword, but when she looked at Matthew Mills' extremely calm eyes, she couldn't help but feel a little distracted. This look looked like he had killed countless creatures. There will be no emotion.

In this brief absence, Matthew Mills' sword had already reached Farmiga's white neck.

Farmiga looked at this scene in disbelief. She couldn't believe that she was killed in a second, and it was the little girl she had been taking care of. She hadn't recovered from the shock. It was too subversive for her. Now that she has recognized it, she had already thought about not letting Ai Fuluo lose too thoroughly
Seeing that the outcome has been decided, Matthew Mills withdrew the blood sword and bowed:
"It's ugly."

Surprise flashed across Crane's face, she didn't expect this battle to be resolved quickly.

Tao Tutu couldn't help but look a little surprised, although she would definitely dodge that move, but it still surprised her when it happened to a girl who looked delicate.

There was a hint of deepness in the crane's eyes, and he said lightly:
"Gion, you go."


Gion was suddenly named, and she said in surprise:

"Sister He, are you really alright?"

"Put some water, I want to see where the limit of this Miss Avro is."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was amazed that Gion was actually dispatched. You must know that she was a candidate for admiral, and Matthew Mills was just a newcomer to the navy.

The original battle between Matthew Mills and Farmiga also attracted a lot of onlookers, but they didn't expect the battle to end so soon.

At this moment, He's speech surprised everyone even more.

A trace of fear flashed in Matthew Mills' eyes, what is this, did the crane see something?

Matthew Mills lifted Farmiga to the side.

And Gion has arrived at the venue and is ready, surrounded by a circle of navy, they all arrived after hearing the news.

Gion looked at Matthew Mills seriously:
"Miss Avro, please use your full strength."

"Avro, how is your rest?"

There was a knock on the door.

Taotu pushed the door open and entered.

"Sorry, your sword skills are still very strong."

The previous fight was very fierce. Because Matthew Mills couldn't use his full strength, he would naturally lose to Taotu. In addition, she didn't want to show too much strength, so she was quickly defeated, but Taotu was Excited, after all, it is rare to see a female swordsman who can beat her several times in swordsmanship.

Matthew Mills smiled shyly.

"Thank you for the compliment."

"I'm serious, you're definitely the best swordsman in the female navy."


"However, your strength is not bad, why did you choose to escape?"

Taotu asked this question, which made Matthew Mills feel tight. She knew that there must be flaws in what she made up.

Matthew Mills calmed down and said:
"Because that pirate is too strong, I can't beat it at all, and my parents secretly let me escape in a boat."

"You can't beat it? Did you meet a pirate with a bounty of over [-] million?"

"Yes, the opponent is extremely powerful."

Matthew Mills boasted of his strength without blushing.

"The strength of the opponent is comparable to that of Lieutenant General Taotu."

"That's it, that's a big pirate. Don't worry, I'm very strong, and I will avenge you."

"By the way, do you know who the pirate who killed your parents is?"

"That... I'm not sure, I only know that the other party is very bloody, he is a swordsman, and there seems to be a terrifying blood beast behind him."

"Jianhao, blood beast? I wonder if it's a man who looks extremely young?"

"Well, that's right."

"That seems to be the blood sword Matthew Mills who fought on the top."

"What, blood sword Matthew Mills!"

Matthew Mills feigned surprise.

"Yes, that's right, the other party is bloodthirsty, brutal, and has killed all directions. He is an extremely dangerous person. Ms. Avro, I personally suggest that you should not be overwhelmed by anger next time you see him. The current strength is not enough to fight."

"I didn't expect him to be so powerful, I remembered, Lieutenant General Momotu."

"It's okay, don't call me Lieutenant General, just call me by my name."

"Okay, Miss Gion."

"You're so good, you kid."

Taotu came forward and stroked Matthew Mills' head.

So close, so close!

Matthew Mills blushed suddenly.

Seeing this scene, Gion thought that Matthew Mills was shy again, so he covered his mouth and smiled. This kid is fine, but a little shy.

"Oh, by the way, Avro, Sister He said, do you want to go to the hot spring together for the rest tomorrow?"

Σ (□;)
Is it so exciting from the very beginning!

(End of this chapter)

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