Adoption of Pirates Doflamingo

Chapter 334 Extra Story: Kite

Chapter 334 Extra Story: Kite

Doflamingo returned to his childhood in his sleep.

It wasn't long before Adrienne adopted them.
It was a flat land on the hill behind the castle, where there was a meadow.

Lying on the grass, you can clearly smell the fragrance of the grass and the faint fragrance of flowers.

Lying on the grass doesn't feel prickly, it just feels so nice and soft, which is weird.

It was so comfortable that Doflamingo wanted to roll, but Doflamingo remained reserved and did not do so, but looked around.

Soon, two people appeared in his vision, one big and one small.

It's Adri and Rossindi.

Doflamingo saw the two and sat up. He saw that Rosie was holding a strange thing in his hand. It looks like it's not made of paper, and Doflamingo can't tell what the material is.

But it seems that there are several things behind this thin fabric, which is really strange.

"Rosie, what have you got?"

With a smile on Rossindi's face, he trot excitedly towards Doflamingo:

"Nissan, this is a kite, a toy."

Doflamingo tilted his head slightly, a toy?It seems that it should be something for common people. How can this kind of thing be worthy of their status? Doflamingo wanted to speak, but seeing Rosindi's happy face, he still didn't speak, but looked aside. Adri, he also seems to be holding a round thing in his hand, and there seems to be a looming silk thread connected to the so-called kite.

Doflamingo looked at Adrian with a gentle face, and said:

"How can this kind of thing be played? I thought it was used for cushioning."

Adri pointed to the sky with his index finger and explained:
"For flying."

Doflamingo scoffed at this:
"Are you fooling me, this thing can fly?"

If this thing can fly, there will be ghosts. It's such a big sheet, but if it's just a small piece of paper, it should be able to float.

Doflamingo is not very interested in this thing, but more interested in seeing whether Adri is telling the truth.

Adri saw Doflamingo's disbelieving eyes, and added:
"This one can fly very high, just try it and you'll know."

Doflamingo didn't care, he just wanted to see what this bastard Adriatic was going to do.

Rossindi didn't care about Doflamingo's intentions, and was still excited. This was his first experience with this thing, which he had never experienced in Marie Gioia. Marie Gioia, wouldn't it? Someone allowed them to play something that didn't fit their status.

Rossindi's small body is holding a big kite. This is what he requested, and he wants to share it with his brother as soon as possible.

"Brother, let's try it first, Adri said, we can play here all the time today, and we can even set up a tent to sleep here!"

"Sleep here?"

Doflamingo's face is not good, what does this mean, is this going to let him and Rosie sleep on the street?Damn guy!
"Adri, are you out of money, or have you revealed your true colors and let us sleep outside?"

Adri bent down and corrected Doflamingo's misunderstanding with a serious face:

"Little guy, this is camping. Sometimes living outdoors may be a good choice. You will know it after you try it. I think you will like this feeling."

Doflamingo didn't say much, he wanted Rossindi to see the true face of this guy.

It was also at this time that Doflamingo dismantled and found that Adri was still carrying a strange backpack full of it.

Adri handed the axle in his hand to Rossindi, and squatted down:
"Rosie, remember what I taught you? Go and try it out with your brother. Let's have fun. I'll put up the tent first."

Rosindi nodded, took the axle, went straight to Doflamingo, and pulled Doflamingo directly towards an open space.

Doflamingo took a deep look at Adri, but followed Rossindi.

Rosinindi put down the big kite, held the axle with the string in his hand, and signaled his brother to look at him. Doflamingo turned his eyes away from Adri and started to look at his brother.

During this time, Rosindi raised his hand holding the axle, and started to run. The kite also followed Rosindi's movement, but it kept dragging on the ground. Doflamingo glanced at Luo Sidi helplessly. Xixi Di still trotted to follow.

Rossindi dragged the kite all the way, but failed to make the kite take off smoothly. He stopped and began to pant. Doflamingo looked at the out of breath Rossindi:
"Rosie, if this thing can't fly, he must be tricking you."

Rossindi shook his head:
"Brother, why don't you try it, as long as you drag this thread and run."

Doflamingo took the axle from Rosindi's hand reluctantly, looked at the kite collapsed on the ground, and decided to give it a try.

Doflamingo began to run quickly, the oncoming breeze blowing on his face. As Doflamingo ran forward, he looked at the kite behind him from time to time. To his surprise, the kite actually turned out to be real. It broke away from the ground and began to fly slowly at low altitude. "I succeeded! The kite flew!"

Doflamingo stopped, and the kite slowly fell down again.

Doflamingo immediately shouted to Rossindi not far away:
"Rosie, did you see! I made him fly! I did it!"

Rossindi also jumped up happily:
"Well, I saw it! Brother! You are amazing!"

When Doflamingo heard Rossindi's praise, the corners of his mouth raised slightly unconsciously. Doflamingo turned his attention to Adri. Adri had already set up a bracket, but he didn't pay attention to the situation here.

"Brother, let me come! Let me come! I want to try too."

Rossindi ran over, and Doflamingo handed him the wheel. It seems that this toy is not that difficult, it is very simple, but it is a bit tiring to play, but only children like Rossi love it. Play, I am a big kid.

In this way, the two of them ran wildly until their clothes were soaked in sweat, and they felt happy and joyful for a long time.

The two were already panting and lying on the grass, watching the sun gradually set, and the afterglow covered the entire grass, turning the grass into a beautiful golden color.

"Little guy, the tent is set up, come here and change your clothes, you are all soaked."

Doflamingo and Rosindi raised their heads reluctantly, and looked at Adri's position. There was already a huge tent there, and there was a bonfire in front of the tent.

Doflamingo and Rosindi got up. In the past, they really needed to change their clothes. They were all sticky, and they would catch a cold if they continued to blow in the wind.

Rossinanti and Doflamingo walked into the huge tent, which was simply a large space, where a change of clothes and towels for wiping were already arranged.

After they changed into fresh clothes and came out, they saw Adri was holding the axle, and looking along the looming silk thread, the kite actually flew high into the sky.

Doflamingo froze in place, staring at the smear of white on the gorgeous sky.its not right!Absolutely wrong!Is this how kites actually play!Then what did he play before!
Rossindi said with a look of surprise:

"It's so high! Is that how it's played?"

"Want to shake it? But hold it with both hands."

Adri handed over the axle.

Rossindi took over the axle and leaned forward violently, but was held down by Adri. It must be said that the kite flew to a high place with great pulling force. Looking at the tall kite, Rossindi felt a kind of fun, Is that how it was played?

Adri looked at Doflamingo, who had a bad face:

"Would you like to try it, Dover?"

"Don't make it so intimate, I will try it myself, give me some time, I can put it higher than you."

Doflamingo didn't get involved in flying the kite, but looked at the food roasting by the campfire.

After a while, Rossindi also returned the wheel axle to Adri. Adri found a place to fix the wheel axle, so he didn't continue to take care of it. Instead, he brought Rossindi to the campfire:
"Dover, that one needs to be baked for a while, so just wait."

Doflamingo retracted the hand he was going to take:
"I know, you don't need to say more, by the way, you are not so poor that you can only let us eat fish, right?"

"It's impossible for me to be poor."

Adri switched the side of the grilled fish that was standing by the campfire.

After a while, as night fell, several people also ate grilled fish. Originally, Doflamingo refused, but the smell was really fragrant, and with the spices that Adri sprinkled later, Although Doflamingo thought it was some kind of poison at first, but when he saw that Adri had eaten it, he took a grilled fish and ate it in small bites.

I have to say that the taste is very fresh and delicious. This may be the best grilled fish he has ever eaten. Soon Doflamingo ate three grilled fish in a row and drank a large bowl of Adria The hot soup that came, I have to say is very satisfying.

Rossindi was also greasy from eating, and it was Doflamingo who wiped his little face with a handkerchief himself.

Doflamingo and Rossindi had a very full and satisfying meal, perhaps because they were a little tired from playing today.

Adri packed up the things here, then put out the bonfire, and motioned for a few little guys to lie down.

Doflamingo and Rosindi were baffled, but they did it anyway. It was at this moment that they saw the countless twinkling stars in the sky in the dark blue sky.The moon is cool and gentle, and it spreads the moonlight on several people like a thin quilt.

The dazzling stars are inlaid here like flawless diamonds, converging into a long silver river, running through the entire sky, as if cutting across the sky.

In a quiet environment, the sound of the wind blowing the grass is so clear. Doflamingo lay here relaxed, looking at the stunning starry sky. It was the first time he really looked at the sky directly. It turned out that he It's so beautiful, and under the starry sky, the swaying kite is also quiet.

At this moment, the corners of Doflamingo's mouth raised slightly in his sleep, indicating that it was a good dream and he was very satisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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