Adoption of Pirates Doflamingo

Chapter 335 Adri's Confession?

Chapter 335 Adri's Confession?
new world

in a room
Doflamingo leaned against the window, looked at Rossindi who was still in a daze, and said lightly:

"Rosie, what do you think of this matter?"

Rossindi shook his head slightly:

"It's really unbelievable..."

Doflamingo couldn't help laughing out loud:

"Fufurfurfur, interesting, really interesting, I didn't expect our world to be so small, our destiny has been decided long ago, it really made me discover a new world, furfurfurfur!"

Rossindi looked up, glanced at his nervous brother, and sighed slightly:

"Nissan, so you say, this is fate?"

"Fate? I don't believe in this thing, but now I have to say that things like fate can no longer restrain us, and we have broken the original rhythm. Rossi, don't you feel an inexplicable sense of excitement? "

Rossindi did not answer directly, but seemed a little absent-minded:

"Who knows, it's just that I'm still a little bit overwhelmed. If there is no father, I don't think I will ever know this."

Doflamingo raised his forehead and said:

"Indeed, Adrihi hides really deep, master of the galaxy? What an interesting title, maybe I can have greater achievements, Rossi, you know, I seem to see farther now."

"The reason why my father came here, he never said, but what made him come into this world must be something that attracted him."


"I think I understand why Dad always says he's going to get over it no matter what happens."

"He always likes to say that."

"Now it seems that my father is indeed able to bear it all, although my father deliberately did not say the final result."

"Oh? I understand what you mean, but since he doesn't want to say it, we don't have to guess."

"Indeed, it seems that my father told us specifically for the next thing. I think everyone in the castle is very busy recently."

"It's true that the atmosphere is not right. Everyone is in a hurry. I saw some people I haven't seen before."

"Anyway, we will know the answer next, and there is definitely a 'surprise' waiting for us from my father. I am looking forward to the next world."

"Fufurfurfur, who says it's not, our chapter has come to an end, now is the time for those children, we just need to watch the end carefully. Destiny, this thing is really interesting, Tickling. Hey, Rosie, do you remember the scar on Adrien?"

"Why did you mention this all of a sudden?"

"I once asked him who did it, but guess what, what did he say? He said no one did it, he was calculated. I might as well make a bold guess whether Adri changed our destiny. What about the scars given to him? Destiny is an illusory thing, and sometimes it is absolutely fatal."

Rossinanti rubbed his chin:

"Fate? It sounds very reliable. If the scars on my father's body are really caused by that illusory fate..."

"Just kill it, even if it is fate."

"Yes, we are not slaves to fate. Not to mention it hurt father."

At this moment, a trace of ruthlessness flashed in the eyes of the two brothers, and the two reached an inexplicable consensus. Perhaps, they deserved to be brothers, and in some respects, they were unexpectedly the same.

"Anilu's fate ended earlier than ours, and he should have known something. If he comes back this time, I think we should have something to talk about."

"Indeed, it is time to have a good talk, but let's postpone this matter until after Father reveals the secret of his summoning us this time."

"I'm not in a hurry, let's take our time, I think I can go to Adri to talk about some things, get more about him, do you want to go together?"

Doflamingo invited.

Rossindi shook his head:
"My head can't bear so much. It takes me a while to digest the information I learned today. After all, no one can accept this kind of thing when it happens to anyone."

"Indeed, even though I had expected it a long time ago, I was still so astonished when I learned the truth. The essence of the world is presented before my eyes, and I will not stand still. My ambition has never been here."

Rossindi looked at Doflamingo helplessly. He knew that Doflamingo was in a daze, but he still left this matter to his father.

Seeing Brother Doflaming get up and leave, Rosindi also intends to take a rest. It seems that even if fate is affected by his father, it will still be repaired automatically. Otherwise, his brother will be defeated by Mr. Karp's grandson. It's really unimaginable.

Rossinanti didn't intend to think about it any more, he stood up with the table, he had to go back to his room, he needed to rest now, in his opinion, he might have a sense of frustration now, his whole life was spent by Well controlled, this is hard for anyone to accept.

But fortunately, he met his father, at least part of his fate was reversed, maybe it was also luck.

With his pockets in his pockets, Rossindi quickly returned to the room, but he found something, why is that boy Matthew missing?
Doesn't the other party usually follow his father all the time?

Forget it, I'll ask again when the time comes.

On Doflamingo's side, he came to Adri's office soon. Adri was enjoying afternoon tea leisurely. He was not surprised to see Doflamingo's arrival:

"What's the matter? Is there anything you want to ask me?"

Doflamingo sat down opposite Adri naturally: "I want to know more about you."

"Do you mean here, or outside? If it's just here, you can just look at my notebook, but it's not very useful."


"Because you will know when the others arrive tomorrow."

"I'm here to ask you about the outside world, or rather, I'm here to ask about you."


Adri put down his teacup and corrected his sitting posture:
"Then you can ask me any questions you want, and I promise to know everything."

Doflamingo looked at Adrian's playful posture, and the whole person relaxed:
"Father, I'll just say it straight." Doflamingo's voice suddenly lowered, "Father, will you suddenly disappear one day, or go back?"

Adrian showed a slight surprise on his face:

"I didn't expect you to ask this question, my dear child. I'm afraid I won't answer you because I can't even be sure about it. Dove, you know, my soul is It is my body, but my soul is separated from the body. After the separation, our thoughts will start to become independent, but when I return, the two will merge into one. The reason why I say These are just some mechanics to make you understand, but I can assure you."

Adri's face became serious:
"I will stay by your side as long as possible."

When Doflamingo heard this answer, he didn't go any further, but changed the subject:
"Then how long is the limit of your body? If there is no accident, how long can your body last?"

"My body is created by myself, of course it is used to carry my strength, but to have such a perfect body requires a lot of failures. According to theory, this body can last for a full 1000 years Yes, these times are enough for my activities, and what this body has experienced now is less than one-tenth, so don’t worry about it.”

Adri didn't say that he was injured before, anyway, now that he has made up for it, there is no need to add trouble to little Dover. He, an adult, can solve these things by himself.

Doflamingo looked thoughtful:

"I thought you would live forever."

Adrian smiled slightly:
"Immortal? As long as I want to, of course I can. However, I don't have this interest."

For Adri, it doesn't take long to live, and being able to accompany these children is the most important thing. It is very boring to increase life expectancy in vain.

Then some people will definitely say why not just let the children live forever like themselves?This problem, Adriatic will only laugh it off, the reason why people are interesting lies in their limited life and infinite possibilities, besides, Adriatic has his own plan......
"Fufufufur, something that everyone else is asking for, but you are throwing it away. If you let those old guys know about it, they will be pissed off."

"So what, Dover, aren't you also interested in that kind of thing? If you are interested, I have a way..."

Adriatic has his own considerations about pure gold, maybe he will leave a treasure box for his children in the future, which shows the place where pure gold is stored.

"I don't need that thing. Even if I need it, I will find it myself without your help."

Adrian pretended to be distressed and said:

"It's true that the child has grown up and doesn't rely on me anymore."

"Please, I'm in my 40s."

"So what, I'm still a child in my eyes."

Doflamingo showed a slight blue vein on his forehead, but it quickly disappeared, and he controlled himself very well.

For Doflamingo, if only he himself has infinite life, it will be meaningless. If everyone around him dies one by one, what will be left to him is endless loneliness, and he will not like that feeling Yes, Doflamingo knows, despite his ambitions.But family seems to be more important.

Adri looked at Doflamingo.Showing a sincere smile, the child has indeed grown up a bit.

Doflamingo seems to have remembered something:
"By the way, you said before that your body came out after countless failures, so those..."

"You should have guessed something. You are a smart kid. That's right. The bodies of the first-generation coders are all abandoned and failed products. Even if they are failed products, they are not comparable to the bodies of ordinary people. It can even be said that they are Very good failures, which not only guarantee their loyalty, because these failures are made and given to them by me, it also means that the actual control over their bodies belongs to me. How about it, is it what you think? almost."

Doflamingo was silent, which was a little beyond his cognition. His initial guess was that the strangeness of these people was related to Adri. The reason for this was because of some maid guards and numberers in the castle. Faces that never change, they seem to never age, this feature is very similar to Adri, if it is just an example, it is understandable, but this group of people are all connected, then the nature is different.

Adri looked at the thinking Doflamingo indifferently:

"Is there any other question? It seems that you are also interested in the numberers. They and some people in the castle belong to me in the true sense, and they are also gifts from me to my children. They must be absolutely loyal and loyal. Highly capable people are very sought after."

"It's really tempting."

"These are what I left for you, and also for my lovely grandchildren."

"You are really a nice gift."

"However, from the current point of view, my children, including you, don't want these, because you also have people who are trustworthy and can cultivate talents. These are just some guarantees, guaranteeing the most basic things. When you really When no one is available, you can trust them. Or, when I am really gone, they are another layer of protection."

Adrian's voice gradually became softer, but Doflamingo heard every word clearly.

Sure enough, Adri will leave one day.

"Is this an account of your funeral?"

Doflamingo joked, trying to slow down the low breath in the air.

"Forget it, don't worry, I will take care of everything."

(End of this chapter)

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