Adoption of Pirates Doflamingo

Chapter 336 (Key Point) All members arrive and reveal [big chapter]

Chapter 336 (Key Point) All members arrive and reveal [big chapter]

Today's castle is still as peaceful as ever, but behind the calm, it may not be the case.

Enilo's golden ark successfully arrived today and landed in the back mountain.

Luo and Robin have officially arrived.

From this point of view, all the people who should come have come, and this is also a rare time to get together.

Enilo, Robin, and Luo got off the boat. Diana had been preparing for a long time, and led the three towards a gate of the castle:

"The master has been waiting for a long time, and he is waiting for you behind the door."

The huge door was carved with exquisite and weird patterns, giving people a sense of fantasy. Diana was standing by the door with no intention of going in.

Enilo scratched his ears helplessly, pushed the door open and entered.

The thick door has a good texture when pushed. When it touches door 1, a warm current flows through Enilo's body. It is very warm, and the door is easily pushed open.

Both Luo and Robin stayed quietly behind Enel.

The door opened, and a resplendent and elegant room appeared in front of their eyes. Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling, and the gold-sprayed walls and ceiling were carved with lifelike patterns.

The entire floor was covered with valuable pure black crystals. Above the floor was a bright red carpet. On top of the carpet was a conference table. The area was small, but every detail reflected its high price.

The conference table is matched with six chairs. The chairs are covered with dark red velvet blankets. The backs of the exquisite chairs are also equipped with comfortable cushions.

Adri was sitting at the main seat. He was wearing a dark suit and white gloves, with both hands resting on the table. On both sides of him, Rossindi and Doflamingo were already seated. Rossinan Di put his hands in his arms and looked at the few people who came in, while Doflamingo looked foolish, with an imperceptible smile on his face.

Seeing this scene, Enilu didn't say anything, just sat on a chair at random. The strange thing is that the chair unexpectedly fit him, fitting his body, making people feel relaxed and comfortable.

Robin and Luo also noticed the seats of several people inside, and they chose a chair at random to sit down. Luo Xindi winked at Luo, but Luo didn't respond but let Robin choose the seat first. He chose the rest. After all, his seniority here, he is the youngest, so it is better to be more conscious.

To be honest, Luo wondered if Grandpa had sent him the wrong message. There was no one of the same generation as him here, it was hell.And for now, they are the last batch.

Luo sat down obediently, and looked at Doflamingo who was playing beside him. It seemed that Doflamingo was also safely rescued by his grandfather, so Luo was a little relieved.

Adri looked at the people who had arrived, spread his hands, and glanced at the children who were all seated. Except for Luo, who was a little nervous, the rest of them were in good spirits.

"Now that you're all here, I can tell you directly why I called you back this time."

As he spoke, Adri snapped his fingers, and the door slammed shut.

The few people sitting here were not nervous. After all, this is their own home, and they are surrounded by family members. They all looked at Adri who was sitting in the main seat. Adri still looked calm, Soon, Adri's cold voice came:
"I hope you are ready for the next thing. I am not trying to get your consent, but something that has already been decided. I would like to inform you here, and listen to your thoughts by the way."

The attention of several people was extremely concentrated at the moment. They knew that what Adri said must be extremely important, otherwise they would not have specially asked them to come back.

I saw Adri knocked on the table, and saw an instrument rising from the table, and soon a 360-degree model of a virtual building was presented in front of several people without dead ends.

The few people who saw this suddenly built building were not too surprised. Instead, they had different mentalities and focused their attention on the building itself.

The astonishment on Rossindi's face could not be concealed, he bit his chin, trying not to lose his composure.At this moment, his performance was very serious, and he obviously didn't want to see this thing.

There was a flash of madness and displeasure in Doflamingo's eyes, obviously he had thought of something, and he was quite surprised, but he was very interested in this building.

Anilu felt that he had never seen this building, so he didn't seem to care much.

Robin frowned and opened his mouth slightly. He didn't say anything, but looked at the building with a serious expression.

When Luo saw this building, he frowned for the first time, and soon looked at Rossindi and Doflamingo who were present, and finally looked at Adri who was sitting in the main seat.

"Adri, what do you mean?"

Doflamingo spoke first, the corners of his mouth barely raised, and his fingers tapped the gems on the armrest rhythmically.

"Father, you didn't just ask us to come and see this, did you?"

Robin also spoke. She had already thought of something in her mind, but it still needs to be verified.

Only Anilu looked at the faces of several people who were not quite right, and because he was bored, he tentatively touched the virtual model with his hands:

"Where is this building? Why do you all seem to know where it is?"

Rossindi's voice came slowly, and said word by word:

"This is the pinnacle of the Red Earth Continent, the Holy Land, Mary Gioia, where the world government is located, the center of power and the residence of the Tianlong people."

"World government? Draconians? Interesting."

Anilu became a little interested.

Luo has not spoken, or rather, he didn't need to speak at all. His brain is running fast now, trying to figure out the meaning of Grandpa's move.

Doflamingo laughed to himself:
"Furofurfur, Adri, if you want to say something, you'd better not keep it a secret, I can hardly restrain myself."

"Dover, you will be very happy knowing this, remember what you told me when you were ten years old?"

"Ten years old? Who will remember."

"Since those present are all my dear children, they must know more or less about Rosie and Dover, and my goal this time is the Holy Land, Mary Gioia, I plan to attack there directly Seize the political power there. Directly replace the world government to establish a new master to rule the world, occupy Mary Qiaoya, and drive the Tianlong people from the altar, and this is my gift to you——my dear children.”

Adri's tone was very flat, as if he was talking about an ordinary trivial matter.

Doflamingo knew that Adri was here for real. If it was changed before, he would think that Adri was crazy, but after learning about Adri's identity, he didn't think so. His laughter Echoing throughout the room, he knew that Adrian could do it, and he wasn't joking. This might be an extremely easy task for Adrian.He also remembered the meaning of what Adri said.Adrian is going to vent his anger on him.Although Doflamingo wants to come by himself, or he himself has given up hope on this matter.But now Adri's words made him a little upset:
"Fufurfurfur, furfurfurfurfur, furfurfurfurfur, what are you, Adri, I don't need..."

"Little Dover, since your fate is over, I think it's time to do this, just to let them linger for a while. Your current identities are time bombs, and there will be strikes sooner or later. Besides, as Father must consider this for your safety. Besides, don't you want them to pay the price?"

Doflamingo didn't continue to say anything, but a madness flashed in his eyes, maybe if he made a big fuss with his father, his knot might be untied.

Rossindi still looked at his father in disbelief. He tried to see signs of joking on Adri's face, but it was a pity that Adri's light and indifferent eyes faced him.Although he knew some things about his father, in Rosindi's view, his father must have some concerns, and it is impossible to have no restrictions at all. He still felt that his father was a little impulsive in doing so.Although it had been expected long ago, the deviation from his imagination was quite large.

Enilo got up directly:
"Are you going to fight! I am good at it, and I am worthy of being the father of a god. Your behavior can be called what a god should do! Crush those ants! Subvert this world!"

Adrian signaled Enilo to calm down a little:
"Children, I don't intend to let you participate in this war. Of course, if you want to play, I will agree, but this is a gift from me after all. I still think it might be better to do it myself."

Robin, who was present, looked at his elder brothers, including Adri. From their point of view, it seemed that the Holy Land was already in their hands. In his opinion, his father was very powerful, but would this gift not be too sudden? Bin didn't believe in her father's strength, mainly because in her opinion, the gift from her father was a little troublesome, and Robin didn't think she liked it very much:

"Father, can't we exchange gifts? This gift is so troublesome."

Robin looked disgusted.

Luo can be said to be the only one who finds it unbelievable. What is the situation? Why did the grandfather make this suggestion, and the others did not stop it. It seems that Ai Nilu also wants to do it in person. It is fine if the aunt does not stop it. , Is the point here!Obviously not!Why does it feel like everyone other than him is abnormal!Is it his problem or their problem.Luo's mouth was already wide open, and even his face was covered with black lines. At this moment, what he wanted to complain about was even more serious than the original alliance with the Straw Hats.No, my attention should be on Grandpa attacking the Holy Land, not complaining.

But Luo looked at every confident guy present, it was really hard to believe, what should he do now, should he speak up, will he appear to be out of group!

Luo could only look at his father for help, and Luo Xidi looked at Luo's gaze, but he looked calm and calm:

"Father, is this matter too hasty?"

Seeing that Rosindi finally opened his mouth, Luo breathed a sigh of relief, it was normal and right.

"I think we can prepare for two years before proceeding with this plan."

Luo Xindi's words almost dislocated Luo's jaw, no!Father!Shouldn't you be against this matter?That's against the world government!Have you not considered this matter!Why do you just feel that the time is wrong!Father didn't understand what he meant at all!Why does everyone in their family look so confident? Did they miss something?Have you time-traveled yourself?Will I be out of group like this!See which one of the behaviors around you is the performance of normal people!
Anilo's excitement
Rossinanti's Meditations

The Madness of Doflamingo
Robin's disgust

Adri's Calm
What the hell is this!
None of these are normal behaviors, they shouldn't behave like this when they hear the news!Do you think that the world government is for nothing!Why do you all look like you are sure to win!Sure enough, the world is crazy!

Luo was already in a daze, and his thinking at the moment couldn't keep up at all.

But in fact, Doflamingo, Rosinandi and Enel did it based on knowing Adri's identity, Robin did it based on their trust in their father, and only Luo, the poor child, was kept in the dark.His worldview has not been subverted yet, so it is still somewhat unacceptable.

He even forgot to say a word to refute the question.

Adri looked at his children with satisfaction. Except for Luo, who looked stupid, the rest of them were in a good mood.

"Robin, if you don't like this gift, I'll give you another gift next time. Anyway, if you don't like the gifts in the world, there are always things you like in this world. How about this? I'll ask someone to try it out. I will give you the text of Qi’s history as a gift, don’t worry.”

Luo is also speechless at the moment, doesn't grandpa know that those important red historical texts are in the hands of the Four Emperors, which is almost as difficult as winning the world government!Grandpa, don't you think about it!It's still a bragging scene!Obviously, poor Luo doesn't seem to know the relationship between Adri and the Four Emperors. He can get the main text of the history by playing a little trick.

Robin simply refused:

"No, I don't want it, I want to collect it myself."

Luo is too lazy to complain, he is almost exhausted from the inner drama.

He felt that the psychological shock was a bit heavy today, and he needed to take it easy. If conditions allowed, he would feel like leaning against the wall to vomit blood.

Rossindi continued to raise his point, and Doflamingo seemed to have a lot to say.

Adri snapped his fingers, the door opened suddenly, and several people came in one after another.

"These are the people in charge of various departments. They will tell you the relevant information, including the battle plan, so if you have any questions, it's not too late to mention them after they finish talking."

As several people stood behind Adri in an orderly manner, they began to explain the parts they were responsible for one by one.

After several people finished explaining, they stood motionless behind Adri and said nothing, waiting for the young masters and ladies to ask questions.

"Furofurfur, Adri, it seems that you have done a lot of things without telling us."

Doflamingo cast a look at Adri, and Adri opened his mouth and said:

"You didn't ask me again."

"Father, your pen is a little big. According to your method, it seems possible to succeed."

"The main key to doing this is force. Is there no problem with the navy?"

Robin asked while holding his head.

"Don't worry about the navy. If you are worried, I can tell you that I have already greeted some people in the navy. Don't worry."

This sentence was said by Adrian.

"However, some people in the world government belong to you, so this world government really failed, furofurafur, it's interesting to think about it."

"Father, you still have to pay attention to those people in CP0, those people are not easy to deal with."

"Don't worry, the numberers will deal with them."

Luo looked at them in disbelief, shouldn't they be surprised that Grandpa's power has penetrated so seriously!This is simply not something that can be done by conventional means, but if what Grandpa Adri said is true, it will be very terrifying.

Because Grandpa Adrian controls the kings of many countries that joined the world government, this means something!If Adri successfully snatches the power of the world government, some kings will support it unconditionally!Not to mention that there are still many countries that have made friends with the Xinghai Chamber of Commerce. If the battle situation has been determined, the problem of how to tie up this group of world government alliance countries is not big, or even unimportant, and there is no need to worry too much about this alliance. , as long as some benefits are given, compared with the original ruling treatment of the Tianlong people, then everything is easy to say, and it will even arouse a lot of support.

Benefits are essential.

Secondly, there is a group of people in the middle and high positions in the world government who are also Adri’s grandfather. They are either brainwashed by Adri, or controlled by Adri, or they are Adri’s people. , what is involved is not simple.At least if Adri's side seizes the government, the world government institutions obtained will be relatively complete.

Secondly, Adri also directly disclosed the news that Kibson belonged to him. Maybe the name is strange, but his title is definitely known, that is, the owner of the storage industry, one of the underground emperors!He is in control of the supply of goods, but in fact, as early as several years ago, he had to join Adri's Star Sea Chamber of Commerce because of the monopoly of Adri's Star Sea Chamber of Commerce and under Adri's coercion and lure. party.Although on the surface, it still maintains the appearance of being opposite to Adri to confuse everyone.

The next one is the undertaker with big hands, one of the underground emperors who has no news recently, Piecolo. Let someone share his cake.So this poor Pieroc's business was taken over by the Hunter's Guild and merged, but it was all done in the dark and no outsiders knew about it.

Next is the Queen of Happy Street who was recently controlled by Adri. In this way, more than half of the six underground emperors plus Doflamingo belong to Adri's side, and this is still hidden in the dark In fact, Adri may have more.

This information is only known to those who are present now. In addition to Adri's family members, they are also Adri's absolute confidants.

Luo didn't know what words to use to describe his thoughts now, and he still knew about the mission of the Golden Emperor. He was a person who controlled a part of the world's wealth, and he belonged to Grandpa Adri.

It's too scary to have all of this connected in series on one person!

Or it should be said that Grandpa Adri is hiding too deeply!
That's enough to shake up world governments.

And as far as grandpa's plan is concerned, he intends to attack first and then play, to capture Marie Gioia, where the World Government is located, with one blow, and then notify the whole world.

This also means that Grandpa only intends to make a quick decision, and he does not intend to declare war. Anyway, saving Doflamingo is almost the same, and Adri is too lazy to waste too much combat power in a time-consuming and long-term war. Go straight to Huanglong!

Doflamingo, who had thought it through now, also changed from playful to serious and silent.

Only Anilu didn't realize how big this matter was.

Robin really didn't expect his father to have such a big hand.

Rossindi was also lost in thought, especially when he knew that Adri had a large research room. He said that he had stayed in the castle for so many years, and he had never seen Adri mention it. What the hell, he had been in the past few years for nothing. .

"Children, if you have any questions, you should ask them as soon as possible, while everyone is here, if there is anything you don't understand."

"Adrey, I'm fine. I just want to say, can I go together? I want to witness those pigs die with my own eyes."

Doflamingo revealed his ruthlessness, and looked at Rossindi again:

"Rosie, do you want to be together? This is a good opportunity for revenge and let them understand that deporting us was the decision they regret the most."

Rossindi lowered his head, as if he was still thinking about something, as if hesitating.

Enilo was the first to stand up:

"Then I will participate too. I can't help but blow that place called Marie Gioia to pieces! Father, please let me play too!"

"Father, do you need my help? If necessary, my partner can postpone it a little bit."

Robin also asked, if her father needs it, she can do it too.

"To be honest, it doesn't matter if you participate. Even if you don't participate, you just need to wait for the news of the world government's change of ownership. But in order to avoid accidents, I still hope that you can go together."

Adri has a plan for this matter, which is to avoid a situation and prepare for the worst.

"Then let me go too."

said Robin.

For a long time, Luo didn't intervene, mainly because he felt that Grandpa had the possibility of success now, and the weight was not small.

Luo also raised his hand and planned to go together. His own strength is not bad, and it may be useful at critical moments.

"Luo, forget it, you go tell Luffy, I'll be late."

Luo felt that he was disgusted. Maybe Aunt Robin thought he was a child, but he was already in his twenties!

Adri didn't comment on this, he followed the children's own ideas.

Robin was also considered under the influence of Luffy. She didn't want to delay Luffy's side because of herself, at least let Luo go back to help Luffy.

Rossindi spoke at this time:

"Then father, when is the time you set this time?"

 I coded a lot today, and even gave me an illusion that I can finish it within five pictures, but I hope to slow down the pace as much as possible and try to write a good ending.The first time is coming to an end, and I am still a little excited.

(End of this chapter)

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