Reincarnation of the Heavens: Starting from Hong Kong Comprehensive

Chapter 127 The black hand appears (additional update, 15)

Chapter 127 The black hand appears (additional update, 15)

There were only four people left in the spacious living room.

A good show is about to start.

However, these have nothing to do with Meng Fan. He needs to have a straight-to-the-point talk with Master Ren.

In the study upstairs.

The butler brought a tea set and some traditional snacks, bowed his body and left, closing the door behind him.

Before leaving, he noticed that his master's expression was not quite right.

"My dad...has he really transformed into a corpse?"

“It can’t be fake, Mr. Ren lifted the lid of the coffin twice in a row in the Yizhuang morgue last night.

This kind of strength would make even a 30-year-old man feel ashamed when he saw it. "

Poor people are buried in a thin coffin, but officials and wealthy businessmen are different. The heavier, the better. Before his death, Ren Weiyong was both a senior official and a well-known rich man in Guangdong and Guangxi. The coffin was made of pure gold, so it was not light. More than a thousand pounds.

Otherwise, there is no need to dispatch so many helpers when lifting the coffin.

It can lift the lid of a coffin that weighs more than two hundred catties, if you get up and strangle your neck...

Ren Fa shuddered.

"Why don't you cremate my father?"

The filial son finally couldn't pretend anymore.

"No need, no need."

Meng Fan took a sip of tea, held the old fox firmly, and said calmly: "Are you willing to send Mr. Ren to another place for burial? It is not easy to raise dragonflies here."

"To put it bluntly, the creation of heaven and earth within a hundred miles nearby has almost been taken away by the old man's previous tomb. If you want to find a suitable new hiding place, you can only try your luck in several surrounding counties."

After saying so many words in one breath, Meng Fan drank all the tea in the small cup.

The best Pu'er...

While feeling emotional, Ren Fa couldn't help but ask:
"Is it useful to change the burial place? My father can even lift the lid of such a thick coffin, let alone a layer of earth and stone."

After all, when Meng Fan first talked about the matter, he had already stated that zombies have a crazy obsession with flesh and blood relatives, which can be sensed even thousands of miles away.

Ren Fa didn't dare to think that when he opened his eyes one night, he saw his father suddenly standing at the head of the bed, and then he pounced on him, biting him with sharp teeth.

"In my opinion, it is better to burn my father. Burn him immediately. The sooner the better."

Who said in public yesterday that his father was afraid of fire and must not be burned?
If this were the case, the uncle wouldn't have to look for a burial place with a strong Yang Qi.

Seeing that the tea in Meng Fan's cup was empty, Corporal Renfa Lixian took the initiative to fill it up.

At this time, Meng Fan continued: "At first, we planned to find a geomantic treasure land specially designed to restrain zombies, and set up formations, suppress them with Five Emperors' Money, and use our time to kill them little by little."

After hearing this, Master Ren really wanted to regret it and changed his mind and said that this was a good idea.

But Meng Fan's next sentence made him break through his defense again.

"To be honest, there is no way to guard against thieves for a thousand days. For such a long time, even if there is a little accident in the middle, all the efforts will be wasted and disaster will arise."

"Jie Shi, you may not have time to ask a Taoist to suppress the corpse disaster."

Having said that, what else is there to say? Do you want a false reputation, or do you want a small life?

Let your choice follow your heart.

They secretly burned the bones and put the ashes back into the coffin for a second burial. The coffin was so thick and heavy that it would be impossible for outsiders to discover it.

It's done!

"I didn't expect that my father would turn into a corpse. To prevent the villagers from suffering any disaster, let's burn him as soon as possible."

"My father was the most educated and wise man in his lifetime, and he read many books of sages. If he knew something from me, he would definitely be very happy."

After talking about the situation, Meng Fan understood what he meant and nodded: "Master Ren is so upright and upright, I admire you from this generation."

"My uncle and I will definitely not say anything about this matter."

"Thank you for your help."

Ren Fa didn't say how much he would pay in person, but the lean camel was bigger than the horse. The original reward was two hundred dragon yang, but now he had secretly changed it to ten small yellow croakers.

After all, he has seen what Taoists are capable of in the past 20 years.

Therefore, dirty tricks must not be used, otherwise if someone becomes ruthless, not only one generation will be unlucky, but even the eighteenth generation will be affected! "Master Ren, I have another unkind request."

Meng Fan put down his tea cup with a serious look on his face.

"Please say."

Ren Fa's expression froze, not daring to neglect.

"Follow me to Yizhuang in a while, and verify that what I said is true. This will benefit everyone, so as not to cause any misunderstandings in the future."

"..." Master Ren did not answer.

But that's one answer.

"Don't worry, I will definitely protect you when the time comes." Meng Fan promised.

Ren Fa refused again: "I believe in the character of Taoist Meng and Uncle Jiu, just give them a notification on the day of cremation."

Eventually, the two went downstairs.

After a conversation, a lot of trouble was saved.

In fact, in the previous conversation, Meng Fan did not say anything:
Where did Ren Weiyong come from?

Zombies do not enter reincarnation, and heaven and earth hate them.

If he could be reincarnated, his physical body would not turn into a zombie, and his soul would probably have been dispersed by the Feng Shui master back then. Otherwise, why would he be unable to breathe?

I'm afraid that the Feng Shui master is trying to kill him and let him know the truth after his death. The family will not be able to prosper, but will gradually decline.


Ren Tingting's cry sounded.

Captain Ah Wei took off his clothes without being controlled, then chased Ren Tingting up the stairs, and sat on the wooden handrail, saying with a grimace:

"Uncle, I want to drink tea."

Just in time for the ending of the famous scene.

Meng Fan looked at Captain Awei who had been knocked out of his wits, and secretly laughed in his heart, then said seriously:

"Master Ren, I'll take my leave."

"Let me see you off." Ren Fa said.

"You are an elder, please stay. Otherwise, when I return to Yizhuang, my uncle will blame me for not knowing etiquette."

How could Meng Fan let the other party see him off? Wen Cai had taken off his pants and was hiding outside.


With laughter and boasting, Meng Fan walked out of the door.

In the courtyard, Wencai was already dressed, and Qiu Sheng was holding back a smile beside him.

Uncle Jiu was not around, and no one taught them a lesson. Meng Fan just put his palm on the back of Wencai's heart, used his mana to urge him, and forced out the talisman.

"Brother, how to deal with this thing?"

"Let it go."

"This Captain Awei is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Keep a guard against him."

Based on the original plot, Meng Fan made a rational decision.

But the next moment, his expression suddenly changed.

Without explaining anything, it directly opens the first door of the human body and builds a Bagua disk that moves with you.

Flying on the ground, overlooking everything.

Jump ten meters high, slide forward seven or eight feet, tap the ground gently, and repeat the above actions.

In the eyes of Master Ren and others, this is already flying.

And some passers-by on the street noticed that there were figures who couldn't see clearly walking against the wind on the roof, and they knelt down one after another, shouting that the gods would appear.

Meng Fan didn't care about this.

The formation that was set up before leaving was moved!
(End of this chapter)

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