Reincarnation of the Heavens: Starting from Hong Kong Comprehensive

Chapter 128 Who holds the flag? (Additional update, 25)

Chapter 128 Who holds the flag? (Additional update, 25)

Inside Yizhuang.

From time to time, there was a low roar similar to that of a wild animal, and at the same time, firelight poured out from the window of the morgue.

Meng Fan galloped at full speed.

The principle is simple: with the help of strong physical strength and quality, and the use of the power of the Five Elements and Bagua, the body becomes light and free, so as to achieve the concept of almost flying in the eyes of mortals.

In fact, he wanted Feng Xu Yufeng to go only six, seven hundred meters at most, which was just over a mile, before he would run out of mana and collapse on the ground, ready to be slaughtered.

Therefore, Meng Fan kept tapping his toes on the ground, using force and slightly lowering his height to save physical energy and mana.

Less than half an hour.

He traveled through a ten-mile-long residential area of ​​the town and arrived at Yizhuang, located on the outskirts of the city.

"It really happened."

Looking at the Dharma flags fluttering in the hidden place without the wind, Meng Fan thought with a thought, calmed down the surging fire element in the morgue, and put away the formation flags one by one.

After doing all this, he pushed the door open and entered.

The fishy wind blows in the face.


Meng Fan directly punched, and a sharp golden energy covered his arm. Almost the moment it was blasted out, a golden sound sounded, and Old Master Ren flew out backwards and hit the brick wall straight up.

Immediately afterwards, a corpse suppressing talisman flew out.

The moment it was placed on the forehead, a faint light emerged from the yellow talisman.

Obviously, ordinary talismans can't hold down for too long.

But for Meng Fan, this time was enough. A sharp aura emerged from his thumb, gently swiping across the center of his middle finger.

Blood seeps.

There was a red spot on Old Master Ren's forehead, and his arms as hard as steel were lowered.

The Taoist's blood has many magical effects. From the most powerful to the most yang, the higher the cultivation level and the stronger the blood energy, the better the effect. When the body is full of magic power, even the saliva spit out can kill demons and demons.

As for Meng Fan's magical power, his uncle Jiu and his four eyes all said it was strong, and his foundation was extremely solid. In addition, Zhou Cang, the step commander of Dantianfu Demon Academy, taught him the body-building technique originated from Emperor Guan, as well as the first human body discipline. Open……

Frankly speaking, if this kind of physical body and magic power are combined together, and the blood enters the realm very quickly, the blood on the fingertips can be said to have miraculous effects.



Wencai and Qiu Sheng hurried back to Yizhuang on the fast horses raised by the Ren family.

"How could Mr. Ren pick up the corpse?" Qiu Sheng's face was full of disbelief.

Looking at the coffins scattered on the ground and burned by the fire, Wencai was equally incredulous and half-defended:

"I played so seriously yesterday, there is no way I could have forgotten anything. The old man must have been too cruel and forcibly broke the ink cord!"


Qiu Sheng agreed.

Looking away from the mess on the ground, Meng Fan whispered: "This beast has initially developed spiritual intelligence. It is dawn now, and there is no way it can break the seal rashly."

Talk and hide half.

After all, they are going to use it to practice Wencai and Qiu Sheng. If the two guys guess the truth through a few words and refuse to fight hard, then what's the point?

However, just a few words were enough for the two of them to make up their minds.

"Brother, is there someone secretly rescuing the zombies?"

"Ordinary people will not touch this thing when they are full. They don't even dare to stop at the gate of Yizhuang..."

Listening to the analysis of the two men, Meng Fan almost had the answer in his mind.After everyone left Yizhuang, someone came in. After realizing that there was a formation in the morgue, they immediately remotely controlled Mrs. Ren who was lying in the coffin to let him out.

As for how to contain the zombies after they come out and prevent them from being burned by the sun, you have to ask the person hiding behind the scenes.

It is true that the most taboo thing is to be preconceived and make conclusions in advance, but Meng Fan still targeted the young Taoist he met on the way down the mountain that evening.

So suspicious!

This person appeared at this juncture, and not long after, the zombies who instinctively avoided the daytime also chose to break out of the coffin uncharacteristically.

A descendant of the feng shui master back then?

In order for his descendants to successfully obtain a zombie with great potential, he arranged means in advance. This... does make sense.

At this thought, Meng Fan decisively took action, like playing with a doll, picking up Mr. Ren, who was exuding corpse odor and black mist, with one hand, and began to inspect it from top to bottom.

Threads of mana penetrated through the official robe and skin, and penetrated continuously.

The zombie's limbs were already stiff, and Ren Weiyong's foundation was uncommon, and all his official aura turned into corpse aura. Therefore, Meng Fan's mana penetrated into it, at most an inch and a half into the body, and he could no longer explore deeper.

But even so, he still detected an oval-shaped object three inches below the corpse's throat.

Under the stimulation of mana, it can still squirm!

As for the specific shape, we have to cut it open to know.

Because the zombie's throat has a mouthful of corpse gas formed over many years, which is sinister and evil. Trying to let it pass through the throat and crawl out of the mouth is nothing more than a dream.

Of course, this also confirmed that the contents inside had already been put in before Mr. Ren was placed in the coffin, or not long after he was buried, before a large amount of corpse air blocked his throat.

"Literary Qiusheng, you go find a thin coffin in the open space outside."

"Yes, senior brother." They both spoke at the same time.

Yizhuang is originally a place where corpses are parked. Many poor people do not have money to bury their relatives and family members. They can store the corpses here by giving them anything, and then take them away for burial after they find ways to raise enough money.

So, there are a lot of thin coffins out there.

"Evil will be rewarded with evil, it's not that there will be no reward, the time has not yet come."

"Old Master, you were domineering and domineering in life. I didn't expect that the retribution after death would be so fierce. First, your soul was shattered. You couldn't hold back your breath and turned into a zombie who was plotted by others."

Meng Fan shook his head and put the corpse-killing charm on the area where the blood spots were on his fingertips, and said with emotion:
"Right now, I have to lie down in a thin coffin where other corpses have slept. If I had known this, why would I do it in the first place?"

After the words fell, there was movement outside the door.

Immediately afterwards, Wen Cai, who had regained his composure, continued to raise a coffin and cooperated with Qiu Sheng to carry a coffin into the morgue.

Afterwards, Meng Fan threw the suppressed Ren Weiyong inside and said, "You two cover it with a coffin board and take it out to bask in the sun to get rid of the evil spirit."

Wen Cai seemed to think that Meng Fan was trying to be lazy, so he couldn't help but ask: "Brother, where are you?"

"Open the altar, draw the talisman, bless the chicken blood, and ink the ink stick. When the time comes, you can continue to play."

"Huh? The coffin is so heavy. After moving it in and carrying it out, it ends up..."

Hearing this, Wen Cai was a little reluctant.

At this time, Qiu Sheng covered his mouth.

Even if you are unwilling to carry a coffin or play an ink fountain, how can you slay demons and promote the Maoshan heritage in the future?
Meng Fan sighed secretly in his heart.

To be honest, the character of Wencai is really not suitable for practicing Taoism. He should be a rich country squire, sleeping all day long and teasing girls...

While the two of them were contributing, it was not that senior brother Meng Fan was doing nothing. On the contrary, whether it was suppressing zombies or other follow-up matters, he was responsible for it, and he was the busiest.

However, we are all of the same generation, and it is useless to talk too much. Maybe the scholar will dislike himself for talking too much.

Uncle Jiu’s apprentice, he knows how to teach.


(End of this chapter)

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