Chapter 220

A strange Taoist like Xiao Xuanfeng Chai Jin.

that's all.

This is Brother Xun's entire impression of Meng Fan.

The reason why it was strange was that this young Taoist had actually studied abroad. At the dinner party, his English was no worse than that of a professional interpreter, which was really eye-opening.

"Sir, lead the way."

After helping the salesman up from the ground and watching him leave with the pole, Meng Fan said.

"Master, please."

After the two of them got to know each other a little, they were able to joke around in small talk.

"I heard from my friends that every autumn and winter here in the capital, smoke and dust choke my nose. I don't know how to survive this year."

A gust of wind blew, and Brother Xun, who was smoking, took a mouthful of sand and couldn't help but sigh:

"Ahem! Ahem, it's better to go back home to Shaoxing."


Meng Fan put another label on him.

During this period, the two talked a lot.

What impressed me the most was:

If gods really exist, why do they just watch the people fall into dire straits?
It's a spicy question.

After thinking for a while, Meng Fan used the explanation given to him by his master, Taoist Qianhe: "When the sky sends out murderous intentions, the stars move to different places; when the earth sends out murderous intentions, dragons and snakes rise from the ground; when humans send out murderous intentions, the heaven and earth turn upside down."

There was no mention of the Age of Dharma Ending.

Brother Xun was not very satisfied with this answer, but he did not criticize it. After all, his current combat effectiveness has not yet been formed and is still being accumulated.

After that, the two deliberately avoided heavy topics and only talked about the scenery of the capital and various delicacies.

One is from Hong Kong Island and has eaten various traditional Cantonese delicacies as well as delicacies that are a fusion of Eastern and Western cuisine.

Another one... A hidden foodie in the Republic of China, he had two major hobbies in his life:
buy books.


As time goes by, I feel more and more like I regret meeting you too late.

“The restaurants here are roughly divided into noodle shops that sell steamed buns, dumplings, noodles and other pasta; meat shops that sell pork and mutton; small restaurants that are not large; medium-sized restaurants that can handle weddings and weddings, and banquets; and there are also restaurants that can open at the same time. A big restaurant with one or two hundred banquet tables and its own stage."

"Haitianchun on Xuannei Street is a second-rate meat shop, so I definitely can't go there. Last month, my colleagues and I packed lunch there.

Four people ate together, four kinds of dishes per meal, and it cost five yuan a month. As a result, the shopkeeper was cheating and cheating. He charged the food fee, but the food got worse and worse. Really!well! "

Brother Xun stopped talking, but kept reminding Meng Fan that when he went to play nearby, he must not go to Haichun to eat, so as not to take advantage of the evil shopkeeper.

Then, I started to introduce Liulichang.

For some reason, Meng Fan always felt that whoever lived here for a long time would become eloquent, and all kinds of allusions came out almost without thinking.

It turns out that Liulichang was originally a place where glazed tiles were fired for the construction of palaces. During the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty, after the outer city wall was built, the factory was wrapped in the city. However, the smell of the kiln was too pungent, so it had to be moved to the Liuli River in Fangshan.

Many students from all over the country came to Beijing to take exams nearby. The old factory gradually developed into a cultural distribution center integrating books, antiques, inscriptions, and the Four Treasures of the Study. It has a history of hundreds of years.

"I used to hear that there were quite a lot of classics in Liulichang, so I thought that was the case, but now I have a look and it turns out that there are indeed some strange books."

According to Brother Xun's own account, in the first week after arriving in Beijing this year, after settling in a little, he immediately went to Liulichang with his hometown friends, visited ancient book shops, and purchased a total of seven books at a cost of five yuan and eighty cents.

From then on, I became even more addicted to it and found it difficult to extricate myself.

"Today I will receive a subsidy of 60 yuan, so I must buy a few more treasures!"

Meng Fan couldn't help but laugh when he heard the lofty words.It turns out you are such a master.

Before they knew it, the two of them had arrived at Liulichang Street. In fact, this place was far from grand. There was only a three-story Western-style building called the Commercial Press, and the rest were all Chinese-style shops. The facades were not too big either. There are also yards for living behind each house.

In addition, shops generally do not have the Western shop-style display windows that became popular in later generations, nor do they have upper rows of door panels like Jiangnan shops. Instead, they have doors and windows.

Along the way, Meng Fan discovered that the more fashionable windows were equipped with various colors of glass, while the more old-fashioned ones had glass at the bottom and window paper on top.

Since it is winter now, many shop owners have started to replace the window paper with black and blue cotton door curtains.

"Is there anything the Taoist wants to buy?"

"Yes, purchase some Qin half liang and Han five baht."

"With the money of the Five Emperors?"

Brother Xun has read a lot of miscellaneous books and has lived in the countryside, so he is no stranger to some strange news.

"That's right, let's see if there are any other good things." Meng Fan nodded.

After all, he is just a passerby.

After finishing the peak game, Misty reminded him that he could return to Hong Kong Island at any time, but Meng Fan still had some important matters to deal with or participate in.

Unlike later generations, it is easier to collect the Five Emperors' money here. If you can make a money sword and bring it back to the guys in the same department to use it to increase their combat effectiveness, it would be a good thing.

"Taoist Master, remember to be careful when buying toys. Don't miss it. The water is very deep here."

"I know, see you soon."

One person was buying books and the other was buying cultural relics and antiques. The directions were different, so they were separated for a short time.

water depth?

The counterfeiting industry has been around since ancient times. The techniques for counterfeiting cultural relics and antiques in the early Republic of China were probably no worse than the technology and ruthless work of later generations, but Meng Fan didn't care.

On this street, cultural relics may not necessarily be magical artifacts, but magical artifacts must be cultural relics.

He could tell at a glance that the latter was false and could not be true.

There are vases and tripods on the antique shop’s mahogany multi-treasure cupboard; there are various calligraphy and paintings, vertical scrolls, and couplets hung on the calligraphy and painting shop; and there are all kinds of ink boxes, paperweights, and pen holders on the ink cartridge shop shelves...

An authentic picture of Zhong Kui painted by Wu Daozi.

Spend five taels of gold.

The store owner was not sure whether it was authentic, but was sure it had a certain history and was an old thing. Therefore, he asked for a very high price and would not sell it unless it was 20 taels. However, Meng Fan haggle all the way until the lowest price was [-] taels.

Afterwards, Meng Fan stopped briefly in front of a shop and saw a gold-plated silver sachet from the Tang Dynasty. The outer wall was made of silver. It was spherical in shape and hollowed out. It was evenly divided into two hemispheres with the middle horizontal line as the boundary. Between the upper and lower spheres, Snap-on buckles.

Due to the various mechanical rings and the internal gravity of the golden bowl, the incense bowl can always maintain balance and the spices inside will not spill.

I originally thought about buying it as a gift to Amin, but then I thought about it. There is only one origin for this kind of thing:
burial objects.

Brought out of the ground by thieves.

It is true that Meng Fan can cast spells and easily resolve the evil spirits above, but the implication is ultimately not good, so he simply gives up and focuses on buying ancient coins such as Qin banliang, Han five baht, and Tang Kaiyuan Tongbao.

Back then in Hong Kong Island, these things were really rare, and only the Little Five Emperors' Money could scrape them together.

Later, I bought a lot of them at the market in Renjia Town and finally made a magic sword.

Now... in stock!
It is not an exaggeration to say that. Due to the time and geographical location, the price of ancient coins in Liulichang has not been skyrocketed. The Qin Banliang is slightly more expensive, but it is still within the acceptable range.

 There are many buildings with elegant names in the Shaoxing County Museum, such as "Yangji Hall", "Wenghua Villa", "Green Bamboo Boat", "Bushu Bookstore", "Xian Pavilion", etc., but the actual living environment is far from as graceful as the names.On the first night Zhou Shuren lived in the "Tenghua Villa", he was attacked by thirty or forty bed bugs, so that he had to move to the table to sleep.

  Until four years later, when he moved into Bu Shu Bookstore, the environment was quiet and quiet, but a woman did hang under the locust tree, which made him feel sad...

  ps. If you don’t write about the Republic of China in depth, it’s easy to provoke the mythical beast. There will be another transitional chapter, which should be added at night.

(End of this chapter)

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