Reincarnation of the Heavens: Starting from Hong Kong Comprehensive

Chapter 221 3 Hum the Sutra (Additional update)

Chapter 221 Three Hum Sutras (Additional update)

at night.

The lights are on.

"Thread-bound books are really unaffordable. The price of printed editions during the Qianlong period is the same as that of the Song edition. It is said that the price of Ming edition novels will skyrocket in a while... As for the books banned in the Qing Dynasty, they only cost tens of yuan last month, and now they cost more than a hundred yuan. .”

"It seems that if you go to the second-hand bookstore in the future, you should not think too much about this kind of treasure book."

Brother Xun shook his head and sighed.

When his eyes fell on Meng Fan, he saw that he had collected a large number of ancient coins and an ancient painting. He secretly sighed in his heart and became more and more curious about how much financial resources he had.

As we all know, the life of the literati in the early Republic of China was very easy. Brother Xun was on official salary and only received half of his salary every month, which was only 120 and a half yuan.

But at Ershipu, Haichunchun, you can eat four dishes for a meal, and the monthly subscription only costs five yuan.

In addition, there are various perks.

Brother Xun received 60 yuan today and came to Liulichang to buy books with great interest. However, he lamented that his family was poor and completely stopped thinking about ancient books.

However, Meng Fan bought so many things on ancient coins and ancient relics that cost more money, which is too extravagant.

However, he didn't ask too much.

The two of them came to a restaurant, went up to the second floor, and sat down near the window.

"I have tasted so many restaurants and restaurants, but the bean juice here has the best taste. It is smelly but fragrant. How about giving it a try, Taoist Priest?"

"Forget it, don't even mention drinking it. Just smelling it makes me want to vomit. Let's have a bowl of fried noodles and order two or three of the signature dishes."

"Okay, then your life will be half as fun. I'll treat you to some Shaoxing rice wine and some fennel beans in a few days."

"Brother Xun, do you know how many ways to write the word fennel for fennel bean?"


At the moment, Brother Xun has not yet engaged in writing, so he naturally does not understand the meaning of the joke. He just lamented that Meng Fan was thinking outside the box. He said fennel beans, and he immediately asked how many ways to write the word fennel.

In fact, in the next few years, Brother Xun will be working quietly as a civil servant, visiting Liulichang, being a gourmet, and copying ancient monuments alone at night, even on New Year's Eve.

Because rubbings are the cheapest among ancient books, postcards, and antiques, when visiting Liulichang, I would buy some along the way and copy them at home to pass the time, similar to hiding in a small building to make a uniform.

It wasn’t until one day, a few years later, that I was awakened by an old friend and started to create.

[Beasts always walk alone, but cattle and sheep come in groups]

[Wearing the mask for too long will cause it to grow on your face. If you want to take it off again, you will have to break your muscles and bones to peel off the skin]

【In the midst of Hao Ge's enthusiasm, I got cold; I saw the abyss in the sky】

[I looked up the history and found that there is no chronology in this history. The words benevolence, justice and morality are written crookedly on every page.I couldn't sleep anyway, so I read carefully for half the night, and then I saw the words between the words. There were two words written all over the book...]

These articles will slowly appear after at least six years.

"Alas, what the Taoist said reminded me of a man named Master Meng from my hometown. His real name has been lost. He read books, but finally did not enter school. He also did not know how to make a living, so he was so poor that he begged for food and copied books for others.

When he was extremely poor, he sneaked into the study to steal things, but was caught. He insisted that he was "stealing" books and could not be considered stealing... He often went to Xianheng Hotel to have drinks. He may have lived nearby, but no one knew about it.Later, he put it on the ground with a cattail bag and used his hands to support himself while walking..."

"He told me that there are four ways to write fen."

Brother Xun was full of emotions. While recalling the past, he dipped his fingers in soy juice and started writing seriously.

Meng Fan only hated that he didn't have tools to keep this video.

After all, Brother Xun writes the character "fennel" himself. Isn't this a famous scene?

After he finished, he sighed, looked at the four characters for fennel written in different ways, picked up a chopstick of pickles, and continued to enjoy the bean juice he had been thinking about.

The only thing in the world that cannot be disappointed is food.

Unfortunately, Meng Fan really couldn't bear it. He felt like vomiting when he smelled the smell from a distance.

The two started chatting in different directions again.

Perhaps the nighttime atmosphere was in place, and Meng Fan had promised to go to the guild hall to visit, so Brother Xun asked him if he had any weird experiences in the past.

It is naturally boring to talk about the past dryly, and half-truths are best. Therefore, after telling stories one after another, Meng Daochang quickly gained loyal readers.Brother Xun said that he was completely sleepy now, and invited Meng Fan to the clubhouse for a long talk all night.

Liangjiayuan, Luomashi, Hufang Bridge...

Even while walking on the road, Meng Fan was still asked to tell supernatural stories.

In this way, Brother Xun's articles in the future will inevitably contain the image of a young Taoist.

Hmm...mostly positive characters.

Inside the tree annex.

Under the locust tree where a woman was hanged.

Brother Xun put down the willow leaf soaked in the psychic talisman in his hand, as if he saw the door to a new world.

The conversation continued all night.

Until dawn, the two said goodbye reluctantly.

Four treasured thread-bound copies of "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" published by Zhili Bookstore during the Jiaqing period were taken away by Meng Fan as a reward for telling stories. Each of them was signed by this gentleman.

Is it the one that A Chang gave to the young brother Xun?
Probably not.

The kind and dark Mother Earth, may her soul rest in peace forever in your arms!
The emotion between the two is evident. If it were really that book, Brother Xun would definitely not agree so happily, and Meng Fan would not accept it either——

This is considered an ancient book, and ordinary people cannot afford it. It is probably a treasure that was bought at Liulichang at a huge price.

The reason why he chose "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" was not only because it was Brother Xun's most beloved book when he was a boy, but Meng Fan also felt that it was extraordinary, especially after he signed it.

The paper is yellowed.

The image is also vivid, not the inferior version that just uses straight lines.

Now I open it and see that it is indeed a beast with a human face; a snake with nine heads; an ox with one foot; a bag-like Emperor River; it has no head but "uses the breast as its eyes and its navel as its mouth", and it also "holds its stems and ribs" "And dance" Xingtian.

At this moment, these ancient beasts seemed to move under the gaze of Meng Fan.

It should be a good thing...

Two days later.

Qianhe took Meng Fan, Southeast and Northwest to temporarily leave Lu Zuguan and go to the Forbidden City.

This place was originally the capital of the Ming Dynasty, and it was magnificent. But now, even under the morning sun, it still exudes a strong aura of twilight.

"Master, are there any rules in it?"

A junior fellow student couldn't help but speak, with a vague awe of the imperial power.

"Speak less and see more."

Chizuru's words were concise and to the point.

According to the abdication agreement and the preferential treatment agreement, this imperial city is still owned by the Qing court. To a certain extent, it is still the same as in the past. It is the last holy place for the elderly and the young.

However, Meng Fan still held that attitude.

As long as you return the treasure of Maoshan town [Xuanhe Yuyu] as promised in advance, everyone will be cleared and will not communicate with each other in the future.

Among them, the target must not refer to the target of shooting.

There is a poem that proves it: Protecting the Qiang school captain and riding obstacles in the morning, he defeated the general who crossed the Liao Dynasty at night.A jade target, a horn, a bow and a bead are used to rein in the horse, and the Han family will give Huo whoring and Yao.

The jade target is actually a sword with a jade hilt!
At that time, Huizong wasted his national fortune to confer this sword, and later invited it back to the ancestral altar to worship it. For the people of Maoshan, it is not an exaggeration to call it a sacred weapon.

 Someone asked whether the protagonist would go to the Maoshan ancestral court and what would happen to the world after returning.

  Answer the former first, and I will definitely go. If you want to be promoted, you can do it in one step. This is the biggest opportunity in the end of the Dharma era. In the Tang and Song dynasties, Maoshan had a high status.

  The second question is that there was such a person before Meng Fan came. Naturally, there will be no influence after he leaves. You can think that "he and I" will help stabilize everything, so I won't explain more to avoid spoilers.

  ps. If I’m not busy tomorrow, I’ll try to update more.

(End of this chapter)

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