Chapter 222
Today, the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty is still a six-year-old child, wearing a dragon robe that does not fit well, sitting there like a puppet.

In the Forbidden City, within the limited space for activities, he was still the emperor. Occasionally, consuls and garrison commanders from various countries came to visit.

In a few years, the little emperor will be kicked out and go to live in the concession for a period of time. He can participate in various dances, dinners and other social activities. He can play ball, go shopping, and watch movies. Then, under the instigation of a group of old people and young people, he will plot for restoration.

"Give the jade target to the Taoist Priest."

These words seemed to have been rehearsed in advance, but no matter what, Meng Fan and his team achieved their goal.


I saw an old eunuch patting his sleeves, kneeling on one knee to accept the order, and then said: "Don't you thank me?"

"I'm sorry." Qianhe didn't have anything to say, so he directly led Meng Fan and others to salute.

At this juncture, there is no need to create extraneous matters.

Moreover, the so-called Jishou is not kowtow in the true sense. Taoist priests are outsiders, not to mention deposed emperors. When they see the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, Tian Khan, they shout "Kowtow", bend down and cup their hands, and that's it. .

【Xuanhe imperial gift jade target】

It was ordered by the Emperor of the Northern Song Dynasty and consumed a lot of national fortunes. It is not only a precious cultural relic, but also a magic weapon.

In the field of cultural relics, Meng Fan could not be said to be an expert, and he did not rule out the possibility of discernment. However, he was definitely the authority in the world when it came to identifying magical artifacts.

Jade Target, later generations finally welcomed him back!
Strong dragon spirit.

The rhyme of the Tao is as misty as the clouds.

These cannot be faked at all. The master and the disciple, who could open their Dharma eyes at will without borrowing any foreign objects in the palace, saw surprises in each other's eyes.

Because of this, they were unwilling to stay too long and immediately resigned from the puppet emperor.


It can't be said that everything is smooth sailing for the palace and his party. According to Meng Fan's expectation, it is only right to welcome back the sect's most important treasure and leave immediately. However, some widowers invited them to have a banquet in the palace before leaving. Making innuendo——

What's Maoshan's attitude?

Whether it is Longhu Mountain, Confucian Mansion, or Maoshan Mountain, they are actually closely related to the royal families of all dynasties, and have a wide influence among the people.

These idiots hinted that the emperor could issue an edict and confer the title of Protector of the Country in exchange for Maoshan's support.

Meng Fan sneered in his heart. If the master hadn't been there, he would have cursed loudly.

In response to this, Qianzhe replied vaguely, saying that the matter was serious and one could not make decisions without permission.


Even fools don't do it.

On the way, Chizuru, who had originally planned to have a long discussion of the occult with an old friend, said to his eldest disciple:

"It's over here. Let's go back to the ancestral court directly and don't worry about the world."

Meng Fan nodded.

"Okay, Master, how about we leave tomorrow morning?"

"Well... you should say goodbye to those new friends you made. I have some things to discuss with Xu Dao as my teacher."

People send murderous intentions, and the world goes back and forth.

Rather than getting involved in the bad affairs between various factions, the right way is to return to the ancestral court as soon as possible to chant sutras and cultivate one's mind.

that night.

The gentlemen I met in Guangheju a few days ago arrived one after another, including Brother Xun, who recently took on a new job to organize the construction of the Jingshi Library, so he is not so leisurely at last.

"Bon Voyage."

"Remember to come and play often!" "Taoist Master, take care!"


Meng Fan was a well-rounded man, with integrity and extraordinary conversation, so he quickly integrated into this circle. However, due to his status, he did not want to get into the quagmire, so he had no choice but to leave as soon as possible.

"If you have free time, you can come to Maoshan to find me."

Before parting, Meng Fan invited them to leave calligraphy treasures for him as a souvenir. These great scholars were all true scholars. They were full of knowledge and were naturally good at calligraphy.

In this way, the scrolls engraved with seals were packed into boxes and placed on the carriage. They left the capital the next day along with various magical instruments and materials.


The wind was howling and snowflakes were floating in the sky.

Beizhili had its first snowfall at the end of autumn.

However, when the group of six people arrived at the border of South Zhili, the snow turned into ice rain, and the road became much more difficult. However, thinking that they would soon return to the ancestral home and enjoy peace and quiet, everyone couldn't help but feel a little bit of expectation in their hearts.

Especially for Meng Fan, it was a place he cherished so much that it could be described as a pilgrimage, so he wished he could give up his luggage and fly up the mountain alone.

Of course, if you have this heart, you don't have the ability. With the help of the power of the Bagua and the Five Elements, you can temporarily control the wind, but you can't fly high, and it won't last long.

It is true that I have not slacked off in practice during this period, and the magic power in my body has grown steadily, and with the help of merit, the growth rate has not slowed down, but it is still too difficult...

The Age of Doomsday.

I heard from Master that it was not that difficult to practice before the Song Dynasty. I sometimes regretted that I was not born in that era. Otherwise, I would have had the opportunity to ascend to the immortal world, be it an earthly immortal or a heavenly immortal. I would not have to follow the path of ghosts and immortals.

A hundred miles outside Maoshan.

In a gazebo.

Everyone was warming themselves by the fire and eating dry food.

"This time you four don't have to wait at the bottom of the mountain. Come up the mountain with me and cultivate your mind and nature. At the end of the year, you will be taught the three refuges and five precepts."

"Yes, Master." East, West, South and North put down the meat cakes in their hands and said in unison.

The four of them were introverted and not good at expressing themselves, but they all had good intentions, so Qianhe decided to end the inspection and let them officially enter the Taoist sect.

"Congratulations to the four junior brothers."

The bestowal is a must-have token for a person from the sect to become a saint from ordinary life. Anyone who converts to a Taoist sect must first take an oath of alliance with his master, receive an official certificate, and abide by the three refuges and the five precepts.

Thinking of this, Meng Fan reminded: "Once you are given a gift, you must abide by the precepts, speak and behave in a manner consistent with the Tao. If you can follow the Tao, you can cleanse your mind and eliminate desires, avoid premature death, accumulate good deeds, firmly believe in the right way, and achieve perfection." The realm of reality.”

East, West, North and South had joyful expressions on their faces, and they cupped their hands and said solemnly, "Thank you for your reminder, brother, and thank you for taking care of me along the way."

"As a family, we don't talk about this."

Following Shi Shaojian's death and his soul being sent to the eighteenth level of hell to be tortured, Meng Fan officially became the new generation of senior brother, but his title could not be completely determined until the Maoshan ceremony was over.

To be honest, he never thought that he could be the leader of Maoshan, because Uncle Jiu was highly respected, and he was the best candidate in terms of qualifications and cultivation.

On top of the Immortal Spirit Talisman are the Order of the Nine Provinces, the Evil-Destroying Magic Talisman, the 28-Star Talisman, the Seven-Star Talisman...

These are what Meng Fan is thinking.

What kind of purple official organ is this? Let’s talk about it later.

Now he really didn't dare to think that during the Tang and Song Dynasties, the seniors who practiced this kind of ritual were all national masters. They could eliminate disasters for the country and be able to divide the heavens. Even the gods in heaven would see it. Be respectful, and with a single thought, the gates of heaven will open.

Previously, Meng Fan wanted to be granted the Order of Jiuzhou Society, but now, he began to look forward to the evil-killing magic weapon.

[Master Yi was given a dharma basket to kill evil, but he did not teach him to enter the Tao. Demons, ghosts, and demons were seen everywhere, and he was invaded by weapons and diseases. If he was given this dharma basket, all the gods would be hidden in the land, mountains and rivers, and the guards would greet him. 】

(End of this chapter)

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