Chapter 363 Triumph
The breath of winter is gradually coming to Shanzhou. Now the ice and snow in Huangshui are condensing. Meng Fan thought that Chang'an might also be covered with snowflakes at this time.

However, the winter in Longyou is not only longer than that in Guan, but also colder.

Officials at all levels are busy with their own affairs, preparing for active attacks after spring, such as hoarding grain and quarrying stones.

There was only one idler. No matter how cold or hot the weather was, Meng Fan always wore a wide robe. After having breakfast this morning, he was ready to leave for Beijing.

When everything was tidied up, it was just dawn, and the east side was a color like a fish's belly.

In order to make him more comfortable on the road, the local governor specially prepared a high-quality carriage. He originally planned to arrange servants and guards, but was immediately persuaded to stop.

In this way, the Taoist leader embarked on a journey back to Chang'an. As the saying goes, the strength of the vehicle can only be determined by the distance of the Longyou Road. If this wooden four-wheeled vehicle can make it to the capital without being damaged, it will be of good quality. .

city ​​entrance.

Yan Guogong, Hei Chi Changzhi, etc., as well as representatives sent by officials at all levels in Shanzhou who were relatively leisurely, came here to send Meng Fan back to Beijing.

After all, in the middle of winter, it is not suitable to use troops at all, and the frontier fortress has completely entered a period of calm.

In addition, everyone also knows that he has a close relationship with the Second Saint. Now that he has made extraordinary achievements, he naturally has to go back early to receive the reward.

"Excuse me, if conditions permit, Pindao will come to participate in the next war."

"So, it's best."

"Brother Jiuru, don't worry too much. Now that Shicheng has fallen into our hands, and with sharp weapons like poisonous fireballs, the Tibetan people will definitely cry for their father and mother."

Listening to Wang Xiaojie's hearty laughter, Meng Fan's expression turned solemn and he warned not to underestimate the enemy and not to forget Xue Rengui's defeat at Feichuan in the past.

When he mentioned this matter, he couldn't help but go to the Duke of Yan and told him never to place his expectations on the general manager who only knew how to write and write——

When danger comes, he will definitely be the first to run away. When the vanguard encounters danger, he will inevitably retreat but not retreat, fight but not fight, which will eventually lead to the erosion of the war situation.

In response, Duke Yan Li Jinxing nodded solemnly. Meng Fan, as a military advisor, had dealt with Li Jingxuan for a long time and had obviously understood him thoroughly.

Because of this, it really has to be guarded against.

After giving all the instructions, Meng Fan waved the reins and said, "Thank you all for seeing me off. Please stay."

Black technology, poisonous fireball.

After capturing Shicheng and occupying a favorable location, you can wait for your work.

In addition, the Khan King Murong of Tuyuhun is a pro-Tang faction. Holding this banner and cooperating with the military power of the Tang army, the size of the coalition will only increase. No matter how incompetent they are, they have been trained and familiar with the local environment.

After thinking for a moment, Meng Fan stopped thinking about it and embarked on the journey back to Chang'an with peace of mind.

However, after the city gradually became blurred, he still looked back at Shanzhou again.
Farewell for now, Longyou.

At this time, Meng Fan actually felt a little sad, not because of the inconvenience of transportation and not knowing when we would see each other again after parting, just like the concubines sending their beloved to the war, but because he didn't know how many soldiers would be sacrificed after the spring began.

Driving further and further away, the post road has no end in sight on the thousands-mile Longyou plain. After walking for more than an hour, the sun rose and the horse stopped.

Obviously, this is to replenish fodder.

At this speed...

To be honest, after arriving in Chang'an, I'm afraid spring has already begun there.

As a result, Meng Fan gave the high-quality Turkic horses to a nearby post station. The war horses were owned by the state, and the same was true for the inn station, so there was no advantage.

What's more, there are often military emergencies on the Longyou side, and every station has high-quality horses——

The inn is an official institution that provides accommodation services, but unlike an inn, it only accepts government personnel to stay, and most of them must be on official business. It is almost similar to a military guest house, with real soldiers stationed there.

After getting rid of the burden, Meng Fan directly flew into the clouds and mist. The speed was not very fast, but he was still ten blocks ahead of his horse. Basking in the sun and cooking the dragon hotpot, he would surely reach Chang'an before sunset.

Of course, generally speaking, it is not easy to enter the city directly. You have to notify the court in advance. After all, everything has regulations.

It is worth mentioning that the pine wood carriage presented by the governor of Shanzhou was of good quality and spacious enough.


When I arrived in Chang'an in the afternoon, I pressed the cloud head at a nearby post station and asked the people inside to notify the court and make corresponding preparations.

Then, I smelled a strong fragrance in the distance between the streets and alleys. It was the smell of the New Year.

It is now Yifeng's third year.

New Year's Eve has passed, and customs such as the stay-at-home party held in Chang'an and the New Year greetings on the first day of the Lunar New Year are basically still known to later generations. However, there are some important contents in the New Year's activities of the Tang Dynasty that are close to being lost today.

For example, the traditional Chinese New Year begins on New Year's Eve and ends on the 15th day of the first lunar month with the Lantern Festival, but during this period it is also subdivided into other festivals.

The seventh day of the Lunar New Year is called "Human Day".

That's right, human beings.

In the concept of the Tang people, the first day of the Lunar New Year is "Rooster Day", the second day of the Lunar New Year is "Dog Day", the third day of the Lunar New Year is "Pig Day", the fourth day of the Lunar New Year is "Sheep Day", the fifth day of the Lunar New Year is "Ox Day", and the sixth day of the Lunar New Year is "Ox Day". "Horse Day" is the "Human Day" on the seventh day of the Lunar New Year, which is quite similar to the Buddhist concept of equality of all living beings.

As for the basis for this classification, it is actually quite surprising.

Nestorian Christianity, also known as the Nestorian sect of Christianity, was obsessed with Chinese local culture, so they took advantage of the situation and created festivals, which they considered to be missionary——

In the beginning, on New Year’s Eve, God created the heavens and the earth. At that time, the earth was empty and formless, the face of the abyss was dark, and the Spirit of God was moving on the water.God said, let there be light, and there was light.When light is good, it separates light from darkness.God called the light day, and the darkness he called night.

When morning came, God said something should crow to welcome the light, so he created the chicken.

It’s the first day, the first day of the Lunar New Year.

When the night disappeared, God said, something should be guarding in the darkness, so he created dogs.

It's the second day, the second day of the Lunar New Year.

God saw that dogs were loyal and wanted to create animals to be guarded by them, so he created pigs...

And so on.

Admittedly, it was a statement promoted by pagans, but Meng Fan didn't reject it much because there was no harm at all. The people of Chang'an found the statement interesting, so they spread it.

Because the Chinese New Year is the birthday of various animals, they must also express themselves in terms of eating. There is a folk saying:
Do not eat chicken on the first day of the lunar month, do not kill dogs on the second day of the lunar month, do not eat pork on the third day of the lunar month, do not eat mutton on the fourth day of the lunar month, do not eat beef on the fifth day of the lunar month, and do not ride horses on the sixth day of the lunar month.

As for the seventh day of the lunar month, is it not allowed to eat people?

No day can we eat people!

I heard Shangguan Wan'er said that the day of the year is determined according to the different regions of the north and the south. In the south, they usually eat vegetable soup, boil seven kinds of vegetables together, and make a bowl of soft soup to drink.

In the north, it's freezing cold and we can't find anything to eat, so we just make pancakes.

Holding pancakes in the left hand and a bowl of vegetable soup in the right, walking up the street while eating and drinking, admiring all kinds of scenes—colorful and colorful paper-cuts were pasted on the windows and doors of each house. In addition to wearing gorgeous new clothes for the New Year, she also wears a colorful pin in her hair.Highlight one: fighting for beauty.

The so-called Caisheng refers to a large peony flower cut from red paper, a gold-leaf phoenix with spread wings inserted in the beauty's bun, a pair of flying swallows cut from scrap satin, and green silk orchids and hairpins posted on the door of the courtyard next to it. Jade bird, paper rooster...

Various silk fabrics, paper, gold foil and jade pieces are cut and made into various decorations in the shape of flowers, grass, birds and figures, all of which are Caisheng.

On this day, not only the people of Chang'an will wear colorful ornaments of various colors and shapes on their heads and stick them on the screens in the windows, but also in all states and counties, making them the most representative symbol of this festival.

Even the royal family has established regulations to reward ministers with ribbons of ribbons on the day of the emperor's death, to show that the emperor's favor is shared equally.

If Meng Fan had stayed in the imperial capital to celebrate the New Year, he would have definitely put in the gifts given by the palace and experienced the festive atmosphere in the square. However, he had just taken the stone castle at that time. When the report arrived in Chang'an and the relevant decree came to the border, on the tenth day of the first lunar month. Five have passed.

The most exciting day.

The Chang'an Night Market, which has never been open, only opens once a year. Even now, you can still see huge lantern wheels decorated with silk brocade and all kinds of jewelry that have not been dismantled. You can use this to imagine the grand scene of that day.

As his thoughts turned around, Meng Fan arrived at the outskirts of Chang'an and suddenly saw five-color flags flying and many officials standing beside the pavilion.

It was Shangshu's right servant, She Lu Dunxin, who personally led his people to greet him. This prime minister had a good reputation in official circles and even among literati. For him to go out of the city to greet him showed his high standard.

Lu Dunxin was old but in good spirits. He clasped his fists from afar and said, "Lu is here to welcome the Taishi Ling and congratulate him on his return. I will summon him at the Linde Hall today. Let's go together."

Is the position of military advisor gone?

Not surprisingly, after all, it was a temporary establishment during the war, and now that he is not on the front line, the position was naturally cancelled.

Meng Fan got off the carriage that was not pulled by animal power, and after returning the gift, he said a few polite words to the officials, even though he was always calm and calm, he was quite happy now.

Returning home in fine clothes is out of the question.

It is worth sighing with emotion to leave a name in history.

"I'm going to change my clothes first. How can I look like a saint dressed like this?"

"A real man doesn't care about trifles."

Lu Dunxin, who had flowing beard and hair, directly took Meng Fan's arm and said with a smile: "Historical records show that when Zhang Qian came back from the Han Dynasty, he was dressed like a beggar on the street and was welcomed into the Han Palace. Taishi Ling had made great contributions to the country, and he also paid attention to those works. What’s more, let’s go, let’s go!”

Hearing this, Meng Fan did not hesitate and got into the carriage with the prime minister. At the same time, he did not forget to turn around and said: "Please send the empty carriage back to Baoyun Temple in Pindao."

This can be regarded as a kind of commemoration and is quite valuable.

On the side, Lu Dunxin couldn’t help laughing and said:

"Taishi Ling is so aloof, which makes it difficult for the saint. I don't know what to reward him."

Meng Fan shook his head and said casually: "It all depends on the merits of the soldiers."

"After a great victory, when the entire army returns to the court, each of them will naturally receive a reward."

Having said this, Shangshu's right servant Lu Dunxin's face glowed red, his tone was full of joy, and he continued to sigh with emotion:
"If Taishi Ling is not a clan, it is not impossible to grant a king and a city. Although there are some short-sighted people in the court who don't understand it, my colleagues in the Zhengshi Hall and the two saints understand the impact of Longyou's victory."

"Xianggong Lu is overly praised. This matter is mainly due to Duke Yan and others."

Meng Fan remained humble, even though the relevant report had been submitted long ago, it was the frontline that asked for credit.

At this time, Lu Dunxin keenly noticed that the general manager Li Jinxing was not mentioned from the beginning to the end.

Of course, he wouldn't ask any more questions.

The carriage drove until it stopped in front of the Linde Palace. The two of them walked up the long steps towards the majestic palace gate.

At this time, a eunuch screamed:
"Xuan Taishi ordered us to enter the palace!"

Li Zhi sat high on the throne, with a curtain behind him, looking after his aunt Wu Zetian, whom he had not seen for a long time.

Because he was a Taoist, he did not kneel to receive the ceremony, and the Tang Dynasty was not very interested in this. Prime Minister Lu Dunxin had already received the favor at a young age, so there was no need to go through any trouble, so they both shouted that the emperor would live forever.

"Flat body."

After saying that, Li Zhi couldn't help coughing.

The body is severely deficient and cannot survive for many years.

The key point is that mystical methods have no effect on such characters, and medical skills are still needed.

Then, the two eunuchs each brought up a round stool. After Meng Fan sat down, they began the common summoning method - asking questions and answering questions.

However, the emperor was forced to go to court today, his voice was intermittent, not to mention majestic, and he could not speak clearly and normally.

No way, Meng Fan deserved a chance, took out a booklet from his sleeve, and said loudly:
"Report to the saint... From now on, the Tang Dynasty can rest easy, and the people of Longyou will live and work in peace and contentment, and the fertile land will be thousands of miles away..."

It's not that he is scheming and has thought of everything in advance. The main reason is that Junchenzou cannot avoid this kind of thing. Meng Fan doesn't like this kind of process very much, so before leaving, he asked Lou Shide to help him polish his writing.


Li Zhi lifted up the sleeves of his dragon robe and seemed to have recovered, and said in a deep voice: "Let's declare the edict!"

The imperial edict was naturally not written by the emperor. He simply did not have the energy. It was written by several ministers in the Political Affairs Hall, then written in the Hanlin Academy, and finally submitted to the emperor for review.

The content is very simple, it is to reward meritorious generals, Meng Fan was not granted the title of marquis, and was granted the false title of Zuowei General. After all, where does age lie? Apart from hereditary status, none of those princes and county princes are of the same age.

Of course, there is no need to take external things to heart.

Meng Fan thanked him calmly, but Li Zhi could not sit still for a long time. He flicked his sleeves and said, "Go to the Zichen Palace, attend the banquet, and wash away the dust."

"The prince and the second king are both here."

After that, he endured the pain and left.

Many royal family members and ministers attended the banquet, but they did not see Taiping, which made Meng Fan secretly relieved, and then had a drink with the prince and others.

Judging from his performance, Li Xian should be doing well.

In any case, this victory is due to his ability to recognize people.

Among the crowd, Meng Fan also saw Ming Chongyan with a gloomy face, and planned to find a way to deal with him in the near future, as a nip in the bud, lest this guy cause any trouble and make him too passive.

When the cups and plates were in a mess, the banquet was about to end. Meng Fan was invited to go to the East Palace, but he declined politely, saying that he had not been back to the Taoist temple for a long time and wanted to go back first.

At this time, the prince's face looked a little disappointed, so he could only send him off in person to express his love for the talents.

 Christmas Eve, the third day of COVID-[-], I was about to cough up my lungs. In order to be at full attendance and endure the typing, many big guys in the author group got angry and cut the book directly. After thinking about it, I couldn't bear to part with it.

  If the situation improves tomorrow, I will end this copy directly.

(End of this chapter)

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