Chapter 364 Ending (End of this volume)

At the end of the continuous eaves, a round of red sun rises slowly and hangs on the sky. The magnificent scene makes people feel broad in their hearts.

Watching the sunrise in Chang'an is indeed better than Longyou as far as Meng Fan is concerned.

Afterwards, he ate two cakes at the Taoist temple and drank a bowl of meat soup on the street. Still wearing the Taoist robe, he went directly to the Taishi Bureau of the Imperial City.

Generals are false titles, and it is impossible to really command the troops, just like King Zhou and King Xiang, not only did they not have the position of generals, but they were also the governors of several states, and they all enjoyed themselves in the imperial capital.

Even if he wanted to go, the emperor and the court would not.

However, Meng Fan was indeed promoted, and as soon as he arrived at the official office, someone asked when the burning tail banquet would be held.

For someone like a general, he only needed the title of Duke to completely achieve the position of a highly respected minister. According to the rules, he had to specially entertain the two saints.

Of course, we also need to entertain relatives and friends who come to congratulate us, as well as civil and military colleagues.

Generally speaking, it is held at one's own residence, but if you consider yourself to be a romantic person, you can ask a famous prostitute to help organize it in Pingkangfang. The food and drink expenses will definitely keep up with the grade, but the face will not be able to live up to it.

Anyway, Meng Fan had no such intention.

However, a pure place like Taoist temple should not be disturbed.

In desperation, there is only one way in front of us: buying a house.

It just so happened that in addition to rewarding official positions in the imperial decree yesterday, there were also various valuable rewards.

Just organize the housewarming and the tail-burning banquet together.

imperial capital.

Of course, the house price will not be cheap, but it is not difficult to buy a house regardless of the location.

To the north of the city, every inch of land is valuable.

Because the city of Chang'an was polarized, the north of the city was close to the palace yamen and the two cities in the east and west. Not to mention the security, it was also extremely prosperous.

The south of the city can't be said to be desolate, but it's not that lively. The imperial court has always said that it can try to establish a market in the south of the city, which may promote balance.However, most of the settlements there were dilapidated and it was difficult to revitalize them. Therefore, the proposal has been shelved and can only wait for later emperors to try.

Since you have money, buy it in the north of the city.

To be honest, the richer you are, the easier it is to inspect a house. At least in the Tang Dynasty, this principle was completely feasible.

The prime minister's mansion.

Pass through the Wutou Gate first and walk a long way before reaching the main entrance of the cornice-filled building. There are rows of halberd stands outside, enough to accommodate thousands of people without being too crowded.

After all, the prime minister is already at the pinnacle of his role as a minister, with more than a thousand servants, hired workers, and guards, not counting the poor relatives, old acquaintances, and fellow countrymen who come here to make a living.

The mansion is luxurious and luxurious, and it is indeed difficult to sell it because the etiquette is displayed there.

Not to mention the land area, the halberd stand placed outside is very particular. Only high-ranking officials of third rank or above and princes and nobles can arrange it this way.

In addition, the imperial court did not allow residential courtyards to have their main entrances opened directly on the street, with the exception of dignitaries.

Because of this, it is difficult to sell a mansion. If a big businessman really spends huge sums of money to buy it, all the spectacular and majestic gatehouses, outer walls, main halls and other buildings must be demolished immediately.

And these are just the beginning.

A mansion that occupies such a vast area needs to be cut up so that only part of it can be kept for one's own use, and the rest must either be rented out or sold to others to live in.

Since many people might come to the tail-burning banquet, Meng Fan bought it for five thousand guan. The price was much lower than the market price, but it was not a bargain.

This is the residence of Prime Minister Shangguan Yi. His family was confiscated and exterminated more than ten years ago. Shangguan Wan'er is his granddaughter.

With such a factor, it was even more satisfying for the Taoist priest to pay for the haunted house that others could avoid.

Following the prompts from his colleagues, he sent an invitation to the palace, followed by the two kings with whom he had a good relationship, and the ministers who had previously greeted him outside the city...

The specs are high.

But they really didn't spend too much money on this matter. Li Xian and Li Dan couldn't resist their hospitality and directly sent servants from the palace to help. Therefore, the dishes were made extremely finely. Each table had 58 dishes, which was a feast full of delicacies.

There are cold dishes such as Wuxing with bream;

There are barbecues, such as red sheep sticks and bright shrimps;
In addition, soups, desserts, and noodles are all available, and the names of the dishes are quite eye-catching.

Such as Bailong, that is mandarin fish shreds; Xuebaibao, frog meat wrapped in soybean powder and served in a hot pot; Yuhuangwangmu rice is a rice bowl made of meat, eggs, etc...

During the banquet, in addition to his colleagues from the Taishi Bureau, other officials whom he did not know also warmly congratulated him and agreed to come to the door to give gifts. In such an atmosphere, Meng Fan was not without emotional intelligence, so of course he did not refuse, and he would just have a banquet when the time came.

This is how the life of the dignitaries in Chang'an was: wine and meat every day, singing and dancing with beauties every night.

The toasters and flatterers came up one after another. As the cups and cups were interlaced, Meng Fan showed what a huge amount of wine was, but on the contrary, the others were drunk.

It is worth mentioning that the emperor did not come to the banquet, but the crown prince and the second king came with the women in the palace, and they used curtains to block it.

In addition, for some reason, although my aunt Wu Zetian did not come, she sent all the children of the Wu family in Beijing. Wu Chengsi and Wu Sansi are all trash and villains who will be famous in later generations...

After the banquet was over, the stage began to be set up again, and there were performances for people's entertainment.

As the host, Meng Fan wanted to leave, but everyone was in high spirits, so he couldn't just leave. He had to sit there, drinking tea and eating cakes, while waiting to watch the show.

During the period of the Sixteen Kingdoms, due to corruption by an official who joined the army, Zhao Shile ordered one artist to pretend to join the army and another artist to tease him from the sidelines, thus giving rise to the embryonic form of modern cross talk performances.

When Meng Fan looked up, he saw a man who looked like a scribe in Confucian robes sitting in the middle of the table, and another man in Taoist robes but without any temperament sitting in the corner.

At this glance, I didn't think there was anything new, but I was worried that the tricks inside might be a trick, but then I thought about it, this was arranged by the children of the Wu family, and they wouldn't be stupid in this kind of thing no matter how they cheated.

On the side, Prime Minister Li Dan said as if he was an expert: "This should be "The Balance of Three Religions". It is a new play. I heard it is very funny. It has become popular in Chang'an City recently. I only heard about it, so my cousin started to perform it here. .”

Three religions?

Meng Fan knew that the debate between foreign Buddhism and Confucianism and Taoism in terms of doctrine and practice lasted for nearly a thousand years.

Telling a joke about something so serious?
Suddenly, the man dressed as a Taoist priest sitting in the corner spoke.

He asked: "Sir, since you said that you know the three teachings broadly, who is Shakya Tathagata?"

The scribe replied: "Woman."

The Taoist was surprised: "Why?"

The scribe sat calmly and said: "The Diamond Sutra says: Just sit on the seat. Maybe you are not a woman, why bother sitting with your husband and then your son."

Suddenly, the guests burst into laughter.

The fake Taoist in the corner of the stage asked again:
"Who is Taishang Laojun?"

The scribe said: "She is also a woman."

The fake Taoist pretended to be angry, but he heard the scribe say again:

"The Tao Te Ching says: I am in serious trouble because I have a body. But if I don't have a body, what trouble do I have? If I am not a woman, why should I be pregnant?"

Just playing lip service like that?

Misinterpret the saint’s words?
To be honest, Meng Fan was a little disgusted with these two cross talk scum on the stage.

The result was unexpected. Before the performance was over, the fake Taoist seemed to have forgotten his displeasure. He was impressed by his words and asked again:

"Who is King Wenxuan (Confucius)?"

"A woman."

"How do you know it?"

"The Analects of Confucius says: It's for sale! It's for sale! I'm the one waiting for the price. Is it a shame to be a non-woman, waiting for marriage?"

Two lowly actors made fun of the sages of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism on the stage, making most people laugh.

The host, Meng Fan, was unable to get up or down. He was a serious Taoist from Maoshan. When he heard the actor making fun of the Taoist ancestor, he was naturally furious. He wanted to curse but was considerate of the people around him.

Thanks to the Confucian and Taoist colleagues in the Taishi Bureau, they got up angrily, scolded the actor for being disrespectful of etiquette and saints, and spoke up for Meng Fan.

Then, his eyes turned to the children of the Wu family.

On purpose?

Or really stupid?

Finally, Meng Fan had the answer.No wonder the future can only be proud for a while, it is full of stinky fish and rotten shrimps, when we first meet, we arrange such a show, give eye drops? !
After all, he really didn't know where he had offended these guys.

In the end, all those who acted in the drama of joining the army were scolded from the stage together, including literati who believed in Lao and Zhuang's thoughts, as well as serious Confucian disciples.

"Buddhism is the sun, Taoism is the moon, and Confucianism is the five stars."

As far as Meng Fan knows, this is the Sui Dynasty people's understanding of the three religions. The sun, moon and stars are irreplaceable, so the three religions each have their own advantages and disadvantages, and no one can occupy a unique position.

In the Tang Dynasty, Taoism became the state religion, and emperors of all dynasties paid special attention to it.For example, Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty once issued an edict saying: "I am my ancestor, and my title and title should be placed in front of the Buddha."

When I was in power today, I also respected Laozi as the Elder Emperor.

Therefore, how can a sage be associated with a woman? Aren't the troupes afraid of having their homes confiscated and destroyed?

But then I thought about it, who would care too much about a lowly actor? Just scold him and get off the stage, so as not to be suspected of lowering his status.

After a while, the literati did not leave, but started to argue over the tea provided by the host. They thought that the scolding was not enough, so they started to argue in two groups.

The topic is very classic - the debate between Huayi and Huayi.

This dispute has been going on since the Han Dynasty, so it is easier to quote from other sources. As we talk, we start to talk about what kind of national policy the imperial court should implement towards the various ethnic groups in Longyou.

Most of the high-level literati of this era had official positions and titles, and they were all talents that the imperial court tried its best to win over. Therefore, the influence of today's debate was actually very wide, and could indeed spread to the political hall and even the forbidden palace.

Naturally, Meng Fan didn't participate, he watched all directions, listened to all directions, and listened to all kinds of quotations from such literati.

What is Haoshouqiongjing?

In comparison, the Taoist master's cultural accomplishment in this area is really not enough, but it is good that he can understand and have his own ideas.

As far as the situation is concerned, today's Tang Dynasty has mostly strong Han thoughts and strong national self-esteem. Anyone who dares to invade the country must attack hard and never make any remarks.

Among them, there are many elderly gentlemen.

Sometimes, Meng Fan felt that if he gave them a horizontal sword, they would really dare to kill the enemy.

However, only the civil servants were interested in this and had a great time discussing it. However, most of the royal relatives, generals of the imperial army, and hereditary nobles were not very proficient in classics, so they found it boring and resigned one by one.


time flies.

War broke out in Longyou.

Although Meng Fan was not sent there, the war progressed smoothly, good news frequently reached the court, and the laughter in the East Palace never stopped.

In early autumn, Lou Shide, as an envoy, met with the Tubo general Lunzanpo at Riyue Mountain in Chiling.

Lou Shide promoted the prestige of the Tang Dynasty and stated his interests. After a series of failures, Tubo was awed and convinced, and finally gave up control of Tuyuhun, and would no longer think about the Western Regions in the next 20 years.

During this period, the Turks, who were showing signs of resurgence, also put away their fangs and became docile again.

The kings of the Western Regions also sent a new batch of envoys to Chang'an with various rare treasures.

Due to his meritorious service, Lou Shide was promoted to the position of imperial censor in the palace and Sima of the Heyuan Army. He was also in charge of farm affairs and took a step towards becoming a general or prime minister in the future.

I thought I had nothing to worry about, but I didn't expect that Duke Yan came to visit him immediately after returning to Beijing to meet the emperor. He not only told the story of the war, but also came to give gifts.

Meng Fan stared blankly at the ordinary purple box in his hand. The items inside were not cheap at all. It was a necklace composed of thousands of small red gold pieces, with a red fire gem in the middle.

Under the sun, it doesn't look like a dead thing at all, but a living flame that is stirring...

If you look closely, you will find that it is not because of the reflection of sunlight that it appears to be burning, but it is related to the source.

To put it more bluntly, it is a natural magic weapon with very high specifications. At least Meng Fan cannot refine a treasure with such strong Yang Qi.

At first, he wanted to be polite.

But Yan Guogong directly said that they had gold, silver and jewelry, and they would share them equally if they grabbed them at that time. This thing seemed to be the most precious, and they kept it for themselves.

Now that the words have come to this point, there is no point in trying to shirk it anymore, it seems pretentious, so Meng Fan chooses to accept it happily.

Seeing this, Duke Yan was equally happy.


The wheel of history is rolling forward.

In the first year of Hongdo, Emperor Li Zhi died of illness in his wife's favorite Dongdu at the age of 56.

In addition to the posthumous edict promulgated later, there is also the Yuan Dynasty Edict, which describes some of his regrets in the 34 years since he took the throne. He hopes that all officials at home and abroad can understand the true meaning of Taoism and advocate frugality and simplicity——

Relying on the Great Dao to create the Yuan Dynasty, we share the universal universe and create a new beginning.

At the same time, amnesty the world.

Li Zhi attached great importance to this imperial edict, and wanted to go up to the palace gate to read it out in person, but his body was too weak, so he could only invite some people to the palace and ordered his ministers to read it out on his behalf.

"Are the people happy?"

"The people are all forgiven and are delighted!"

"Although the common people are happy, my life is in danger. If the gods of heaven and earth delay my life for a month or two, they will return to Chang'an, and I will die without regret!"

That night, he passed away in Zhenguan Hall.

The "Edict of the Great Emperor" reads: "The Crown Prince Xian... has set the example of heaven and man, and has long been a weapon of the emperor. All the princes, princes, ministers, and assistants are dedicated to protecting the prince and the great cause of cloning. I have laid a foundation of seven hundred. , to support Si’s trillion-dollar wish.

After the death, the funeral will take place seven days later.The world is great and the clan is the most important. If you hold on to the contract and inherit the peach, you cannot leave it alone for a while.The crown prince can assume the throne of emperor in front of the throne. "

Prince Li Xian sat in front of the coffin on the sixth day in accordance with the imperial edict, and on the seventh day - December [-]th - he was officially crowned emperor.

The two late emperors of the Tang Dynasty, Emperor Gaozu and Taizong, both ordered their successors to ascend the throne in front of the coffin before their death. They both said that "military and state affairs must not be suspended; ordinary leisure affairs must be handled by officials", indicating that the handling of major events is related to the monarch's power. , must be handled personally by the adult successor emperor and cannot be left in the hands of others.

As for the Queen Mother, if the imperial court encounters important military and state matters that cannot be decided, she can only rely on her status as the Queen Mother to decide the important matter. If the foreign court can solve it, the Queen Mother cannot intervene.

Obviously, after six or seven years of experience, Li Xian did not need a harem to interfere in politics. He was already full-fledged, well-established, and had made great contributions to the country and the people.

No one knows when Taishi Ling Meng Jiu disappeared.

Anyway, a few days after he left, Ming Chongyan, who had been spreading admonitions in the past, died suddenly in the palace, and the prince's serious worries were eliminated.

After that, rumors of mysterious cats appearing in the arms of gods appeared one after another in various places, and real people continued to pay attention to them.

After Li Xian inherited the throne, his first order was to summon the real person of Maoshan and add the title of "protecting the country".

Unfortunately, no one responded to the edict from beginning to end. The special envoy sent to Maoshan stepped into it as he wished, only to find that the building was already empty.

Over time, the idea of ​​ascending to heaven was gradually recognized by both the government and the public, and all states could only be ordered to expand the temple of real people and pay tribute from time to time.

However, in the real temple, a young woman must be enshrined next to the statue of the god, and the two of them stand side by side.


Another Lantern Festival.

Princess Taiping, who is the most favored by the Empress Dowager and your Majesty today, wrote: "The late Emperor promised me to leave my concubine at home, and now I am still claiming the title of Lord, paying food, rent, and taxes. I sincerely wish to go to the princess title, quit the city, and return to the palace."

What would the emperor think if his sister said this on such a festive day?

Li Xian, who has already entered middle age, spoke concisely and to the point, and felt very helpless. He had already indulged Yaomei so much. He had long ordered that all temples in the Tang Dynasty must erect two statues of the real person, causing millions of people to believe that the statues were husband and wife. .

However, Taiping did not retreat. He seemed to want to settle the matter today and said loudly:

"I am the grandson of Emperor Taizong, the daughter of Emperor Gaozong, and the younger brother of His Majesty. I am not humble in the world. Why should I be named after the title of the master, Zi Tangmu, and then be noble? Please take over the property of hundreds of families and extend your life for ten years. "

This time, Li Xian fell into a long silence.

"As you go."

"Shangguan Wan'er is coming with me."

"If you don't want to practice Taoism in the future, go back to the Princess Mansion. You will always be the most noble and favored princess in my Tang Dynasty. Go see the Queen Mother..."

 On the fourth day of being positive... I felt very uncomfortable... I became increasingly disgusted and contemptuous of the so-called experts, and I planned to do a lung CT in the near future.

(End of this chapter)

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