Chapter 85 No Late Justice

Meng Fan and his junior brother sat in the pavilion at the corner of the top of the mountain, meditating with their eyes closed, waiting for dawn.

Dasha was lying on the wooden chair at the other end, playing with his fingers excitedly.

As the coffin spirit was eliminated, the unknown thunder warrior disappeared, but the magic power did not completely disappear. There were traces of it remaining in the tendons of Dasha's body.

For now, they don't have much lethality. If they do, they turn into a thunder snake as thick as a thumb, wandering and swimming around his fingertips, which is quite novel.

Cultivation has no time.

The golden crow rises at dawn, and the sun rises with fusang trees.

As the first ray of sunlight shone into the pavilion, Meng Fan slowly opened his eyes.

Different from cultivating mana, the speed of replenishing the mana that has been cultivated will be much faster. It only takes two hours to recover less than half.

Coupled with the first ray of purple energy at sunrise, he felt warm and fuzzy in his body, and the fatigue from fighting at night was quickly relieved.

"My tongue is finally healed, and I can continue to eat from the big bowl." Kim McGee looked at the sun in a daze, and said helplessly: "To be honest, I'm ready to drink cold porridge continuously."

"Well, I don't know what kind of talisman the master drew, but it can heal injuries quickly."

After saying this, Meng Fan shook his head. No matter what kind of talisman it was, it was certainly not something he could control. Otherwise, the master would have no need to hide it secretly.

While sighing, he took out the yellow talisman used for self-defense from his arms.

【Samadhi True Fire】

Although it is unclear whether the power can reach the terrifying level of the novel, as long as Meng Fan uses a little magic power to activate it, this talisman can spray out the true fire of samadhi in Taoist classics.

As for why it is determined to be a fire talisman, just look at the internal and external structure of the talisman. After all, nothing can change without its origin. The master once said that Wudang's unique plum talisman has three hooks on the top of the talisman to represent the true fire of Samadhi.

There are some differences in this sect, but they are also similar.

Obviously, there is one more trump card.

The Fire Cloud Curse, which Meng Fan had always regarded as his trump card and was reluctant to use unless it was absolutely necessary, was actually just a primary spell from Maoshan, while the Samadhi True Fire Talisman was ranked at the intermediate level, and its lethality was at the top among its peers.

So, surpass the master?
The small goals I set in the past may not be so easy to achieve now.

The master will always be the master, and he will still be the man who only plays at the top level!
Just as Meng Fan was sighing, three figures suddenly appeared at the stone staircase:

Half of the person's body was dark and rotten, and he could vaguely identify him as the evil man named Baha.

A man with a disheveled face, no longer the suit and leather shoes he saw with his celestial eyes last night, his identity is to be determined.

I saw two guys tied together with hemp ropes and their hands bound, one behind the other, climbing the lonely mountain. Zhong Fabai, with his hands behind his back, was walking at the back, carefully guarding the two men.

Canopy Ruler, Bagua Mirror.

In fact, none of them are needed.



Meng Fan, Jin McGee, and Dasha walked out of the pavilion and hurried up to greet them.

"Well, how are you feeling?"

Zhong Fabai looked at the faces of the two apprentices and expressed concern.

"It's much better."


Hearing this, Zhong Fabai nodded, pointed at Baha and said solemnly: "This guy is the evil guy who cast spells to summon ghosts last night. He has learned some Xia Mao techniques scattered among the people, and also knows some Nanyang head-lowering techniques. Now All of my magic power has been completely destroyed by my master."

"You arrange for someone to take him away."

"Need not."

Meng Fan shook his head and said seriously: "In order to avoid long nights and dreams, let's just shoot him."

Generally speaking, once a criminal is arrested and brought to justice, no matter how ferocious the criminal is, the police have no right to deal with him. Unless the criminal threatens the life of others or escapes from prison, the criminal can only be handed over to the judiciary for trial and decision on how to deal with the criminal.

But the ghost catching team is an exception.

First of all, their work is extremely dangerous and they must protect themselves and their colleagues as the first priority.

Secondly, the target is unfamiliar and unknown, and there are no legal precedents. The judicial authorities have no precedent for trying supernatural persons and ghosts.

Finally, there is a lack of special prisons to effectively hold such dangerous elements, and it is very likely that they will escape. "I'll carry out the execution!"

Kim McGee pulled out his gun and with the acquiescence of everyone, he decisively pulled the trigger.

The blood mist exploded.

The smelly red and white liquid dripped all over the floor.

Covenant with the elders, the third chapter of the law; murderer died, wounded and stolen to pay off.

The principle is very simple and pure. It has been recognized since ancient times and is a matter of course.

The evil Baha aided the evil deeds and killed countless employees of Jane's Investment Company. Letting him live for one more second was a blasphemy against justice and legal principles.

Because of this, when faced with his senior brother's proposal, Jin McGee shot without hesitation.

Meng Fan firmly believes that protecting good people and weak people and striking out at evil entities is the glorious mission of the police profession, and so does Maoshan Taoist priest.

Behind him, Jian Tianwei, who was covered in blood, collapsed on the ground. Various slurring sounds were heard, and a foul smell wafted in the wind.

Whether it was shouting for a lawyer or buying money, Jian Tianwei's brain instantly went blank when he saw Kim McGee shoot and kill Baha, leaving only his instincts.

"Forget it about this guy. First let Miss Jian come over to identify himself, then put him in jail. No visits or communications. Notify the Department of Justice to arrange prosecution and execution as soon as possible."

Meng Fan opened his mouth, allowing Jian Tianwei to live an extra week.

This is already a preferential treatment.

Want to live?Let’s first ask those migrant workers who died innocently if they agree.

Soon, Miss Jian came after hearing the news. Everyone watched the bloody drama between the brother and sister, and then dispersed.

The training is not over yet, do whatever you need to do.

Around ten in the morning.

Watching the motorcade escorting serious criminals go away, Meng Fan said with emotion: "People know that ghosts are scary, and ghosts know that people's hearts are poisonous."

A kid from a rich family is at the end of the road as soon as he is born. He does not seek to do good deeds and abide by the bottom line of society, but in the end he leads evil ways and kills so many employees who have worked hard for life, and he also wants to kill his own sister.

To say that he is worse than an animal is an insult to an animal.

"Alas, we cultivators should lead people to do good, but our human hearts are too complicated, so we can only settle for the second best, be upright and worthy of the conscience of heaven and earth."

Since becoming a disciple of his master, the two sentences that Meng Fan has heard the most are:

The first commandment of Maoshan.

Keep yourself upright.

This was teaching by words and deeds. As he repeated it over and over again, he felt that a new standard was being established in his heart.

"Okay, it's time to talk about some key points about your performance during the night."

Zhong Fabai led the three people to the pavilion and began to impart experience.

Among them, there was one thing that made Meng Fan gain a lot.

When he started practicing, he and his junior brother were practicing in a grocery store. The master mentioned it in a casual conversation: Nezha.

According to folk beliefs, he is honored as the prince, named Marshal Zhongtan, and belongs to the five battalion gods.

At the same time, the name also has an incredible effect.

Chi refers to scolding evil, the nemesis of all evils, and also symbolizes wrath. It has the same meaning and meaning as the "Na" curse -

"Na" refers to "Nuo", which means to exorcise evil spirits and eliminate disasters, and to worship ghosts and gods.

When these two characters are combined, they become the little Chinese hero and the third prince of Nezha who are respected by all three religions.

If your mind is deceived by ghosts, you only need to use your magic power and shout "Na" or "Zha" to injure the ghost and break its sonic evil.

However, Meng Fan didn't remember this sentence because he talked too much during the chat. Otherwise, he wouldn't be disturbed by romantic ghosts when we were fighting against each other late at night.

It turned out that the name Nezha actually had such great knowledge, Dasha couldn't help but nodded solemnly.

As a Daoist protector, what he relies on is blood, fists, bones, and Taoist mantras!

(End of this chapter)

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