Reincarnation of the Heavens: Starting from Hong Kong Comprehensive

Chapter 86 Leaving the training camp (end of this volume)

Chapter 86 Leaving the training camp (end of this volume)

An old house where a treasure.

There is an elder who imparts experience, and I don’t know how many detours can be avoided on the road of spiritual practice.

After talking about it, Meng Fan felt that his exorcism experience had become more and more abundant.

There is no doubt that this training camp is not in vain. The various spells in the heavenly book may be used at any time, such as the teleportation spell, the earth escape spell, and the sky eye spell, which can be put to great use at any time. .

In addition, various deficiencies in combat were also pointed out and made up for in a timely manner.

"Go to lunch and continue teaching in the afternoon. There is no need for the three of you to sit in. Practice and relax." Zhong Fabai got up and left.


After watching the master walk towards the dormitory, Meng Fan led the two of them out of the pavilion.

In the distance, under the classroom corridor.

The clerks and male staff of the headquarters lined up, sitting on stools to bask in the sun, making up for the lack of Yang Qi from practicing sword fingering yesterday.

Chen Jiaju lamented to everyone over there, when would he be able to have that kind of means.

Instantly, it aroused countless resonances.

Even the most lustful Bengal couldn't help but imagine the scene of killing demons and demons after learning the thunder method, and being pursued by countless beautiful women.

"What are you doing sitting here, I'm going to eat."

Jin McGee walked over quickly and said hello, and everyone stood up and lined up to walk towards the restaurant.

In the middle of the process, everyone became more and more enthusiastic, and their words were full of admiration.

Meng Fan took the initiative to approach Superintendent Ashin.

Because of Amin, they will be a family from now on, so there is no need to think so much about speaking, just say it directly.

"Uncle, I think it is necessary for our ghost-catching unit to move out of the police building. After all, we deal with dirty things all day long, and the guys in other departments may gossip about us."

"Moreover, after some valuable prisoners are arrested and sent to ordinary prisons, it is easy for trouble to happen. It is better to build an exclusive prison to hold special criminals."

Listening to Meng Fan's opinion, Ashin nodded seriously and said solemnly: "I will do everything as you want, there is no need to worry about funds and manpower.

We have fought a few good battles, and the department relies heavily on it. Let alone building a prison, as long as the reason is valid, even if you want to build a [-]-meter building, it will be no problem. "

While walking and chatting, the two came to the restaurant.


Meng Fan picked up a dinner plate and continued:
"Uncle, is there any way for you to go to the arms factory?"


Superintendent Ashin frowned and asked, "Why are you asking this all of a sudden?"

"Now the guys have received relevant training and have a certain foundation in treating evil."

Meng Fan said frankly: "If we upgrade the police equipment, our combat effectiveness can be raised to a higher level."

"For example?" Ashin became interested.

"Add cinnabar to the bullet, and on the basis of ensuring the range, sacrifice a certain amount of physical damage to achieve the exorcism effect."

"The contents of the police pepper water can be replaced with talisman water, and the chemical fillers in the smoke bombs can be added with black dog blood and rooster blood. As they evaporate and diffuse, they can weaken the ghosts in a certain area."

Having said this, Meng Fan paused:
"As for whether they have any effect, whether they can be made and a series of new weapons can be developed from them, it requires the cooperation of relevant experts."

In fact, many ideas have existed in the past, but I have never found the time to implement them.
Moreover, Meng Fan considered that the guys in his headquarters would become more and more reckless after possessing relevant weapons.

You must know that no matter how effective external objects are, if you lack the means yourself, once you are approached by a ghost, everything will be in vain. The so-called bravery and fearlessness of sacrifice are almost the same as forming a team to kill someone.It's different now. Short-term training courses teach several spells that even ordinary people can use.

Under such circumstances, the development of exorcism weapons can play a positive role in adding wings to tigers.

"I will write the report tonight, so that the senior management can pass various resolutions as soon as possible and resolve issues such as funds, experts, and police equipment production lines."

After thinking for a while, Superintendent Ashin gave a reply. He very much expected that the development work would be effective, especially the first one.

The technical difficulty is not high. If it is proven to be effective against ghosts and zombies, it can be quickly popularized, allowing grassroots police officers to have the ability to handle simple supernatural incidents on their own.

After settling a matter on his mind, Meng Fan revealed his next plan:

"Uncle, if we stay one more night today, Junior Brother, Dasha and I will leave the training camp and go to the Senior Uncle in Dongpingzhou to continue studying for a while."

"How long will it take?" Ashin asked with concern.

"As short as three days, as long as half a month."

"Call anytime in an emergency."

Seeing that Meng Fan had decided to leave and it was for business, Superintendent Ashin simply didn't ask to stay.

And then, after finishing the meal, the two of them had a tacit understanding and avoided official business.

As the elder, Superintendent Ashin began to care about the relationship problems of his juniors and quietly inquired about the progress of the marriage.

Meng Fan didn't have an accurate answer to this. Anyway, he felt that as long as Amin agreed, he could hold an engagement ceremony when he was free.

Of course, no specific time has been set for the moving-in banquet. They only said that we would wait until the training class is over and talk about engagement... which is even too early.

Half pot of vegetarian dishes, half pot of rice.

Lamb ribs, broth, salt-baked chicken legs, stir-fried pork.

After finishing his lunch, Meng Fan, who was about to go to bed, received a call. The craftsman had completed the custom-made statues of Er Ye and General Zhou. He asked him when he would be free to come over and ask them to go home.

This kind of thing can't be delayed if it can be delayed.

Therefore, after bidding farewell to his master, Meng Fan left the camp with Jin Maiji and Dasha.

The mastermind behind the scenes has been eliminated, and the evil spirits entrenched in the company have become rootless duckweeds.

Whether the male and female staff work together to eradicate it, or ask other guys in the ghost catching team for help, it is not difficult to solve it. To say the least, there is Master Mei.

Down the mountain.

An eight-seater police car starts.

"Senior brother, do you think General Zhou will agree?"

Jin McGee was sitting in the back row, looking a little uneasy. He knew that Dasha became so strong and his senior brother's skills got better and better, all because of that mysterious training technique.

Therefore, Kim McGee is also looking forward to practicing.

Looking at his worried junior brother through the rearview mirror, Meng Fan replied: "Don't worry, General Zhou is very generous. Besides, you don't practice physical training to do bad things, to defeat demons and maintain the right path. He It’s not too late to be happy.”

One thing to say, Dasha, who was sitting in a daze in the passenger seat, vaguely felt that it was a bit strange to drive a police car to pick up the statue...

It is best to choose an auspicious day and time to welcome the gods home, and the master specially helped them take a look before they left. Today is just the right day.

As a result, the three of them did not dare to delay. When they arrived at their destination, they took the statues made by craftsmen with silver paint and gold powder into the car one by one, and then took them back to the Repulse Bay Villa to offer them fresh fruits and melons.

As promised before, the statue of the god returned to its place and the moment the incense candle was lit, Dan Tian Fu Mo Bu Shuai touched the true spirit to the lower realm.

(End of this chapter)

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