Chapter 205
Although on paper, China has more coastlines than the UK, on ​​paper and reality are completely different things!The British coastline is not a straight line. There are all kinds of terrain on the coast, including cliffs, swamps, desert beaches and other unsuitable broken terrains!

And this made it impossible for Britain to send a large number of infantry to guard the coastline.Not that many people and armies, nor the broken terrain of the northern coastline.So they can only consider using Yalong, an excellent unit that can fight on its own to form a separate system, to play elastic defense.

Therefore, such excellent cavalry cannot be missing.Moreover, you have to consider other issues!For example, leave seven or eight cavalry regiments as a guard of honor. Kapf has said this issue countless times. The government must be decent, and if it is not decent, you should stop doing it.The British government can't put those battered troops in the city. It would affect the morale of the people too much...

Or, the UK has to protect other countries in Europe!Ah ha, you can’t think of it!Even if he is already a little bit overwhelmed, Britain has to protect other countries!Places like Denmark, Norway, Ireland, Iceland, Portugal and Denmark's Greenland cannot be ignored by the UK!
Why can't we just ignore it?Just because Britain is the number one country in Europe!The European Magic Association and the World Magic Association are headquartered in the UK, which clearly confirms her status as the largest country in Europe.And it’s hard to be the boss...

France, Spain and Germany will not consider asking the UK for help, because these countries are also big countries and have to consider their own national interests.But the UK, the above-mentioned small country, has to protect it. The authority of the boss is based on the premise that everyone buys it. If the UK dares to sit back and watch these small countries die, it will destroy the political credibility that the UK has accumulated over thousands of years!Will the boss of Europe have to change his country?
And protection requires the dispatch of troops, and this number of troops is indispensable.On the basis of the above two, do we still need to prepare some reserve teams?Leave margin for the entire plan, otherwise your plan will have no room for error.

On paper there are forty cavalry regiments, but in reality there may be eighty or even more than one hundred cavalry regiments.According to Grand Duchess Irene's own estimates, there may be an astonishing 130 regiments!This amount of Yalong is simply not enough!
"I have heard of a saying that the British are businessmen when they put on formal clothes, and they are pirates when they pick up swords and guns. Since they are experienced businessmen, then don't think about exchanging a penny for a pound! Because your Your opponent is no stupider than you!"

Kepf scoffed.He couldn't get as accurate data as Archduchess Irene, but he did have an estimate of Britain.Industrialization requires funds, and even more so, a market. With such a large market, Kepf will naturally conduct market assessments.Could he not know what Eileen was anxious about?

If you want to get more, pay more!You get what you pay for. You are also experienced businessmen, so don’t waste your money with nothing, okay?
"Then I'll add more. Six thousand related psychic mages."

"One thousand six hundred dragons."

"This is very different from what we expected."

If Britain is confident, then Grand Duchess Eileen can bargain as much as she wants.But Grand Duchess Eileen herself has no confidence in this ocean age.Then this matter will be really difficult.And, in all fairness, Kapf didn't earn them much at this price.

"There won't be many more animal trainers than this in the whole of Britain. And we will always keep some such people. But you will definitely need blacksmiths and pharmacists. A family will always need these people."

"That's great. Give me your offer."

"1 people each."

Compared to beast tamers, blacksmiths and medicine men are much cheaper.If you have the fire element, you can be a blacksmith, and if you have the plant or poison element, you can be a pharmacist.Therefore, although there are more people, it is still affordable.

"I'll add a thousand more dragons."

That's pretty much the end of it.With 6000 people, basically all the professional and technical personnel in the UK have been hollowed out.These people are not coal diggers or farmers, but professional and technical personnel!
The proportion of mages to the population is about 7000%, that is, there are about 6000 million mages in the world.About [-]% of the mages are elementary mages, and each level of the remaining mages is an order of magnitude worse than the mages of the next level.There are [-] people, almost all of them are high-level mages, and even the old powerful country of Britain can't squeeze more people.

However, this Yalong is not enough!There is no way, the gap in the UK is too big!And if there are not enough people, then she can only consider using political rights to satisfy Kepf!
"That saint, the saint of Parthenon, Astraea, is your agent, right?"

Irene doesn't know about the Holy City. Kapf seems to have no desire for the Holy City, and this makes Irene unable to do anything.However, Irene and the British behind her know that Capf has arrangements in Parthenon.

This arrangement is Astraea!This explanation makes sense. If Astraea was not his person, she would not use her power to serve Kepfu at such a sensitive time and arrange Kepf's people into Parthenon.In the eyes of Grand Duchess Eileen, Ye Xinxia is just a chess piece that can be used and thrown away.Astraea is the important person who must be protected.

The people in the Greek capital are now with the French, not here.And Grand Duchess Irene can also guarantee that the matters discussed today will not be revealed to outsiders.The Victoria family, as one of the top three super families in the world, also has deep roots in Parthenon.

Among the votes that determine the choice of the Goddess, the Victoria family has one vote.This is a very valuable political right.However, in this stall, compared to Greece, you still have to put your own strength in place.Although she was unwilling, Grand Duchess Irene could only play this card.

"That's right. She's mine."

All right!Kapf's obfuscation has worked!These big families really regard Asharuya as their own!Then, next, someone will conspire to get rid of her!

Because they don't want a strong mountain like Kapf to grab benefits.Ma De, the benefits are not enough, and someone wants to grab it?

Moreover, this person is not easy to deal with. He can compete with the emperor level evenly. If he really breaks in, it will be difficult for the gods to save him.Therefore, Kepf believes that these guys will definitely communicate collectively before the election of the Goddess and launch a coup to kill Astraea!

Otherwise, you wait for Kepf to come in and kill them all?They can only strike first to gain the upper hand.Let's get rid of Kepf's power point first, so that the latter has no reason to interfere.

(End of this chapter)

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