Chapter 206

"We can even help you and push her up."

The Victoria family is so powerful, much stronger than the relatively peaceful family like the Mu family and the Zhao family.Kepf believed, fully believed that if the Victoria family was willing, it would not be impossible to push a guy to the goddess.

However, the incident did not go according to Kepf's intended plans.He does not need the Victoria family to promote Astraea to ascend to the position of goddess.However, Grand Duchess Irene's operational error allowed Kepf to see clearly the attitude of the noble families.

"not needed for now."

"Then what do you want?"

"I just want you, the Victorian family, not to discuss the issue of the Parthenon goddess on any occasion. That's all."

"Aren't you going to discuss the issue of the goddess?"

"I will not discuss the issue of the goddess on any occasion. I will not make any statement on the issue of the goddess on any occasion."

Grand Duchess Irene looked at the professor opposite with a suspicious expression. Kepf did not agree to her, but instead gave her an unexpected request.This had to make the Archduke doubt Kepf's last appeal.

Astraea must be from Kepfu, there is no problem with that.However, Kepfu did not allow himself to take any measures to put Astraea on the throne. He just asked the Victoria family to sit there and not speak or discuss issues about the goddess on any occasion.

She had no idea what medicine was being sold in Kepf's gourd.So I'm a little worried.

"Can you do it?"

"No problem. I can make this decision on behalf of the family."

Erin can do it.She is the first in line of succession of the Victoria family, so she is a Grand Duke.Before meeting Kepf this time, she also knew what would give in and what would not.The bottom line has been determined long ago.Compared with the Greek goddesses, the Victoria family now has to take care of their own family first.

Kepf's demands have not gone beyond the bottom line.Just yourself and your family should not post or discuss issues related to the goddess.

"Then I will reward you with five hundred dragons."

very good!This was the last minute nail in the Parthenon issue. Before, it was just a matter of putting it in the coffin. This time, it was just a few more nails in the coffin!

As Archduchess Irene said, the influence of the Victorian family on the Parthenon is equally huge.Therefore, if she doesn't move, Kepf's plan will be stable!
The reason is simple. When you put your hands in your pockets, no one knows what you are holding.Whether they support Astraea or oppose Astraea, the Victoria family has taken a stand.

And in such a sensitive environment, it is not so easy to overturn the previous statement after making a public statement, that is, to vomit after eating it!Unless there is an accident of the magnitude of an [-]-magnitude earthquake, it is basically impossible to overturn previous statements and sides.

So what will happen if you continue not to take a stand?That will become a variable.It is also known as the fence-riding party.No one likes a fence-sitter, especially one who has the ability to influence the overall situation.

The Victoria family is like this, strong enough to not be retaliated after riding the wall, and to influence the final result.Then, those who intend to drive Kepf out must think carefully.

You have been sitting on the fence for a long time, sitting back and watching a new player come in and break the existing pattern. What do you mean?Did you reach any compromise with him?The interests are never enough. Are you ready to join forces with him to eat our remains?

This will definitely lead to such speculation.Those big aristocratic families were neither blind nor deaf, and could not figure out whether the detailed agreement reached between Eileen and themselves was true, but they were not so blind that they did not know that Eileen and themselves were secretly negotiating.And Eileen is the Grand Duchess, the heir to the Victoria family!

Knowing that Kepf and the Victoria family reached a secret agreement, but did not know the specific content, and then the Victoria family immediately hung up on it, what would you think?And this is what Kepf needs!
In the eyes of those people, Kepf's power became stronger.And if Astraea cannot be eliminated, those families will definitely fall to his side one after another!The interests are not distributed enough, and the interests are also distributed unevenly. Those families who receive a large share will oppose Kepf, but what about those who receive a small share, even if the political struggle is not won and they do not receive any share?
It’s hard to say!Therefore, they will not sit back and allow this tendency to exist for a long time!Kepfu also had an opportunity, a very precious opportunity, an opportunity to take control of the Parthenon and completely drive Wentai's forces out of here!
Yes, not just the major families, but also Wentai!Everything is connected. After Kepfu did something like this, the major families couldn't sit still. Could it be that Wen Tai could just sit still?
The first thing to make sure is that Wen Tai is neither deaf nor blind.The second thing that needs to be confirmed is that Wentai also has an agent in the Parthenon.The last thing that needs to be confirmed is that neither Kepf nor Sharja know who this agent is.

How could you find out the agent of the King of Darkness so easily?This is natural.But with Kepfu in the light and Wentai in the dark, this matter is a bit difficult to handle.A better way is to let Wen Tai jump out on his own and change each other's positions.

At this time, not only the major families whose interests have been harmed will plot a coup to get rid of Astraea, but Wentai's agents and forces will also!The location of the Parthenon is the hub of the world. Whoever controls the Parthenon controls one-fifth of the world.And Wen Tai had this idea.

Then he definitely couldn't sit back and watch Kepf reach out here.Not for money, but to limit Kepf's influence.I have the motive to fight him.

He will also jump out to deal with Astraea at this time.As for what you said, can Wen Tai hold it back, let his subordinates hide, and not activate it at this time, but choose to play with him slowly in the future?

It doesn't make sense logically... Kepf's agent Asharuya hasn't come to power yet. She's just a saint. You can kill her during the struggle for power and pour dirty water on her afterwards. That's it, there is no lack of darkness within this organization.

But how do you pour dirty water on the goddess?The goddess is the leader!It is the dignity of the Parthenon. The pots are all carried by the hands. The goddess must be holy.Let Kepf's agent become a goddess, and the difficulty of dealing with him will suddenly increase countless times.

He also admitted that Wentai had a better foundation at the Parthenon.However, this doesn’t make sense logically.Isn't this the same as drinking poison and then detoxifying it?Instead of killing him while he is still very weak, you should wait for him to grow stronger and then slowly fight him, and you will have no say in it.

Even Wentai, who has a better foundation, will suffer in such a struggle!What is the purpose of this?Therefore, Wentai's power and the major families who feel threatened and whose interests are damaged will act together to kill Astraea.It's hard to say whether the two will unite, but it's a certainty that they will come together.

(End of this chapter)

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