Full-time Mage: Copy Mo Fan at the beginning

Chapter 207 Convergence of Interests

Chapter 207 Convergence of Interests
Well, this price is reasonable, isn’t it?But, this is still far from what Grand Duchess Irene expected.And if this is not enough, you still have to use various resources in exchange.

"Interest-free loan. You must need an interest-free loan."

"This is a discount."

"Ten-year, interest-free loans, totaling $1 trillion. How about that?"

"I have said before that the British are businessmen when they put on formal clothes, and they are pirates when they pick up swords and guns. Isn't that what it is?"

Indeed, Kepf was a little emotional.Even in this dimension, feudal society has stubbornly persisted until now, but some areas still have the beginnings of capitalism and have figured out how to play capitalism!It's hard for others to say, but this Grand Duchess Eileen has a bit of that idea.

An interest-free loan of US$1 trillion, which will be repaid in ten years.What does this mean?First of all, the general international loan interest rate is [-]% per annum, which is the vast majority of cases. Loans with lower interest rates are low-interest loans, and those with higher interest rates are high-interest loans, which do not pay interest.

So, US$1 trillion in interest-free loans is equivalent to giving you US$200 billion for free!Free gift, free gift, free gift!But, is this really the case?
To paraphrase a famous CG from a certain game, what is the price?Kepf knew that this would have a very bad impact on his future!
Why is this happening?Well, first of all, after he took the money, he couldn't have saved it at home.There are so many ways he needs to spend his money.He has conquered a huge territory and has huge resources, but the resources are not immediately available.

You have to develop, mine, and dig out those minerals.For this, he needs a lot of labor, and these people need to eat and live, so he also has to build work-supported housing for these people, and provide benefits to these people to retain them and let them work underground in the more difficult wilderness. .

And this is not enough. The mined minerals cannot be sold at a very good price if they are sold directly. For this point, you can refer to the price difference between crude oil and high-standard gasoline.In order to get a good price, you have to process your own products. Even if you can't finish them, you must at least rough them, right?This requires the construction of factories, supporting factories, and the infrastructure required by the factories.The initial factory production capacity is not enough, and you still need a lot of craftsmen.

Not only is the processing done, you still need to have a road to transport it out.So he had to build railways and roads and purchase a sufficient number of trains and trucks.Otherwise it won't work.After this set of operations, there are too many places where money is needed!And the above problems have not been included in the security costs!
Although he made a lot of money, it was still hard to say it was enough.Well, if people are willing to give you interest-free loans, that’s a great thing!What's wrong?

That's the problem.For a long period of time in the beginning, these industries had only input but no output!In those wild places where there are no people and no crops grow, he needs to attract people from the outside and buy all kinds of materials from the outside, from industrial materials to workers' daily necessities.Also, even if it is built, the output will be negative for a long time in the beginning... This issue will not be discussed for the time being.

The question is, where to buy it?Don't think about China, this country has a large population, and it is difficult to say that there is enough food!India next door is across the Himalayas. Although there is food, the transportation cost is a bit high in general...

The same is true for the two major grain-producing countries in the Americas, the United States and Canada.Shipping costs are a bit high.Then he can only buy it in Europe!Whether it is France and the United Kingdom in Western Europe, Germany and Austria in Central Europe, Poland and Romania in Eastern Europe, or Spain and Portugal in Southwest Europe, they are all food exporting countries!Although the export volume is not large, it is enough for Kepfu’s size!
Then the question comes, if you buy it, he will sell it, but what about the price?The difference in the loan they give you has to be recovered on various bulk supplies!Recover this price difference through various export taxes!And even more!

Moreover, the loan is not free, it will be repaid after ten years.And his territory is a bit big, ten years is just a period that makes him uncomfortable, and various industries have just begun to pay back their capital, which is not considered strong, and he is about to pay off his debts...

But Kepf couldn't say no.Because money has always been his major weakness, and without money everything is nonsense.This 1 trillion US dollars can also give him huge help.

This can be regarded as the best performance of Grand Duchess Irene!Pressed on Kepf's bottom line.At the same time, it also made him sigh. The British are indeed British. They are somehow better than the landowners in China. This capitalist financial method is really slippery, almost instinctive!
But he's not bad either!The British are demanding high prices, so he can pay back the money on the ground!Kepf just stretched out two fingers leisurely.

"20 years. Two trillion interest-free loans."

"Your asking price puts us in a difficult position."

Grand Duchess Irene neither agreed nor refused.She just wants to try harder.The Victoria family cannot take out such a large interest-free loan. Even the top three super families in the world cannot afford such a large amount of money.It is for the European governments to unite all the families to take it.Then, as Kepf envisioned, everyone would collect the price difference through export taxes.

And Grand Duchess Irene also admired this guy.This guy has never heard of a great family background, has he?Not only is the magic excellent, but the financial means are also very good!Because if the time is postponed, things will be completely different!

The arrival of the maritime age means the contraction of the power of various countries.The country's base city plan will fail, and the entire country will retreat to the second level, where it will fight the Kraken.And even if they try their best to prepare for war, European countries will not perform better than this country.There are not that many people, and there is not that much depth to retreat to.

And nations will weaken.At that time, I was the one with the gun!As for Kepf, the most powerful magician, it is not up to him to decide whether it is round or flat at that time!Without such a mage, countries that lost their homeland in the maritime war would not be able to regain their country and territory!If the time is extended, Kepf will be in an invincible position after 20 years!
"Actually, if you don't engage in magic, but engage in economics, your achievements may be even greater than today."

"I just think the Grand Duchess appreciates my talents."

"You have a way out, but the Victoria family does not. We must fight to the end, to the last breath. This is different from the family in your country."

"I believe that."

All we can say is that aristocratic clans and aristocratic clans are different!The Mu family and the Zhao family can retreat, but the Victoria family has no choice.They must fight to the end and never give up!This is probably the reason why Grand Duchess Eileen insisted on talking to herself today.

(End of this chapter)

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