Full-time Mage: Copy Mo Fan at the beginning

Chapter 219 Manufacturing Market

Chapter 219 Manufacturing Market

Industrialization requires too many things, including raw materials, massive funds, labor and industrial talents, and markets!Although Kepf has been constantly thinking of ways to make money, it still seems difficult to say that he has made enough money!

The origin of raw materials is no longer a big issue.Those mountains have nearly endless resources to squander.The labor force can be brought in from those noble families, or if it is not possible, it can be replaced by Su Lu or Shao Zheng.So the question is, to engage in capitalism and industrialization, you also need a market. Where is your market?
I don’t know anymore!In fact, the newly emerging factories are completely unable to compete with the traditional handicraft countries.This is a place that goes against popular perception.For example, in 1814, India's tariff on cotton textile products exported to Britain was as high as 70.00% to 80.00%, while the tariff on British textile exports to India was less than 40%.Under this completely unreasonable tariff barrier, India can still form a trade deficit of about [-] pieces of cotton cloth with the United Kingdom!

You’re dumbfounded!Kepf also doesn't think the situation on this plane will be better than the cotton import and export problems of the British Empire and India.Magical equipment is not all expensive and large items like Yalong. For example, demon exorcism powder for hunters, demon gathering powder, portable lamps that do not attract demons, etc. are also considered magic equipment!

And if you take the emerging factories that produce these things to compete with traditional handicraft countries, you can expect that they will all lose money in the beginning!Madhu, Great Britain still has such a high tariff barrier against India and can form a trade deficit. Where are its barriers?Instead, others set up a tariff barrier for themselves.

This is a dead end, at least in the beginning it is an unsolvable dead end.Because he cannot build tariff barriers and obtain product dumping grounds through force like Great Britain did.Can you fight in this situation?Then you can only change your thinking.

When factories can't compete with the handicraft industry, you have to spend money to maintain production and expand production.However, the expansion of production and the inability to compete means more losses... And where do you get the money to plug this loophole that keeps losing money?This is a colander!
This is the most important reason why he wants to provoke and intensify the conflict between Su Lu and Shao Zheng!The conflict between these two groups of people has intensified, and there are buyers for Kepf's products. Others are not making any money, so they can maintain production, but Kepf's Yalong can make a lot of money!
Because Yalong is different from other magic equipment, this thing has a high technical barrier.If others want to tame it and sell it, regardless of whether it can be done, the price of US$70 billion is equal to a loss.But Kepf's Yalong still has a lot to make.Then sell more Yalong and use the money from selling Yalong to subsidize other factories!
But these things are arms. Who would buy a bunch of arms and pile them up at home? One possibility is that there is going to be a war soon, and arms are urgently needed to start the film.Another possibility is that if there are direct competitors, you must also have them to establish reciprocal deterrence!

Therefore, we must provoke a conflict between Su Lu and Shao Zheng!Every tael of money these two spend is making up for the shortfall of the future factory!The more powerful these two goods fight, the more Wurms they buy.Even if they don't buy it, the clans of their faction will buy it. Don't underestimate the control these guys have over the clans!
That's why this happened.Establish a set of logic to make Su Lu think that there is no need to attack him and his position is stable.If you can have no desires, you will be just.And after he thought this way, he would naturally target Shao Zheng and ignore himself!After all, everything must be prioritized. Shao Zheng is an evil ghost to Su Lu, and his orders are unpredictable. However, Kepfu has no motive and is relatively secondary in the attack schedule.

"That's right..."

Su Lu was deceived.But what Kepf said was right, at least he had no plans to deal with Su Lu in the short term... Shao Zheng, like himself, was an enemy who could be defeated, but Kepf would never fail.

"We can't talk about friendship, but we can still talk about business, right?"

"Then what do you want?"

"Three thousand dragons! Pay it all within five years!"

"You didn't buy this for yourself, right? Who has a share among them?"

"Those princes in the Middle East are interested in making friends with you. They have placed half of the orders here."

Well, this is really rich!Shao Zheng only bought a thousand Yalongs, most of which were paid with grain and minerals. These guys bought [-] Yalongs without batting an eyelid!Even Kepf has to say that he is awesome!
Since they couldn't get more support and the business was over, Su Lu and Xizhe had no intention of staying any longer.After he left, Kepf could also deal with some personal matters...

"Beautiful lady, welcome to my humble home. Please forgive me if they have not treated me well."

Several Valkyries returned with good news.Take a closer look. Isn’t this the Queen of Nine Netherworlds?

At this time, Queen Jiuyou looked like she was looking at a devil!This was actually the first time she saw Kepf's wrist.She has been able to tell that these white-clad, black-booted, bare-winged Valkyries are actually creations of Kepf's magic.

It is a new species born by combining the souls of the dead mages of the Imperial Guard Mages with some unknown magic.Loyal, agile, deadly, powerful, it can be said that it combines all the advantages in one!And this fact terrified Empress Jiuyou!
When Kepf saw her, he saluted as if he were seeing a beautiful lady.But Queen Jiuyou looked at him like he was a devil!
"You devil! What have you created!"

"Haha. Could it be that these beautiful ladies were not treated well? What's wrong with them? It's better than becoming a zombie or a skeleton, right?"

Well, Kepfu's words left Queen Jiuyou speechless.Indeed, everyone can tell whether it is better to be an advanced being like Valkyrie or a skeleton zombie.If Jiuyou had to choose, she would also be a Valkyrie.

"And don't you have a desire for this, madam? It's just a matter of who you are loyal to."


Kepfu's next words directly touched Queen Jiuyou's heart.Indeed, there is no being that craves living life more than the undead!If it wasn't for the desire for life, why would Queen Jiuyou and her female ghosts come to the city again and again to seek young and beautiful girls?Don't they know they might be arrested if they enter the city?

The conclusion is of course.But it is instinct to seek life as an undead.It's just that the other undead are losers, and the only way to feel life is to destroy the living life and dig their claws into the chest cavity of the living person.Ghosts can use their possession abilities to briefly regain their lives.

(End of this chapter)

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