Chapter 220 Betrayal
And Kepf gave her an olive branch!If you cooperate, you can be reborn, and even become an emperor!

This condition made Empress Jiuyou a little tempted.

Why is Kepf talking about this?When he talks about this today, it's better to choose the day than to hit it.Even if we don't talk about it today, he still wants to find a good time to talk to Queen Jiuyou about this matter.It's just that the Nine Nether Empress was captured directly today, giving him a good negotiating situation.

Although he asked Sakya to deal with Emperor Qin.But the result...who knows!Sharjah is stronger in terms of physical strength, but his opponent has more experience and has almost endless cannon fodder to use.This is actually a close battle.

Then he also has to prepare.What if Sharjah fails?It's not easy for the Emperor to die, but if he fails, he will have to do it himself!And talking to Queen Jiuyou is also to facilitate this.

Sha Yuan is very good!That is the palace and mausoleum of the First Emperor.If India is the brightest pearl in Queen Victoria's crown, then Shayuan is the brightest pearl in the ancient capital of the Undead Empire!This is a floating city that is unique in the world!
Emperor Qin must die, but if he can capture Sha Yuan, it will be very beneficial to his plan.Also, the ancient capital of the Undead Empire was also a very wealthy empire.There are huge amounts of wealth in the tombs of the dead, big and small.The wealth obtained by digging up those tombs is also valuable to him!
To achieve these two points, a leading party is needed!Other undead are not suitable, and their intelligence may not even be as high as this.And the most suitable one is Queen Jiuyou!Therefore, Kepfu also had the idea of ​​​​talking to Queen Jiuyou and inciting her to betray!
To be honest, Queen Jiuyou really agrees with what Kepfu said!Although her magic power is not as good as Kepf's, at this point, everyone who needs to know understands it!And because of his age, his sensitivity to many things even exceeds that of Kepf!
And Kepf's words immediately won her approval!First of all, she really longs for a new life. There is no undead who does not long for a new life!Secondly, she also understands that there is no absolute freedom in the world.

Is there any absolute freedom?Kepf's answer is yes, but you must at least reach the level of an awakened person on the lunar plane before you can have truly unrestricted freedom.But at this level, you have to follow the rules.It's just that the rules are different.

Queen Jiuyou can also understand this truth.The emperor level has emperor level rules, and even the emperor level cannot do whatever they want.Not strong enough.This is even more true for the monarch level.Whether it is the monarch level or the emperor level, there are various restrictions from oneself or the environment.

If you insist on the difference, it means that the degree of freedom of the imperial class is a little bit larger.The Sovereign is like being locked in a birdcage with a sparrow, and the Sovereign is like being locked in a cage with a tiger.

From a practical point of view... the Queen of Nine Nethers is a monarch, and it is impossible for her to establish her own business.Those who have the ability to stand on their own are all at the imperial level.And since they all serve as little brothers to others, why doesn't she serve as the little brother to the emperor who bids the highest?There's nothing wrong with that!
Look at Kepf's offer. If you follow me, after the death of Emperor Qin, you will be the new boss of the ancient capital of the Undead Empire, and I can still resurrect you.This condition can be said to have touched her heart!And Emperor Qin's actions were definitely not so generous, because he couldn't commit suicide, right?

What?You said there is a difference between humans and ghosts. Kepf is a human and cannot mix with monsters?Get rid of it, he can support Apasi to be the boss of the Medusa Empire, but what if he supports an undead to be the boss of the Undead Empire?And these undead, are they enlightened enough to know what racism is?

Empress Jiuyou can answer this with all her heart. Maybe the undead are a bit biased, but there really is no such high-end ideology as racism... As for loyalty?No one has this thing!The superior-subordinate relationship between high-level undead and snakes and scorpions is only more snobbish than that of humans!I recognize you as the boss just because you are in my interests. You being the boss is beneficial to me, nothing more!

So she was seriously considering the was a generous offer.But she had to ask the whole question.That's what Kepf wants her to do?
"We all know that the Undead Emperor is different from other emperors. The Undead Emperor has a magnificent mausoleum. This is the source of his power and the key to immortality."


"What I want you to do is to cut off the connection between Emperor Qin and his tomb inside Shayuan when Emperor Qin has a decisive battle with our people! We will do the rest ourselves!"

"This is impossible! You can laugh at me for being too weak, but you must face the reality! I can't be the opponent of seven of them! When the connection between the mausoleum and Emperor Qin is cut off, I will be besieged by the other seven dead kings. And when your people came to kill me, I don’t know how many times I’ve been cold!”

joke!Now is not the time to pretend to be a big clove of garlic!Before doing big things, you must understand your own strength and understand your position.This is what is called self-knowledge.Those who want to punch big countries or kick great powers when they are hot-headed often do not end up with good results.And Empress Jiuyou also understands the position this guy has given her!
It's the ghost.If Emperor Qin suddenly loses contact with his tomb, Shayuan, during the battle, his strength will be greatly reduced.And in this way, the opponent can easily deal with the opponent.But in ancient times, there were eight dead kings from all directions, and there were also seven dead kings. She couldn't beat seven of them one by one, right?That's courting death!You can't be brave now!
"How long can you last?"

"Less than 4 minutes. More than 3 minutes."

"How about a sub-imperial level for you? It should be easier for a sub-imperial king to deal with a monarch level, right?"

"I...I don't understand what you mean!"

Queen Jiuyou was stunned for a moment, and then felt ecstatic in her heart at Kepfu's proposal!Indeed, for her as a ghost, the best suggestion is to be resurrected, and the greatest comfort is to be promoted to the emperor level!Although he is controlled by Kepfu, even though he is only a sub-emperor, he is still an emperor!

The only question is, how can Kepfu promote her to the emperor level?If it were so easy to be promoted to the Emperor level, would she have been stuck at the Sovereign level for so long?Which of those undead monarchs doesn't aspire to become an emperor?Moreover, his promotion to the emperor level will definitely arouse Emperor Qin's suspicion, right?This has been an eventful time.

And whoever Emperor Qin wants to deal with doesn't need evidence. He can just kill you if something is wrong with you!Therefore, although she is ecstatic, Queen Jiuyou has not lost her mind yet!

(End of this chapter)

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