Chapter 221 Allied Forces

Is there a solution to this problem?If it was the Nine Nether Queen, it would definitely not be able to solve it.But Kepf is different!

"Just use my magic to plant energy and contracts in you. It's not too difficult."

"Planted on the body? What kind of magic is this?"

Too strange.Queen Jiuyou is fairly well-informed, but this kind of magic is really unheard of.It is possible to plant a contract on one's body, and some of the most critical spies who infiltrate the enemy's interior use such spells.But planting energy in your body?I have never heard of this Nine Nether Queen.What's more, it has enough energy to promote someone to the rank of Sub-Emperor!
"It's a by-product. You can do that here."

It's a by-product of his other research.He did meet a lot of unusual guys at Pearl Academy, and the one who impressed him the most was Ding Yumian.

Possessing naturally powerful psychic powers.So it was seen as some kind of disaster.Well, with Dean Xiao's help, she agreed to Kepf studying her in exchange for political cover-up.If her identity is exposed, death is the best outcome, and there is a high probability that she will be soaked in formalin like the guy designated by the seal under the Bell Ringing Hall.

But if Kai helped to cover up the crime and she didn't make trouble herself, her life as a gangster would be over... So this guy also agreed to Kepf's deal.

The result gave him a lot of inspiration.The so-called calamity itself is a manifestation of outstanding talent.It's just that the extremely powerful magic power is trapped in the weak body of human beings, and there is no way to release it well, so it becomes an indefinite time bomb.In fact, it is also a category that can be improved by reconstructive surgery.However, Ding Yumian has not yet decided to join the ranks of Kapf, she is completely out of character, she wants to think again.

Kepf understood this...he couldn't force it.If Ding Yumian didn't want to join him but didn't leak the secret, there was nothing he could do.But that has little to do with what we're doing now.

The most important thing is the research results related to it.To suppress this power of the mind, which is also the source of magic, related inhibitors can be used.But you can also create special magic equipment sets to divert excess magic power into the magic equipment.

And the situation in front of me... is a variant application of the same magic.Cut off a piece of the Nine Nether Queen's soul, and then soak it in the magic weapon you prepared to hold the magic weapon needed to advance to the sub-emperor level.

Then just wait until the big battle and then use magic.Just put the piece of the Nine Nether Queen's soul that has absorbed enough energy to be promoted to the sub-emperor level to her body.

"No, why do I feel that our thoughts are not on the same line?"

This thinking is really wild!Queen Jiuyou has to admire how this guy's mind is really big!But she feels that Kepfu is not thinking in the same line as hers?How did the soul fragment that was soaked in Kepf's house fly to her?
Was the magic she learned while she was alive fake?Am I a fake Forbidden Curse Mage!

"You don't have to worry about this. As long as I can do it."

How to do it?This is not what Kepf wants to tell Empress Jiuyou now.After all, the two parties haven't formally signed the contract yet, so the matter hasn't been written yet!

But he sure can do it!The magic of this plane is not good, and the level of development is much worse than that of the moon plane. He may not be able to do things that the natives of this plane cannot do!
As for the specific method... just copy the Nine Nether Queen, then copy and paste.Putting a hole in Jiuyouhou's body can be understood as leaving a backdoor in the program.Then cultivate the cut-out soul piece to the sub-imperial level.

Next, use magic to quickly complete it.Use a soul fragment left by the Nine Nether Queen to cultivate a new emperor-level Nine Nether Queen, and finally paste this emperor-level Nine Nether Queen onto the Nine Nether Queen of Shayuan through the operating backdoor left before.

This process requires a lot of time magic and soul magic.But it was not unimaginable to him.Especially since he got the Eye of Time and Space, it is even easier to operate it with the power of time and space!

The energy to be promoted to the emperor level comes from the unknown totem that died, the previous owner of the Time and Space Divine Eye, the Dragon of Time.Sakya took half of it and was promoted to the emperor level, and the remaining half was his, which was enough for Queen Jiuyou to be promoted to the emperor level!
"Are you going to do it or not? The sub-emperor job requires it. After the work is done, you can still be a legitimate emperor. And you can also be reborn."


Jiuyouhou spent half an hour considering the pros and cons.For this ancient undead monarch, this is the ultimate gamble that costs all his wealth.If you win, you win everything; if you lose, you lose everything.If it were someone else, they might hesitate.

But as the daughter of a low-level bureaucratic family, she climbed up the ladder step by step in that patriarchal era, and finally became the unique empress. In this process, she definitely did not lack courage!Kepf was sure that she would accept it, because this person's courage was greater than that of a fight!

Finally, he gritted his teeth and stamped his feet, signing his name under two contracts guaranteed by the Dark King himself.Yes, two servings.

"The first contract will last until the Qin Emperor fights with us. At that time, I will paste the emperor-level you onto the monarch-level you. Let you be promoted to the sub-emperor level. But after you are promoted, you will The connection between Emperor Qin and Sha Yuan must be cut off immediately."

"Don't destroy the evil abyss, I need it. After Emperor Qin's death, I will give you your reward, resurrect you, and promote you to the emperor level. At the same time, you must also show your loyalty to me. These are all written clearly. It's gone."

"I see."

Then she still has to go back and make arrangements.I just don’t know if this transaction will be known.Jiuyou was thinking about this issue while holding back the heart-rending pain at the soul level.

"Is it okay if I go back like this? Haha... It really fucking hurts!"

That piece of soul fragment was purely torn from her body!It hurts like hell!But she couldn't refute it, and she went all out to put on a show. With such an irregular wound, she could still make up an excuse to escape when she encountered an enemy who was unable to fight.

"What's the point? I'll just give you a related false memory. It's enough to make you tremble."

that's true!Just make a triggered false memory.Just cover and paste the false memory.Continue until time is up.Even the Empress of the Nine Nethers could do it herself. She was a rare mage who had achieved forbidden spells in both the spiritual and healing systems during her lifetime, and she didn't need Kepfu's help.

(End of this chapter)

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