Full-time Mage: Copy Mo Fan at the beginning

Chapter 233 The Temple of Liberty

Chapter 233 The Temple of Liberty

"I... did we really kill a fourth-series super mage?"

"Yes. It's more real than real gold. Keep this experience and lesson in mind. I will only demonstrate such a thing once."

The magic tools or magic invented by Kepf will consider practicality, applicability and economic cost, but will not consider the use of somatosensory issues.The magic tool called the Vampire Cloak allows a person to possess the one-time ability to vaporize a vampire, but it feels terrible to use.

It's like being stuffed into a fully automatic washing machine and then selecting the high-speed drying mode!Although they successfully vaporized and escaped through the sewer system upstairs, Mu Ningxue and Ye Xinxia were not very comfortable either.

After retching for a while, they stared at their mistress's head.After the sleeping potion took effect, Mu Ningxue used a truffle-cutting knife to slit the throat of the super mage, and then pulled her head off, leaving only a headless body on the spot.

Of course, Kaishi did not forget to use his hands to strip away all valuable things on his body. Even his underwear was taken off and searched to see if there was a Swiss bank check hidden inside.This kind of behavior made Mu Ningxue and Ye Xinxia a little speechless.

But after calming down from the initial nervousness, Mu Ningxue and Ye Xinxia finally realized what they had done!Under Kepfu's guidance, they killed a powerful super mage so easily!
A fourth-series ultra-level mage is no longer something ordinary people can imagine.If he were not such a bandit, he would be the absolute core of power in any country, and his status could be said to be similar to Han Ji.As a result... he died just like that.

Her death was so useless that it made both Mu Ningxue and Ye Xinxia doubt their lives.They are not stupid, they just lack experience, and it is because they are smart enough that Kepf chose to cooperate with them.

Then what?Kepf taught them a lesson with practical actions.With proper preparation, even an ordinary person can take the life of an extremely powerful mage!This can be said to be no less than a blow to their worldview!
"My fiancée, I can feel that you are not at peace."

"It's a little uneasy. When we were young, we were taught that mages are superior and exist beyond ordinary people. But now it seems that we have been deceived by this lie for so long."

"You are very smart. You just lack experience. In my opinion, good people will not die, and bad people will not die either. Only stupid people will die."

"Let's take her as a negative example? Don't let your guard down no matter where you are. Well, we still have to complete the rest of the work."

This is a good lesson.But now is not the time to lament this, the key thing is to finish what needs to be done!The mistress also has two children, who are also ultra-level mages of a single line. Before the news of the mistress's death spreads, they must seal their throats with a sword!
If a four-series super mage must hide and go, but a single-series super mage?Haha, although she didn't know what results she could achieve, she felt that saving her life was not a big problem!

That’s how it is!But the situation suddenly changed at the end!When they rushed all the way to the mistress's villa, both Mu Ningxue and Ye Xinxia could see someone welcoming them!

"I thought who killed Malune. I didn't expect it to be two such young mages."

"But that's okay. Since ancient times, heroes have emerged from youth! I'm here to welcome you."

Running wildly all the way, rushing towards the mistress's lair, whose defense power has been greatly weakened at this time.After all, many high-level mages have left as the bodyguards of the mistress.However, when they actually fought in, they could see one of the mistress's daughters bowing to them!

At the same time, she was also wearing the uniform of Master Zifeng of the Temple of Freedom!Well, although Kepf had told them in advance, Atacama was already a spy paradise at this time, and people from all walks of life were dazzled.But Mu Ningxue was still surprised when she actually saw a mage from the Freedom Temple!
"How do I know who you're serving?"

"Well...the branch master of the Freedom Temple, Zifeng Mage Yancier, pays tribute to you. You got rid of Malune. Well, I don't have any feelings for her."

"How can you be a mage from the Temple of Freedom? If your daughter is a mage from the Temple of Freedom, how can your mother be a bandit?"

"Are you surprised? When you have reached such a high level as a bandit, you naturally have to consider cleaning up and calling it quits. She has been preparing for this for a long time. For this reason, she sent one of us to Ojos Saint and the other to Ojos Saint. Sent to the Temple of Freedom. She also doesn’t like to put her treasure on an organization.”

"And you can understand, right? Neither the Temple of Freedom nor Saint Ojos has any reason to refuse the surrender of a fourth-series super-level mage. They just haven't negotiated a suitable price. As for being killed now? That's not the case. Way, that’s always the case with bandits.”

It can be said to be something unexpected and reasonable.Kepf can quickly figure out the joints, but Mu Ningxue and Ye Xinxia still need to give some pointers.From the mouth of the Temple of Liberty mage who couldn't hear any indignation or regret at the news of his mother's death, Mu Ningxue and Ye Xinxia finally understood why.

"Can the people in the Liberty Temple tolerate the chaos here?"

However, Mu Ningxue still had something she couldn't figure out.she asked bluntly.What is the attitude of the Liberty Temple towards the situation here?Will the Temple of Liberty allow these bandits to continue to exist?

"I thought you'd know better now that you got rid of Malune. The big guys need some black gloves, black gloves for different things. I'm a mage at the Free Temple, but it could also be a gangster. She might be a turtle. Son, but she is our turtle son. Do you understand?"

"Ha! Let's not consider the needs of those politicians. The mountains are high here and the emperor is far away. What can we do and how much can those big people interfere? Compared to this, there is a good deal, I wonder if you want to do it?"

"what would you like?"

The cynicism of this Free Temple mage left a very deep impression on Mu Ningxue right away!Therefore, she cannot guarantee whether she can make this deal.Moreover, Kepf just watched at this time without expressing any opinions.

They still need to experience it themselves.Use your own brain to think and solve problems.The previous four-series super-level was an unplanned matter, so it was okay for Kepf to help handle it.They still have to do the next experience on their own!

(End of this chapter)

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