Chapter 234
"I know your identities. Your disguises are perfect. There must be experts behind you to help you, right? I personally particularly appreciate the method of entering here as a hunter. But the methods of the other members of your team are too poor."

Well, Kepf is as reliable as ever.But other national team members do not have such high means.Looking at what happened to him, and then thinking about Mo Fan's careless behavior and feeling uncomfortable all over without causing trouble, why do both Mu Ningxue and Ye Xinxia feel so uneasy?

"There are too many speculators, bandits and mercenaries here. Those countries sent you here to be hunters. What I want you to do does not conflict with this."

"There are some... not very good people under my mother. They are engaged in disgusting activities. But these people are disobedient and unreliable at critical moments. Therefore, these people cannot be retained."

"I will provide a bounty for everyone on the list. The bounty comes from my mother's collection, and she also prepared a lot of wealth in order to clear herself. In addition, you can decide how much of those people's seizures are You can take as much as you want. I won’t interfere.”

"A bounty hunter?"

Having said that, their experience this time was also to eliminate bandits and local illegal mercenaries in Atacama.Although they turned around under the influence of Kepf and got involved in local struggles, they came back in the end, and they started to clear the bandits and illegal mercenaries for bounty work again !

"How strong are these guys?"

"There are over a hundred people in total. The most powerful ones are the high-level three-series ones, whose cultivation is similar to yours. And for every high-level mage, I will provide a bounty of at least 500 million U.S. dollars in corresponding resources. For every mid-level mage, At least [-] million rewards."


Turning her head to look at Xinxia, ​​who nodded, Mu Ningxue took up the task.Well, although it’s not as much work as Kepf’s, the goal of over a hundred is still worth planning for!

There is a bounty on each target's head, and if you don't act quickly enough, you may cause a large number of targets to flee!And this is not what Mu Ningxue wants to see.The case where Kepfu manipulated the two of them to assassinate the fourth-series ultra-mage is actually worth learning from, but this time to deal with a large number of weaker targets, you still need to plan carefully and not just copy them!

Of course, compared to how relaxed Mu Ningxue and Xinxia were at this moment, the other national team members were not so relaxed!
The other team members also work in pairs.Mo Fan is in a group with Jiang Shaoxu, Zhao Manyan is in a group with Mù Nujiao, Ai Jiangtu is in a group with Nan Yu, and finally is Guan Yu and Jiang Yu.

For the first time, Jiang Shaoxu chose to team up with Mo Fan.This makes Mo Fan very useful for this!Well, although Jiang Shaoxu just wanted to use Mo Fan, a loser, to support him when necessary so that he could escape smoothly!

She knows the situation in such a dangerous place!And the other people in the team?Nan Yu is very important. Without a phonetic mage, it will not be easy to win the national competition later.Moreover, Nan Yu is also an officer and an active-duty officer, so it is not easy to fool him.

Ai Jiangtu is stronger, but Ai Jiangtu's grandfather has a high status in the military. If he cheats him to death, it will be embarrassing for both families to meet in the future!The same is true for Guan Yu, Jiang Yu, and Zhao Manyan. The families behind them are very powerful, and they are inextricably linked with Jiang Shaoxu's Jiang family. If I cheat them to death, many bad things will happen...

The Mu family behind Mu Nujiao is not very powerful, but Mu Nujiao herself is not very capable of fighting or resisting, and she is also smart, so she may not fight to the end when faced with such a thing!
Then the best choice in the end is Mo Fan!This person is not from a noble family, so even if he is really tricked to death, he doesn't have much responsibility.

In fact, thanks to Jiang Shaoxu's foresight, he had to keep one eye open when meditating in a place like this, otherwise Mo Fan would have become the second most powerful mage killed by Mu Ningxue... The mage in meditation is also very fragile and has no ability to resist.

"Wake up! Go!"


At ten o'clock in the evening, this was Mo Fan's meditation time.As a result, Mo Fan, who was violently shaken awake by Jiang Shaoxu during meditation, was naturally very uncomfortable.After getting up, Mo Fan was very angry and originally wanted to find someone to vent to.

But Mo Fan was stunned when he saw Jiang Shaoxu smashing open the window of the second-floor hotel where he and she were staying, jumping out of the window and running away.

Well, Jiang Shaoxu is not too conscientious. Although he planned to use Mo Fan as a shield, he reminded Mo Fan before he ran away!
But the movement was so slow. At the moment Mo Fan was in a daze, several thunderbolts shattered the door of the room and rushed towards him!If it wasn't for Mo Fan's rich combat experience and timely use of his displacement magic Shadow Escape, he would have been blown to pieces along with this room!
Ten, twenty, thirty...well, now is not the time for war!Looking at dozens of high-level mages, Mo Fan only wanted to run!What about Jiang Shaoxu?Well, he ran earlier. Not only did he move faster than him, but he also activated the magic weapon... From the visual inspection, he ran without a trace!

"Where are the women?"

"Run away! Jump out of the window and escape!"

"Damn it! Get this piece of information first! Every psychic mage must find a way to keep an eye on me!"

More people came up from downstairs, and Mo Fan could still hear a few sounds of English mixed with local dialects.He could understand the gist of these sentences.

However, Mo Fan didn’t have the time to think about this at this time!The people upstairs and downstairs were completely surrounded, and Jiang Shaoxu had already disappeared without a trace.Yes, Mo Fan's combat effectiveness is a little stronger than that of ordinary high-level mages, but under the siege of thirty high-level mages, it is of no use.

Ai Jiangtu and Nan Yu were also followed by unknown persons.However, it was not like the encounter between Mo Fan and Jiang Shaoxu, where a large group of high-level mages with an overwhelming numerical advantage came to kill them!As for the combination of Zhao Manyan and Mu Nujiao, as well as Guan Yu and Jiang Yu?
Basically, I didn't even bother to follow him.Based on the mana fluctuations at the scene and checking the personnel and account books, they judged that there should be a Psychic Mage.He used psychic magic to confuse the nightclub staff so he could sneak in, and then murdered the unsuspecting super mage Malune.Finally, use space magic to escape.

This is also the reason why Mo Fan and Jiang Shaoxu were directly ridiculed by the high-level mage group!Mu Ningxue and Ye Xinxia's identities were well disguised. Until now, these people still don't know about the existence of Ye Xinxia and Mu Ningxue.After all, there is no such thing as a household registration here.And Mo Fan and Jiang Shaoxu, who are wandering around here with very conspicuous identities at this time... If they don't send a mage team to greet you, then who will they greet you?
(End of this chapter)

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