Chapter 235 Collapse
Well, the development of this matter is different from Mu Ningxue and Ye Xinxia's speculation.It wasn't because Mo Fan was too arrogant and caused trouble, but because Jiang Shaoxu was hunted down and Mo Fan was blamed.Jiang Shaoxu ran faster than he could fly, but Mo Fan was more unlucky.

Of course, Jiang Shaoxu has not lost his conscience too much.Although she is now trapped, she is still trying to find a way to fish Mo Fan out... Of course, the first priority is to come up with a good way.that's all!

Let’s talk about what Mu Ningxue and Xinxia are busy with.Well, although Kepfu still retains a spiritual link with them and will help them manage their finances and discover hidden treasures in the magic market, they still have to do the work themselves.

And the two of them have been with Kepfu for a long time, and they are also very smart.In a short period of time, a fairly good plan was devised.At this moment, they are executing immediately.

After all, this is a semi-desert and semi-mountainous area, and you can't expect the quality of infrastructure here to be very good.Therefore, the first part of this plan is to deal with targets outside the central city first!

In the center of the mountain, there is a city composed of bandits, mercenaries and various speculators.Outside the city, there are vast mountains and deserts.In these deserts and mountains, they also have their goals!
Let’s tackle these goals first!Because this is not a city, it will take a certain amount of time to send the news back!Thanks to Kepfu equipping Xinxia and Mu Ningxue with the best wing magic equipment and walking magic equipment, the speed on the road is guaranteed.It's not a problem to deal with nineteen targets outside the city in half a day!
Well, the magic tool made from the soul of Yamata no Orochi is still very powerful!Look at the stars in the sky and the mechanical watch on your hand. It's zero o'clock now.Zero o'clock.This is a great time to attack!
"The target is seven mid-level mages! We must take them down with one blow!"

"No problem. Sister Xue! I can use high-level fire magic!"

The first target, described in records as Rat, whose real name was Gonzalo de Diaz.He is a magician of mixed Hispanic and Native American descent.Intermediate dual elements, water element and curse element.There are six single-series mid-level mages hired under his command.

This man has been engaged in mining work.Profit from buying slaves to mine open-pit mines.Well, neither Mu Ningxue nor Ye Xinxia have any psychological barriers to killing such people.The only problem is how to win it!

"I think I can step right through those traps! I can withstand them!"

"I think it's better to just blow it up! I'll cover you from behind while Sister Xue rushes."

"no problem!"

This guy is really a rat and takes his own safety very seriously.Next to the mine is this rat's residence, which is actually a fortress!According to Xinxia's detection using psychic magic, this fortress can withstand at least two attacks from ordinary high-level magic, and the rat will quickly get into the basement and escape through the previously dug underground tunnel.

But it’s of little use to Xinxia!After merging with the commander-level Flame Fairy girl, Xinxia, ​​who has a pretty good soul seed, can directly open a hole in the dome of this fortress with one blow!Then Mu Ningxue flew in and killed these guys directly!that is it!

Take a deep breath, in this dark night, only one of these guys is awake and vigil in response to the psychic magic.Therefore Xinxia is still very careful.Use your own ring magic weapon 800 meters away from the target to summon the Flame Fairy Girl and complete the possession.

Then rush straight away!Rush into the shooting range and use your high-level fire magic 500 meters away!She has not been lazy in her training, and is now able to use high-level second-level fire magic!

"Tribulation Flame—Hell Flame!"

"Wind disc - pulling!"

The effect of this blow is outstanding!Consistent with the calculation, a hole was directly opened in the dome, and then Mu Ningxue followed up with a set of combo punches, used the wind disk to blow up the guys sleeping on the second floor, and then used the ice lock to pull them over!

The fighting philosophy that Kai taught them was to never fight on other people's territory easily and never let down your guard. This has been verified recently, proving Kepf's sophistication.

Even though she had the upper hand in combat, but the lion fought the rabbit with all her strength, Mu Ningxue still chose to pull these guys out of their lair and break their necks!Of course, the opponent this time was really weak. Mu Ningxue's wind disk directly blew the two guys to pieces, and only the heads were pulled over, and the heads were separated from each other!The magical power of dragons is great.

"Let's search! At times like this, property is usually stored in the basement!"

This guy has a bounty of 2000 million on his head, which is not a lot.But Mu Ningxue and Xinxia were also promised that they could get additional rewards from them... so there was no reason not to take it.

Break open the basement door with your fist and loot everywhere.After searching for a long time, I found two checks and a small incomplete Galaxy Vein under a bag of potatoes.Well, a small incomplete Galaxy Vein costs [-] million. Considering that this guy is an intermediate dual-system, he is probably going to advance to a high-level mage!
It also made Mu Ningxue denounce the wealth of these bandits!She didn't get a total of [-] million worth of resources from the Japanese experience!Counting the two checks Xinxia received, this is close to [-] million!

"Congratulations! What a beautiful battle!"

"I'm a little worried about whether a super mage will pop up in the end."

A miner leader can buy a Galaxy Vein. Although it is just a small incomplete Galaxy Vein, it shows how wealthy these guys are.Even if there are mages who can afford Xinghai Tianmai, Mu Ningxue won’t be surprised!After all, these guys are not very short of money, and judging from the local situation...

As long as you have money, you can buy almost anything!Whether it’s scarce or prohibited!Therefore, what Mu Ningxue said is not unreasonable!

"The super mages who have just advanced may not be able to beat you. Of course, the key is to fight two against one instead of being beaten. Besides... I checked the information in China and found that Atacama is also An important area that produces high-quality nanocrystals!”


"Anyway, you have to stay here for a month. And it will definitely not take a month to complete this job. If you can get high-quality nanocrystals for the money, then don't hesitate. I will help you in this regard. of."

"If the quantity is not enough, there are still mineral veins in the area. You don't care about making enemies of bandits and mercenaries, right? If there are such rare minerals, I can give you some good things..."

(End of this chapter)

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