Full-time Mage: Copy Mo Fan at the beginning

Chapter 255 Conquering the Undead

Chapter 255 Conquering the Undead
"Professor, you change wives quite frequently."

"What? Do you have any dissatisfaction?"

"...No. After all, this is your family matter. Sharja has no position. Even if we may have a political marriage, it is not now."

Well, when he was a little idle, his student, Sharjah, came.Looking at the time, more than a month has passed.

With Sharjah's level, after being promoted to the Emperor level, it took him a month to stabilize his cultivation and learn his own magical powers. Well, the speed was not bad.Considering that she learned a very rare time ability, this level is not bad.

Well, when Sharja saw the two rituals, she could instinctively sense danger from her body.This is a woman who can take her out...but, well, Kepf has a new lady.

Well, as he said, this is his family matter.Although Sharja feels that being his wife is not bad, after all, she can cooperate more closely, and Kepfu is also very relaxed about his wife.However, she had to settle the matter in the Holy City first before talking about this.

"Since you have successfully advanced to the emperor level, then do what you should do. Remember, you are not allowed to fail..."

"Of course you'll get what you want, Professor."

Well, it seems that Kepfu doesn't have much thought to continue talking to her today, so Sharja is ready to pack up and deal with the Qin Emperor.Sakya, who has advanced to the emperor level, is really confident about this!
"Oh, please don't hurt that flying city, Shayuan. I want it to be useful."

"Of course, of course. If possible, I can even capture Emperor Qin. An emperor-level soul would also be very useful to you, right?"

"In fact, there is no emperor-level soul. The current Emperor Qin is just a magic weapon that houses his cultivation during his lifetime, but if you can capture it... then it is best. If you can't, it doesn't matter."

Sakya also knows the importance of things.Emperor Qin's cultivation was lodged in a magical armor that he had during his lifetime.This can be regarded as a bonus. You can get the best, but it doesn't matter if you don't get it.Now, she was going to work.Don't stay at Kepf's house and interfere with the beauty of him and his wife.

After all, he still needs to appease his wife, whom he has not seen for several years, and to balance the love songs... If these two quarrel, it could kill him... But these have nothing to do with Sakya. Today, she will give up her past. His identity appears to the world as Archangel Gabriel!

To be honest, she doesn't hate Kepf.She thought Kepf was a smart man.But, well, she must now take the blame and fight against the Undead Empire and her increasingly corrupt colleagues!

You can't get around it!Sharjah also knows that the current Holy City is just a flower stand, shiny on the surface, but in fact it is already broken at the touch of a touch.She can't escape.

In the northwest sky, she took a deep breath, shined the angel's light on the earth, on this corrupt empire, and announced her existence to the world!

"I am an archangel!"

"I am Archangel Gabriel!"

"In my name, for the destiny of future generations, and for our destiny, I wage war against our enemies! The time has come!"

At Shanhaiguan, Hua Zhanhong, the leader of the northern army, looked westward subconsciously, and then shook his head.Shao Zheng was very surprised by this and seemed to not understand why such a thing happened!

In the Magic City, in Hangzhou, and everywhere in Shijie, all the strong men have their eyes fixed on this.Including Kepf, today, the pattern of the world has finally changed, and the corrupt existence of the past will be uprooted!
"Can she win?"

"Perhaps. I would rather know who gave her the courage. Our colleague has not been seen for two years."

The same is true in the Holy City.However, there were only three archangels in the Holy City at this time.However, Saga did not communicate with other archangels before she appeared.Therefore, Archangel Raphael was surprised by this.

Another Archangel Sariel shook his head at this.This female archangel seems to know something, but she just doesn't want to say it.

"But this can be regarded as asking for direction, right? Humanity has not had a real battle between emperors for too long. It doesn't hurt to see the opponent's strength in this battle, right?"

The third Archangel Raguel smoothed things over.Indeed, it has been too long since human beings had a war between emperors.Emperor Ji Nan knew very well how much they weighed, but humans didn't know how powerful the enemy was.If Gabriel wins, it will be good news!

"I'm afraid she'll get involved! It's impossible to single-handedly wage war against the entire Undead Empire without evidence. So I'm asking who gave her the confidence?"

Sariel just grunted at this.Unlike other archangels, she is an archangel with dark power.So she knew something, but she couldn't be sure and had no proof.So I just hummed twice and sat in the palace of the Holy City to watch the show.

Let’s not talk about the random thoughts of the archangel in the holy city and the small calculations of the forbidden magic mages everywhere. The focus is on Sakya, she is the starring role in this drama!But how should I put it, the feeling that Emperor Qin gave her was a little off...

Well, it may be that this Qin Emperor has only been resurrected for a long time and has not escaped from the period of weakness.After all, the Qin Emperor had only been resurrected for more than two months. For an undead emperor, the time was too short.The undead are immortal, but once injured it is difficult to recover.

Well, even so, it will take a lot of effort for Saga to defeat him.However, Kepf arranged an undercover agent inside the Undead Empire, and that was the first point.The second point is that after absorbing the power of the dead Dragon of Time, Saga learned a new magic that can be called a historic breakthrough!
"It's so powerless! It's so powerless!"

Well, if other archangels and forbidden spell mages are more powerful and can see the real battlefield situation through their own magic, they will definitely be surprised by this!Although weak, the emperor level is still the emperor level after all, and the Qin Emperor is much more experienced than Sakya.

Just now, Emperor Qin released the black dragon wave that destroyed a thousand-man army with just one blow.And, it did hit Sharjah.Well, if it's just a black dragon wave, it's nowhere near the itch for the current Sharjah.Therefore, Emperor Qin didn't hesitate to release hundreds of black dragon waves at a time with his limited mana!

About half of them hit Sharjah.In fact, it was not without effect. It did shatter Sakya's angel armor and angel boots, and left a wound on Sakya's chest that could almost expose her lungs. It looked like it had been damaged by the body. It looked like it had been completely peeled away with a carpenter's plane.

(End of this chapter)

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