Chapter 256
But what is going on here?After suffering such a serious injury, in the next second, it became as bright as new and intact.Not only did the pain on his body disappear, but even the damaged angel armor and angel boots became intact again!This thing really challenges cognition, even Emperor Qin can't understand what kind of magic it is!
If Kepf could recognize it here, he also saw this remotely.Well, it's a type of time magic, where you save yourself at a certain moment and then paste it onto your current self.That's all.

As for the current Saga, the Saga, who was full of health and magic before the battle started, was engraved with time magic, and then after being injured, she used the time magic she learned to paste it onto her body.Although it is rare to be placed on the Moon-shaped plane, it does not exist. However, in this plane where the level of magic is very backward, this scene is simply a miracle!

However, in battle, how can one be ink-marked or stunned?Although the opponent has used extraordinary magic, he cannot retreat now!Standing on the back of the mountain corpse, Emperor Qin and the other two dead kings who came out with him started a fight to the death with Sakya!
There's nothing good to say about Sharjah's attack. It's just powerful and heavy, and the archangel's magic has limited changes.It is just a matter of slashing with the giant sword made of light in the hand, or turning it into a lance to stab or penetrate.It may be difficult for such an attack to hit anyone, and those emperors who are not ridiculously large will not allow themselves to be hit easily.

But get hit once and you're in big trouble!Especially the archangel's holy light does great damage to the undead!Fortunately, Emperor Qin was relatively small in size, and Sakya also attacked frequently, but barely got a hit.

Even more sophisticated, Emperor Qin could always make the Mountain Corpse, Onyx Corpse Lord, and Red Skull Demon Lord restrain Sakya, while he avoided her attacks and even had the energy to launch a counterattack!If the situation continues like this, it may turn into a protracted war!
Sakya is not afraid of protracted battles, and he consumes more energy than Emperor Qin.However, Kepf's other arrangement also took effect at this time!In the distant floating palace, an unknown light emitted from the evil abyss.

Then, Emperor Qin and several other undead monarchs were greatly defeated by their unexpected strength!Although I don’t understand what happened, that doesn’t stop Sakya from killing you while you’re sick!If you pull your crotch before the battle, although I don’t understand why you pull your crotch, don’t even think about going back!
With just one click, Sharjah's Angel Sword pierced the opponent's heart!Well, the physical existence in the armor robe directly turned into a puff of black ash and dispersed in the wind with this heavy blow, leaving only a severely damaged armor robe.After weighing it, this thing really can't do evil anymore.

Then beat several dead kings to death.Rush into the evil abyss.Completely eradicate this undead empire!Then...she saw Queen Jiuyou, who was waving the flag of the Asian Speaker and was quite friendly to her...

"I am not your enemy!"


"This is the agreement of the Asian Speaker! He asked me to cut off the connection between the undead emperor and his tomb!"

"Hmph... I'll let you go for now!"

Well, the professor really didn't put all the treasure on himself, he also arranged other back-ups.But think about it, this is more in line with his approach, right?Do everything without fail.

"What you should do now is to go back to the Holy City and make a break with your colleagues instead of getting entangled with me here. Isn't it?"

This is also true!Now is not the time to pay any attention to this ghost!You should go back early and get down to business!At this moment, the undead emperor has been executed, and the news that the undead empire has dispersed with the wind has been learned by the Magic Association and major organizations, right?Kepf's actions have also begun. After he controls the other six archangels in the Holy City, he will assist him in handling various matters in the Holy City.

"I'm so sorry, I think I need to step away for a while. It won't be long."

"I believe you. I'm waiting for you to come back."

Well, after two days of being tired of his sister-in-law, he is about to set off again!Before leaving, Kepf could only give his sister a hug and express his apology.

Fortunately, Sister Shi didn't continue to blame him.Making his guilty mood feel a little better.

Speaking of Sharjah, what happened next could be said to be as late as it was fast. He flew from East Asia to Rome. In just six hours, the other six archangels from the Holy City had already gathered here.Outside the Holy City, countless priests and priests decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations to welcome Archangel Gabriel's triumphant return, single-handedly annihilating an empire of demons.

But Sharjah will not relax at all because of this kind of behavior. She has not forgotten why she is here. To put it simply, she is here to take power!Seeing the behavior of these priests, she was even a little disgusted.

It's only been less than six hours!You can set up such a big scene for yourself, all over the holy city!Let’s not talk about how much resources and money will be wasted because of such unnecessary things. Let’s talk about one thing. If a priest or priest puts all his energy into pleasing the angels above, then how much energy does this guy have left to use? In practice, scientific research or other business!

And this kind of thing must end!Otherwise, in the future war, everyone will die together!And Sakya will never be willing to be buried with these rotten guys!With a solemn expression and an expressionless face, her aura was as sharp as a sword. Surrounded by many priests, priests and angels, she walked into the highest hall of the Holy City, where she also had to fight with her six A real showdown between two colleagues!
"Our colleagues are really high-spirited!"

"It's okay, okay! Compared to Sir Raphael, who was able to ask the Holy City to pull everyone out to prepare such a scene for me within six hours, what I did was a bit petty!"

"There is a sting in your words! Your attitude is very unfriendly, Gabriel. I don't know what promises you got or who you joined forces with, but I hope we can still have a traditional friendly relationship."

Archangel Michael responded in a dull voice.Gabriel's attitude has been made clear, she is the one who has the support.And she is the one who came back to take power.Although Michael didn’t know who supported Gabriel.

But this does not prevent the other six archangels who had conflicts from uniting at this time to face this colleague who came to seize power!The world has the greatest interests. If they lose control of the Holy City and are even deprived of their status as archangels, then their ending will be very bad...

(End of this chapter)

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