Full-time Mage: Copy Mo Fan at the beginning

Chapter 260 Re-architecture (3)

Chapter 260 Re-architecture (3)

This kind of abuse of power for personal gain is already a well-worn routine in the Clock Tower... There is nothing new at all.It’s a temporary job anyway, so why don’t I take this opportunity to make some quick money and make some extra money?If you don’t make money, you won’t make anything!
Kepf has seen many such things!For example, he has seen such a thing in the clock tower, and there are some magicians serving the Achélot family in the media company controlled by the Achélot family.But most of these undercover people in other companies or political parties are mercenaries, the kind who do one thing and get rid of the problem. After all, Clock Tower is not a specialized espionage organization.

Then what?Let’s take advantage of the opportunity provided by the Archelot family to eat some!As for how to eat it specifically?There are many methods, but Kepf only mentioned a very simple method, which is to obtain confidential information of a company or political party through his position and use it to extort money.

More advanced methods also exist.The Holy Inquisition Tribunal and the Inquisition Tribunal are similar to the Clock Tower in this regard. Both organizations have limited scales and limited funds. The organizations are bloated and cannot support a large number of staff, and there is structural corruption at the top and bottom.

The organizational level of both parties is also similar, and both are roughly at the organizational level of feudal society.Maybe the Clock Tower could have a higher level of organization?Well, dealing with the issues of the Inquisition and the Holy Inquisition is a little more difficult than dealing with the Clock Tower, because even if they control the Holy City, Sharjah still cannot completely destroy these families.

"It seems like there's a big problem."

Sakya could only shake her head helplessly.She felt the gap between her level and that of a veteran mage like Kepfu, and also felt the difficulty of her task.The tasks that were originally considered relatively simple seemed to become difficult in an instant, and the victory that seemed to be easily obtained seemed to be far away.

"Especially since the World Family not only has agents in the Holy Inquisition Tribunal and the Heirloom Tribunal, but also in the Magic Association, the Hunter Alliance, the Parthenon, the Ocean Alliance, the Polar Alliance, and the World Family Alliance. If you want to win over the World Family at once It’s unrealistic. Even if we control the Holy City, we still can’t do it.”

"But things always have to be solved. We can't take these people to the battlefield. That would be just a joke with our own lives!"

"So things still have to be done. But we are so lucky that we now have an opportunity to expand our influence."

"Is there anything I can do?"

"Do you know anything about the current priests of the Holy Inquisition? One of them is named Duranke."

"Dulanke...there seems to be such a person, right? I'm not sure exactly."

Archangels and priests are at least three levels apart.The archangels have a roster of priests in their hands, but which archangel would be too idle to pay attention to a priest every day?Therefore, Sakya had only heard of such a person, but the specific situation was not clear.

"This man's ambition is incredible. He even successfully colluded with two dead ghosts. Well, maybe a dead ghost? Not important, not important. And after you get control of the Holy City, this priest We will be forced to launch early.”

"Which damn thing?"

Sharja expressed complete ignorance of what Kepf said.She really didn't know what this Dulanke did.Really.

"Ah. Then let me explain this. As a very old priest who will retire in two years, our Mr. Duran is not satisfied with his current power. So he and a certain guy went to Pat Saturn colluded.”

"Which guy?"

"The King of Darkness, or Wentai. Wentai needs two chess pieces with suitable status and sufficient weight, while Durank desires greater power and strength. Although I don't know the content of the final agreement between the two, I am sure that the relationship between the two An agreement was reached. This agreement was signed about five years ago."

"Two chess pieces. If you are a priest, the weight is really appropriate. Unlike angels, angels deal with us archangels every day. If you have an affair with the dark plane, it will be too easy to be exposed. And priests and archangels There is no direct intersection, but the actual management power is very large, and it can invade a large area and obtain quite a lot of resources. This is really a good move."

"As for the priests, they are all top-level people. They are only one step away from the Forbidden Curse Mage, but there is a high probability that they will not be able to break through in their lifetime. And the Dark King can help the top-level people break through the last step. So in this situation, both Where there was demand, a stable agreement was reached.”

"I understand this. There is a priest controlled by the Dark King who can bring him great benefits and convenience. However, you are talking about two chess pieces. Who is the other chess piece?"

As Sharjah said, this is really good.But where is the other chess piece?who is he?

"Murphy's law tells us that if a method is stupid but effective, then it is not stupid. This is also true now. If a chess piece of sufficient weight is inserted in the Holy City, the other place will naturally be Parthenon. And Duran's work is also It’s about Parthenon, because the guy from Parthenon is still in the coffin.”

"Lying in a coffin? Dead ghost? Oh, that person couldn't be Saint Iris, right? You mentioned dead ghost repeatedly, and this is the only person I can think of."

"so smart."

"And if it's the King of Darkness, it's not impossible to resurrect a person. But the King of Darkness is far away in the dark plane, and he can't use it no matter how powerful he is, so he still needs the help of someone in this plane. Um, that's right Couldn’t it be Duran Ke who helped resurrect Ilyssa?”

"Completely correct!"

"Tsk... Yi Zhisha has a lot of die-hard fans! Although she is very cruel, she is also good at winning people's hearts and sharing interests. She is a wolf, but she is also good at pretending to be a sheep, so she still has many fans even after her death. Duranke is a priest who has been in office for nearly 20 years, and he also has a large team. Coupled with the power of the Dark King and the families who cooperate with the two...hiss..."

This is really difficult to deal with!The trouble with this matter is that Duranke, Yisha and Wentai's plans have been prepared for a long time, and the latter is better prepared and has stronger power in the Parthenon.And what about Sharjah?

Sakya has only just captured the Holy City, and it will take a long time to stabilize the situation in the Holy City. How can she continue to care about Parthenon under such circumstances!She has too much time to take care of herself!However, Kepf said this is an opportunity.

The only one with the ability and motivation to accomplish this was Kepf.Sharja dared to say that before today, Kepfu was also prepared, and talking to him about this was just the last step in his plan.She trusts this wily mage!

(End of this chapter)

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