Full-time Mage: Copy Mo Fan at the beginning

Chapter 261 Re-architecture (4)

Chapter 261 Re-architecture (4)

"The Parthenon is also a super organization, second only to the Holy Inquisition and the Inquisition. Even an archangel cannot interfere with the affairs of the Parthenon without a reasonable excuse. You That's right, so am I."

"But you must have a way."

"You trust me that much?"

It can be said that Kepf was very interested when he got here.He also wanted to know where Sakya's trust in him came from.

"of course."

"Haha. As the old saying goes, caution and distrust are the mother of security. Don't give up your trust too easily. However, I have really made some preparations for Parthenon."

"So what do you need Sharjah to do? Can I know what your preparations are?"

"The thing to do is very simple, that is to put pressure on Durank and let him act immediately. My informant is there."

"Informant? Who is your informant?"

"Wentai's adopted daughter, Saint Asharuya. Of course, this is a scam. Now I have not reached any actual alliance with her, but Duran must get rid of her to prevent my influence from entering Parthenon. "

"The specific situation is also simple. It's just to stir up the nerves of the Parthenon's big family who have become fragile because of tension. Let those big families think of Asharuya as my agent. And since this is the case, they will be the first Just kill Asha Ruiya."

"What a great trick! Confusing the eyes of other big families through a deal! With such a stepping stone, we have an honest reason to interfere in Parthenon affairs!"

Duranke, Yizhisha and Wentai's layout was obviously earlier, they invested more resources, their planning was more complete, and they were stronger in Parthenon.Sharjah and Kepf did not have much decent power to use in the Parthenon, so they were obviously at a disadvantage against Durank and Wentai through formal means.

In particular, neither Kepfu nor Sharja are willing to pay a high price for this.So what to do?Fortunately, they have another biggest advantage. If they make good use of this advantage, they can focus on customers!

That means what Wen Tai did is shady!The Dark King obviously cannot appear in broad daylight!And if Wentai himself can't do it, Durank and Yi Zhisha, who is still lying in the coffin, can't defeat them!The combat effectiveness is too low!Even if they have the support of many aristocratic families, this is just a few more heads!

As long as there is a fair reason to intervene in the Parthenon affairs, unless Wen Tai himself does it, then both Dulanke and Yizhisha will be dead... colluding with the dark plane is an unforgivable crime for these two holy organizations, And if this matter is disclosed in broad daylight, it means that the culprit will be nailed to the pillar of shame.

And Wen Tai himself will definitely not go there, because he can't get through in his true body, and if he comes as a clone, he will also be killed... After all, Parthenon is not a dark plane!Then the question is how to get a reason to interfere with the Parthenon as an outsider.

He is not Salang, he must be reasonable in his dealings.And an invitation from a Parthenon saint who was persecuted by dark forces is obviously the best thing to do!With Astraea's invitation, he can deal with these guys openly!
"I see! The invitation from a Parthenon saint is the reason for intervention. Oh my, Professor, you are going to play the role of a knight who saves the princess!"

"Stop making such jokes!"

"Okay. Let's continue. You should have other arrangements."

"Indeed. Letting you put pressure on him in the Holy City is one aspect. It makes him feel that his power is unstable, so he takes risks and takes action early. In addition, I also find ways to put pressure on him within Parthenon. This is thanks to Victoria A family deal.”

"With pressure from two sides and Astraea, Durank will definitely take risks! After killing other saints, he will come to kill her. And she will come to me, because only I can save her!"

"So Professor, you are really a devil."

"I like that. That's one of the ways I do things."

"Last question, how did you know that Duranke was colluding with Yizhisha and Wentai? How did you learn this news?"

Although Sharja knew that Kepfu was very capable.But who is Duranke?He is a priest of the Holy Inquisition.Who is Yizisha?She is the saint of the Parthenon.Not to mention Wen Tai.Has Kepf's intelligence network developed to the point where he can figure out the color of these people's underwear?This is another news worthy of attention!
"Of course there are no formal channels. This news comes from Apasi. She is the boss of the Medusa Empire in the Mediterranean region! When I took care of Simone and Euryale, I deliberately used these two One hand obtained a detailed list of intelligence networks, connectors and undercover agents."

"There are ready-made ones, and you can just spend a small amount of money later. Of course, it will take a while to re-establish it. But once it is established, this thing will be of great use!"

"What else can I say!"

Well, it is indeed something this person can do.As long as it was beneficial, even the devil Kepf could sit across from him and have a drink with him.If it were Saga, he would definitely chop down those Medusas, but Kepfu would ask those Medusas to serve him.

It seems to be very effective so far!So much so that Sakya was thinking about whether he should also gather people from various religions to set up a secret intelligence network.But of course, she doesn’t understand this!
"Apart from this?"

"If you want to do big things, you need money, and you need a lot of money. One of the main reasons why the current Holy Inquisition Tribunal and the Different Inquisition Tribunal are broken as soon as they are created is that the combat effectiveness of the upper and lower ranks is too poor. If you want to train the new army and purchase equipment, you also need It’s a big budget. Now, let’s shear the sheep a few times!”

"Squeeze directly?"

"We need to be more elegant in doing things! Arbitrage, do you understand arbitrage? It's just a Ponzi scheme."

"Ponzi scheme? What is that?"

"...I'll give you this. Just watch the operation yourself."

Even an archangel cannot know things that are not in this plane itself.In the context of the feudal era, there was no such thing as a Ponzi scheme!Kepf believed that there must be some shady and disposable people under Sharja who were suitable for such matters.

Use this method to shear the wool of a large family twice.There is no shortage of money on hand for the time being.After all, the Holy Inquisition Tribunal and the Different Inquisition Tribunal combined are only as big as a small city. Including the people in the Holy City, the total number of staff is less than 20, and the residents of the Holy City are less than [-].It’s not like Kepf created a wasteland as large as India!After shearing the sheep twice, the money is about the same.

(End of this chapter)

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