Full-time Mage: Copy Mo Fan at the beginning

Chapter 262 Parthenon's Agenda

Chapter 262 Parthenon's Agenda
Astraea's recent mood can be said to be very bad.

Very bad, very bad.The selection of the goddess is about to begin, and she must return to the Parthenon to squat.Instead of wandering around like in the past.Whether you can choose the goddess is one thing, whether you can go back is another.This is related to the prestige of the Parthenon system...

Therefore, she cannot roam around outside, nor can she participate in any national experience.Although she is the captain of the Greek team... There are always privileges in feudal society, and everyone can understand... But after returning, her life was not as easy as she imagined.

Those aristocratic families were very unfriendly towards her!Not only do they come here every three days to test her opinion, but she can have a platoon of monitors following her every step of the way!Makes Astraea very unhappy!

What went wrong that caused the big family's attitude towards her to deteriorate to this point?Astraea herself thought about it and finally realized something.Ah, he probably promoted Ye Xinxia to be a maid through his own power!Because of this, most of the noble families regard themselves as enemies!
At this sensitive juncture, he promoted Kepf's students. This move made those big families think that he was Kepf's agent!As for why they are not partners?The gap between a saint with little power and the Asian Speaker is a bit big... so big that if the two cooperate, the relationship between the elder brother and the younger brother will naturally be distinguished!

To be honest, Asharuya now regrets agreeing with Kapf a little bit.However, it is too late to regret now.If you dare to go back on your word, believe it or not, Kepf will kill you!Asharuya is a dark angel, and she has her own guesses about Kapf's actions. Although it is not completely accurate, it is basically the same!

Playing tricks with this kind of person, death is the most merciful ending... Asharuya knows the dark hell!Regret this option did not appear in Asharuya's choice from beginning to end.As for explaining it clearly to those big families?

Please!Kepf said before, these people will be believed only if you explain them!If everyone practices what they say, there will still be room for politicians to survive!This option is also impossible!

However, compared to Kepfu kidnapping herself in such a small way, Astraea is more concerned about the two major events at the moment!One thing is big international news, but what about the other?It should have been big international news, but the first thing caught everyone's attention...

"Have you investigated the matter in the Holy City? Did Archangel Gabriel really take charge of all affairs in the Holy City and deposed the other six archangels?"

"Yes. A fire broke out in the Holy City, and a war broke out between the other six archangels and Archangel Gabriel. In the end, Archangel Gabriel won and took back the other six archangels. The angelic inheritance is the end point.”

"Huh...what a troubled time!"

There are spies everywhere in the Holy City, although most of them are temporary workers.The same is true for Parthenon, although most of them are temporary workers.The person who is discussing the affairs of the Holy City with the current Astraea is Parthenon's Ziyu Knight Hailong.

Hailong's political stance is considered neutral. After all, whoever comes to power must leave a place for him. He will not step down because of the matter of the goddess and the saint.Therefore, his attitude towards Astraea is considered friendly among the people in Parthenon.However, when talking about this matter, Hailong also frowned.

"Your Highness Astraea, we must continue to pay attention to this matter, and we will need your help when the time comes. We must figure out why such a big thing happened in the Holy City, and where did Archangel Gabriel get enough to kill other The power of the six archangels, and the interests of Archangel Gabriel.”

"That's easy to say. In the Holy City, I will try my best to help you."

"Thank you for your contribution to Parthenon. You have inherited the glory of Saint Son Wentai."

"Wentai? Maybe."

"And... have you really reached an agreement with Speaker Asia? Do you really intend to help Speaker Asia?"

After hesitating for a moment, Hailong and Astraea walked into a secret training room in the Knights Hall. In the secret room, Hailong solemnly asked Astraea about her true attitude.

Now, almost all Parthenon executives believe that Astraea is Kepfu's spokesperson.Kepf's power not only makes the international family in Parthenon uneasy, they believe that Kepf will seize the resources that originally belong to them.

At the same time, the native Greek families were also very dissatisfied.The reason is also because of Kepf's strength. If Kepf comes, all the clans will have to step aside. He can take all the benefits by himself and leave no one else at all!Originally, these aristocratic families were full of internal conflicts, but now because of the threat from Kepfu, these aristocratic families have temporarily unified their views.

As for Hailong... As I said just now, no matter who comes to power or who wins or loses in the political struggle, there must be a place for Hailong.Even if Kepf really takes the stage, Helong will not be wiped out.So Heron could ask things that others wouldn't.Moreover, although there is no more reliable information, Helong himself feels that the alliance between Astraea and Kepfu is fishy in itself.

"Do you believe me if I say that the agreement in your hearts does not exist?"

Astraea could only show a helpless smile.At this point, nothing she said seemed to be of any use.That agreement does not exist now, but if these big families continue to work on it, that agreement should exist!In a sense, it was the big families who came up with this agreement themselves!

"………I do not believe."

"Then there is nothing to do."

"But I still hope you take care of yourself. The wind in the temple has been blowing a little strange recently. After Ander's death, it can be said that everyone is in danger. Not only the Asian Speaker, I always feel that there is another force that has not surfaced yet. Power. Although Ender’s murderer is believed to be her personal maid, I think she was just a scapegoat.”

"Yes. Who is Asia Speaker fighting against?"

Astraea was thoughtful.Then he left Hailong’s Knight Hall.Returning to the Goddess Peak where she lives, there, she has to think about what to do next.

What Hailong said is the second big thing.Almost at the same time as the coup in the Holy City, and two days after the coup in the Holy City, a saint named Ander of Parthenon was murdered.Like Astraea, she is one of the three candidates for the goddess.This kind of thing should have been on the front page, but there is no comparison between a saint and an archangel.

Astraea can still discuss matters with Hailong about the Holy City, but she can only think about Ender's matters by herself.She can only do some things by herself, because some things can be said to be very unethical!

(End of this chapter)

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