Chapter 264 Fusion Magic
Well, things have come to a head for Parthenon and the Holy City.Sharjah began to reorganize the order of the Holy City and retrain a new army with new equipment and more abundant funds.Astraea is ready and waiting for the final showdown with Parthenon's many factions.

However, these things, to put it bluntly, have little to do with most middle and low-level mages or ordinary people.Al-Quds changed its handle and it wouldn't affect most people.In the past, Yizhisha's despicable behavior was shameless, but when she was a saint, she had to consider the international view and how the low-level ordinary people and low-level mages lived. At least she couldn't make people starve to death, right?
Even if things change in the Holy City, everyone should still live their lives as they should.Of course, Kepf had to be prepared to handle these things.Well, he has other things to be busy with now, such as meeting a friend of his...

"It's been a long time, Lao Feng. You came at the right time. The narrow-gauge railway leading to the ancient capital has increased transportation capacity, so the local area finally has some luxuries. On the left is coffee from South Africa, and on the right is coffee from Brazil. You can choose for yourself."

"Thank you. If I had known you could become the Speaker of Asia, I would have joined you a long time ago. Oh, I just drank coffee when I came here."

"Besides coffee, there are other drinks. Ceylon black tea on the left and Assam black tea on the right. Please help yourself."

"Then I'm welcome."

Old Feng, or Feng Zhoulong, came to see him.Of course, looking at it now, Lao Feng could only describe him as an audience.There is no way, President of the Ancient Capital Magic Association, Honorary Asia Speaker, I am very busy, how can I have time to see you?
Originally, when Lu Huan saw this kind of person, he would directly dismiss his application.But Kepf knew that this old Feng was a talent, so he arranged a meeting with him a little later.Looking at the watch, it was exactly six o'clock in the evening. Kepf could give him two hours.

"If I had known that you would be successful, I would have stayed with you, and I wouldn't have had to suffer such indignity."

"You want me to seek justice for you?"

"Forget it. It is not good after all to let the Asian Speaker do such a thing. The main reason I came here this time is to exchange research results with you. The research on the brain and cerebellum slices of the Yamata no Orochi you gave me last time has already produced results. .One is the fusion magic that I dream of, and in addition there is a by-product."

"That's an incredible research result. I hope to see fusion magic now."

The magic of mages in this plane is not the same as that of magicians in the moon-shaped world.Magicians from the moon-shaped plane are obviously superior. Even Western magicians with limited types have far more types and variations of magic than this plane.Not to mention the Oriental Spiral Hall Magician.

And fusion magic is a good try.Because this finally made some changes in magic.Intermediate mage has two systems. By intertwining the two systems, new magic effects can be formed.

Finally, the rigid magic has some variety.It's just that he was too busy with his affairs and didn't have the time to do this. Feng Zhoulong did it himself, and he was quite interested.

"The Yamata no Orochi is almost the top monster in the world. It's really dangerous to deal with this thing. All the time, the brain tissue of the Yamata no Orochi is proliferating. If you hadn't taught me to use fire to suppress this regeneration ability, Guangzhou would probably be dead. Being ravaged by a super monster.”

Old Feng was very scared when he mentioned this thing.It was true that he was a demon from the barbaric era. He was a heavyweight existence, completely different from the little demons he had seen in the past.Even the dead demon made Old Feng terrified.

But it finally succeeded. After the success, Feng Zhoulong also made some modifications based on Kepf's suggestions, and finally brought the finished product to Kepf to see.

"The most difficult problem with fusion magic is that it cannot overcome multitasking. Most people's attention is not focused like this. There is a... phenolic substance in the cerebellum of Yamata no Orochi, which can continuously grow new magic power. , and also coordinated the activities of the eight heads of Yamata no Orochi to ensure that this demon god would not fight with himself. After all, the magic power of each head of this multi-headed demon god is different."

"I researched fusion magic from this substance. Well, considering that you mentioned working with some magic equipment masters and potion masters, I came up with a very good finished product. I'll bring it to you to take a look. .”

how to say?Lao Feng's finished product has a bit of that flavor, a bit similar to Matthew's Otenaus headgear.Well, Kepf knows a lot about this kind of stuff, so just use it.

It's just that it's not worn in front of the head, but behind the head.He could somewhat understand Lao Feng's idea.He took it off again and opened the energy pool of the magic equipment on his head, and found that it was filled with rare magic stone fragments.

"It can be understood as an external organ worn on the head, which completes energy conversion through the pre-placed magic stone, and converts the substances used to achieve fusion magic through the built-in conversion device, right?"

"You know very well! I don't dare to operate directly like you, so I can only use this head-mounted external organ."

"Actually, this kind of external organ still has great potential for development, right? This will be a huge market."

"Uh... Let's talk about that later. I'm not as good at business as you are. Not only are you highly skilled in research, you are also very good at business."

The market... Feng Zhoulong doesn't know much about it.Feng Zhoulong is just a researcher, and his identity is not as complicated as Kepf's.In fact, he came today just to complete the certification at the Magic Association.

Certification of this new magic requires the approval of the highest intercontinental magical association.Originally, he needed to go to the Dubai Mage Tower of the Asian Magic Association, but the boss and second son of the Dubai Mage Tower, Su Luxizhe, were not there. These two were doing some things in the holy city... and it seemed that they would not be able to come back in a short time.Fortunately, Kepf came back early!
Feng Zhoulong thought, isn't he also the Speaker of Asia?If we go to him, this problem should be solved very well, right?So I didn’t go to the Master’s Tower in Dubai, but went straight to the Master’s Tower in the ancient capital of Kepfu.Now I think Kepf thinks it’s good, so the licensing problem shouldn’t be a big deal, right?

"Of course. Of course. I know what you are here for. It is for the application approved by the Asian Speaker, right? There is no problem with that. I can not only give you documents approved in the name of the Asian Speaker, but also more. "


Although Lao Feng was not sensitive, he could detect a smell of gunpowder in Kepf's words.More?What is the so-called more!
(End of this chapter)

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