Chapter 265 Fusion Magic (2)

"Well. Finished. These two documents will suffice."

"Thank you. This way I can go back to Guangzhou."

"I don't think you need to go back to Guangzhou. Just stay here permanently. Because you can't go anywhere."


Kepf's last words changed the entire atmosphere.Feng Zhoulong's face fell, and he picked up the two documents signed and sealed by Kepf and checked them one by one.It's okay if you don't look at it, but his eyes were shocked when he saw it!
The first one was indeed an approval for fusion magic, but the inventor was not him but Kepf!As for the second document, it was even more ridiculous. It said that when he came to the ancient capital, he was unfortunately attacked by the undead and was killed. The army of the ancient capital found his body when they went out for inspection!


"Quiet! I'll explain why. You have to trust me!"

"If you didn't come to see me today, but went to see Su Lu or Shao Zheng, what you would get would not be a death report but a real death. They are not like me."

"There are some things you can't avoid. Do you think Su Lu or Shao Zheng will allow the existence of fusion magic? What kind of dream are you doing? They just want to keep the low-level mages ignorant, weak and backward. , Only in this way can their ambitions be realized!"

He knew how Feng Zhoulong died.In a world without him, he was killed by Su Lu.This is a bit of information he got after communicating with the system.He values ​​technical talents very much.However, what is really worthy of attention in this matter is that if Feng Zhoulong did not go to Su Lu, but went to Shao Zheng or other factions in the Asia Parliament, would he have been killed?
Kepf concluded that it certainly would.Mo Fan would put all the blame on Su Lu and Xizhe, thinking that Su Lu and Xizhe were corrupt.But the world is as dark as crows. Su Lu and Shao Zheng are both under the same system. Who is better than the other?In the final analysis, it was just Su Lu who murdered Feng Zhoulong. This was an accident.The inevitable event is that Feng Zhoulong will definitely die!
The reason is simple: the feudal system does not allow this.But there are deep economic principles behind it!Kepf explains it as simply as possible.

Let me tell you a few stories from the past, as a representative of the feudal system that does not allow this kind of thing!In the seventeenth century, the communication between French missionaries and the then King of Laos, Suriyawongsa, when they came to Southeast Asia to preach, was typical.The priest hoped that the other side would build canals and roads, saying that this would make the country unprecedentedly rich.The king responded to him that it would make it easier for foreign enemies and rebels to move, so let the land rot. It would be fine if it rotted.

In the [-]th century, the president of Gran Colombia, the famous liberator, wrote to Dr. Francia, the governor of Paraguay, hoping that he would open the country to foreign trade, so that Paraguay's high-quality crops and livestock products could bring more income and facilitate Introduce new technologies.The cunning dictator responded appropriately: Thank you for your kindness, but we would rather live in the mud...

In the middle and late twentieth century, Mobutu, the famous tyrant of Zaire, saw his counterpart in Burundi next door being ousted by the rebels. He was very proud of this and wrote a letter to the latter: I told you not to build roads. , then they will drive against you on the road you are building. You see, I have been in power for more than 20 years and have never built a road!

There are countless cases like this, but not all of these people are tyrants.However, from the wisest emperor to the most cruel tyrant, they will all prevent technological innovation and the application of new technologies without exception.And this is very important. You can't say that all monarchs from ancient times to the present are fools and unintelligent!

The reason is that the extensive application of new technologies has improved production efficiency and military efficiency, and has also brought about changes in the balance of economic and military power.And what kind of change this change will be is very difficult to predict!
New technologies will naturally bring more wealth, but they also bring risks.Then the thing is very simple. Landowners and feudal rulers of various varieties who make a living by monopolizing rare resources are naturally unwilling to adopt new technologies.Why should I develop new technologies when I can make money by monopolizing land and various rare resources?That would also bring the risk of losing your head!

Landlords in this plane are basically equal to the aristocratic family.Both Su Lu and Shao Zheng are also representatives of the family.It’s not a matter of corruption or incorruptibility of the leaders, it’s a matter of the family’s refusal!

If everyone knows fusion magic and their power is qualitatively improved, then who will I sell my expensive resources to?Who buys all kinds of expensive magic tools?Can a mage from a poor family not be controlled by me?
Rebellion, rebellion, you bunch of unruly people!This is probably such a process.As you said, are there any cases where feudal rulers accepted new technologies?
There are also some... In order to make indulgences faster, easier and more cost-effectively, the Holy See suddenly allowed the large-scale application of Gutenberg's printing press.This liberalization made the world fall apart, because the printing press printed not only indulgences, but also political leaflets, German Bibles, and Martin Luther's 95 theses... The dominance of the church in the religious reform triggered by the printing press Almost wiped out from the movement!

Therefore, Lao Feng's death is inevitable... But because of his arrival, this dimension has finally improved a bit... For example, he still has a way to save Lao Feng.

There is no problem in killing a grassroots researcher, because there are only eight thousand people like Lao Feng in China!But attacking the Asian speaker?Putting aside whether the situation allows it or not, can you do it?If the fusion magic is put in Kepf's name, this thing can still be saved!

Then arrange a death news for Lao Feng... His household registration will be cancelled, and then Kapf will use his own power to arrange a new identity for him, what should you do...

Although this ending is very painful, Kepf said that this is basically the only way to solve this problem.He is not a feudal ruler, but in this environment, this is the limit of what he can do now.If there is a chance in the future, maybe I can change back to Lao Feng's identity.

Just like Xu Zhigao.There is no other way around this.


"Otherwise, what else do you want? I have already said all the good things. The other factions really dare to kill you. You know, including me, the people above are as evil as the others."

"You should stay in my laboratory in Shanghai for a while. I will try to create a new identity for you. In addition, I will also write a letter in my personal capacity to Dean Xiao, the principal of Pearl Academy, asking him to help Protect you."

(End of this chapter)

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