Chapter 271 Goddess Selection
Although there was a turmoil in the audience, the situation on the stage remained calm.Well...if we don't count the murder of Saint Panicia two days before the selection of the goddess after the death of Saint Ander.

Unlike the death of Saint Andre, which is now widely rumored, the cause of Pannijia's death is very clear.A waitress next to Panijia was a member of Cardinal Salan of the Black Vatican. When Panijia was alone, she used the waitress's ritual to smash Panijia's head with a staff.

The whole brain blossomed.Well, Salan is more thoughtful than Kepfu. For the saint, simple poisoning may not be fatal, and there is only one chance to do it.For a healing mage of this level, the only way to be fatal is to smash his head.Healing magic can regenerate hands and feet, but it cannot regenerate the head.

Then within half an hour what the waitress had done was discovered and she was shot dead.Through the autopsy of the corpse, the waitress's mark of the Black Church was discovered.

The Black Church has infiltrated the organization, which is a terrifying thing for any organization.But right now, Parthenon has more important things to do, and the goddess is more important than a few members of the Black Church.Therefore, even if you want to search for members of the Black Church within Parthenon, you have to do so after the goddess selection is completed.

Therefore, Pannijia's death did not stop the selection of the goddess.Therefore, this scene is a bit funny. Although it is called a selection, there is actually only one saint as a candidate.In the minds of many people, Astraea got a big deal for nothing.

But in fact, the actors and directors of this scene did not relax their vigilance.On the day of the goddess selection, Astraea got up early, put on her magic armor, put on her sword, and headed to the main peak of Parthenon.

"How is Mr. Kepf?"

"He'll be here on time."

"That's good. After all, I didn't see many believers today."

"It is said that on the day of the selection of the goddesses, the Believers Association sent grace to all the people of Athens on behalf of the Parthenon, so almost all the believers went out. Not inside the Parthenon."

"Haha. I'm afraid it's because something terrible is going to happen next, so a large number of grassroots personnel need to be sent out to prevent the whole company from losing its prestige, right?"

"But that's not important. Today, everything must come to an end."

On the way here, Astraea chatted with a maid next to her.Even if Astraea doesn't have many supporters, it's not difficult to find a confidant who can be completely trusted.This maid is her confidant, and it is this maid who is responsible for contacting Kepfu and Astraea.

After all, things have to look good.Kepf needed the Holy Lady's permission to interfere in the Parthenon's affairs.Therefore, the person responsible for delivering this message must be Astraea's confidant.

Okay, let’s not talk about the little thoughts between Astraea and the maid next to her.Today, the already gorgeous main peak of the Parthenon is even more appropriately arranged.At a rough glance, it does look a bit like a god!
Then what?She came early.He arrived a little earlier than the priests of the Holy Inquisition.After half an hour, other important personnel arrived one by one.

The mother of the palace, the palace chiefs, deputy palace chiefs, great sages of the major knight halls, as well as the representatives of the families and major forces who decide the position of the goddess!What was especially surprising to Astraea was that she could still see Panglai among these people!
Asharuya couldn't help but wonder what Pang Lai's attitude was.But this is not important, Pang Lai is only voting on behalf of the ancient court today, and has no other meaning.If this person is really in collusion with Duran, it's natural for Kepf to deal with it!Asharuya knows very well that Kapf is the real boss!
"Today we all solemnly gather here to elect the next saint of Parthenon."

After everyone arrived, the palace mother made the opening remarks solemnly.This palace mother is over 70 years old and is highly respected.The opening is pretty average, with no flaws or surprises.

"Please wait a moment, please allow me to say something as a representative of the Holy Inquisition Tribunal."

A sharp voice caught everyone's attention.Astraea knew that this sharp voice was Durank.He is the representative of the Holy Inquisition Tribunal and one of the important directors of this drama.

Duran is also a bit old. Although he is not over 70, he is still close to [-].Won the support of many people in the Holy Inquisition Tribunal.At this time, when he says he has a problem, everyone must let him finish his words.

"She murdered Ender! We can't let a murderer become the Parthenon goddess!"

"What a joke! How could I murder Ender!"

"Quiet, Durank, and you, Astraea. You said she murdered Ander, is there any conclusive evidence?"

Okay, this was a really poor splash.But now that we have reached the point where we can say that we have seen the bayonet and the sword has become red, no one cares about this excuse!As long as Astraea is killed and Kepfu is stopped behind her, everything is easy to say!

Although Pang Lai yelled for everyone to stop, no one listened to him.Obviously, when Dulanke did this, he didn't communicate with Pang Lai in advance.If you want to buy Panglai and the Forbidden City, the price is too high.And as long as Yizhisha is in power, Pang Lai can only accept the fait accompli!that is it!

"Take it off!"

"How dare you touch a hair on my head!"

At this time, Astraea looked like a ferocious lioness, becoming extremely angry in order to protect herself.After the initial hesitation, several Silver Moon Knights still stepped forward and signaled Astraea not to make unnecessary resistance and asked her to submit obediently.

"Hmph... Duranke! And Yizhisha! Do you think your conspiracy can really succeed! You are wrong!"

"Everyone be quiet! Do you have clear evidence to prove this!"

"...This person has rebelled! He is resisting arrest by force! To all Silver Moon Knights, I authorize you to kill him directly!"

Pang Lai still wanted to stabilize the situation, but the words of Cass, the master of the Silver Moon Knight Hall, were like a drop of hot oil poured into a pot of hot water.Suddenly the whole scene was in commotion.Pang Lai doesn't even understand what these guys are going to do!
"How dare you do this to a Parthenon saint!"


In this situation, whoever survives, the living party can pour all the dirty water on the dead person's head, saying that the dead person is a traitor. Well, Astraea also knew that this development would happen, but she We are already prepared!

"It seems I'm a little late."

good!Kepf is here!Hearing a male voice appearing outside the main hall, Astraea even wanted to laugh out loud at this moment!The Speaker of Asia is here, not even one of you guys can escape!
(End of this chapter)

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