Full-time Mage: Copy Mo Fan at the beginning

Chapter 272 Goddess Selection (2)

Chapter 272 Goddess Selection (2)

Pang Lai's pupils shrank unconsciously when he saw this uninvited guest walking in.Why did the Asian Speaker come here?There are no seats in the Asian Parliament for the Parthenon Goddess Selection!
And not only did he come, he even brought all his personal guards with him!Looking at the nearly a hundred monarch-level Valkyries, even Pang Lai felt a little weak!
"I wonder why the Asian Speaker is here? There is no place for the Asian Parliament in the Parthenon."

"Performing official duties. You know, Archangel Gabriel is my student, and the purpose of my coming here is to perform the archangel's important official duties."

"I wonder if some official duties from the Holy City need to be carried out in the temple?"

Hailong snorted and was dissatisfied with what Kepf said.Parthenon claims to be on par with the Holy City, but this time they came directly to your home to perform a mission?Is Hailong satisfied?
"With the help of the beautiful lady Saint Astraea, we can finally find the target. It just so happens that we are all here today, so why not choose a different day?"

"What's the goal?"

Panglai couldn't understand what was going on inside the Parthenon.Why does this involve Asia Speaker and Archangel again?He just waited for the next step, determined to extricate himself from this incomprehensible situation.

"Priest Duranque, Sage Merola, Knight Palace Master Kass, and more than 560 followers, they practice evil magic and depose the goddess. They are treasonous!"


Could it be that Durank doesn't know what Kepf is talking about?He finally came to his senses. No wonder Astraea came here. It turned out that she had hooked up with Kepfu!

No, the logic is wrong. If this were the case, Astraea would not have started to act recently.Could it be that………

Well, after realizing the true development logic of the matter, Duranke wanted to go back to the past and give his past self a big mouth!This game is set up brilliantly!
He used himself, other big families, and Yizhisha.In the past, Astraea really didn't sit with Kepfu, but if you want to put Ilyssa in power, you need to clear out all the saints.

He pressed forward step by step, and those big families who felt that their interests were harmed also joined him in forcing Astraea.As a result, he was forced into a corner and unable to retreat, so he jumped over the wall and overturned the card table, causing everything we saw today!
However, there is no regret medicine in the world.You are in this game and you must abide by the rules of this game.Facing an opponent who is more cunning than you, there is nothing to say in being killed!The most I can say is, I am willing to admit defeat!

What was going to happen next made Pang Lai close his eyes consciously.Accompanied by the sounds of heads falling to the ground and blood spurting out of chests, this political struggle came to an end.

How should I put it, a bit boring.Today's goddess selection is just to reveal the final results, nothing more.The previous preparations are the highlight, and the day of goddess selection is the end of the drama.

Duranke, Merola, Cass and others, as well as the families who colluded with these guys, surfaced this time, but they were uprooted because of a single move.Astraea was quite moved.But, what needs to be done still needs to be done. Now that we have reached this point, we must do all the things that need to be done!

"Ah... Yizhisha... everything must be settled today!"

Yi Zhisha, as a saint of the previous generation, can definitely be regarded as a temporary hero.However, it is a pity that Duranke's method was not clever enough, and Yizhisha has been lying in the coffin, with no way of knowing that such unplanned changes have occurred in the outside world.

Therefore, when she got up from the coffin, she was a little confused when she saw all the Valkyries, thinking that it was the honor guard sent by Durank to welcome her to the position of goddess!Alas, Yizhisha's magic power is not weak, but she is still in a helpless state after just getting up from the coffin!
After Duranke was finished, Yi Zhisha also knelt down!Looking at the completely burned Yizhi's body and soul in Brynhildr's flames, Astraea can understand that this guy is really dead!
"So what are you waiting for? Cheers to the new goddess Astraea!"

Amidst the smiles of the remaining senior officials that were uglier than tears, and the applause of Asia Speaker Kepfu, Astraea became a goddess.The Parthenon Spirit is not happy with Astraea, a saint with dark power and an affair with Kepfu, but now it seems that she has no choice.

Well, when other senior officials saw that Kepf had recovered the Parthenon soul, this matter was over.The soul was stolen for more than 20 years. Although it came back in a violent form, it still returned to the temple, right?The Speaker of Asia did not take the soul as his own, but was able to return it to them, which could be regarded as saving some face for the Parthenon.

Well, Kepf fulfilled his promise, protected Astraea in this large-scale party battle, and allowed Astraea to take office.And now, it's Astraea's turn to fulfill her promise!

"The chief culprits such as Melola and Kass have been killed, but Parthenon will continue. We cannot tolerate these people continuing to desecrate the temple!"

"In the name of the goddess, purge the temple from top to bottom and dig out all those who are involved with evil arts! Also, the temple has recently confirmed that there are activities of the Black Vatican. Let's take advantage of this time to dig out all the Black Vatican members. All the members of the congregation were also caught in one fell swoop!”

well!Pang Lai, who was watching the whole drama, could only shake his head!Although he didn't know the full development of the matter, he knew that Astraea was actually Kepfu's puppet.In the current situation, Astraea has the last laugh. If Durank and Melola fail, all the dirty water will be poured on them!
It is not Astraea who has the final say who will be the remaining members of Durank, Melola, and Ylisha in the future!If Astraea can't say who is the Black Vatican and who is the Black Vatican, then who is the remnant of Ilitha Durank is really a matter of Astraea's words!Because politics only depends on results.

Can you say who is right and who is wrong?Can't tell.Everyone will only remember the final winner.Of course, these matters have little to do with Ponglei, because Ponglei purely adheres to neutrality in this matter, and Astraea can't arrest people in the ancient palace.

What Pang Lai has to do is to find a way to find out the truth behind today's showdown at the Parthenon.Who colluded with whom and what happened.And how will they get along with Parthenon in the future.What Astraea did today did not make Pang Lai happy, but it was absolutely impossible for Pang Lai to attack Astraea because of this.

(End of this chapter)

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