Honor Mage

Chapter 244 Take You To See Little Stars

After a long time, the two moist and hot lips parted.Grant felt the unusual comfort in his chest gradually disappear, and he felt a sense of loss and loneliness for no reason. Fortunately, this feeling disappeared in a flash and soon disappeared.

Tefel still outlined Grant's waist with two white and tender hands, her beautiful face was blushing, and her autumn eyes were watery and alluring, as if they were about to drip water.The posture of this little woman is simply uncontrollable for the man!To be honest, it was only after Tefel kissed that he noticed that there were thousands of mages here, and there were various detection spells in Glory Sky City and the side of Glory Emperor, the two camps.This is tantamount to spreading his pro-Grant scene to tens of thousands of people.

Grant leaned over and kissed Tefel's forehead softly, and said in audible words only for the two of them: "We are stars tonight, okay?"

Hearing this, Te Fei'er's ears turned red, her eyes sparkled and glazed, with a hint of peach and shyness.She is not a fool, so she can naturally hear another meaning in it. She looks at the stars at night and sleeps afterwards.When he got here, he simply turned around in a circle and turned into silvery white smoke, disappearing in place.

Grant smiled easily, and reached out to touch his lips.This is the second time Tefel has kissed herself, and every time she took the initiative to kiss herself.It is a rare thing to put on a woman who is passive and does not like to be active. At least her feelings for herself are really heavy, and they have not faded over time.He is a man who is as dull as wood, and now he understands that he must give Tefel a clear answer.So the meaning of putting stars is actually very clear. [


Seeing that Tefel disappeared, the dean and the others knew that it was time to step forward and ask for the correct situation.immediately.The dean turned into a green flame and appeared beside Grant, looking at the man in front of him with a hint of regret and admiration.All kinds of things from the past come to mind.Who would have thought that in just half a century, Grant had completely surpassed himself and even everyone in the mage cluster.

That powerful emperor was a terrible disaster to them, with powerful methods and a cruel heart.But Grant just shot casually, that guy fell like a speck of dust, without even turning up a wave of water.

The dean glanced at Grant with an inexplicably complicated expression, and only a short sentence came out of his mouth: "You are back."

"Well, I'm sorry to bother you. Now let's clean this place first, and then go to Glory Sky City to have a good meal. I haven't been back for a long time, and I will deal with other things later." Grant stretched out lazily With a lazy waist, he randomly drew the blood "blood" of dozens of monster warriors around, including limbs, and sent them into the storage space.The corpses of these monster fighters have never been seen before, and they should belong to that kind of different time and space, which is relatively rare.

"You don't need to say that we understand, but the emperor still has a lot of troops hiding in other areas. We must find a way to kill them completely, otherwise it will cause trouble." The dean knew that this matter must be It must be handled properly, lest one accidentally let that guy use means to resurrect.

"No, I've asked other friends to deal with it. Let's go back now." Grant shook his hand calmly, as if he already knew about it.see.The dean didn't insist again, and swooped down to help the mages clean up the battlefield, and at the same time gathered some useful materials from the mage towers of the mage clusters.

Grant turned into a dark red streamer and disappeared into the sky instantly.There is nothing to deal with here, so go to Glory Sky City to see everyone.How exactly.I haven't seen Lilian for decades, and I don't know Lilian. What is the extent of Lucy's development?And what happened to the little brown-haired girl Mary back then.

He hadn't thoroughly investigated and controlled the situation in Floating Flow City before, so he didn't know that they were all staying below, and originally planned to make the last effort.

"Brother Grant is gone!"

"Damn, he really only thinks of Tefel, and he has forgotten about me. Fortunately, I spend the longest time with him." A little girl who looks like [-] years old, with long black hair and shawl, is frowning and showing off. Eyebrow, said angrily.On the delicate and lovely face, the eyes are lively, the nose is slightly straight, and the willow eyebrows are curved like a crescent moon. At first glance, it looks like a beautiful girl walking out of a painting, but she has a savage smell all over her body, which is a little less cute. .

She was wearing a black "black" dress with a low neckline on the chest, and she could see a large piece of white tender flesh and a ditch that gradually formed a silhouette.The skirt reaches to the base of the thighs, revealing a pair of straight beautiful legs, and the plump calves are like a pair of beautiful jade, exuding the temptation of a woman.Especially those little feet, with snow-white insteps and pink soles, like a pair of exquisite and translucent jade, which makes people love it.

"Lilian, let's go, let's catch up with him, so we don't have time to let him make out with my sister. Don't look, I just noticed Grant whispered something, and my sister's ears turned red. Hey, you What do you think?" There was a sly smile on Taylor's beautiful face, and his eyes rolled around.

"Well, we must not let this guy go." Lilian was so angry that her almond eyes were wide open, staring at Grant's figure that was gradually disappearing in the light curtain.


Glory Sky City is still as noisy and peaceful as usual.After dealing with the Emperor and the battlefield, most mages began to return to mage swarms to repeat their lives.Originally, people from the eastern region went to Sky City to celebrate. This time is the most important event in the mage world. No one could have imagined that the result would be like this. It was completely unexpected.

Most of the mages celebrated on the periphery. In the most central palace, in the luxurious hall, a row of long brown wood tables covered with red blankets was about [-] meters long, and a hundred mages were sitting back and forth.Each mage put on a clean and slim suit and a set of white leather gloves.The women wore an evening dress that exposed most of their snowy backs, and a pair of high heels under their feet to set off their tall figures. Occasionally, they boldly reduced the fabric and exposed most of their chests In the air, it attracted the eyes of many male mages.

There are a total of hundreds of dishes in the center of the table, and the silver plates placed on them exude a tempting aroma.There is a mountain-shaped candle holder in the middle of every twenty dishes, with faint dark red flames swaying back and forth non-stop.

Ding! [

Grant, the leader, held the key and tapped a metal cup lightly.Many mages present moved the tableware, picked the food they liked and began to taste it. The delicious taste and after a brutal battle were extremely delicious.

There are several kinds of meals for mages. Right now, this kind of meal is for normal meals. During the first 10 minutes, toasting and talking with people are not allowed.That would be considered impolite.

Three or ten minutes later, the dishes on the scene were all eaten.A famous mage put down the tableware, wiped his mouth with a white towel, and began to say something important.There are more than a dozen late-tier fourth-order mages from the border of nightmares present, and they disdain to talk to the eastern region.Grant didn't intend to care about this, and the other part mainly wanted to come and ask about the magic sealer.

"Your Excellency Grant, about the magic sealing device?" The dean said without a trace, from time to time, he wiped his beard stained with white milk soup, seemingly carelessly, but his eyes never left Grant's face .He knew that with Grant's current strength, it was really easy to get the magic sealer, but he didn't see it, and he was always a little uneasy.

"Well, the day after tomorrow I will take people together to completely seal the black mist. You know, the effect of the seal depends on the quality of the magic sealing device on the one hand, and the strength of the people who join the seal on the other. .This time I specially brought a dozen or so fourth-order late-stage supporters from the border of nightmares, and I believe the effect can still be satisfying."

"Thank you so much." The dean saw that the mages in the front row all had mental fluctuations that were far stronger than theirs.I don't know if I'm not used to the sudden appearance of so many mages stronger than them in the eastern region.Even Angel Sword, who has always been a bit nervous, rushed back to the mage cluster after a hasty dinner.He knew that it was fine for him to lose his nerve, but there were a lot of people on the scene who were stronger than him, which was very problematic.

The departure of a famous mage announced the end of the dinner.Grant and Brillant discussed for a while, and deliberately put aside Lilian and Lucy's harassment, because Grant still remembered what he promised, and took Tefel to watch the stars together.

The silent corridor leads to a room at the end, which is very spacious and filled with various furniture.Tefel, who had changed into a long white dress early and had a pair of white boots under her waist, was sitting there, her long, straight, silver-white hair was wet, and it was obvious that she had taken a special shower just now. On ***'s face, there was still a trace of peach, shimmering and shy.Because of being too nervous, the fingertips trembled slightly, not as relaxed as before.

On the right side of the main bed is a door with a thin curtain.Several months of white moonlight formed beams of light and shone into the room, making Tefel more beautiful and perfect.

Squeak!Stepping forward through the heavy brown mahogany door, a man wearing a black slim suit came in.There was a sound of boots rubbing against the floor.At the same time as hearing the voice, Tefel trembled nervously, bit her rosy lips tightly and murmured: "Damn guy."

"Tefair, let's go, I'll take you to see the stars." Grant narrowed his eyes and walked forward with great interest.When he saw the beautiful woman sitting there like a red tide, his eyes couldn't help but a flash of surprise.

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