Honor Mage

Chapter 245 The old friend is dead

At night, the moon-white light is evenly sprinkled on the continuous buildings.Glory Sky City has completely fallen into a carnival and festive atmosphere.Defeating the mage world and facing the crisis of falling can be regarded as a super important event.At this time, Grant and Tefair stood quietly in front of the stage, looking at the night sky lit up with stars, twinkling like pearls falling on the Milky Way.

He hugged her, she hugged him, and they cuddled each other.Lying in Grant's arms, Tefel felt that all this was a dream.I remember that decades ago, I still liked to wait for him to say it with restraint. Who knew that I would say it by myself in the end. Fortunately, he didn't become that hateful big tree in the end, otherwise I would be so angry.

Hoo hoo... Under the moonlight, gusts of cool wind blew and touched his face, making his mind more clear and clear.Grant looked at the sky and remembered all the things he had been reborn in this world, and knew that his goal would not change.He wants to go to the end, and then see what the mystery surrounding him is. He is not a fool, so he naturally understands that someone must have come here on purpose.

Suddenly, there were two groups of squeezed breasts tightly pressed against his chest, and the astonishing sex made Grant's heart flutter.He bent down and kissed Tefel's lips like a dragonfly on water, and said with a gentle smile, "I think it's time, let's go to sleep together."

Hearing this, a charming blush appeared on Te Fei's face, her voice was like a gnat, and she nodded shyly: "Yes." [

"Let me hug you." Grant bent down and hugged Tefel, who had a perfect figure, and touched the round and upturned nipples with a huge palm, rubbing them wantonly.Occasionally lightly stroked.The abnormal feeling was like the electric current quickly paralyzed the body, and Tefel only felt that something was about to awaken.There was a feeling of emptiness in the lower body, and he was writhing uneasily.The plump naked calves and crystal clear beautiful feet were exposed in the air, and with the help of the moonlight, they were covered with a faint white light.

Grant hugged his back with the other hand, poked inside, and gently touched the delicate breasts with a little red in the middle.He laughed softly: "Let's go."

One night talk.

In the early morning, sunlight comes in from the door and falls on the messy bedside.There are all kinds of clothes everywhere.And underwear.A man was lying on the bed and tightly hugging the beautiful woman in front from behind.

The woman locked her eyebrows tightly, but quickly untied them comfortably, twisting her small waist uncomfortably, got up and rode back on the man beside her, and began to twist forward.The bed began to shake up and down, and it had a super high synchronization rate with the big white rabbit on the woman's chest.

Unknowingly, Grant and Tefair cuddled together day and night, frantically asking for each other's essence.Tefel is an old maid who is more than a hundred years old.Grant is also very similar. When the two meet together, it can be said that there is enough medicine to kill him for three days and three nights.But Grant promised the dean that he would go to the mage cluster to deal with the black mist the day after tomorrow.


the day after tomorrow.

Somewhere in the mage cluster, an endless black mist floats everywhere.During Grant's absence, the mage colony has changed considerably.Many monsters and mages have already become irrational demon corpses under the influence.The seemingly calm faces of the dean and a group of fourth-tier senior executives were full of worry. If the black mist approached a little further, I am afraid that the mage clusters would disappear in the river of history.

call out!call out!call out!

The edge of the ground near the black mist is full of twisting tall plants.Open mouths one by one, full of deadly danger.in the air above.Standing an old man wearing a green robe and white-haired with a touch of excitement was the dean.He was surrounded by a large group of black-robed mages and their leader, Grant.

"During your absence, the speed at which the black mist expanded was astonishingly fast. I didn't expect to be able to move forward with such a speed limit. Do you know? In just a few decades, half of the territory where the mages clustered completely fell." The dean sighed unceasingly, with deep sorrow in his eyes.There was no pretense in this demeanor, it was entirely his own feelings.

The dean is different from the big devil, the golden watch witch and others, and he really cares about the long-term future of the mage cluster.Because of this, Grant was willing to make a deep friendship with the other party.

"Okay, let me do it now." Grant nodded earnestly, and took out a shiny silver mirror with one hand. There were a large number of complicated golden runes on the edge of the round mirror, like thin snakes. connected together.At the end are many special spells and methods for activation.

The general method of sealing the magic device is the same, but there are still some differences in the details.Paying attention to the details can increase the success rate of the magic sealer by [-]%.

"Master Grant, we are ready."

"You can shoot at any time now, my lord."

"We're ready."

The ten fourth-order late-stage mages have been silent until now. At this time, they finally understood their purpose.All looked solemnly at the black mist in front of them, stretched out a hand to condense a barrier to block and control their progress, and chanted auxiliary spells at the same time, even Brillante did the same. [

Grant took out the mirror and chanted, a string of spells kept forming.


The mirror surface of the mirror shot out streams of beams of light, turning into a dazzling ball of light and rushing into the middle of the black mist.The nearby black mist frantically poured into the mirror like delicious food.Like a vortex in the sea, there was a whistling sound.The surrounding black mist gradually receded, exposing a large number of demon corpses.Without the support of the black mist, they all fell to the ground convulsively, unable to utter a sound, their eyes were full of despair and resignation, and very few were shocked, unable to figure out what was going on.

Grant saw the mirror fall in the middle, clapped his hands, and he was relieved: "Now it's half done, let the magic sealer slowly absorb the black mist. Eleven mages are enough to assist. I'm here Wait for them."

Grant and the dean sat on the ground, looking at the black fog in front of them and chatting.Because Grant is a member of the Black Shadow Killing Group, he still has a lot to talk to the dean.Even when it was about to end, Grant sent a message to Captain Kuroro on a whim, hoping to come and meet him, and at the same time sent a message to Beate.

For several hours, the black mist has shrunk to an invisible range.Grant knew that the remaining black mist could no longer block the absorbing ability of the magic sealer itself, so he could continue to seal it by himself.A dozen mages were sent by Grant to take a look at the surrounding environment as a tourist.

"Haha, Grant, I won't bother you to meet up with your friends. If you have time, remember to ask me to come over for a drink. By the way, about the remaining magwenite of the magic sealing device, wait until tomorrow. I will discuss it with the big devil and they will unify. Here you are. Then, goodbye!" Seeing that the troubles entangled in his heart were finally resolved, the dean let go of his heart.As long as there is nothing wrong with the mage cluster, he can survive quietly.

The disappearance of the black mist shocked almost all the mages in the mage cluster. No one could have imagined that under such circumstances, the black mist would automatically reduce to nothing.

"Haha, I didn't expect the black mist to retreat obediently. It's really a great thing."

"I think so. I originally planned to go to the eastern region. Now, I don't need to go."

"Hurry up and go back to your family's place to see how the situation is."

Seeing the disappearance of the black mist, many mages stared at it in astonishment, and rubbed their eyes repeatedly in disbelief, making sure that the black mist had really disappeared from sight only after their eyes were sore and sore.The group of mages is no longer in danger. The good news made them excited to the point of incoherence. No one thought that the ending would be so good.

On the other hand, after Kuroro received Grant's message, he was surprised that the other party would contact him decades later.Knowing that the other party has an inexplicable relationship with his high-level executives, after taking off some important matters, he rushed to the place that Grant had booked.


A lush dark green forest is ahead, and there is an oval-shaped huge lake along the outside of the forest.The lake water is so clear that you can see the dark green algae and stones inside.Occasionally, a light breeze rippling over the lake, carrying a delicate fragrance, made Grant who was lying there feel so comfortable all over his body.

He just planned to chat with his old friends this time, and didn't think much about other things.Even if you want to, you don't need to.

call out!

Suddenly, a burst of red light shot out, and even the surrounding twisted arcs moved forward in an unnatural manner.Grant's majestic mental power was quietly gathered into his body. Although he had been promoted to the fifth-level mage, he still didn't want those friends to know about it, otherwise he would feel a sense of alienation in his heart. The gap between the two was too big.

With a piece of green grass in Grant's mouth, a polite voice suddenly came from his ear: "I think you are quite leisurely, and have been slowly falling asleep here. Why do you think of me this time?"

Kuroro walked forward, his breath and face were exactly the same as before.It's just that the way of speaking is still very polite. After all, he knows that the dean has a close relationship with Grant.As a subordinate, I can't chat in the way Grant did in the Black Shadow Killing Corps.

"Just come over to take a look. Hey, have you seen Beat? I also sent him a message, which should be able to hear him. He still has the Black Shadow Killing Group or has he gone to other places?" Grant thought The ascetic monk who tested the black shadow killing group with him.

Decades have passed by in a hurry, and I don't know what happened to that guy's life?Whether it was good or bad, Grant shrugged and said he had no idea. [

When Kuroro heard Beate's words, his heart trembled, and a complicated look flashed across his face, and he said sadly, "He's dead."

"What? Dead?" Grant stood up in shock and repeated a sentence.

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