Honor Mage

Chapter 246 Red Star Cemetery, Green's Sister

When Grant heard the news, it was no less than a lightning strike in a forest, and it was even more shocking.He didn't expect that guy who was doing well would die.Although I now think that his strength is frighteningly weak, but there is no big problem in the black shadow killing group.

After thinking about it for a while, I soon suspected that it might be someone else's murder.If Grant is sure, he doesn't mind helping Beater, who used to work with him, to deal with his opponent.As for the opponent is very strong?He thinks that there is no guy he thinks is strong here.Even if it is the Dean, the level of the Golden Watch Witch is the same.

The faint murderous intent flowing out of the body combined with the spiritual fluctuations emitted made the nearby green grass bend its body, like an eggplant beaten by frost, and Ned wilted.

On Kuroro's slightly sad face, a pair of eyes flashed a look of surprise. After realizing that his attitude was not right, he quickly returned to his previous expression, and said in a deep voice, "He died on a mission. Accidental "tide" of Warcraft. As for whether it was designed by someone else, you can rest assured. You should know better than me what his style of dealing with people is. Besides, I have detected him himself with the predictive spell, and there is nothing abnormal .”

"Really? I think I know. Which cemetery is he in now? Outside or inside the city?" Grant heard the words, and there was a trace of sadness and sadness on his face. He quickly calmed down and wanted to ask for the address. Check him out there. [

"Celephis City, the tomb of the Red Star." Just as Kuroro was about to continue, a distorted light blue rune appeared on his arm, sending messages to his body in a unique way.He raised his hand and wiped it, and his face quickly changed.He bent over to Grant with a cautious and apologetic expression, and covered his chest with his left hand in a black leather glove.Pat lightly.

"Sorry, I have a very urgent matter to deal with. I don't think I can go there with you. But I can tell you the specific route with a memory map."

"It's nothing. You have something to do. I just need to know where the route is, and I'll just drop by to have a look." Grant didn't care too much. He didn't have much friendship with Kuroro, so it was more comfortable to go alone. And don't worry too much.

"That's good." There was a rare smile on Kuroro's apologetic face, and an index finger swayed in the air, and a ball of green balls fell in front of Grant's smooth forehead and slowly swallowed it inside.

Grant closed his eyes, quickly returned to his normal state, and said goodbye to Kuroro.Quickly rushed to the city of Celephas.

Red Star Cemetery.

Among the pale green grass, there are gray and white tombstones.In front of each tombstone is a square protruding stele and a few bunches of small white flowers.As if people came here often, Grant quickly noticed a dynamic portrait of Beate in front of a tombstone in the lower left corner, greeting him with his usual smile, and his name and identity were below.

To be honest, it is impossible to live in the Red Star Cemetery as Beat.Thanks to Kuroro's help inside, he knew very well that Beatt was Grant's friend, and he would help if he could, and it would not do him any harm.

Grant was wearing a black suit.There is a small light yellow flower pinned to the neckline, and there is a tall round hat on it.

Grant squeezed out a very calm smile, and said: "I haven't seen each other for so many years, I didn't expect this to be the case. I still remember when we were successfully promoted to the Black Shadow Killing Group. There are still a few missions .In general, working with you is very pleasant and comfortable. You are a qualified friend..."

He said something slowly, with some lightness and memories in his words.There is also a little sigh.Under the speed of time, many people or things I once knew have disappeared.Prosperous Fire City all the way to the present.There are too many people who have not seen or died.soon.Grant settled down and stopped thinking about such things. For him, there was not much need and no need to think about it.Anyway, my future path lies there, and it's useless to sigh.

After chatting for two hours, Grant took a step back and gently held his palm, a gray-yellow plant seed emerged from his palm.A twisted stem and leaf soon appeared inside, followed by several small flowers of different colors and a tangy fragrance.

He bent down, put the bouquet in front of the tombstone, and left the cemetery.

In front of a main road, there is a circle of railings around it, and there is a sign erected to mark the Red Star Cemetery.At this time, Grant came out of the cemetery, looked left and right at the city of Celephas in front of him in a festive state.Since the black mist receded, many shops in the city hung bright stars and some decorations for celebration in front of their doors.A large number of mages and apprentices came forward to celebrate the excitement of being able to live again.They kiss each other, or sing their favorite songs out loud...

"Don't run, I will definitely catch up with you, just follow me and watch slowly."

"Bah, I'm not waiting for you, you idiot. Maybe I'll play with you if I can catch up with me."

On the wide street, several children with braids are holding branches, chasing and playing with each other, completely immersed in the fun.When the mages along the road saw them there, they all showed kind smiles.No matter what kind of mage it is, after the black mist disappears, it is rare to show a smile.

Grant stood under a high magic pole, leaning on his back, and looked at the scenery ahead with a peaceful smile. Some children around saw Grant's appearance, and subconsciously ran far away, not daring to use it. contacted.

After watching for a while, Grant felt it was time to leave here.At this moment, a voice interrupted his action plan. A tall, thin, brown-haired middle-aged man who was nearly two meters tall and wore a pair of black-rimmed glasses walked over.He was wearing a very neat black robe, and the gold pattern on the cuffs was a little frayed. It seemed that the situation at home was not very good. [

He tilted his head, squinted his eyes, and thought about who is that guy in front of him with a very serious and hard-working expression?When the walking pace and the memory gradually overlapped, Green knew who the guy in front of him was. He was his teacher named Grant in the Shadow Elementary Academy.I didn't expect to see the former teacher after seven or eighty years.The most important thing is that the other party's appearance hasn't changed at all, if he didn't know the details.Obviously thought he was the oldest.

From another aspect, it can be judged that Grant is very strong.Otherwise, it would not have such a long life.

With obvious suspicion, Green tentatively asked, "Are you Mr. Grant?"

"Hehe. I am, little guy Green." Grant turned around and saw the middle-aged guy, and couldn't help but sigh how time has passed. The once so cute little lady has now become a weird uncle.One thing has not changed, his eyes are still the same.

"I really didn't expect to meet you here, Mr. Grant. I always thought that you had left the city of Celephis and went to other cities. You don't know decades ago. There are more and more areas engulfed by black mist, Three or four cities fell into the black mist. The number of mages in the mage clusters has dropped to a very low number. I am so lucky to see you here." Green was very excited when he saw Grant, and he was so excited that he couldn't speak , almost hugged and kissed Grant's lips.Of course, if he wanted to do this, Grant would definitely pick him up and throw him outside the city to give him a lesson.joke!Grant is not a gay guy, and he was having a crazy turmoil with Tefair a few days ago.

Grant took a few steps and patted Green on the shoulder.Shen Sheng: "Calm down, calm down."

"En." Green bit his lip, got it, and said with a smile at the same time: "Mr. Grant, why don't you go to my house for a meal. It's a meeting, and I haven't seen you for a long time."

"Okay, let's go now. It happens that I feel very chatty around, and I plan to go back." Grant shrugged and said that he was free now.He put an arm around Green's shoulder and took a big step forward.


After Green graduated from the Academy of Shadows.I have been earnestly walking towards the path of a mage, and until now, I have become a second-tier mage.He wasn't very strong in the city of Celephis, but he had a certain ability overall. Later, he married Pelaer and left the family management.He now lives with Pelle and his sister.

In the Lvyiguo neighborhood, a series of simple manors are nestled together, and there is a street for carriages in the middle.Near the left is a manor decorated with colorful grass. In front of the door, Green is holding Grant's hand and introducing him to the inside.

He smiled and said, "Teacher, this is where I live now. It's not good, and it's not too bad. Overall, it's average."

"It's not bad, and you are already in the middle stage of the second stage now, and you can enter the late stage of the second stage at any time. I think you have a lot of possibilities to enter the third stage mage." Grant patted Green on the shoulder, heartily praised.In any case, Green is indeed stronger than ordinary mages in places like mage clusters, and there is a [-]% possibility of reaching the third level.

Green didn't know that Grant's vision was very sharp and accurate, so he opened the door disapprovingly and let Grant go first.This is a common courtesy in mage clusters, expressing great respect for the guest in front of him.

Grant walked in, and in front of him was a gravel path half a meter wide, with green grass on both sides, and green plant sculptures cut into various shapes, which looked lifelike and lifelike.Below the sculpture, there is a circle of colorful flower beds and two small trees.

The whole manor looks very close to the natural atmosphere.As long as you take a casual look around, there are all kinds of flowers and dense grass.When Grant saw it, he couldn't help feeling a little strange, and praised, "Green, I didn't expect you to like flowers. This kind of interest is quite good, you have to keep it up."

"Wrong, wrong, this is not my hobby. This is my sister's, because she is cursed, she can only do activities in the manor. I think she likes plants very much, so I let her cut them here." When Green talked about his sister, there was a bit of sadness and sadness in the depths of his eyes.It can be seen that Green likes his sister very much.It's just that she didn't expect that she would get such ailment. "

"Is that curse difficult?" Grant said lightly, with a touch of concern.For him, the curse in the mage cluster is just a joke in his own hands.

"Well, I once got rid of the third-tier mages and couldn't clean it up. It seems that it can't be done in the mage clusters. Even if it can be cleaned up, the resources consumed are probably not something a second-tier mage like me can afford." Green He bit his teeth, clenched his little hands tightly and said in an unwilling tone.


The path ahead is a fountain with two roads in it, and the other gaps are all covered by sculptures.At this time.A sweet girl in a wheelchair walks up.Grant's eyes lit up when he saw the girl's appearance.It was a perfect oval face even among women.The watery eyes were full of agility, and they were haggard due to the curse.Her pale skin made her look more like a wax figure than a human girl should be.

The long brown hair in the shawl was combed neatly, and more than a dozen braids were quietly hanging down to the shoulders.A few more fell to the towering chest and bent back and forth.Grant stayed on the chest for a little longer, because he knew it was a girl with a childlike face.Sitting in a wheelchair for a long time did not make her figure out of shape. The towering chest and lower abdomen formed an obvious arc, and the two straight and slender legs bent at nineteen and a half degrees, falling under the wheelchair.The white leg meat is crystal clear.Smooth as jade. [

Such a woman's appearance can be called a stunner, especially the curse makes her constitution weak, which brings a bit of delicate temperament and adds a bit of charm to it.It's hard to imagine that such a beauty would be cursed, what an annoying thing this is.Grant thought he could help.

"Brother, which gentleman is here?" The clear and melodious voice came, and the girl spoke these words gracefully and calmly.The wheelchair moved forward automatically, and the girl quickly saw Grant beside Green.You can feel it from the outside.Grant is not as old as Green.

The girl subconsciously thought that this was the brother of her brother's friend, and she was waiting to speak.

"This is the teacher I used to go to the Elementary Shadow Academy, called Grant. Alice, hurry up and say hello." Green stood beside him and introduced to his sister.For him, it was fate to meet Grant, who took care of him and got close to him after decades.

Alice looked at Grant in surprise.Cherry's small mouth opened in a circular shape, and it didn't close for a long time.She didn't expect that the person in front of her was actually her brother's teacher.Especially the word elementary school, let her clearly understand that it was something that happened when her brother was still a child.My brother is almost a hundred years old now.This sorcerer who only looks like 20 years old is so old.It is very likely that according to the seniority, it belongs to the stage of my great-great-grandfather.

She quickly calmed down and introduced to Grant very politely: "Hi, I'm Alice. This is the first time I've seen you. Your young appearance almost made me mistake you for my brother's friend."

"Uh, it's not wrong for you to say that I'm your brother's friend. And I'm not that old, I'm still very young. You can call me Brother Grant. Well, that's a good name." Grant smiled slightly, and said later Gu Zide commented.He didn't realize that his age is considered old in a mage cluster. Whoever called Nightmare Frontier is a child in his 400s, and it takes [-] years to be considered normal.

Hearing this, Green's expression froze immediately, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he nodded boldly: "Yes, yes, you can call him Brother Grant." Although he said that in his mouth, but in his heart Muttering: "You seem too young. You are obviously taller than me by half a century, at least you should call me uncle."

Grant didn't care. Looking at the cute little girl in front of him, he squinted his eyes and quietly explored with mental strength.It soon became clear what the curse in Alice's body was all about. It turned out to be a special monster lurking in the deepest part of her brain.Its size is estimated to be as thick as a hair, and it keeps controlling the body to keep Alice's body sick, and it also suppresses the talent for plants.

He was also a little "perplexed" when he found out the reason. This method is obviously a very advanced curse method. After all, it is impossible for ordinary mages to cultivate such small magic insects.What kind of thoughts did he have about Alice, Grant rolled his eyes, and simply stopped thinking about so many things.Just use this monster worm to find that guy, and kill him in one go.

"Alice, I can help you get rid of this curse." Grant said something abruptly, causing Green's mouth to open wide, and seeing Grant in shock, the movements of his hands obviously slowed down a lot, just kidding!Green has been looking for pharmacists and mages who are good at removing curses. Each of them has been researched for a long time before he got a little clue, and he is [-]% sure.And if they do it, they have to pay a very high price.

Grant could remove the curse from his sister's body with just one glance, which was easier said than done.How could this not surprise Green.

Compared to Green's astonishment, Alice just squeezed out a forced smile, and said in a coping and desperate tone: "That's all I am, and there is nothing else. Anyway, I don't care too much about my own life. "

In fact, she also longed to lift the curse herself.Learn spells like your brother.But the long-term failure has made Alice hopeless.What's more, Grant didn't ask anything, and he was quite confident to get rid of it.The contrast was frightening.At the very least, ask carefully, then frown and think for a few hours, and finally show a pair of reluctantly saying that it can be removed.

"You'll know if you try it." Grant didn't talk too much nonsense. Anyway, as long as he can let her walk immediately, all problems will be solved.Sometimes it's better to do than to say, and Grant doesn't like to go to lengths with each other, that's not his style.


With a wave of Grant's hand, a strand of white filaments fell into Alice's brain, and quickly stabbed the magic insect.And use the spiritual power link between the devil insect and the originator.Quickly let an elemental lightning go to get him.The elemental lightning with the middle stage of Tier [-] is the enemy in the mage cluster.

clap clap clap! !

Grant clapped his hands and said calmly: "Okay, there is nothing else to do. You can get up and walk. I believe you can enjoy the feeling of not walking for many years?"

"Okay? Are you kidding me?" Alice stood there petrified, and quickly reacted with a hint of disbelief.She just saw the other party wave his hand in the air just now, but she didn't feel anything.Is this all right?This is a curse that causes headaches for many mages in the mage cluster.He didn't get up for a while, just sat there decadently.

On the contrary, Green was very excited and stared.Tell Alice to stand up loudly.He knew that Grant was still very capable, otherwise, how could he yearn for him so much?In Green's eyes, Mr. Grant is more mysterious and powerful than other teachers.Although I felt that the other party spoke very suddenly.But there are still some means at hand.Maybe Alice has a feeling.

Alice was off her feet and had to try it out for herself.Grant stared at Alice's plump calves and crystal clear feet.He also lamented that Alice hadn't walked for many years, but her calves were nourished by the elements.Still plump, pink and translucent like a beautiful jade foot.These legs are beautiful, second only to Tefel's feet.

Alice clenched her teeth tightly, getting off the wheelchair with a hint of pain in her eyes.Her toes went down, she suddenly softened, and she almost fell forward, but her face showed surprise, joy, pain and other complex emotions intertwined.Only she knew that she was really able to walk, and the sense of strength just now meant that there would be no problem if she waited a little longer.As for why I fell, I haven't walked for many years, so naturally I don't have much strength.After practicing for a month or two, there is not much difference from normal people.


Two crystal clear teardrops dripped down along the graceful neck.

Alice wept with joy, stepped forward and hugged Grant, crying loudly and venting the difficult feeling in her body.Since sitting like this decades ago, the seemingly confident and strong heart has long been painful.Obviously it is the world of mages, but there is no way to heal my legs with any spells and means.She had already given up. Who would have thought that Green's teacher, a 20-year-old man with long flaxen hair, just waved his hand and miraculously stood up.At this moment, Alice was happy to be added.There is nothing like being happy today.

Huge softness squeezed against Grant's chest.To be honest, Grant felt very cool, but he couldn't keep this posture all the time.At present, let Alice sit for a while, and then start to practice walking.

"I think it's more suitable for you to sit now. With more practice in the future, there will be no problem." Grant hugged the hot body with both hands and put it on the wheelchair.Then he said something to her very gently. Green on one side was completely playing the soy sauce role, but he was very happy, at least his sister could finally stand up.This is more important and gratifying than anything else.

Soon, Green seemed to remember something, and pointed forward embarrassingly: "I was so happy just now, I almost forgot to treat Mr. Grant to a meal. Let's hurry to the front now, walk around..."

"Okay." Grant walked forward slowly, while Alice was still sitting in a wheelchair, walking forward happily.From time to time, he reached out to grab Grant's thick and powerful palm.Looking at it just now, Alice felt that Grant was still very powerful.

They got together briefly, during which Alice happily poured Grant some wine.In this regard, Grant only drank a little and refused, switching to drinks.


A certain high mountain is surrounded by lush dark green forests and several quiet lakes.At the foot of the mountain, there is a twisted, dark and damp cave.At this time, a golden light flashed past and rushed inside quickly.

"Huh? That's strange, why is the link of the Ram bug cut off? Could it be that a mage knew about it? No, it's impossible to be able to move it under the conditions of that family. It must be my feeling is wrong, or The Ram Worm is concentrating on controlling it and has not sensed my instructions. Yes! It must be like this, how could I have made a low-level mistake? You know, I am the greatest and most powerful Demon Insect King."

Inside the tunnel is a wide cave. At this time, there is an old man with messy hair and wearing a worn-out robe.

His appearance looks a little wretched, with a pointed chin and three-sided eyes, resembling a mouse.Especially when he laughs, the two slightly sharp teeth make his similarity with the mouse explode to 99%.It can be said that an old mage who looks like this and is confident that he has not used magic to change his appearance can be said to be very rare.

call out!

He triumphantly prepared a highly poisonous potion, and a golden light shot out from behind, piercing through his body instantly.Soon, the old man's eyes dimmed, without any life fluctuations, and his hands fell forcefully.

After seeing the result, Elemental Lightning disappeared in a circle of pitch-black flames.On the other side, Grant, who was eating to his heart's content, knew that the goal was solved, and nodded quietly.


Grant bids farewell to the Greens and intends to return to the East.The mage cluster is no longer worth wasting too much time. There are no familiar friends here, and some of the remaining dungeon areas are too low-level, and there is no obvious gain from going there.It is precisely because of this that it is better to leave early.

Of course, he left with another goal, which was to go to the remains of the King of Life.When I was fighting against the white blood family, I got a silver light key through a sea temple, which was the key to the third floor of the king of life.Now it's hard to find time to go back to the eastern region.Wouldn't I be sorry for myself if I didn't get new things?

After he came up with an idea, he purposely sat in a quiet tavern, waiting for Brillante and the ten black-robed mages to rush back.They had previously expressed their indifference to the crowd of mages, but after browsing, they all happily ran a long way, and even if Grant notified them, it took five or six hours to call them back to the tavern to gather. (to be continued..)

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