Honor Mage

Chapter 252 Time Flies

In front of the white building, two bodyguards walked forward slowly. When they saw Grant walking slowly, a strange idea came to their minds for no reason. They didn't know why the other party was so confident.You must know that ordinary people encounter such a situation, and they are already scared and want to run away.Especially when the opponent was just a junior high school student, the strong sense of contrast made them feel like they were facing a fighter who had gone through a lot of training.

Soon, the two walked to Grant's side.After making sure that the other party did not make any other moves, a bodyguard stretched out a finger to the brown mahogany door: "Go inside now, our boss is waiting for you inside, you need to ask something, and you can say what you know later."

"Well, no matter what I say, I'm also a classmate with Sliu Taye. Of course it's okay to help. In fact, the most disgusting thing is that that guy named Guta is so ruthless, he stomped that thing to pieces." Grant was very calm. Speak up and keep going.The two bodyguards who heard the voice raised their eyebrows slightly, wondering if the analysis was so difficult?In this way, it can be clear that the other party is calm because he believes that he has not attacked the young master, so nothing will happen.

creak!Grant opened the door, and saw that the spacious hall was luxuriously and magnificently decorated, the smooth floor reflected light, and the crystal chandelier in the sky was as wide as three or four times, and several small lights were intertwined together, which looked magnificent.There are two middle-aged couples standing in the middle, and behind them are bodyguards in black suits lined up, resembling the scary underworld.

Seeing the two of them in the family, Grant thought it would be a good time to save himself from dealing with it himself.As long as these two guys are killed, the relatives of other branches will naturally rush forward and divide up the Sluta Group Company.Through Li Yang's own memory, it is natural to know the virtues of those guys.Greed without knowing the limit. [

"Hello, Uncle and Auntie." Grant stepped forward.With a smile on his face.At the same time, he turned into a white light to cover the camera lights of the villa, and secretly changed his appearance, turning his appearance and identity into an ancient pagoda.

"Student Li Yang, can you tell us about the situation at that time? I didn't expect my son to become like that. Don't worry, as long as you tell the specific clues, uncle can give you a lot of money and toys." As the current chairman of Sliuta Group, Sliuta Xing said in a deep voice.The half-closed eyes seemed to be smiling, but in fact there were flashes of cold light.

He could vaguely guess that this matter had nothing to do with Grant, but he still hoped to get some more clues. On the other hand, he would quietly paralyze this guy and let the bodyguards subdue him later.

"It was Guta who did it. I don't know the specific reason. I'm just a junior high school student, how can I know so many things? I think you should hurry to find Guta, lest the other party escape."

"Oh?" Sliuta Xing raised his brows, and a sneer appeared on his gloomy face: "I'm thinking about how you knew that Guta had escaped, and your calm look doesn't look like a junior high school student. Don't think that I don't know, this matter must be closely related to you, people like Guta, even if my son kills his mother, he would not dare to do it. But I am very curious. What ability did you use to make Guta do it. Of course, you can say it or not, sooner or later I will catch Guta and force him to speak."

"That's not necessary, don't bother him. Because he will die." Grant casually walked to a leather sofa and sat there with his legs crossed.He looked up at the few people in front of him.With the help of the time just now, a new image has been completely compiled for the camera, and I believe there are no other problems.

"Haha. It really is you. I'm going to let you know what the real means are today." After hearing such ambiguous words, Star Sliuta didn't know the specific meaning inside.Why his son was crippled and his limbs were done by this guy.At that moment, he was so angry that he was trembling all over, his eyes were full of cold light, he gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "Everyone, kill this guy for me."

The bodyguards around had already prepared, raised their pistols and spit out a burst of flames, counting them across a trajectory, and all rushed three meters in front of Grant.In front of him was like a wall blocking the attack of the son itself, and the brass sons were suspended together, which looked very strange.

"What's going on? Why aren't you afraid of Zizi?" Seeing that something was wrong with Grant, Star Sluta had a very surprised and exaggerated expression on his face. After knowing that the other party was not afraid of Zizi's attack, he took a few steps back.I want to run away immediately to find the help of the police and catch this guy in front of me.Obviously, the other party has this ability and can indeed make Guta kill his son.

"Ah!!" The woman stretched out her hands to cover her mouth, screaming in shock.When will human beings be able to stop the child from attacking forward, it's too weird.

"Dry!" Grant frowned, and with a light tap, a bullet returned the same way, and immediately penetrated the woman's forehead, leaving a very round hole and bleeding out.

After he found out that it was quiet outside the building, he waved his hands, and all the bodyguards turned back. Immediately, all the bodyguards fell to the ground without making a sound, apparently all of them were dead.

Star Sluta's heart trembled, and he knelt on the ground in fear and confessed to Grant: "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I really ate the bear's heart and leopard's courage. These are all my faults. I shouldn't have done this..."

"I'm sorry, it's already late. But don't worry, I won't touch your son again." Grant raised his hand, and after randomly emitting a red light into the body of Star Sluta, he suddenly became dying and could not move at all. look.He knew that the other party was just a mental simulation, and if it wasn't for the knowledge that might affect his learning, he didn't need to deal with it.

After looking at the pile of corpses lying in the room, he took the room and other people's money and left here.As for the blame behind, it is completely handed over to the other party.


In the dark night, a round of sickle moon hangs quietly in the sky, the soft moon-white light and the unique neon light of the city are mixed together and spread all around.


One after another the police were dispatched, looking for a murderer.Because of the important role of the Sluta Group in the city, the importance of this matter has become particularly great, so they searched overnight regardless of the consequences. [

A public river far away from the street, squatting under the bridge is a mysterious man.A slightly sneaky bald man.Seeing that there were no policemen coming around, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief and drank some water.By the way, eat something to satisfy your body's hunger.Since Grant gave him five times the strength and physique, he needed to eat three times as much food as before.

He sat there, with a tired face on his face: "What's going on? It's just to smash Slutaye's limbs and the thing underneath, and let the police from all over the city come to me. It made me even my parents Don’t dare to inform, come here, and don’t know where to go now is considered a head. Hey, let’s find a way to find the woods first.”

Guta knew that the later he left, the more abundant the police force would be.At that time, it will not be so easy to walk alone, while there is still a little hope now.He believes that it is very easy to become a mafia boss with his own strength.

He speeded up, turning into a stream of light and heading out of the woods.It's a pity that many policemen and psychologists have already analyzed this clue.When he approached a small road and there was a forest 1000 meters ahead, about [-] policemen rushed out to trap him.

"It's him. Everyone hurry up."

"Break his legs first, otherwise it won't be easy to trap him. According to previous information, the other party is a Lianjiazi."


The police must seize every moment when they are clear about the situation at the scene, otherwise they must be the ones who are unlucky.Suddenly, a large number of gunshots became piercing in the silent night.See the rushing child.Guta improves the vitality of the whole body, and concentrates 100% on avoiding those bullets.Strengthen the physique five times, let the speed and reaction ability reach a limit.

He even avoided Zi's attack and ran towards the woods with both legs.The superb speed and superhuman evasion ability made all the policemen dumbfounded.I think the current scene is too crazy.But at this time, a figure was a little fat.The unremarkable policeman took out a light green bazooka from the car, fired a cannon straight forward, and blasted open the position of the ancient pagoda.

Despite having five times the physique, it is completely impossible to compete with the bazooka.The other policemen didn't expect that guy to hold this kind of weapon in his hand, which is really an exaggeration.Faced with the surprised gazes of other policemen, the man curled his lips and said in a sophisticated tone: "It can be seen from what happened in the villa area earlier that the murderer has super-high skills. If he doesn't carry some heavy weapons, How could it be possible to subdue the opponent?"

"That's right."

"Yes, otherwise the other party may run away at that time. We will suffer then."

The surrounding cops agreed.After they collected the broken corpses, they announced that the matter was coming to an end, and that Sluta's massacre of Ann had come to an end.

After Grant dealt with the troubles of the Slutaye family, he basically had no problems going to school afterwards.On weekdays, he learns the knowledge of novices, and then teases Chang Luoli.In a blink of an eye, it was time to go to university, and he entered a national key university with full marks in all subjects.

It took him five years to basically understand all the biological principles, leaving only the last few top technologies of this different time and space.

Dadong Airport, a row of passenger planes parked on the wide gray ground.The surrounding buildings were full of passengers flying to various places, as well as some flight attendants and other staff.

Grant stood aside, holding a gift box in his hand, looking around from time to time.It has been five years since I killed Sliuta, and after learning all the basic content, it is time to go to the university to upgrade the original knowledge content.

At this time, a woman in a white shirt tightly fitting her tall breasts walked in. She could clearly see a short black skirt and a pair of jade feet that were more beautiful than jade.Following her gaze upwards, she saw a beautiful face with curved willow eyebrows, and her eyes were like light blue gemstones, full of temptation.

The young and beautiful woman was full of youthful breath. She walked over and also pulled a suitcase, and smiled angrily: "You guy really won't wait for me. I told you to slow down, who knew that I would come to your house Your mother told me that you arrived at the airport early and prepared to leave."

"I'm used to it, how is it? Are you ready to go to college?" Grant smiled softly.

"En." Chang Luoli nodded.

The two chatted lightly for a while, until the lobby heard the sound of a new round of passenger planes taking off, and then they walked into the cabin of the passenger plane, ready to go to the most outstanding key university in the country. [


A plane was flying across a corner of the sky, and Grant was sitting on the plane, ready to go to university.


When Grant acquired a lot of special knowledge in the remains of the King of Life.On the other side of Glory Sky City, many mages became a little anxious, mainly because Grant had been silent for the past three months.Five years in the spiritual world is equivalent to three months in the real world.

Brillante chatted and strolled in the sky city, and there were many apprentices in the surrounding streets who saw the guy walking over.I know that he is a friend who rescued the mage in crisis, and he is also a very powerful mage.There were whispers all around.

"Look, that is a mage from another place. It is said that he is super strong and is the strongest in the eastern region."

"How do you know? These news are too secretive. We don't know at all."

"Of course, I heard it from a friend of my father's friend. Do you know? It's funny."

"It's amazing. If only I had a father like that."


Some apprentice-level whispers made Brillant feel very depressed.Anyway, I am also a fourth-tier top mage, and I am also a guy who is respected by many mages at the border of nightmares. How come I am as admirable as a monkey in a circus now.Because this is Grant's territory, it's not easy to get angry casually.

He simply went back and went back to the palace.Going forward step by step, I happened to see Tefel standing there, looking at the red sun gradually rising in the sky.

When Brillant saw Tefel, he also planned to go over to have a chat, but nothing happened.When the two met, there happened to be a streamer across the sky.Seeing that Liu Guang's target was himself, Brillante felt a headache, and he didn't need to say much to know what it was.

"Hello, Teacher Brillante, I'm here to say hello to you." Su Wei, a life scholar, stayed below and waved to Brillante who was standing aside.

Since two months ago, Su Wei has been pestering Brillante's student.To be honest, Brillante is older than Su Wei and has a higher spiritual level, so it stands to reason that there is no difficulty.The point is that Tefel calls Su Wei an uncle, and Tefel is Grant's wife. How should this be accepted?

Brillante was still struggling with this question, so he simply said, "As I said, it is impossible to accept you as a student. If you don't understand something, you can ask me. You don't need to ask me to be your teacher."

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