Honor Mage

Chapter 253 Discuss this matter

Looking at Su Wei in front of him, Brillant shrugged his shoulders and could only make a gesture of resentment.He turned his head, looked at Tefel who had been standing there, holding a tall staff with a human head, and said in a begging tone: "I said, Tefel, you can do a little bit of help, so that Su Wei doesn't have to look for me as a pawn." Teacher. I have a good relationship with Grant, so this will be troublesome."

"Pfft! I see." Hearing this, Tefel stretched out her slender hand to cover her small mouth and laughed.Indeed, it would be a little troublesome to do so.She walked up to Su Wei and said with a smile: "I said Uncle Su Wei, let's forget about it. If you don't let Brillante stay here, you can ask more questions. And, Grant Also here."

"Is it really not possible?" Su Wei frowned and asked subconsciously again.

"It's not negotiable." Brillante shook his head and folded his arms around his chest.He has no plans to accept students for the time being, and he still needs to expand his resources and his own strength.

"Well, that's all I can say." Seeing this, Su Wei understood that there was not much room for turning around in this matter.But a small thought arose in my heart, waiting for Grant to come back and go to the nightmare border with him to develop.I really like to study life and other knowledge, but a lot of time has been wasted, and there is not much time before my death.If the spiritual level is enhanced, it can have a lifespan of hundreds of years.It is difficult for the eastern region or the mage clusters to promote themselves. [

After the three of them learned about this, they stood there discussing when Grant could come back sooner.

After March, the Eastern Region.

In the canyon of the remains of life, a certain deep passage shone with a misty arc.A fuzzy white mist floated there and could not dissipate, and one could see a crack on the ground along the way.Inside are the stairs leading down.With a bang, a figure slowly walked up.With a complicated look on his face, a trace of guilt flashed in his eyes.After six months, I finally came out of the spiritual world.But for Grant.Have the equivalent of ten years living there.

"Huh, stop thinking about these things. Those are just things that a dead person thinks about before he dies. It doesn't mean much to me. The most important life knowledge is all in my mind. It's time to win Afterwards, go back to Glory Sky City to meet Tefel and the others, so as not to worry them." Grant lowered his head and muttered, and soon, the haze tightly wrapped around his face dissipated in the air.

With a flick of his toes, he walked out of the area covered by the white mist.An arm wrapped in a golden hand fell from the sky above the passage, and a pale gold was suspended above the palm.A piece of spell pattern paper the size of a palm.No need to look at what is recorded in it, the spell that is clearly recorded with the help of the Glory World game is a blackening technique.Use negative energy to drill into the skin and body to gain terrible power, and the spells cast are multiplied in destructive power.

In particular, this spell can be transplanted into the body of the magic pet in the hand to increase the strengthening ability.With the technique of blackening, two-thirds of the manpower needed to deal with the Patriarch of the White Blood Family is completely sufficient, and he will definitely not even be able to recognize himself.

After thinking about these things for a while, he hurried forward while sorting out all his thoughts.Just like when you came in, walk out of the cave and immediately rush to the location of Glory Sky City.It just took two hours to reach the top of Glory Sky City.

The news that he fell into the palace.In a few seconds, it was transmitted to the ears of several people in Tefel and Brillante.They stayed in Sky City for half a year, just wanting to know about Grant's clues.I didn't expect to see them face to face now.

Soon Qiqi walked out of the palace and saw Grant walking up the stairs.Haven't seen each other for several months.Grant's flaxen hair grows to the hips.There is also a beard around the chin. These are external changes, especially the changes in the eyes.Full of vicissitudes, there is also a sense of wisdom that only time has accumulated.

They knew they hadn't seen each other for half a year, but seeing each other now gave them a look they hadn't seen in more than ten years.The huge contrast made them clear that Grant must have discovered something they didn't know during these hours.

"Grant. You're back."

"I haven't been back for half a year, where is it?"

"Look at your eyes. It makes me feel so changed. I almost thought it wasn't you anymore."


Many mages surrounded Grant, expressing their opinions one by one.To them, Grant was indeed slightly different from what they had imagined in their minds.Grant didn't have time to talk to them. After looking at them slowly, he said a few words lightly: "Tefel, go and gather Lilian and Taylor to the hall of the temple. I have something to ask Make it clear to them that Brillante and the others are strengthening the talisman in Sky City right now, and ten of you guys will help behind, do you understand?"


"We get it."

They nodded, their eyes showed some confusion and doubts, wondering what Grant had called.They hadn't heard of another big trouble in the east.Only Brillante lowered his head, pondered for a while, and came up with an idea that he thought was very possible, at least he thought the possibility of this matter was extremely high.

After seeing them disperse, Grant stepped into the hall first.With more than ten years of life experience in the spiritual world, I can also think about the details.I will definitely leave the eastern region to the border of nightmares, so if people like Tefel want to follow me, they must be prepared, and at the same time select some apprentices for training. After leaving, Sky City will have sufficient backbone and guards .The powder obtained on that small island before can also be used. [

A few minutes later, Grant sat in the hall and saw that the empty tables were filled with many people.They gathered around the table, all curious about what Grant would tell them.

"There is one thing I need to tell you. I have already solved the problem in the eastern region, and I will definitely go to the border of the nightmare to super-network in the future. So, I would like to ask if you would like to go there with me." Grant put his hands together, Asked with a calm face.He slowly glanced at the figures of a dozen mages below.

"Of course I would, Grant, you say yes." Lilian stood up and said with a smile.To her, enough of the East had indeed been done, she had been everywhere, and there was nothing to wonder about.

"I would too."

"Me too."

Taylor, Tefair, Lucy and others who were with Grant at the beginning all agreed to go to the nightmare border, and there were even two mages who later joined the high-level of Glory Sky City.They yearn for a place that is more advanced than the mage clusters. As for other mages, they can't give up the luxury that Sky City brings to them.

"Well, you guys will go with me after five years, and the rest will stay temporarily, but in five years, I will select some mages as the backbone and select suitable candidates who are qualified for Sky City, and there is no need to talk about other things. "

Grant was quick to ascertain the matter.The knowledge of different time and space at Stanford made him understand that some things don't need to waste so long to arrange.


At this moment, the door opened, and an old man in a white robe walked in.

"Wait, take me with you too." Su Wei immediately held a meeting when he heard that Grant was coming back. He who had lived for hundreds of years didn't understand the meaning, so he hurried over and wanted Grant to take him with him.

"Uh, okay, don't worry, you must be involved in this matter." Grant agreed a little bit.In any case, Su Wei did his best to deal with the pricking blood back then.

"I'll go there too, thank you this time." Su Wei nodded.


Through the extreme gate of the first forbidden area on the border of nightmares, one can reach a magical continent, which is the most complete and closest continent to the mage civilization.It has the title of Extreme Continent.

boom! !

Somewhere in the forest surrounded by black mist and thunder and lightning, a protruding mountain stands tall.On the top of the hill, there stands a raised circular building.Dozens of gray and white stone sculptures kept circling in mid-air, using their huge wings to keep flapping.Occasionally, a few bolts of lightning strike on it, leaking a few strands of stray lightning, rushing to the outer skin...

The inside of the building is very large, not like the imperial palace of a mortal empire.In the hall at this moment, the foreign envoy walked forward respectfully to the study room where the teacher lived.There was a sound of thud on the ground, he himself walked to the door, opened the door and saw rows of bookshelves on the lower left of the study, an old man with white hair and a touch of kindness was sitting on the sofa, and a man appeared in front of him. A ball of flames illuminates any corner of the dark room.

Hearing the voice, the old man raised his head and saw the foreign envoy approaching, and asked plainly: "Have you finished the matter you have dealt with? Has the guy named Grant contacted you to get the key of the flame phoenix to open the gate of the extreme realm?" The door goes here."

"It has already been given, but there is one thing I really want to know. Why did you give that guy the right to enter and exit the Extreme Realm Continent at will? Obviously, even mages in the Extreme Realm Continent are strictly forbidden to go to the border of nightmares." His face was full of unconcealable doubts.In the past, the teacher was not allowed to ask by himself, but now that the key has been given to the other party, there is no problem to ask.

The white-haired old man shook his head, put his hands on the handle, and didn't speak, just smiled.Faced with these, the alien envoy could only leave the room in disappointment.It seems that the law does not know the reason for making this choice.Don't look at the teacher who may seem to have a mild temper, but once he feels unhappy, he will turn into a big demon and abolish the mage's sea of ​​meditation that makes him unhappy.Even though the foreign envoy's family background is quite strong, he dare not touch the teacher's bottom line.

When the foreign envoy walked out of the palace, only the old man with a complex face was left. [

He sighed faintly: "Hey, do you think I will know for sure? How naive." (To be continued...)

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