legendary worker

205 champion

"Sunderland! Sunderland! Sunderland!"

"Champions! Champions! We are champions!"

"Graham, your time is over. Retire quickly!"

"Tottenham bastards! We will be champions soon! You want the championship, dream it!"

The overwhelming cheers of Sunderland fans at Wembley Stadium completely covered the Tottenham fans.There were only cheers from Sunderland fans in the entire Wembley Stadium, but no voice from Tottenham fans could be heard.Even the booing was hard to hear.

"Another 10 minutes into the game, and Tottenham didn't seem to want to reverse at all. On the contrary, the leading Sunderland seemed to have the possibility of expanding the score at any time."

As the game passed minute by minute, the Tottenham players became more and more desperate.

Tottenham are not Manchester United.

If it is Manchester United, they will not give up at will even if they fall behind.No one knows what will happen until the last moment.

Because Manchester United players have rich experience in winning championships.

They have rich game experience and unparalleled psychological quality.

But Tottenham are different.

Although Tottenham players are more experienced than Sunderland players, they are only more experienced than Sunderland players.Sunderland players are completely rookies, and the Premier League teams are basically more experienced than Sunderland players.

Most of the Tottenham players have not won any important championships.It is estimated that the Premier League title won by Sherwood is the most important.

Even if other people have won the championship, they have won it in their respective leagues.

They have not won any championships in English football.

So now they are all desperate.

Even their captain Campbell is the same.

Campbell looked a little dazed.

Quinn has been missed several times.He failed several times in the fight with Quinn.The state at the beginning of the game is completely gone.

Campbell was a little dissatisfied with Tottenham.

This is his seventh year as the main player at Tottenham.But Tottenham have not had a championship in these years.None of the Premier League champions, FA Cup champions, and League Cup champions have been touched.

Campbell didn't want to.

He's in his prime right now.He doesn't want to miss any championships in his career.He didn't want to waste his career on a team that didn't win any titles.

So what he thinks is more and more.

The more you think about it.The more hesitant.Instead, the status continued to decline.

He didn't want to do that either.

But he couldn't control his thoughts.

The Tottenham players in the frontcourt have slowly given up the game.Their running starts to decrease and their positivity completely disappears.

Only Ginola was not reconciled.

Really not reconciled.

He also failed to win the championship at Newcastle that year, which was a pain for him.Cantona, whom Ginola hates the most, won countless championships at Manchester United, but Ginola did not win any championships in England.

He is 32 years old.

Not many chances left.

There are only 5 minutes left in the game.He is not willing to give up.

There is less support from other players, but he can go it alone.

Ginola wobbles an angle on the left and delivers a beautiful cross.Les Ferdinand headed the goal but there wasn't much power.He was hugged by Ji Wen.

Time is going on.

Ginola broke through in the middle, although his physical strength has been exhausted.But he still made a breakthrough, but the final shot was limp.

5 minutes……

4 minutes……

3 minutes……

"The game is coming to an end. Sunderland is still leading Tottenham Hotspur [-]-[-]. If this score ends, Sunderland will win the first League Cup in their history. And coach Su Yun He will also win the first championship in his coaching career."

Han Qiaosheng and Huang Jianxiang were very happy.

This is the first time that Zhongyang TV broadcasts Su Yun's game live.The first live Sunderland game.And it's a final.

It would be embarrassing if Sunderland lost this game.

Now this result is the best.

"This is not only Su Yun's first championship in his coaching career, but also the first championship of a Chinese coach in Europe."

Be the first champion.

2 minutes……

Sunderland fans in the stands can't wait to celebrate the championship after 26 years.

They were jumping and jumping in the stands.

"Champions! Champions! We are champions!"

"We have a magician from China... blah blah - he led us to success - blah blah - Su, Su is our magician!!!!"

"Long live! Sunderland!"

Compared to the excited Sunderland fans.The stands of Tottenham fans are already silent.

Graham also stopped his rant from the sidelines.

Now there are 2 minutes left in the game, and it is simply impossible for Tottenham to score two goals in a row in the state of Tottenham.

Graham could only sit weakly on the bench.

1 minutes……

All Sunderland substitute players have stood up.They are all waiting for the referee's whistle.

50 second……

40 second……

30 second……

In the end, the Sunderland players kept passing the ball in the backcourt, and none of the Tottenham players came to grab the ball.Tottenham have already given up the game, while Sunderland is waiting for the end of the game.The advantage of two goals made Tottenham completely give up.

20 second……

ten seconds...

"Ten, nine, eight, seven..."

All the Sunderland fans started to shout in unison.Began to wait for the end of the referee's whistle.

"Three, two, one—"

The voices of the Sunderland fans became louder and louder. When they kept shouting "one", the Sunderland fans left a long tail.

And then there's the huge cheers.


The referee is also very knowledgeable.When the Sunderland fans shouted "one", he also blew the whistle in time.

One, two, three.

The long-awaited whistle for Sunderland fans finally sounded.

"Hooray! Hooray! Sunderland! Sunderland!"

"we are the champion!"

The stands of Sunderland fans once again sounded the song "We Are the Champions", which has been sung all over the world.

"The League Cup final of the 9899 season is over. The championship belongs to Sunderland. This is the second time for Sunderland to win the championship after 26 years. It is also the first League Cup championship in Sunderland's history! It is also the first time in Coach Su Yun's coaching career. A champion!"

"Coach Su Yun became the coach of Sunderland last season. His coaching journey in Sunderland was full of magic. In the first season, he led Sunderland to break the league record. He was promoted to the Premier League League. In the second season, he led Sunderland to win the first League Cup in Sunderland's history."

"This is Coach Suyun's first season in the Premier League. Where will he and Sunderland go? We are all curious."

"Look at the excited Sunderland fans. The championship after 26 years has made them unable to control themselves. Congratulations Sunderland! Congratulations Su Yun!"

The moment the whistle sounded, all Tottenham players collapsed to the ground.

The Sunderland players are different.

They are all hugging each other.Running and celebrating.The players standing next to Su Yun had already run in when the whistle sounded.

Su Yun closed his eyes and recalled the referee's whistle just now.

What a sound.

Su Yun had never felt that the referee's whistle was so refreshing.

This is the whistle of the championship.

Champion, champion!

This is the first time Su Yun won the championship in his coaching career.

Although it is the League Cup champion with the lowest gold content, it is still a real champion.

I am also a champion coach!

Champion coach!

What a wonderful meaning.

In the future, I will also enter the ranks of champion coaches.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Just as Su Yun closed his eyes and opened his arms to savor the taste of being a champion, he suddenly felt a group of people surrounding him.

They lifted Su Yunshi high and ran into the air.

Su Yun was taken aback by them for a moment, and then he had a feeling of flying.



Those players cheered while throwing Su Yun up.

When Su Yun was watching the game before.I am very envious of those champion coaches.What a wonderful thing to celebrate with the players after winning the championship.Su Yun finally felt it today.

He was thrown high by the players, and the cheers of the fans could be heard in his ears.

"Long live! Sue!"

"We have a magician from China... blah blah - he led us to success - blah blah - Su, Su is our magician!!!!"

Su Yun felt drunk.

Really drunk.

This is the smell of a champion.

"Sunderland players celebrated this championship with Su Yun in this way. Many Sunderland players are brought to Sunderland by Su Yun himself from the low-level league. It can be said that without Su Yun, they would not be where they are now .”

"Listen to the singing of the Sunderland fans. They call Su Yun a magician. Sunderland fans have reason to love Su Yun so much. Su Yun has only been in charge of Sunderland for two seasons and has already given Sunderland A lot of joy. He has now given Sunderland their first Carling Cup in their history."

At this time, the reporters had already surrounded them.

It's just because Su Yun is surrounded by his own players, so they can't squeeze in.

Although they can't squeeze in, they have plenty of ways.They raised the microphones high and asked Su Yun loudly.

"Coach Su, tell me how you feel about winning the championship?"

"Coach Su, how do you feel now?"

"Coach Su, do you have anything to say about the team's performance?"

It's not easy for journalists either.

Ask questions out loud in such a noisy environment.

Su Yun didn't fully understand what they said in the air.But the approximate meaning can be guessed.

"Champion! I like champions!" Su Yun looked at those reporters and laughed. "I've never felt so good...Champion...I love champ!" (To be continued...)

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