legendary worker

206 is just the beginning

"it is good!"

"Good job!"

"Su Yun should be the head coach of the national team."

When the referee's whistle sounded, countless fans in the far east were cheering for Sunderland.

It's hard to imagine.

Tonight in China, a place thousands of miles away, more than 7000 million fans are following the game. The signal of Zhongyang TV station covering the whole country is not a joke.In the past Premier League games, even those strong dialogues had very few audiences in China.

The main reason is that the TV stations that broadcast the Premier League live are all local TV stations with limited coverage.

But CCTV is different.

It covered fans all over the country at once.

When Sunderland won the championship, the entire Chinese fans cheered.In Chinese football and in the eyes of Chinese fans, Sunderland is completely treated like the home team.This point is completely unknown to England.

If Sunderland knew that they had so many fans in China, it would definitely scare a lot of people.

Wembley Stadium!

This is Su Yun's blessed land.

The first time I came to Wembley Stadium was two years ago.At that time, Su Yun led Dagenham to defeat their opponents here and was promoted to the third league.

The second time I came here, I won a League Cup.

Sunderland celebrated endlessly, while Tottenham had already returned to the locker room early.After the game, Graham and Su Yun didn't even face each other.Su Yun was about to shake hands with him, but found that he left the stadium early.

But reporters only care about the winners, and they are not interested in the losers.


He is no longer the all-powerful head coach of the past.

Reporters didn't care about him at all.

Tottenham didn't reappear in front of everyone until the awards.

The awarding of the runner-up is actually very simple.

In other words, the runner-up is not too bad.After all, it is good to be able to enter the finals.Compared with those who were eliminated halfway, the results are already very good.But it was a deep disappointment to enter the finals but not win the championship.

So the runner-up is more like a consolation prize.

Tottenham players are not in the mood to win the prize either.

They went up listlessly to receive the award amid the cheers of the Tottenham fans.Then it was very depressing.In their opinion, the runner-up trophy is not even comparable to the consolation prize, so it's better not to have it.

After the Tottenham players go down, people are waiting.

What they were waiting for was the awarding moment of the champion.

After the award presentation for Tottenham, the live broadcast shouted: "The League Cup champion of the 9899 season is..."

"Sunderland! Sunderland! We are champions!"


The Sunderland fans cheered in unison.

"Let's invite... League Cup winners - Sunderland!"


"Oh oh oh-"

With the sound of the live broadcast, all Sunderland fans cheered unanimously.

Amidst the cheers, Su Yun led the Sunderland players up to receive the award.

Looking at the overwhelmed players, Murray kept applauding in the box.

League Cup champion!

Although it is the lowest weighted championship in England, it is still a championship.It is already a big surprise for Sunderland, which has not had any championship in 26 years.Su Yun fulfilled his promise, Sunderland will appear in the UEFA Cup next season.

Murray never thought about today when he invited Su Yun.

Murray's thinking at the time was simple.

I just hope that Su Yun can lead Sunderland to the Premier League, and then stay in the Premier League.


Murray didn't even dare to think about it.

Although according to the contract.This time the League Cup champion will give Su Yun a bonus of 26 pounds.But Murray didn't feel distressed at all, instead he was happy.This is [-] years later, Sunderland once again won the championship.

Now the League Cup champion, what about next season?

Murray remembered what Su Yun said at the Christmas reception.

If Sunderland get some titles again.Then Murray may be the revival chairman of Sunderland.

Just thinking about it made Murray excited.

While Murray was meditating, Sunderland had already finished accepting the award.In the end, Quinn lifted the League Cup trophy high as the captain of Sunderland.

And the song "We Are the Champions" also began to be played in the stadium.

All the fans sang along.

we are the champion!

"Congratulations to Sunderland again. They are well-deserved champions. Apart from a genius performance by Ginola, Tottenham did not pose any threat to Sunderland throughout the game. Sunderland used a dominant game Showing people that they are champions!"


"I'm very happy. My players played well. They deserve this title."

At the press conference, Su Yun's voice was slightly higher than usual, and his excitement was beyond words.

Excitedly, Su Yun praised all Sunderland players by name.

"I like championships. I believe that no one will hate championships. This is the first championship in my coaching career, but I believe this is just the beginning. There will be more championships waiting for me in the future."

Su Yun was more talking about his team's morale.

Did not laugh at Tottenham.

Added insult to injury?

No need.

Su Yun has already used this game to slap Tottenham severely, so there is no need to continue to be mean.Everyone is not turning around.Maybe we will see each other later on.It's good to leave some room for each other.

Su Yun thought so.

So although the reporter wanted to hear Su Yun's comments on Tottenham.But Su Yun let them down.

But just relying on what Su Yun said above, the reporter has already written something.

Just the beginning.

This is naked ambition.

Young coach's naked championship declaration.

With this sentence is enough for them to write.

"Coach Su. In the upcoming summer transfer. Will Sunderland continue to supplement the lineup?"

At the end of the press conference.A reporter suddenly asked Su Yun loudly.

Su Yun smiled slightly.

If you win the League Cup by yourself, you will have more room to bargain with the board of directors.Moreover, Carden also hinted to Su Yun some time ago that the Sunderland club is not short of money.

"We will never be satisfied with a Carling Cup. As long as there are good players in the transfer market. We will never be stingy."


Su Yun's answer made the reporter very excited.

The reporters in the press box began to ask Su Yun in a hurry.

"Coach Su, do you have any favorite targets?"

"Coach Su, how much will Sunderland invest in the summer?"

Su Yun looked at these reporters and shrugged.

"I will only make a shot when I have a suitable target. You should ask Mr. Carden how much to invest in the summer."

Although Su Yun avoided specific questions.

But all reporters believe that Sunderland will make big moves in the summer.

This kind of thing is not new in the Premier League in recent years.

First, Jack Walker, a steel tycoon, entered Blackburn and bought a Premier League champion with money.Later, Hall invested in Newcastle, making Newcastle a strong Premier League team capable of competing with Manchester United for the Premier League title.Of course, Coventry invested 5000 million pounds in the transfer market.

It is also indispensable that Middlesbrough invested heavily, but they were relegated at the end of the season.

In the past few years, there has been no shortage of clubs spending big money in English football.

In recent years, Lizdale, the owner of Leeds United, has also begun to spend a lot of money in the transfer market, preparing to recast the glory of Leeds United.

When Sunderland was in League One.£600 million spent in one summer.

Sunderland is not a cash-strapped master.

So all reporters are looking forward to Sunderland's move in the summer transfer.

They are quite satisfied with this press conference.Although there is no particularly exciting news, it is enough for them to use their imagination.


When the team returned to Sunderland, Sunderland fans lined the streets to welcome them.The fans came to the streets spontaneously, and tens of thousands of fans welcomed the team on the streets.Almost all Sunderland fans came out to celebrate.

For this League Cup champion.Sunderland Club once again held a grand celebration in Sunderland.

Just a League Cup winner.

But the Sunderland fans celebrated like crazy.

On the day of the celebration ceremony, the number of Sunderland fans exceeded 10, reaching 14.In a city with only about 17 people, 14 people is already a very large number.

The club doesn't care if there are Premier League games in a few days.The club would really like to celebrate three days and three nights if possible.

For Sunderland fans who have not touched any championship trophy for more than 20 years, they have already forgotten the taste of the championship.Even young people under the age of 30 have never seen Sunderland win the championship.

Their hunger for the championship is beyond the comprehension of fans of other clubs.

26 years, which is a long time.

Long enough to make people forget everything.

The FA Cup winner 26 years ago.Even many old fans are beginning to forget.As for the six top league champions in black and white photos, it was just a dream.Even many fans will doubt, have we really won the top league championship?

The League Cup champion brought by Su Yun is like a ray of sunshine, allowing Sunderland fans to see the champion.

How could they not be excited.

Not excited.It was completely overexcited.

For such a celebration of Sunderland fans, many media can't see it.

Especially Tottenham, who lost in the League Cup final.Many media in London ridiculed that Sunderland fans really have never seen the world.That's the joy of a League Cup winner.It's like winning the Champions League.Even if Manchester United and Arsenal have won the Premier League title in recent years, they have not celebrated like this to them.

What a bunch of bumpkins.

Accusations against the London media.Sunderland media were quick to refute.

Say that Tottenham can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour.

Then ironically that Tottenham have not won any championships since the start of the Premier League.It's a shame to spend so much money and not win a championship.

Even Sunderland's "Echo" made a prediction game about when Tottenham will win a championship.

In the Sunderland fans voting, almost 90.00% of Sunderland fans believe that Tottenham will not win the championship in the next ten years.

Although the game is over, the quarrel between the two media will not disappear for a while. (To be continued..)

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