legendary worker

210 Generous

When negotiating with Villa, Su Yun first started to deal with some players within the team.

Su Yun was the first to clean up Lee Clark.

Lee Clark was introduced from Newcastle when Su Yun first moved into Sunderland.Speaking of which, Lee Clark was of great help to Su Yun.

Because Su Yun came to Sunderland from the third league.

Many Sunderland fans are not convinced by Su Yun.

At this time, Su Yun introduced Lee Clark, a player from Newcastle's youth academy.It satisfied the Sunderland fans at once, so Su Yun was supported by many fans when he first moved into Sunderland.

It's a pity that Lee Clark came at the wrong time.

When he came to Sunderland, Lee Clark was on the bench for two years.Because Su Yun trusted Williams more, and Williams was a pervert.I don't know what is hurt, I don't know what is tired.Therefore, Lee Clark played as a central midfielder, left midfielder, and right midfielder in order to play.This is just a little playing time.

Two years later, Barry's growth made Su Yun very happy.Su Yun no longer needs Lee Clark.

So he was thrown out at once.

Su Yun sold Lee Clarke to Fulham in League One.

Don't look at Lee Clark who has been a substitute for Sunderland for two years, but there is still a market.Especially as a local player in England, Su Yun also sold for 270 million pounds.

270 million pounds, not small.

When Villa bought Southgate, it was this price.This price was the historical record for the transfer fee of an English football defender a few years ago.

Now sell a substitute for 270 million pounds.Very good.

Lee Clark's departure has no impact on Sunderland fans.

Lee Clark was never a Sunderland player.

Sunderland fans were delighted with this transfer two years ago mainly because of the players they had snatched from Newcastle.That's all.

He doesn't have much affection for Lee Clark himself.

This is true for Sunderland fans, and even more so for Lee Clark himself.

As soon as Lee Clark left Sunderland.Immediately scolded Su Yun in front of the media.

"Su Yun is a liar. When I came to Sunderland two years ago, he promised me the main position. But after I came to Sunderland, he completely forgot his promise. Su Yun put The position was given to his direct descendant, Williams."

"Su Yun doesn't care about my thoughts at all. He only pays attention to Williams, but ignores my request. He is a complete liar."

Su Yun did not respond to Lee Clark's attack.

Speaking of it, it was indeed a lie.

When Su Yun contacted Lee Clark, he really expressed his willingness to give him a main position.

This thing is not authentic.

So Su Yun didn't say anything.

But some media are different.Lee Clark, as a player who came out of the Newcastle youth training camp, actually joined Sunderland.At that time, many media criticized Lee Clark's behavior.

Now that Lee Clark criticized Su Yun, some media laughed at Lee Clark.

They think Lee. Clark has no self-knowledge at all.Williams is now the hottest young midfielder in the Premier League. Any coach would choose Williams instead of Lee Clark if he chose.

Of course it's a small thing.

With Su Yun sitting in Sunderland to set foot in the transfer market.All the media know that Sunderland's transfer has just begun.


Lee Clark left without any disturbance.

When Sunderland announced on July 1999, 7 that it had introduced Villa's England international Gareth Southgate at a price of 8 million pounds, all the media began to get excited.

Because Sunderland finally started to shoot.

The long-awaited summer transfer period has arrived.

Sunderland is indeed very ambitious.

The first transfer was extraordinary.

Although speaking of now, the transfer fee of 800 million pounds is nothing.

Needless to say, attacking players.

Far away is Shearer.The closest one is Chris Sutton who has just transferred.The Blackburn's main center had just transferred back to Chelsea on July 7th.He only scored three goals at Blackburn last season, but still created a worth of 5 million pounds.

Even defenders are expensive now.

Dutch central defender Stam, who joined Manchester United last season, is worth more than 1000 million pounds.

So £800 million is really nothing.

But Southgate is different.

Most of the current Sunderland players are already international players.But apart from players from some weak national teams, the other players are from marginal countries.But Southgate is a very good central defender in England.

In the European Cup in 96, Southgate was England's main central defender.

After a season in the Premier League, everyone knows that Sunderland's defense has problems.

Su Yun's transfer clearly showed his ambition.He is determined to transform the defense.

They are all waiting for Sunderland's next move.

And Sunderland has not moved yet.Something big happened at Arsenal.

Anelka, who just got the best young player in England, switched to Real Madrid with an astonishing transfer fee.

2230 pounds.

For a young man who is only 20 years old, this is a very amazing net worth.Arsenal can be said to have made enough money in the middle.

When Anelka arrived at Arsenal two years ago, he was worth only £50.Two years passed.Anelka is worth £300 million.

Wenger is really smart.

Just such a sum earned Arsenal £2000 million.

"Does Wenger also have the eye of God?"

Su Yun couldn't help thinking this when he was alone.Is Wenger the same as himself.There's also this ability to see a player's potential.

Otherwise, how could it be so powerful.

Not just Anelka.Just talk about Vieira, a young player.

When Vieira was in Milan.Just a young player playing soy sauce.Unexpectedly, in the hands of Wenger, he immediately became a world-class midfielder.Su Yun admired this ability of turning stones into gold.

But what does Arsenal have to do with me?

What Su Yun is concerned about now is the transfer status of Sunderland.

"How's it going?"

"It's almost settled."

"it is good."


July 1999, 7.The Sunderland club have announced a second transfer.

Sunderland have signed young talent Damien Duff from Blackburn Rovers for £760m.

The transfer did not disappoint the media at all.

Damien Duff is young.

Only 20 years old this year, and Anelka is the same age.Even two people are players born in the same month of the same year.Although Duff is not as popular as Anelka, he is also a very good winger in the Premier League in recent years.

Don't look young, in fact, he debuted longer than Anelka.

Duff was already in the Blackburn first team when he was 17 years old, when Blackburn was still a strong team in the Premier League.At that time, he was already the main player of Blackburn, and he was the absolute main player of Blackburn for two consecutive seasons.

In his first season as Blackburn's main player, Duff scored four goals in the Premier League, and Blackburn was also No.6 in the Premier League that year.As a full-back, Duff really shocked the English football world.Duff at the time was nothing more than that.

Blackburn were poor last season.In the end, it can only be downgraded sadly.

So Su Yun took action to snatch the player Duff.

Not because he is young.

But because he is a powerful player.He is currently one of the best wingers in the Premier League.With him, Su Yun can fly with both wings.

Buying Duff took a lot of work.

Blackburn is not short of money.

Although the championship team built by Jack Walker has completely disintegrated.Especially with Sherwood's winter transfer to Tottenham and Chris Sutton joining Chelsea just now, that Blackburn team was completely disintegrated.

But that's because Blackburn has limited appeal.

At the beginning, Jack Walker used money to attract these players to join.But when a strong English team invited them, they immediately gave up Blackburn.

This does not mean that Blackburn is short of money.

And Duff is a Blackburn youth player.Not so easy to introduce.

Fortunately, Blackburn was relegated.

As a young player, Duff certainly hopes to make a difference.But Jack Walker was unwilling to be a villain, so the two sides bargained and finally reached a price of 760 million pounds.

It's actually pretty cheap.

If it hadn't been for Blackburn's downgrade, it is estimated that if you want to buy Duff, it will be around 1000 million pounds.

Less than a month after the opening of the transfer market, Sunderland made successive moves.Buy two heavyweight players.The cost has already exceeded 500 million pounds.

Sunderland fans are very happy.

Southgate and Duff are both famous players in the Premier League.Sunderland used to dare not even think about them.But now they are all Sunderland players.

And the media's reaction was mixed.

There are good ones and some bad ones.

The reason for people who are not optimistic is also very simple.They think Sunderland's lineup is already very good.And buying big-name players now will definitely cause conflicts in the locker room.Especially Southgate, he is going to replace Melville.

Although Melville is not a Sunderland youth trainer, he is also a veteran of Sunderland.

Witnessed the ups and downs of Sunderland over the years.Contributed to Sunderland's promotion and last season's strength.

Su Yun killed the donkey like this.It is very likely to cause a rebound from the old players.

This is why they are not optimistic.

But more is optimistic.

The article in the "London Post" is the most representative.

"Last season, Sunderland, which won No.7 in the Premier League and won the League Cup, is not satisfied with the current results. They spent huge sums of money to introduce Southgate and Duff in the summer, and their ambitions have been exposed."

"Sunderland's strength last season was already very strong. The joining of Southgate and Duff will make Sunderland's strength to a higher level. Manchester United, Arsenal, Chelsea, you all have to pay attention, Sang Teresa is here."

"I'm really curious. Where will Sunderland go this season?" (To be continued...)

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